Package master_discovery_fkie :: Module master_monitor :: Class MasterMonitor
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Class MasterMonitor

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object --+

This class provides methods to get the state from the ROS master using his RPC API and test for changes. Furthermore an XML-RPC server will be created to offer the complete current state of the ROS master by one method call.

See Also:
getState() RPC Methods:, getListedMasterInfo() or getMasterContacts() as RPC: masterInfo() and masterContacts()
Instance Methods
__init__(self, rpcport=11611)
Initialize method.
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Shutdown the RPC Server.
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getCurrentState(self) source code
updateState(self, clear_cache=False)
Gets state from the ROS master through his RPC interface.
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This method can be called to update the origin ROS master URI of the nodes and services in new master_state.
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str or None
Requests the ROS master URI from the ROS master through the RPC interface and returns it.
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str or None
Returns the name of the master.
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checkState(self, clear_cache=False)
Gets the state from the ROS master and compares it to the stored state.
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Sets the master state to None.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

(float, float, str, str, [ [str,[str] ] ], [ [str,[str] ] ], [ [str,[str] ] ], [ [str,str] ], [ [str,str,int,str] ], [ [str,str,str,str] ])
Returns a extended roscore state.
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(str, str, str, str, str)
The RPC method called by XML-RPC server to request the master contact information.
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Class Variables
  MAX_PING_SEC = 10.0
Instance Variables
the port number of the RPC server

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, rpcport=11611)

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Initialize method. Creates an XML-RPC server on given port and starts this in its own thread.

  • rpcport (int) - the port number for the XML-RPC server
Overrides: object.__init__


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Returns a extended roscore state.

Returns: (float, float, str, str, [ [str,[str] ] ], [ [str,[str] ] ], [ [str,[str] ] ], [ [str,str] ], [ [str,str,int,str] ], [ [str,str,str,str] ])
complete roscore state as

(stamp, stamp_local, masteruri, name, publishers, subscribers, services, topicTypes, nodes, serviceProvider)

  • publishers is of the form

    [ [topic1, [topic1Publisher1...topic1PublisherN]] ... ]

  • subscribers is of the form

    [ [topic1, [topic1Subscriber1...topic1SubscriberN]] ... ]

  • services is of the form

    [ [service1, [service1Provider1...service1ProviderN]] ... ]

  • topicTypes is a list of

    [[topicName1, topicType1], ... ]

  • nodes is a list of (the pid of remote Nodes will not be resolved)

    [nodename, XML-RPC URI, pid, { local, remote }]

  • serviceProvider is a list of (the type, serviceClass and args of remote Services will not be resolved)

    [service, XML-RPC URI, type, { local, remote }]

updateState(self, clear_cache=False)

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Gets state from the ROS master through his RPC interface.

Returns: MasterInfo


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This method can be called to update the origin ROS master URI of the nodes and services in new master_state. This is only need, if a synchronization is running. The synchronization service will be detect automatically by searching for the service ending with get_sync_info. The method will be called by checkState().


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Requests the ROS master URI from the ROS master through the RPC interface and returns it.

Returns: str or None
ROS master URI


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Returns the name of the master. If no name is set, the hostname of the ROS master URI will be extracted.

Returns: str or None
the name of the ROS master


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The RPC method called by XML-RPC server to request the master contact information.

Returns: (str, str, str, str, str)
(timestamp of the ROS master state, ROS master URI, master name, name of this service, URI of this RPC server)

checkState(self, clear_cache=False)

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Gets the state from the ROS master and compares it to the stored state. @param clear_cache Clears cache for ROS nodes and sevices. Is neaded on changes on remote hosts.

Returns: boolean
True if the ROS master state is changed