Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00003 """ Provides tools to compute root mean squared error for each joint in JointTrajectoryControllerState messages, either on-line by listening to a speciefied topic - or offline by reading a bag file."""
00005 import numpy as np
00006 import sys
00008 import roslib
00009 roslib.load_manifest( 'gpr_controller' )
00010 import rospy
00011 import rosbag
00012 from pr2_controllers_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryControllerState
00014 __author__ = "Daniel Hennes"
00016 class RMSEListener():
00017 error_sum = None
00018 num_msg = 0
00020 def __init__( self, topic ):
00021 np.set_printoptions( precision=3 )
00023 rospy.init_node( 'rsme_joint_states' )
00024 rospy.Subscriber( topic, JointTrajectoryControllerState,
00025 self.cb_controller_state )
00026 rospy.spin()
00028 def cb_controller_state( self, msg ):
00029 if self.error_sum is None:
00030 self.error_sum = np.asarray( msg.error.positions ) ** 2
00031 else:
00032 self.error_sum += np.asarray ( msg.error.positions ) ** 2
00033 self.num_msg += 1
00034 RMSE = np.sqrt( self.error_sum / self.num_msg )
00035 print RMSE
00037 class RMSEBagReader():
00038 def __init__( self, fname = 'test.bag', topic = 'r_arm_controller/state' ):
00039 msgs = self.read_file( fname, topic )
00040 print self.rmse ( msgs )
00042 def read_file( self, fname, topic ):
00043 bag = rosbag.Bag( fname )
00044 msgs = []
00045 for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages( topics = [topic] ):
00046 msgs.append( msg )
00047 bag.close()
00048 return msgs
00050 def rmse( self, msgs ):
00051 error_sum = None
00052 num_msg = 0
00053 for msg in msgs:
00054 if error_sum is None:
00055 error_sum = np.asarray( msg.error.positions ) ** 2
00056 else:
00057 error_sum += np.asarray ( msg.error.positions ) ** 2
00058 num_msg += 1
00059 if error_sum is None:
00060 return None
00061 else:
00062 return np.sqrt( error_sum / num_msg )
00064 if __name__ == '__main__':
00065 args = sys.argv
00066 args.pop(0)
00067 if len( args ) == 2 and args[0] == 'listen':
00068 RMSEListener( args[1] )
00069 elif len( args ) == 3 and args[0] == 'read':
00070 RMSEBagReader( args[1], args[2] )
00071 else:
00072 print "Usage: rmse <subcommand> [args]\n"
00073 print "Available subcommands:"
00074 print "\tlisten [topic]"
00075 print "\tread [filename] [topic]"