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katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities.IKUtilities Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def check_cartesian_path
 check a Cartesian path for consistent, non-colliding IK solutions start_pose and end_pose are PoseStamped messages with the wrist poses start_angles are angles to try to stay close to num_steps is the number of interpolation steps to use (if 0, use pos_spacing and rot_spacing instead to calculate the number of steps) pos_spacing is max wrist translation in meters between trajectory points rot_spacing is max wrist rotation in radians between trajectory points consistent_angle is the max joint angle change before 2 steps are declared inconsistent collision_check_resolution is the resolution at which to check collisions (0 or 1 for every) steps_before_abort is the number of invalid steps found before aborting (-1 to ignore) if collision_aware is 0, ignore collisions ordered_collision_operations is an optional list of collision operations to feed to IK to modify the collision space link_padding is an optional list of link paddings to feed to IK to modify the robot collision padding IK_robot_state is an optional RobotState message to pass to IK if start_from_end is 1, find an IK solution for the end first and work backwards returns the joint angle trajectory and the error codes (0=good, 1=collisions, 2=inconsistent, 3=out of reach, 4=aborted before checking)
def check_consistent
 check that all differences between angles1 and angles2 (lists of joint angles) are within consistent_range
def check_services_and_get_ik_info
def check_state_validity
 check whether a set of joint angles is in collision with the environment allows the same modifications as IK
def draw_pose
 draw a PoseStamped in rviz as a set of arrows (x=red, y=green, z=blue) id is the id number for the x-arrow (y is id+1, z is id+2)
def interpolate_cartesian
 interpolate a Cartesian path (expressed as pos and rot lists) pos_spacing is max wrist translation in meters between trajectory points rot_spacing is max wrist rotation in radians between trajectory points num_steps overrides the number of steps (if != 0, ignore pos_spacing and rot_spacing)
def lists_to_pose_stamped
 convert pos and rot lists (relative to in_frame) to a poseStamped (relative to to_frame)
def normalize_vect
 normalize a vector
def point_stamped_to_list
 convert a pointStamped to a pos list in a desired frame
def pose_stamped_to_lists
 convert a poseStamped to pos and rot (quaternion) lists in a desired frame
def quat_angle
 angle between two quaternions (as lists)
def quaternion_stamped_to_list
 convert a QuaternionStamped to a quat list in a desired frame
def run_fk
 run forward kinematics on a set of 5 joint angles link_name specifies the desired output frame returns a PoseStamped
def run_ik
 run inverse kinematics on a PoseStamped (5-dof pose (position + quaternion orientation) + header specifying the frame of the pose) tries to stay close to double start_angles[5] returns the solution angles as double solution[5] link_name is the link frame to position at pose if collision_aware is 1, runs ik_service_with_collision ordered_collision_operations is a list of collision operations to feed to IK to modify the collision space
def run_query
 get the joint names and limits, and the possible link names for running IK
def trajectory_times_and_vels
 generate appropriate times and joint velocities for a joint path (such as that output by check_cartesian_path) max_joint_vels is a list of maximum velocities to move the arm joints max_joint_accs is a list of maximum accelerations to move the arm joints (can be ignored) starts and ends in stop
def vect_norm
 vector norm of a list
def vector3_stamped_to_list
 convert a Vector3Stamped to a rot list in a desired frame

Public Attributes


Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Definition at line 62 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities.IKUtilities.__init__ (   self,
  tf_listener = None,
  wait_for_services = 1 

Definition at line 66 of file

Member Function Documentation

def katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities.IKUtilities.check_cartesian_path (   self,
  pos_spacing = 0.01,
  rot_spacing = 0.1,
  consistent_angle = math.pi/9.,
  collision_aware = 1,
  collision_check_resolution = 1,
  steps_before_abort = -1,
  num_steps = 0,
  ordered_collision_operations = None,
  start_from_end = 0,
  IK_robot_state = None,
  link_padding = None,
  use_additional_start_angles = 0 

check a Cartesian path for consistent, non-colliding IK solutions start_pose and end_pose are PoseStamped messages with the wrist poses start_angles are angles to try to stay close to num_steps is the number of interpolation steps to use (if 0, use pos_spacing and rot_spacing instead to calculate the number of steps) pos_spacing is max wrist translation in meters between trajectory points rot_spacing is max wrist rotation in radians between trajectory points consistent_angle is the max joint angle change before 2 steps are declared inconsistent collision_check_resolution is the resolution at which to check collisions (0 or 1 for every) steps_before_abort is the number of invalid steps found before aborting (-1 to ignore) if collision_aware is 0, ignore collisions ordered_collision_operations is an optional list of collision operations to feed to IK to modify the collision space link_padding is an optional list of link paddings to feed to IK to modify the robot collision padding IK_robot_state is an optional RobotState message to pass to IK if start_from_end is 1, find an IK solution for the end first and work backwards returns the joint angle trajectory and the error codes (0=good, 1=collisions, 2=inconsistent, 3=out of reach, 4=aborted before checking)

Definition at line 595 of file

def katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities.IKUtilities.check_consistent (   self,

check that all differences between angles1 and angles2 (lists of joint angles) are within consistent_range

Definition at line 487 of file

Definition at line 133 of file

def katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities.IKUtilities.check_state_validity (   self,
  ordered_collision_operations = None,
  robot_state = None,
  link_padding = None 

check whether a set of joint angles is in collision with the environment allows the same modifications as IK

Definition at line 295 of file

draw a PoseStamped in rviz as a set of arrows (x=red, y=green, z=blue) id is the id number for the x-arrow (y is id+1, z is id+2)

Definition at line 155 of file

def katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities.IKUtilities.interpolate_cartesian (   self,
  num_steps = 0 

interpolate a Cartesian path (expressed as pos and rot lists) pos_spacing is max wrist translation in meters between trajectory points rot_spacing is max wrist rotation in radians between trajectory points num_steps overrides the number of steps (if != 0, ignore pos_spacing and rot_spacing)

Definition at line 452 of file

def katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities.IKUtilities.lists_to_pose_stamped (   self,

convert pos and rot lists (relative to in_frame) to a poseStamped (relative to to_frame)

Definition at line 411 of file

normalize a vector

Definition at line 433 of file

convert a pointStamped to a pos list in a desired frame

Definition at line 323 of file

convert a poseStamped to pos and rot (quaternion) lists in a desired frame

Definition at line 386 of file

angle between two quaternions (as lists)

Definition at line 438 of file

convert a QuaternionStamped to a quat list in a desired frame

Definition at line 365 of file

run forward kinematics on a set of 5 joint angles link_name specifies the desired output frame returns a PoseStamped

Definition at line 217 of file

def katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities.IKUtilities.run_ik (   self,
  collision_aware = 1,
  ordered_collision_operations = None,
  IK_robot_state = None,
  link_padding = None 

run inverse kinematics on a PoseStamped (5-dof pose (position + quaternion orientation) + header specifying the frame of the pose) tries to stay close to double start_angles[5] returns the solution angles as double solution[5] link_name is the link frame to position at pose if collision_aware is 1, runs ik_service_with_collision ordered_collision_operations is a list of collision operations to feed to IK to modify the collision space

Definition at line 248 of file

get the joint names and limits, and the possible link names for running IK

Definition at line 198 of file

def katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities.IKUtilities.trajectory_times_and_vels (   self,
  max_joint_vels = [.2]*7,
  max_joint_accs = [.5]*7 

generate appropriate times and joint velocities for a joint path (such as that output by check_cartesian_path) max_joint_vels is a list of maximum velocities to move the arm joints max_joint_accs is a list of maximum accelerations to move the arm joints (can be ignored) starts and ends in stop

Definition at line 497 of file

vector norm of a list

Definition at line 428 of file

convert a Vector3Stamped to a rot list in a desired frame

Definition at line 344 of file

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 133 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

Definition at line 66 of file

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Author(s): Henning Deeken
autogenerated on Thu Jan 3 2013 14:43:53