Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # Extension and modification of code originally written by Kaijen Hsiao
00003 #! /usr/bin/python
00004 import numpy as np, math
00006 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('hrl_pr2_lib')
00007 import rospy
00010 from interpolated_ik_motion_planner.ik_utilities import *
00011 from pr2_gripper_reactive_approach.controller_manager import *
00013 class HRLIKUtilities(IKUtilities):
00015     #initialize all service functions
00016     #if wait_for_services = 0, you must call check_services_and_get_ik_info externally before running any of the IK/FK functions
00017     def __init__(self, whicharm, tf_listener = None, wait_for_services = 1): #whicharm is 'right' or 'left'
00018         self.whicharm = whicharm # TODO CHANGE
00020         #gets the robot_prefix from the parameter server. Default is pr2 
00021         robot_prefix = rospy.get_param('~robot_prefix', 'pr2') 
00022         self.srvroot = '/'+robot_prefix+'_'+whicharm+'_arm_kinematics/' 
00024         #If collision_aware_ik is set to 0, then collision-aware IK is disabled 
00025         self.perception_running = rospy.get_param('~collision_aware_ik', 1) 
00027         self._ik_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.srvroot+'get_ik', GetPositionIK, True)
00028         if self.perception_running:
00029             self._ik_service_with_collision = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.srvroot+'get_constraint_aware_ik', GetConstraintAwarePositionIK, True)
00031         self._fk_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.srvroot+'get_fk', GetPositionFK, True
00032         self._query_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.srvroot+'get_ik_solver_info', GetKinematicSolverInfo, True)
00033         self._check_state_validity_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/planning_scene_validity_server/get_state_validity', GetStateValidity, True)
00035         #wait for IK/FK/query services and get the joint names and limits 
00036         if wait_for_services:
00037             self.check_services_and_get_ik_info()
00039         if tf_listener == None:
00040             rospy.loginfo("ik_utilities: starting up tf_listener")
00041             self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
00042         else:
00043             self.tf_listener = tf_listener
00045         self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('interpolation_markers', Marker)
00047         #dictionary for the possible kinematics error codes
00048         self.error_code_dict = {}  #codes are things like SUCCESS, NO_IK_SOLUTION
00049         for element in dir(ArmNavigationErrorCodes):
00050             if element[0].isupper():
00051                 self.error_code_dict[eval('ArmNavigationErrorCodes.'+element)] = element
00053         #reads the start angles from the parameter server 
00054         start_angles_list = rospy.get_param('~ik_start_angles', []) 
00056         #good additional start angles to try for IK for the PR2, used  
00057         #if no start angles were provided 
00058         if start_angles_list == []: 
00059             self.start_angles_list = [[-0.697, 1.002, 0.021, -0.574, 0.286, -0.095, 1.699], 
00060                                       [-1.027, 0.996, 0.034, -0.333, -3.541, -0.892, 1.694], 
00061                                       [0.031, -0.124, -2.105, -1.145, -1.227, -1.191, 2.690], 
00062                                       [0.410, 0.319, -2.231, -0.839, -2.751, -1.763, 5.494], 
00063                                       [0.045, 0.859, 0.059, -0.781, -1.579, -0.891, 7.707], 
00064                                       [0.420, 0.759, 0.014, -1.099, -3.204, -1.907, 8.753], 
00065                                       [-0.504, 1.297, -1.857, -1.553, -4.453, -1.308, 9.572]] 
00066         else: 
00067             self.start_angles_list = start_angles_list 
00069         if whicharm == 'left':
00070             for i in range(len(self.start_angles_list)):
00071                 for joint_ind in [0, 2, 4]:
00072                     self.start_angles_list[i][joint_ind] *= -1.
00074         #changes the set of ids used to show the arrows every other call
00075         self.pose_id_set = 0
00077         rospy.loginfo("ik_utilities: done init")
00079     #check a Cartesian path for consistent, non-colliding IK solutions
00080     #start_pose and end_pose are PoseStamped messages with the wrist poses
00081     #start_angles are angles to try to stay close to
00082     #num_steps is the number of interpolation steps to use (if 0, use 
00083     #  pos_spacing and rot_spacing instead to calculate the number of steps)
00084     #pos_spacing is max wrist translation in meters between trajectory points 
00085     #rot_spacing is max wrist rotation in radians between trajectory points
00086     #consistent_angle is the max joint angle change before 2 steps are declared inconsistent
00087     #collision_check_resolution is the resolution at which to check collisions (0 or 1 for every)
00088     #steps_before_abort is the number of invalid steps found before aborting (-1 to ignore)
00089     #if collision_aware is 0, ignore collisions
00090     #ordered_collision_operations is an optional list of collision operations to feed to IK to modify the collision space
00091     #link_padding is an optional list of link paddings to feed to IK to modify the robot collision padding
00092     #IK_robot_state is an optional RobotState message to pass to IK
00093     #if start_from_end is 1, find an IK solution for the end first and work backwards
00094     #returns the joint angle trajectory and the error codes (0=good, 
00095     #  1=collisions, 2=inconsistent, 3=out of reach, 4=aborted before checking)
00096     # Added joints_bias and bias_radius which define a joint configuration all IK
00097     # should prefer during the trajectory and bias_radius defines the rate at which
00098     # to move in that direction
00099     def check_cartesian_path(self, start_pose, end_pose, start_angles, pos_spacing = 0.01, rot_spacing = 0.1, consistent_angle = math.pi/9., collision_aware = 1, collision_check_resolution = 1, steps_before_abort = -1, num_steps = 0, ordered_collision_operations = None, start_from_end = 0, IK_robot_state = None, link_padding = None, use_additional_start_angles = 0, joints_bias = None, bias_radius = 0.0):
00100         if joints_bias is None: # CHANGE
00101             joints_bias = [0.0] * 7 # CHANGE
00103         start_angles = self.bias_guess(start_angles, joints_bias, bias_radius) # CHANGE
00105         #sanity-checking
00106         if num_steps != 0 and num_steps < 2:
00107             num_steps = 2
00108         if collision_check_resolution < 1:
00109             collision_check_resolution = 1
00110         if num_steps == 0 and (pos_spacing <= 0 or rot_spacing <= 0):
00111             rospy.logerr("invalid pos_spacing or rot_spacing")
00112             return ([], [])
00114         #convert to lists
00115         (start_pos, start_rot) = self.pose_stamped_to_lists(start_pose, 'base_link')
00116         (end_pos, end_rot) = self.pose_stamped_to_lists(end_pose, 'base_link')
00117         if start_pos == None or end_pos == None:
00118             return (None, None)
00120         #interpolate path
00121         steps = self.interpolate_cartesian(start_pos, start_rot, end_pos, end_rot, pos_spacing, rot_spacing, num_steps)
00123         #run collision-aware ik on each step, starting from the end and going backwards if start_from_end is true
00124         if start_from_end:
00125             steps.reverse()
00127         #use additional start angles from a pre-chosen set
00128         if use_additional_start_angles:
00129             num_to_use = max(use_additional_start_angles, len(self.start_angles_list))
00130             start_angles_list = [start_angles,] + self.start_angles_list[0:num_to_use]
00131         else:
00132             start_angles_list = [start_angles,]
00134         #go through each set of start angles, see if we can find a consistent trajectory
00135         for (start_angles_ind, start_angles) in enumerate(start_angles_list):
00136             trajectory = []
00137             error_codes = [] 
00139             if use_additional_start_angles:
00140                 rospy.loginfo("start_angles_ind: %d"%start_angles_ind)
00142             for stepind in range(len(steps)):
00143                 (pos,rot) = steps[stepind]
00144                 pose_stamped = self.lists_to_pose_stamped(pos, rot, 'base_link', 'base_link')
00146                 #draw the pose in rviz that we're checking in IK
00147                 self.draw_pose(pose_stamped, stepind*3+self.pose_id_set*50)
00148                 self.pose_id_set = (self.pose_id_set+1)%2
00150                 #check for a non-collision_aware IK solution first
00151                 (colliding_solution, error_code) = self.run_ik(pose_stamped, start_angles, self.link_name, collision_aware = 0, IK_robot_state = IK_robot_state)
00152                 if not colliding_solution:
00153                     rospy.loginfo("non-collision-aware IK solution not found for step %d!"%stepind)
00154                     trajectory.append([0.]*7)
00155                     error_codes.append(3)          #3=out of reach
00157                 else:
00158                     #if we're checking for collisions, then look for a collision-aware solution
00159                     collision_aware_this_step = collision_aware and (stepind % collision_check_resolution == 0 or stepind == len(steps)-1)
00160                     if collision_aware_this_step:
00161                         (solution, error_code) = self.run_ik(pose_stamped, start_angles, self.link_name, collision_aware, ordered_collision_operations, IK_robot_state = IK_robot_state, link_padding = link_padding)
00162                         if not solution:
00163                             rospy.loginfo("non-colliding IK solution not found for step %d!"%stepind)
00164                             collision_aware_solution_found = 0
00165                             solution = colliding_solution
00166                         else:
00167                             collision_aware_solution_found = 1
00168                     else:                
00169                         solution = colliding_solution
00171                     trajectory.append(list(solution))
00173                     #first trajectory point, or last point was all 0s, or consistent with previous point
00174                     if stepind == 0 or error_codes[-1] == 3 or self.check_consistent(trajectory[-2], solution, consistent_angle):
00175                         if not collision_aware_this_step or collision_aware_solution_found:
00176                             error_codes.append(0)  #0=good
00177                         else:
00178                             error_codes.append(1)  #1=collisions
00179                     else:
00180                         rospy.loginfo("IK solution not consistent for step %d!"%stepind)
00181                         error_codes.append(2)      #2=inconsistent
00183                     start_angles = solution
00184                     start_angles = self.bias_guess(start_angles, joints_bias, bias_radius) #CHANGE
00186                 #check if we should abort due to finding too many invalid points
00187                 if error_codes[-1] > 0 and steps_before_abort >= 0 and stepind >= steps_before_abort:
00188                     rospy.loginfo("aborting due to too many invalid steps")
00189                     trajectory.extend([[0.]*7 for i in range(len(steps)-stepind-1)])
00190                     error_codes.extend([4]*(len(steps)-stepind-1)) #4=aborted before checking
00191                     break
00193             #if we found a successful trajectory, stop and return it
00194             if not any(error_codes):
00195                 break
00197         if start_from_end:
00198             trajectory.reverse()        
00199             error_codes.reverse()
00200         return (trajectory, error_codes)
00202     ##
00203     # Added function which biases the given angles towards a given configuration
00204     def bias_guess(self, q, joints_bias, bias_radius):
00205         if bias_radius == 0.0:
00206             return q
00207         if self.whicharm == 'right':
00208             max_angs = np.array([.69, 1.33, 0.79, 0.0, 1000000.0, 0.0, 1000000.0])
00209             min_angs = np.array([-2.27, -.54, -3.9, -2.34, -1000000.0, -2.15, -1000000.0])
00210         else:
00211             max_angs = np.array([2.27, 1.33, 3.9, 0.0, 1000000.0, 0.0, 1000000.0])
00212             min_angs = np.array([-.69, -.54, -0.79, -2.34, -1000000.0, -2.15, -1000000.0])
00213         q_off = bias_radius * np.array(joints_bias) / np.linalg.norm(joints_bias)
00214         angs = np.array(q) + q_off
00215         for i in range(7):
00216             if angs[i] > max_angs[i]:
00217                 angs[i] = max_angs[i]
00218             elif angs[i] < min_angs[i]:
00219                 angs[i] = min_angs[i]
00220         return angs.tolist()
00222     ##
00223     # runs ik but tries to bias it towards the given bias configuration
00224     def run_biased_ik(self, pose_stamped, joints_bias = [0.]*7, 
00225                       num_iters=6, init_angs=[0.]*7):
00226         angs = init_angs
00227         has_solution = False
00228         for i in range(num_iters):
00229             (solution, error_code) = self.run_ik(pose_stamped, angs, \
00230                                                 self.link_name)
00231             if solution:
00232                 angs = solution
00233                 has_solution = True
00234             if i < num_iters - 1:
00235                 angs = self.bias_guess(angs, joints_bias, 0.1)
00236         if has_solution:
00237             return angs
00238         else:
00239             return None
00242 class HRLControllerManager(ControllerManager):
00243     #whicharm is 'r' or 'l'
00244     def __init__(self, whicharm, tf_listener = None, using_slip_controller = 0, using_slip_detection = 0): 
00245         self.whicharm = whicharm
00247         self.using_slip_controller = using_slip_controller
00248         self.using_slip_detection = using_slip_detection
00250         rospy.loginfo("initializing "+whicharm+" controller manager")
00251         rospy.loginfo("controller manager: using_slip_controller:"+str(using_slip_controller))
00252         rospy.loginfo("controller manager: using_slip_detection:"+str(using_slip_detection))
00254         #wait for the load/unload/switch/list controller services to be there and initialize their service proxies
00255         rospy.loginfo("controller manager waiting for pr2_controller_manager services to be there")
00256         load_controller_serv_name = 'pr2_controller_manager/load_controller'
00257         unload_controller_serv_name = 'pr2_controller_manager/unload_controller'
00258         switch_controller_serv_name = 'pr2_controller_manager/switch_controller'
00259         list_controllers_serv_name = 'pr2_controller_manager/list_controllers'
00260         self.wait_for_service(load_controller_serv_name)
00261         self.wait_for_service(unload_controller_serv_name)
00262         self.wait_for_service(switch_controller_serv_name)
00263         self.wait_for_service(list_controllers_serv_name)
00264         self.load_controller_service = \
00265             rospy.ServiceProxy(load_controller_serv_name, LoadController)
00266         self.unload_controller_service = \
00267             rospy.ServiceProxy(unload_controller_serv_name, UnloadController)
00268         self.switch_controller_service = \
00269             rospy.ServiceProxy(switch_controller_serv_name, SwitchController)
00270         self.list_controllers_service = \
00271             rospy.ServiceProxy(list_controllers_serv_name, ListControllers)
00273         #initialize listener for JointStates messages (separate thread)
00274         self.joint_states_listener = joint_states_listener.LatestJointStates()
00276         #joint trajectory action client
00277         joint_trajectory_action_name = whicharm+'_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action'
00278         self.joint_action_client = \
00279             actionlib.SimpleActionClient(joint_trajectory_action_name, JointTrajectoryAction)
00281         #slip-sensing gripper action client
00282         if self.using_slip_controller:
00283           gripper_action_name = whicharm+'_gripper_sensor_controller/gripper_action'
00284           self.gripper_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(gripper_action_name, Pr2GripperCommandAction)
00286         #default gripper action client
00287         else:
00288           gripper_action_name = whicharm+'_gripper_controller/gripper_action'
00289           self.gripper_action_client = \
00290               actionlib.SimpleActionClient(gripper_action_name, Pr2GripperCommandAction)
00292         #other slip-sensing gripper actions
00293         if self.using_slip_detection:
00294           gripper_find_contact_action_name = whicharm+'_gripper_sensor_controller/find_contact'
00295           gripper_grab_action_name = whicharm+'_gripper_sensor_controller/grab'
00296           gripper_event_detector_action_name = whicharm+'_gripper_sensor_controller/event_detector'
00298           self.gripper_find_contact_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(gripper_find_contact_action_name, \
00299                                                                                    PR2GripperFindContactAction)
00300           self.gripper_grab_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(gripper_grab_action_name, \
00301                                                                                  PR2GripperGrabAction)
00302           self.gripper_event_detector_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(gripper_event_detector_action_name, \
00303                                                                                  PR2GripperEventDetectorAction)
00305         #move arm client is filled in the first time it's called
00306         self.move_arm_client = None
00308         #wait for the joint trajectory and gripper action servers to be there
00309         self.wait_for_action_server(self.joint_action_client, joint_trajectory_action_name)
00310         self.wait_for_action_server(self.gripper_action_client, gripper_action_name)
00311         if self.using_slip_detection:
00312           self.wait_for_action_server(self.gripper_find_contact_action_client, gripper_find_contact_action_name)
00313           self.wait_for_action_server(self.gripper_grab_action_client, gripper_grab_action_name)
00314           self.wait_for_action_server(self.gripper_event_detector_action_client, gripper_event_detector_action_name)
00316         #initialize a tf listener
00317         if tf_listener == None:
00318           self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
00319         else:
00320           self.tf_listener = tf_listener
00322         #which Cartesian controller to use
00323         self.use_trajectory_cartesian = rospy.get_param('~use_trajectory_cartesian', 1)
00324         self.use_task_cartesian = rospy.get_param('~use_task_cartesian', 0)
00325         if self.use_trajectory_cartesian and self.use_task_cartesian:
00326           rospy.loginfo("can't use both trajectory and task controllers!  Defaulting to task")
00327           self.use_trajectory_cartesian = 0
00328         rospy.loginfo("use_trajectory_cartesian: "+str(self.use_trajectory_cartesian))
00329         rospy.loginfo("use_task_cartesian: "+str(self.use_task_cartesian))
00331         #names of the controllers
00332         if self.use_trajectory_cartesian:
00333             self.cartesian_controllers = ['_arm_cartesian_pose_controller', 
00334                                             '_arm_cartesian_trajectory_controller']
00335             self.cartesian_controllers = [self.whicharm+x for x in self.cartesian_controllers]
00336         else:
00337             self.cartesian_controllers = [self.whicharm + '_cart']
00338         self.joint_controller = self.whicharm+'_arm_controller'
00339         if self.using_slip_controller:
00340           self.gripper_controller = self.whicharm+'_gripper_sensor_controller'
00341         else:
00342           self.gripper_controller = self.whicharm+'_gripper_controller'
00344         #parameters for the Cartesian controllers    
00345         if self.use_trajectory_cartesian:
00346             self.cart_params = JTCartesianParams(self.whicharm)
00347         else:
00348             self.cart_params = JTCartesianTaskParams(self.whicharm, self.use_task_cartesian)
00350         #parameters for the joint controller
00351         self.joint_params = JointParams(self.whicharm)
00353         #load the Cartesian controllers if not already loaded
00354         rospy.loginfo("loading any unloaded Cartesian controllers")
00355         self.load_cartesian_controllers()
00356         time.sleep(2)
00357         rospy.loginfo("done loading controllers")
00359         #services for the J-transpose Cartesian controller 
00360         if self.use_trajectory_cartesian:
00361             cartesian_check_moving_name = whicharm+'_arm_cartesian_trajectory_controller/check_moving'
00362             cartesian_move_to_name = whicharm+'_arm_cartesian_trajectory_controller/move_to'
00363             cartesian_preempt_name = whicharm+'_arm_cartesian_trajectory_controller/preempt'
00364             self.wait_for_service(cartesian_check_moving_name)      
00365             self.wait_for_service(cartesian_move_to_name)
00366             self.wait_for_service(cartesian_preempt_name)      
00367             self.cartesian_moving_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(cartesian_check_moving_name, CheckMoving)
00368             self.cartesian_cmd_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(cartesian_move_to_name, MoveToPose)
00369             self.cartesian_preempt_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(cartesian_preempt_name, Empty)
00370         else:
00371             cartesian_cmd_name = whicharm+'_cart/command_pose'
00372             self.cartesian_cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher(cartesian_cmd_name, PoseStamped)
00374         #re-load the Cartesian controllers with the gentle params
00375         self.cart_params.set_params_to_gentle()
00376         self.reload_cartesian_controllers()
00378         #create an IKUtilities class object
00379         rospy.loginfo("creating IKUtilities class objects")
00380         rospy.set_param("~collision_aware_ik", 0) # TODO CHANGE
00381         if whicharm == 'r':
00382           self.ik_utilities = HRLIKUtilities('right', self.tf_listener) # TODO CHANGE
00383         else:
00384           self.ik_utilities = HRLIKUtilities('left', self.tf_listener) # TODO CHANGE
00385         rospy.loginfo("done creating IKUtilities class objects")
00387         #joint names for the arm
00388         joint_names = ["_shoulder_pan_joint", 
00389                        "_shoulder_lift_joint", 
00390                        "_upper_arm_roll_joint", 
00391                        "_elbow_flex_joint", 
00392                        "_forearm_roll_joint", 
00393                        "_wrist_flex_joint", 
00394                        "_wrist_roll_joint"]
00395         self.joint_names = [whicharm + x for x in joint_names]
00397         #thread to send clipped versions of the last Cartesian command
00398         if not self.use_trajectory_cartesian:
00399           self.cartesian_command_lock = threading.Lock()
00400           self.cartesian_command_thread_running = False
00401           self.cartesian_desired_pose = self.get_current_wrist_pose_stamped('/base_link')
00402           self.cartesian_command_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.cartesian_command_thread_func)
00403           self.cartesian_command_thread.setDaemon(True)
00404           self.cartesian_command_thread.start()
00405         rospy.loginfo("done with controller_manager init for the %s arm"%whicharm)
00407     def command_interpolated_ik(self, end_pose, start_pose = None, collision_aware = 1, step_size = .02, max_joint_vel = .05, joints_bias = None, bias_radius = 0.0):
00408         self.check_controllers_ok('joint')
00410         #find the current joint angles 
00411         current_angles = self.get_current_arm_angles()
00413         if start_pose == None:
00414             #use the current wrist pose as the start pose/angles
00415             (current_trans, current_rot) = self.return_cartesian_pose()
00417             #put the current pose into a poseStamped
00418             start_pose = create_pose_stamped(current_trans+current_rot)
00419             #print "start_pose:\n", start_pose
00420         #print "end_pose:\n", end_pose
00422         #find a collision-free joint trajectory to move from the current pose 
00423         #to the desired pose using Cartesian interpolation
00424         (trajectory, error_codes) = self.ik_utilities.check_cartesian_path(start_pose, \
00425                                          end_pose, current_angles, step_size, .1, math.pi/4, collision_aware, \
00426                                          joints_bias = joints_bias, bias_radius = bias_radius,
00427                                          steps_before_abort=-1)
00429         #if some point is not possible, quit
00430         if any(error_codes):
00431             rospy.loginfo("can't execute an interpolated IK trajectory to that pose")
00432             return 0
00433         trajectory = np.array(trajectory)[np.where(np.array(error_codes) == 0)].tolist()
00435 #         print "found trajectory:"
00436 #         for point in trajectory:
00437 #             if type(point) == tuple:
00438 #                 print self.pplist(point)
00439 #             else:
00440 #                 print point
00442         #send the trajectory to the joint trajectory action
00443         #print "moving through trajectory"
00444         self.command_joint_trajectory(trajectory, max_joint_vel)
00445         return 1
00447     ##move in Cartesian space using IK Cartesian interpolation
00448     #if collision_aware, quits if the path is not collision-free
00449     #if blocking, waits for completion, otherwise returns after sending the goal
00450     #step_size is the step size for interpolation
00451     #pos_thres and rot_thres are thresholds within which the goal is declared reached
00452     #times out and quits after timeout, and waits settling_time after the 
00453     #controllers declare that they're done
00454     def move_cartesian_ik(self, goal_pose, collision_aware = 0, blocking = 1,
00455                        step_size = .005, pos_thres = .02, rot_thres = .1,
00456                        timeout = rospy.Duration(30.), 
00457                        settling_time = rospy.Duration(0.25), vel = .15,
00458                        joints_bias = None, bias_radius = 0.0):
00460         #send the interpolated IK goal to the joint trajectory action
00461         result = self.command_interpolated_ik(goal_pose, collision_aware = collision_aware, \
00462                                                 step_size = step_size, max_joint_vel = vel, \
00463                                                 joints_bias = joints_bias, \
00464                                                 bias_radius = bias_radius)
00465         if not result:
00466             return "no solution"
00467         if not blocking:
00468             return "sent goal"
00470         #blocking: wait for the joint trajectory action to get there or time out
00471         joint_action_result = self.wait_joint_trajectory_done(timeout)
00472         if joint_action_result == "timed out":
00473             return "timed out"
00475         if self.check_cartesian_really_done(goal_pose, pos_thres, rot_thres):
00476             return "success"
00477         return "failed"
00479     def move_arm_pose_biased(self, pose_stamped, joints_bias = [0.]*7, max_joint_vel=0.2,
00480                                         blocking = 1, init_angs=[0.]*7):
00481         init_pos = [pose_stamped.pose.position.x, pose_stamped.pose.position.y, 
00482                     pose_stamped.pose.position.z] 
00484         for i in range(10):
00485             cur_pos = np.array(init_pos) + np.random.uniform(-i * 0.0015, i * 0.0015, 3)
00486             pose_stamped.pose.position.x = cur_pos[0]
00487             pose_stamped.pose.position.y = cur_pos[1]
00488             pose_stamped.pose.position.z = cur_pos[2]
00489             solution = self.ik_utilities.run_biased_ik(pose_stamped, joints_bias, 
00490                                                        init_angs=init_angs)
00491             if solution:
00492                 break
00494         if not solution:
00495             rospy.logerr("no IK solution found for goal pose!")
00496             return None
00497         else:
00498             result = self.command_joint_trajectory([solution], blocking=blocking, 
00499                                                    max_joint_vel=max_joint_vel)
00500             return True

Author(s): haidai
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:40:34