Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import roslib
00002 roslib.load_manifest('hrl_opencv')
00003 #from sensor_msgs.msg import Image as RosImage
00004 from std_msgs.msg import UInt8MultiArray
00005 from std_msgs.msg import MultiArrayLayout
00006 from std_msgs.msg import MultiArrayDimension
00008 import opencv as cv
00009 import opencv.highgui as hg
00010 import opencv.adaptors as ad
00011 import Image as pil
00012 import numpy as np
00014 #################################################################################################################
00015 # ROS Utility Functions
00016 #################################################################################################################
00018 ##
00019 # Convert from ROS to OpenCV image datatype
00020 # @param image to convert
00021 def ros2cv(image):
00022     #ros to pil then pil to opencv
00023     #if image.encoding != 'bgr' and image.encoding != 'rgb' and image.encoding != 'bgr8':
00024     channels = 1
00025     if image.encoding != 'bgr8':
00026         raise RuntimeError('Unsupported format "%s"' % image.encoding)
00027     else:
00028         channels = 3
00029     if image.is_bigendian != 0:
00030         raise RuntimeError('Unsupported endianess')
00032     #print image.encoding
00033     #print image.step
00034     #print image.is_bigendian
00035     #if image.depth != 'uint8':
00036     #    raise RuntimeError('Unsupported depth "%s"' % image.depth)
00038     #height    =[0].size
00039     #width     =[1].size
00040     #channels  =[2].size
00041     #print 'expected', image.width * channels
00042     #print 'step', image.step
00043     #print 'image.width', image.width, image.height
00044     assert(image.width * channels == image.step)
00045     height = image.height
00046     width  = image.width
00047     np_image = np.reshape(np.fromstring(, dtype='uint8', count=height*width*channels), [height, width, 3])
00048     #np
00049     #np_image[:,:,2].A1
00050     #np_image[:,:,1].A1
00051     #np_image[:,:,0].A1
00052     np_image2 = np.empty(np_image.shape, dtype='uint8')
00053     np_image2[:, :, 0] = np_image[:, :, 2]
00054     np_image2[:, :, 1] = np_image[:, :, 1]
00055     np_image2[:, :, 2] = np_image[:, :, 0]
00057     #concatenated = np.concatenate([np_image[:,:,2].flatten(), np_image[:,:,1].flatten(), np_image[:,:,0].flatten()], axis=0)
00058     #print 2050*2448*3
00059     #print concatenated.shape
00060     #np_image2 = np.reshape(np.concatenate([np_image[:,:,0].flatten(), np_image[:,:,1].flatten(), np_image[:,:,2].flatten()], axis=0), [3, width, height])
00061     #np_image2 = np.swapaxes(np_image2, 0, 2)
00062     #print np_image[:,:,2].shape
00063     #print 'datatype:', np_image2.dtype
00064     #print np_image2.shape
00065     return ad.NumPy2Ipl(np_image2)
00066     #return None
00068 #################################################################################################################
00069 # Highgui 
00070 #################################################################################################################
00072 ##
00073 # Simple drawing of text on an image with a drop shadow
00074 def text(image, x, y, a_string):
00075     font = cv.cvInitFont(CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .3, .3)
00076     cv.cvPutText(image, a_string, cv.cvPoint(x, y),     font, cv.cvScalar(0,0,0))
00077     cv.cvPutText(image, a_string, cv.cvPoint(x+1, y+1), font, cv.cvScalar(255,255,255))
00079 def clone_image(image):
00080     return cv.cvCloneImage(image)
00082 def save_image(name, image):
00083     hg.cvSaveImage(name, image)
00085 def show_image(name, image):
00086     hg.cvShowImage(name, image)
00088 def named_window(name):
00089     hg.cvNamedWindow(name, hg.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
00091 def wait_key(msecs=33):
00092     return hg.cvWaitKey(msecs)
00094 #################################################################################################################
00095 # CXCore 
00096 #################################################################################################################
00098 #################################################################################################################
00099 # CVAux 
00100 #################################################################################################################
00102 #################################################################################################################
00103 # Machine Learning 
00104 #################################################################################################################
00106 #################################################################################################################
00107 # CVReference 
00108 #################################################################################################################
00109 ##
00110 # Morphological closing
00111 def morpho_close(cv_image, n_times=1):
00112     dst  = cv.cvCloneImage(cv_image)
00113     dst2 = cv.cvCloneImage(cv_image)
00114     cv.cvDilate(cv_image, dst, None, n_times)
00115     cv.cvErode(dst, dst2, None, n_times)
00116     return dst2
00118 ##
00119 # Morphological opening
00120 def morpho_open(cv_image, n_times=1):
00121     dst  = cv.cvCloneImage(cv_image)
00122     dst2 = cv.cvCloneImage(cv_image)
00123     cv.cvErode(cv_image, dst, None, n_times)
00124     cv.cvDilate(dst, dst2, None, n_times)
00125     return dst2
00127 ##
00128 # Morphological opening
00129 def dilate(cv_image, n_times=1):
00130     dst  = cv.cvCloneImage(cv_image)
00131     cv.cvDilate(cv_img, dst, None, n_times)
00132     return dst
00134 ##
00135 # Morphological opening
00136 def erode(cv_image, n_times=1):
00137     dst  = cv.cvCloneImage(cv_image)
00138     cv.cvErode(cv_img, dst, None, n_times)
00139     return dst
00142 ##
00143 # Mask a color image with a given black and white mask
00144 # @param img
00145 # @param img_mask one channeled image
00146 # @return color image with masked part filled with black
00147 def mask(img, img_mask):
00148     dim      = img.width, img.height
00149     depth    = img.depth
00150     channels = img.nChannels
00152     r_chan = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(*dim), depth, 1)
00153     g_chan = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(*dim), depth, 1)
00154     b_chan = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(*dim), depth, 1)
00155     combined = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(*dim), depth, 3)
00156     cv.cvSplit(img, r_chan, g_chan, b_chan, None)
00158     cv.cvAnd(r_chan, img_mask, r_chan)
00159     cv.cvAnd(g_chan, img_mask, g_chan)
00160     cv.cvAnd(b_chan, img_mask, b_chan)
00161     cv.cvMerge(r_chan, g_chan, b_chan, None, combined)
00162     return combined
00164 ##
00165 # Split a color image into its component parts
00166 def split(image):
00167     img1 = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(image.width, image.height), 8, 1)
00168     img2 = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(image.width, image.height), 8, 1)
00169     img3 = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(image.width, image.height), 8, 1)
00170     cv.cvSplit(image, img1, img2, img3, None)
00171     return (img1, img2, img3)
00173 ##
00174 # Easy scaling of an image by factor s
00175 # @param image
00176 # @param s
00177 def scale(image, s):
00178     scaled = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(int(image.width * s), int(image.height * s)), image.depth, image.nChannels)
00179     cv.cvResize(image, scaled, cv.CV_INTER_AREA)
00180     return scaled
00182 if __name__ == '__main__':
00183     import opencv.highgui as hg
00184     import rospy
00185     from photo.srv import *
00186     #a = create_ros_image()
00187     #print a
00189     rospy.wait_for_service('/photo/capture')
00190     say_cheese = rospy.ServiceProxy('/photo/capture', Capture)
00191     ros_img = say_cheese().image
00192     print dir(ros_img)
00193     cv_img = ros2cv(ros_img)
00194     hg.cvSaveImage('test.png', cv_img)
00196 #def create_ros_image(width=1, height=1, channels=2, data='12'):
00197 #    d1 = MultiArrayDimension(label='height',   size=height,   stride=width*height*channels)
00198 #    d2 = MultiArrayDimension(label='width',    size=width,    stride=width*channels)
00199 #    d3 = MultiArrayDimension(label='channels', size=channels, stride=channels)
00200 #
00201 #    layout     = MultiArrayLayout(dim = [d1,d2,d3])
00202 #    multiarray = UInt8MultiArray(layout=layout, data=data)
00203 #    return RosImage(label='image', encoding='bgr', depth='uint8', uint8_data=multiarray)
00205 ###
00206 ## Fill holes in a binary image using scipy
00207 ##
00208 #def fill_holes(cv_img):
00209 #    img_np     = ut.cv2np(cv_img)
00210 #    img_binary = img_np[:,:,0]
00211 #    results    = ni.binary_fill_holes(img_binary)
00212 #    img_cv     = ut.np2cv(np_mask2np_image(results))
00213 #    return img_cv

Author(s): Hai Nguyen, Advait Jain (Healthcare Robotics Lab, Georgia Tech)
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:36:49