File: dmp/GetDMPPlan.srv
Raw Message Definition
# A starting state to begin planning from
float64[] x_0
# A starting instantaneous change of state to begin planning from
float64[] x_dot_0
# The time in seconds at which to begin the planning segment.
# Should only be nonzero when doing a partial segment plan that does not start at beginning of DMP
float64 t_0
# The goal of the plan
float64[] goal
# For dimensions with a value greater than zero, planning will continue until
# the predicted state is within the specified distance of the goal in all such dimensions.
# Dimensions with values less than or equal to zero will be ignored.
# Trajectory plan will always be at least tau seconds long.
float64[] goal_thresh
# The length of the requested plan segment in seconds. Set to -1 if plan until goal is desired.
float64 seg_length
# A time constant to set the length of DMP replay in seconds until 95% phase convergence
float64 tau
# The time resolution, in seconds, at which to plan
float64 dt
# Number of times to loop in numerical integration. This can generally be 1, unless dt is large (>1 second)
int32 integrate_iter
# Returns a planned trajectory.
DMPTraj plan
#1 if the final time is greater than tau AND the planned position is within goal_thresh of the goal, 0 otherwise
uint8 at_goal
Compact Message Definition
float64[] x_0
float64[] x_dot_0
float64 t_0
float64[] goal
float64[] goal_thresh
float64 seg_length
float64 tau
float64 dt
int32 integrate_iter
dmp/DMPTraj plan
uint8 at_goal