Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2011 Shadow Robot Company Ltd.
00004 #
00005 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
00007 # Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
00008 # any later version.
00009 #
00010 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
00013 # more details.
00014 #
00015 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00016 # with this program.  If not, see <>.
00017 #
00018 """
00019 Calibration utility for the cyberglove.
00021 @author: Ugo Cupcic
00022 @contact:,
00023 """
00024 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('sr_control_gui')
00026 import os
00027 from cyberglove_library import Cyberglove
00028 from cyberglove.srv import Calibration as CalibrationSrv
00030 import rospy
00032 class Joint:
00033     """
00034     A class containing simple information regarding a joint: name, and calibrated value
00035     """
00036     def __init__(self, name, min=0, max = 90):
00037         """
00038         @param name: the name of the joint
00039         @param min: the min value to calibrate
00040         @param max: the max value to calibrate   
00041         """
00042  = name
00043         self.min = min
00044         self.max = max
00047 class CalibrationStep:
00048     """
00049     A class containing all the data for a given calibration step
00050     """
00051     def __init__(self, step_name="", step_description = [""], joints = []):
00052         """
00053         @param step_name: A short name for this calibration step 
00054         @param step_description: A table containing 2 descriptions: the first one describes the min pose, the second 
00055         the max
00056         @param joints: A table containing the joints to be calibrated 
00058         """    
00059         self.step_name    = step_name
00060         self.step_description = step_description
00061         self.joints = joints
00063 class Calibration:
00064     """
00065     A class Containing all the calibration data for a given joint.
00066     """
00067     def __init__(self, raw_min = 0.0, raw_max= 0.0, 
00068                  calibrated_min = 0.0, calibrated_max= 0.0,
00069                  is_calibrated = 0):
00070         self.raw_min        = raw_min
00071         self.raw_max        = raw_max
00072         self.calibrated_min = calibrated_min
00073         self.calibrated_max = calibrated_max
00074         self.is_calibrated  = is_calibrated
00076 def default_description(step_name, max = 0):
00077     """
00078     The default description function for a step. Just prints a text for each step.
00080     @param step_name: the name of the step
00081     @param max: if 0=>we're reading the min values, if 1=> max values
00082     """
00083     if max == 0:
00084         print "calibrating min values for: "+ str(step_name)
00085     else:        
00086         print "calibrating max values for: "+ str(step_name)
00088 def do_nothing(step_name, max = 0):
00089     """
00090     A function that does nothing. Used to have an empty description function.
00091     """
00092     nothing = True
00094 class CybergloveCalibrer:
00095     """
00096     A utility to calibrate the cyberglove.
00097     """
00098     def __init__(self, description_function = default_description):
00099         """
00100         Initialize some class variables: a table containing the calibration steps, a connection to the cyberglove
00101         library and a description function for the calibration steps
00103         @param description_function: specify a function you want to use to describe the calibration steps ( text / 
00104         pictures / animation / ... ). Must take a joint name as parameter.
00105         """        
00106         self.calibration_steps = []
00108         self.cyberglove = Cyberglove()
00110         # fill the table containing all the joints
00111         self.joints = {}
00112         for name in self.cyberglove.get_joints_names():
00113             self.joints[name] = Calibration()
00115         self.get_calibration_steps()
00117         if description_function == None:
00118             description_function = do_nothing
00119         self.description_function = description_function
00121     def get_calibration_steps(self):
00122         """
00123         Read the calibration steps from the xml file.
00125         @return: 0 when the values were read.
00126         """
00128         #first step: calibrate 0s, 3s and TH4 
00129         joints1 = [Joint("G_IndexMPJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_IndexPIJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_IndexDIJ", 0, 90), 
00130                   Joint("G_MiddleMPJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_MiddlePIJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_MiddleDIJ", 0, 90),
00131                   Joint("G_RingMPJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_RingPIJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_RingDIJ", 0, 90),
00132                   Joint("G_PinkieMPJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_PinkiePIJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_PinkieDIJ", 0, 90),
00133                   Joint("G_ThumbAb", 50, 0) ]
00134         self.calibration_steps.append(CalibrationStep(step_name="Joints 0s, 3s and thumb abduction (THJ4)",
00135                                                       step_description = ["Hand flat on a table, fingers joined, thumb opened",
00136                                                                           "Hand forming a fist, thumb closed"],
00137                                                       joints = joints1 ))
00139         #second step: calibrate 4s, TH1, TH2, TH5 and WR2
00140         joints2 = [Joint("G_ThumbIJ", 90, 0), Joint("G_ThumbMPJ", 30, -30),  
00141                    Joint("G_MiddleIndexAb", 0, 50), Joint("G_RingMiddleAb", 0, 50), Joint("G_PinkieRingAb", 0, 50),
00142                    Joint("G_WristYaw", 10, -30)]
00143         self.calibration_steps.append(CalibrationStep(step_name="Joints 4s + TH1, 2, and WR2",
00144                                                       step_description = ["Hand flat fingers joined, thumb completely curled under the palm, wrist 2 bent to the left",
00145                                                                           "Hand flat fingers apart, thumb completely opened, wrist bent 2 to the right"],
00146                                                       joints = joints2 ))
00148         #third step: calibrate TH5 
00149         joints3 = [Joint("G_ThumbRotate", 60, -60)]
00150         self.calibration_steps.append(CalibrationStep(step_name="Joint TH5",
00151                                                       step_description = ["thumb completely under the palm",
00152                                                                           "thumb completely opened, curled over the palm"],
00153                                                       joints = joints3 ))
00155         #fourth step: calibrate LF5 and WR1
00156         joints4 = [Joint("G_PalmArch", 0, 40), Joint("G_WristPitch", -30, 40)]
00157         self.calibration_steps.append(CalibrationStep(step_name="LF5 and WR1",
00158                                                       step_description = ["Hand flat, wrist 1 bent backward",
00159                                                                           "Palm curled (LFJ5), wrist 1 bent forward"],
00160                                                       joints = joints4 ))
00162         return 0
00164     def do_step_min(self, index):
00165         """
00166         Run  the given step of the calibration, gets the min values.
00168         @param index: the index of the step in the calibration file
00169         @return: 0 when the values were read. 
00170         """
00171         joints = self.calibration_steps[index].joints
00172         # display the description
00173         self.description_function(self.calibration_steps[index].step_description[0], 0)
00175         for joint in joints:
00176             name =         
00177             #read the min values
00178             self.joints[name].raw_min = self.cyberglove.read_raw_average_value(name)
00179             self.joints[name].calibrated_min = joint.min
00180             #still needs to read the max before fully calibrated
00181             self.joints[name].is_calibrated += 0.5
00182         return 0
00184     def do_step_max(self, index):
00185         """
00186         Run  the given step of the calibration, gets the max values.
00187         As this method is called after the do_step_min() method, we don't display the description
00189         @param index: the index of the step in the calibration file
00190         @return: 0 when the values were read. 
00191         """
00192         joints = self.calibration_steps[index].joints
00193         # display the description
00194         self.description_function(self.calibration_steps[index].step_description[1], 0)
00196         for joint in joints:
00197             name =         
00198             #read the max values
00199             self.joints[name].raw_max = self.cyberglove.read_raw_average_value(name)
00200             self.joints[name].calibrated_max = joint.max
00201             #still needs to read the max before fully calibrated
00202             self.joints[name].is_calibrated += 0.5
00203         return 0
00205     def is_step_done(self, joint_name):
00206         """
00207         Check if the joint is calibrated.
00209         @param joint_name: the name of the joint
00210         @return: 1 if the joint has already been calibrated. 
00211         """
00213         return self.joints[joint_name].is_calibrated
00215     def all_steps_done(self):
00216         """
00217         Check if all the steps were processed.
00219         @return: True if all the steps were processed. 
00220         """
00221         for calib in self.joints.values():
00222             if calib.is_calibrated != 1:
00223                 return False
00225         return True
00227     def reorder_calibration(self):
00228         """
00229         Reorder the calibration: set the raw_min to the min raw_value
00230         """
00231         for name in self.joints.keys():
00232             if self.joints[name].raw_min > self.joints[name].raw_max:
00233                 tmp_raw = self.joints[name].raw_min
00234                 tmp_cal = self.joints[name].calibrated_min
00235                 self.joints[name].raw_min = self.joints[name].raw_max
00236                 self.joints[name].calibrated_min = self.joints[name].calibrated_max
00237                 self.joints[name].raw_max = tmp_raw
00238                 self.joints[name].calibrated_max = tmp_cal
00240     def write_calibration_file(self, filepath):
00241         """
00242         Checks if all the steps were processed by calling self.all_steps_done()
00243         Reorder the calibration
00244         Then writes the whole calibration to a given file.
00246         @param filepath: Where to write the calibration
00247         @return: 0 if the file has been written, 
00248                 -1 if the calibration is not finished yet,
00249                 -2 if other error     
00250         """
00252         #Where all the steps processed?
00253         if not self.all_steps_done():
00254             return -1
00256         #reorder the calibration
00257         self.reorder_calibration()        
00259         ###############
00260         # Write to an xml file
00261         ###############
00262         #store the text in a table
00263         text = []
00265         text.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>")
00266         text.append("<Cyberglove_calibration>")
00267         for name in self.joints:
00268             #joint name
00269             text.append("<Joint name=\""+name+"\">")
00271             cal = self.joints[name]
00272             #min value
00273             text.append("<calib raw_value=\""+str(cal.raw_min)
00274                             +"\" calibrated_value=\""
00275                             +str(cal.calibrated_min)+"\"/>")
00277             #max value
00278             text.append("<calib raw_value=\""+str(cal.raw_max)
00279                             +"\" calibrated_value=\""
00280                             +str(cal.calibrated_max)+"\"/>")
00282             text.append("</Joint>")
00284         text.append("</Cyberglove_calibration>")
00286         #write the text to a file
00287         try:
00288             output = open(filepath, "w")
00289             for line in text:
00290                 output.write(line+"\n")
00292             output.close()
00293         except:
00294             return -2
00296         return 0
00298     def load_calib(self, filename):
00299         if filename == "":
00300             return -1
00302         rospy.wait_for_service('/cyberglove/calibration')
00303         try:
00304             calib = rospy.ServiceProxy('cyberglove/calibration', CalibrationSrv)
00305             path = filename.encode("iso-8859-1")
00306             resp = calib(path)
00307             return resp.state
00308         except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00309             print 'Failed to call start service'
00310             return -2
00314 ##############
00315 #    MAIN    #
00316 ##############
00317 def main():
00318     cyber_calib = CybergloveCalibrer()
00319     for i in range(0, len(cyber_calib.calibration_steps)):
00320         raw_input(cyber_calib.calibration_steps[i].step_description[0])
00321         cyber_calib.do_step_min(i)
00322         raw_input(cyber_calib.calibration_steps[i].step_description[1])
00324         cyber_calib.do_step_max(i)
00325     error = cyber_calib.write_calibration_file("../../param/")
00326     print error
00328     return 0
00331 # start the script
00332 if __name__ == "__main__":
00333     main()

Author(s): Ugo Cupcic
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 12:04:16