Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import math
00004 import sys
00005 import getopt
00006 import commands
00008 def create_world_file(argv):
00009     numRobots = 0
00010     circleSize = 0
00011     centerX = -2
00012     centerY = -2.2
00013     omni = False
00014     localization = True
00015     simulation = True
00016     runExperiments = False
00017     scaleRadius = True
00018     useNoise = False
00019     useBagFile = False
00020     bagFileName = "collvoid.bag"
00021     useSticks = False
00022     try:
00023         opts, args= getopt.getopt(argv, "hn:s:olxf:S", ["help","numRobots=","circleSize=","omni","localization","experiments","bagFileName=","Sticks"])
00024     except getopt.GetoptError:
00025         print ' -n <numRobots> -s <circleSize> <-h> <-l> <-x> <-f> bagFile'
00026         sys.exit(2)
00027     for opt, arg in opts:
00028         if opt == '-h':
00029             print ' -n <numRobots> -s <circleSize> <-h> <-l> <-x> <-f> bagfile'
00030             sys.exit(2)
00031         elif opt in ("-n","--numRobots"):
00032             numRobots = int(arg)
00033         elif opt in ("-s","--circleSize"):
00034             circleSize = float(arg)
00035         elif opt in ("-o","--omni"):
00036             omni = True
00037         elif opt in ("-l","--localization"):
00038             localization = False
00039         elif opt in ("-x", "--experiments"):
00040             runExperiments = True
00041         elif opt in ("-f", "--bagFileName"):
00042             useBagFile = True
00043             bagFileName = str(arg)
00044 #        elif opt in ("-S", "--Sticks"):
00045 #            useSticks = True
00046 #            omni = True
00048     direct = commands.getoutput('rospack find collvoid_stage')
00049     worldFileTemp = open(direct + '/world/','r')
00050     worldFileNew = open(direct + '/world/','w')
00051     worldFileNew.write(
00052     direct = commands.getoutput('rospack find stage')
00054     colors = open(direct + '/share/stage/rgb.txt','r')
00055     line = colors.readline()
00056     line = colors.readline()
00057     cols = []
00058     while line:
00059         cols.append(line[line.rfind("\t")+1:line.rfind("\n")])
00060         line = colors.readline()
00061     colors.close()
00062     #print cols
00063     for x in range(numRobots):
00064         angle = 360.0 / numRobots
00065         anglePrint = x * angle-180-45
00066         angle = x * angle - 45
00067         posX = circleSize*math.cos(angle/360*2*math.pi)
00069         posY = circleSize*math.sin(angle/360*2*math.pi)
00070         if (omni or useSticks):
00071             if(not useSticks):
00072                 worldFileNew.write('pr2( pose [ {0:f} {1:f} 0 {2:f} ] name "robot_{3:d}" color "{4}")\n'.format(centerX+posX,centerY+posY,anglePrint,x,cols[40 +  10 * x]))
00073             else:
00074                 worldFileNew.write('stick( pose [ {0:f} {1:f} 0 {2:f} ] name "robot_{3:d}" color "{4}")\n'.format(centerX+posX,centerY+posY,anglePrint,x,cols[40 +  10 * x]))
00075         else:
00076             worldFileNew.write('roomba( pose [ {0:f} {1:f} 0 {2:f} ] name "robot_{3:d}" color "{4}")\n'.format(centerX+posX,centerY+posY,anglePrint,x,cols[40 +  10 * x]))
00079     #tele_robot( pose [ -1 0 0 180.000 ] name "bob" color "blue")
00080     worldFileTemp.close()
00081     worldFileNew.close()
00082     create_yaml_file(circleSize,numRobots,omni,simulation,localization,centerX,centerY,scaleRadius,useNoise, useSticks)
00083     create_launch_file(numRobots,omni,runExperiments,bagFileName,localization,useBagFile, useSticks)
00086 def create_yaml_file(circleSize, numRobots,omni,simulation,localization,centerX,centerY,scaleRadius,useNoise, useSticks):
00087     direct = commands.getoutput('rospack find collvoid_stage')
00088     yamlWrite = open(direct + '/params_created.yaml','w')
00089     yamlWrite.write("/use_sim_time: true\n")
00091     angle = 360.0 / numRobots
00092     for x in range(numRobots):
00093         angleX = 90 + x * angle - 45
00094         posX = circleSize*math.cos(angleX/360*2*math.pi)
00095         posY = circleSize*math.sin(angleX/360*2*math.pi)
00097         yamlWrite.write('robot_{0}:\n'.format(x))
00098         yamlWrite.write('    goals:\n')
00099         yamlWrite.write('        x: [{0:f}]\n'.format(centerY+posX))
00100         yamlWrite.write('        y: [{0:f}]\n'.format(-centerX+posY))
00101         yamlWrite.write('        ang: [{0:f}]\n'.format((angleX) / 360.0 * 2 * math.pi))
00103     yamlWrite.close()
00105 def create_launch_file(numRobots,omni,runExperiments, bagFilename, localization,useBagFile, useSticks):
00106     direct = commands.getoutput('rospack find collvoid_stage')
00108     launchWrite = open(direct + '/launch/sim_created.launch','w')
00109     launchWrite.write("<launch>\n")
00110     launchWrite.write('  <node name="map_server" pkg="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(find collvoid_stage)/world/swarmlab_map.yaml"/>\n')
00111     launchWrite.write('  <rosparam command="load" file="$(find collvoid_stage)/params_created.yaml"/>\n')
00112     if runExperiments:
00113         launchWrite.write('  <node pkg="stage" type="stageros" name="stageros" args="-g $(find collvoid_stage)/world/" respawn="false" output="screen" />\n')
00114     else:
00115         launchWrite.write('  <node pkg="stage" type="stageros" name="stageros" args="$(find collvoid_stage)/world/" respawn="false" output="screen" />\n')
00117     for x in range(numRobots):
00118         if (localization):
00119             if (omni):
00120                 launchWrite.write('  <include file="$(find collvoid_stage)/launch/amcl_omni_multi.launch">\n')
00121             else:
00122                 launchWrite.write('  <include file="$(find collvoid_stage)/launch/amcl_diff_multi.launch">\n')
00123             launchWrite.write('    <arg name="robot" value="robot_{0}"/>\n'.format(x))
00124             launchWrite.write('  </include>\n')
00125         else:
00126             launchWrite.write('  <node name="fake_localization" pkg="fake_localization" ns="robot_{0}" type="fake_localization" respawn="false">\n'.format(x))
00127             launchWrite.write('    <param name="~tf_prefix" value="robot_{0}" />\n'.format(x))
00128             launchWrite.write('    <param name="~odom_frame_id" value="/robot_{0}/odom" />\n'.format(x))
00129             launchWrite.write('    <param name="~base_frame_id" value="/robot_{0}/base_link" />\n'.format(x))
00130             launchWrite.write('  </node>')
00134         launchWrite.write('  <node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="true" name="move_base" ns="robot_{0}" output="screen">\n'.format(x))
00135         if (omni) and not useSticks:
00136             launchWrite.write('    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find collvoid_stage)/params/params_pr2.yaml" />\n')
00137         elif useSticks:
00138             launchWrite.write('    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find collvoid_stage)/params/params_stick.yaml" />\n')
00139         else:
00140             launchWrite.write('    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find collvoid_stage)/params/params_turtle.yaml" />\n')
00142         if(runExperiments):
00143             launchWrite.write('    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find collvoid_stage)/params/collvoid_exp_created.yaml" />\n')
00144         else:
00145             launchWrite.write('    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find collvoid_stage)/params/collvoid_config.yaml" />\n')
00147         launchWrite.write('    <remap from="map" to="/map" />\n')
00148         launchWrite.write('    <param name="~tf_prefix" value="robot_{0}" />\n'.format(x))
00149         launchWrite.write('    <param name="~/global_costmap/robot_base_frame" value="robot_{0}/base_link" /> \n    <param name="~/local_costmap/robot_base_frame" value="robot_{1}/base_link" /> \n    <param name="~/local_costmap/global_frame" value="robot_{0}/odom" /> \n'.format(x,x,x))
00150         launchWrite.write('    <param name="base_local_planner" value="collvoid_local_planner/CollvoidLocalPlanner" />\n')
00151         launchWrite.write('    <param name="base_global_planner" value="collvoid_simple_global_planner/CollvoidSimpleGlobalPlanner" />\n')
00152         launchWrite.write('    <remap from="/position_share_in" to="/position_share" />\n')
00153         launchWrite.write('    <remap from="/position_share_out" to="/position_share" />\n')
00155        # launchWrite.write('    <rosparam file="$(find pr2_navigation_config)/move_base/dwa_local_planner.yaml" command="load" ns="DWAPlannerROS" />\n')
00157         launchWrite.write('  </node> \n')
00158         launchWrite.write('  <node pkg="collvoid_controller" type="" name="controllerRobots" ns="robot_{0}" output="screen" />\n'.format(x))
00159     if (runExperiments):
00160         launchWrite.write('  <node pkg="collvoid_controller" type="" name="watchdog" output="screen"/>\n')
00161     else:
00162         launchWrite.write('  <node pkg="collvoid_controller" type="" name="controller" output="screen"/>\n')
00163         launchWrite.write('  <node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" args="-d $(find collvoid_stage)/double_view.vcg" output="screen" />\n')
00165     s = ""
00167     for x in range(numRobots):
00168         s += "/robot_%d/base_pose_ground_truth "%(x)
00169     if useBagFile:
00170         launchWrite.write('  <node pkg="rosbag" type="record" name="rosbag" args="record {0} /position_share /stall /stall_resolved /num_run /exceeded -O $(find collvoid_stage)/bags/{1}" output="screen"/>\n'.format(s,bagFilename))
00172     launchWrite.write("</launch>\n")
00173     launchWrite.close()
00176 if __name__ == "__main__":
00177     create_world_file(sys.argv[1:])
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Author(s): Daniel Claes
autogenerated on Sun Aug 25 2013 10:10:56