Classes | Typedefs | Variables
cob_interactive_teleop Namespace Reference


class  TeleopCOBMarker
 This class handles COB driving using Interactive Markers. More...
struct  TeleopCOBParams
 Motion parameters for the interactive COB teleop. More...


typedef boost::shared_ptr
< interactive_markers::InteractiveMarkerServer


const std::string BASE_CONTROLLER_COMMAND_TOPIC = "/base_controller/command"
const std::string CONTROL_MOVE_NAME = "control_move"
const std::string CONTROL_NAVIGATION_NAME = "controle_navigation"
const std::string CONTROL_ROTATE_NAME = "control_rotate"
const std::string CONTROL_STRAFE_NAME = "control_strafe"
const double DEFAULT_MAX_VEL_TH = 0.1
const double DEFAULT_MAX_VEL_X = 0.1
const double DEFAULT_MAX_VEL_Y = 0.1
const double DEFAULT_SCALE_ANGULAR = 0.1
const double DEFAULT_SCALE_LINEAR = 0.1
const double DEFAULT_Z_POS = 0.15
const std::string DISABLE_DRIVER_PARAM = "disable_driver"
const std::string MARKER_DRIVER_NAME = "marker_driver"
const std::string MARKER_NAVIGATOR_NAME = "marker_navigator"
const std::string MAX_VEL_TH_PARAM = "max_vel_th"
const std::string MAX_VEL_X_PARAM = "max_vel_x"
const std::string MAX_VEL_Y_PARAM = "max_vel_y"
const std::string SCALE_ANGULAR_PARAM = "scale_angular"
const std::string SCALE_LINEAR_PARAM = "scale_linear"
const std::string Z_POS_PARAM = "z_pos"

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 49 of file teleop_cob_marker.h.

Variable Documentation

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::BASE_CONTROLLER_COMMAND_TOPIC = "/base_controller/command"

Published topics

Definition at line 39 of file topics_list.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::CONTROL_MOVE_NAME = "control_move"

Definition at line 44 of file teleop_cob_marker.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::CONTROL_NAVIGATION_NAME = "controle_navigation"

Definition at line 47 of file teleop_cob_marker.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::CONTROL_ROTATE_NAME = "control_rotate"

Definition at line 46 of file teleop_cob_marker.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::CONTROL_STRAFE_NAME = "control_strafe"

Definition at line 45 of file teleop_cob_marker.h.

Definition at line 52 of file parameters_list.h.

Default parameter values

Definition at line 50 of file parameters_list.h.

Definition at line 51 of file parameters_list.h.

Definition at line 54 of file parameters_list.h.

Definition at line 53 of file parameters_list.h.

Definition at line 55 of file parameters_list.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::DISABLE_DRIVER_PARAM = "disable_driver"

Definition at line 45 of file parameters_list.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::MARKER_DRIVER_NAME = "marker_driver"

Definition at line 42 of file teleop_cob_marker.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::MARKER_NAVIGATOR_NAME = "marker_navigator"

Definition at line 43 of file teleop_cob_marker.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::MAX_VEL_TH_PARAM = "max_vel_th"

Definition at line 41 of file parameters_list.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::MAX_VEL_X_PARAM = "max_vel_x"

Names of parameters

Definition at line 39 of file parameters_list.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::MAX_VEL_Y_PARAM = "max_vel_y"

Definition at line 40 of file parameters_list.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::SCALE_ANGULAR_PARAM = "scale_angular"

Definition at line 43 of file parameters_list.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::SCALE_LINEAR_PARAM = "scale_linear"

Definition at line 42 of file parameters_list.h.

const std::string cob_interactive_teleop::Z_POS_PARAM = "z_pos"

Definition at line 44 of file parameters_list.h.

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Author(s): Tomas Lokaj, Michal Spanel (
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 2013 17:48:08