Public Types | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Friends
aruco::BoardConfiguration Class Reference

This class defines a board with several markers. A Board contains several markers so that they are more robustly detected. More...

#include <board.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  MarkerInfoType { NONE = -1, PIX = 0, METERS = 1 }

Public Member Functions

 BoardConfiguration ()
 BoardConfiguration (const BoardConfiguration &T)
void getIdList (vector< int > &ids, bool append=true) const
int getIndexOfMarkerId (int id) const
const MarkerInfogetMarkerInfo (int id) const throw (cv::Exception)
bool isExpressedInMeters () const
bool isExpressedInPixels () const
BoardConfigurationoperator= (const BoardConfiguration &T)
void readFromFile (string sfile) throw (cv::Exception)
void saveToFile (string sfile) throw (cv::Exception)

Public Attributes

int mInfoType

Private Member Functions

void readFromFile (cv::FileStorage &fs) throw (cv::Exception)
void saveToFile (cv::FileStorage &fs) throw (cv::Exception)


class Board

Detailed Description

This class defines a board with several markers. A Board contains several markers so that they are more robustly detected.

In general, a board is a set of markers. So BoardConfiguration is only a list of the id of the markers along with the position of their corners.

The position of the corners can be specified either in pixels (in a non-specific size) or in meters. The first is the typical case in which you generate the image of board and the print it. Since you do not know in advance the real size of the markers, their corners are specified in pixels, and then, the translation to meters can be made once you know the real size.

On the other hand, you may want to have the information of your boards in meters. The BoardConfiguration allows you to do so.

The point is in the mInfoType variable. It can be either PIX or METERS according to your needs.

Definition at line 69 of file board.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 73 of file board.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 39 of file board.cpp.

Definition at line 47 of file board.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void aruco::BoardConfiguration::getIdList ( vector< int > &  ids,
bool  append = true 
) const

Set in the list passed the set of the ids

Definition at line 372 of file board.cpp.

Returns the index of the marker with id indicated, if is in the list

Definition at line 134 of file board.cpp.

const MarkerInfo & aruco::BoardConfiguration::getMarkerInfo ( int  id) const throw (cv::Exception)

Returns the Info of the marker with id specified. If not in the set, throws exception

Definition at line 144 of file board.cpp.

Indicates if the corners are expressed in meters

Definition at line 95 of file board.h.

Indicates if the corners are expressed in meters

Definition at line 100 of file board.h.

BoardConfiguration & aruco::BoardConfiguration::operator= ( const BoardConfiguration T)

Definition at line 57 of file board.cpp.

void aruco::BoardConfiguration::readFromFile ( string  sfile) throw (cv::Exception)

Reads board info from a file

Definition at line 97 of file board.cpp.

void aruco::BoardConfiguration::readFromFile ( cv::FileStorage &  fs) throw (cv::Exception) [private]

Reads board info from a file

Definition at line 107 of file board.cpp.

void aruco::BoardConfiguration::saveToFile ( string  sfile) throw (cv::Exception)

Saves the board info to a file

Definition at line 67 of file board.cpp.

void aruco::BoardConfiguration::saveToFile ( cv::FileStorage &  fs) throw (cv::Exception) [private]

Saves the board info to a file

Definition at line 76 of file board.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Board [friend]

Definition at line 71 of file board.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 75 of file board.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): tcarreira
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:47:56