Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Gino van den Bergen / Erwin Coumans
00004 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
00005 In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
00006 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 
00007 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, 
00008 subject to the following restrictions:
00010 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
00011 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
00012 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
00013 */
00017 #ifndef BT_AABB_UTIL2
00018 #define BT_AABB_UTIL2
00020 #include "btTransform.h"
00021 #include "btVector3.h"
00022 #include "btMinMax.h"
00026 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void AabbExpand (btVector3& aabbMin,
00027                                                                    btVector3& aabbMax,
00028                                                                    const btVector3& expansionMin,
00029                                                                    const btVector3& expansionMax)
00030 {
00031         aabbMin = aabbMin + expansionMin;
00032         aabbMax = aabbMax + expansionMax;
00033 }
00036 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool TestPointAgainstAabb2(const btVector3 &aabbMin1, const btVector3 &aabbMax1,
00037                                                                 const btVector3 &point)
00038 {
00039         bool overlap = true;
00040         overlap = (aabbMin1.getX() > point.getX() || aabbMax1.getX() < point.getX()) ? false : overlap;
00041         overlap = (aabbMin1.getZ() > point.getZ() || aabbMax1.getZ() < point.getZ()) ? false : overlap;
00042         overlap = (aabbMin1.getY() > point.getY() || aabbMax1.getY() < point.getY()) ? false : overlap;
00043         return overlap;
00044 }
00048 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool TestAabbAgainstAabb2(const btVector3 &aabbMin1, const btVector3 &aabbMax1,
00049                                                                 const btVector3 &aabbMin2, const btVector3 &aabbMax2)
00050 {
00051         bool overlap = true;
00052         overlap = (aabbMin1.getX() > aabbMax2.getX() || aabbMax1.getX() < aabbMin2.getX()) ? false : overlap;
00053         overlap = (aabbMin1.getZ() > aabbMax2.getZ() || aabbMax1.getZ() < aabbMin2.getZ()) ? false : overlap;
00054         overlap = (aabbMin1.getY() > aabbMax2.getY() || aabbMax1.getY() < aabbMin2.getY()) ? false : overlap;
00055         return overlap;
00056 }
00059 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool TestTriangleAgainstAabb2(const btVector3 *vertices,
00060                                                                         const btVector3 &aabbMin, const btVector3 &aabbMax)
00061 {
00062         const btVector3 &p1 = vertices[0];
00063         const btVector3 &p2 = vertices[1];
00064         const btVector3 &p3 = vertices[2];
00066         if (btMin(btMin(p1[0], p2[0]), p3[0]) > aabbMax[0]) return false;
00067         if (btMax(btMax(p1[0], p2[0]), p3[0]) < aabbMin[0]) return false;
00069         if (btMin(btMin(p1[2], p2[2]), p3[2]) > aabbMax[2]) return false;
00070         if (btMax(btMax(p1[2], p2[2]), p3[2]) < aabbMin[2]) return false;
00072         if (btMin(btMin(p1[1], p2[1]), p3[1]) > aabbMax[1]) return false;
00073         if (btMax(btMax(p1[1], p2[1]), p3[1]) < aabbMin[1]) return false;
00074         return true;
00075 }
00078 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int   btOutcode(const btVector3& p,const btVector3& halfExtent) 
00079 {
00080         return (p.getX()  < -halfExtent.getX() ? 0x01 : 0x0) |    
00081                    (p.getX() >  halfExtent.getX() ? 0x08 : 0x0) |
00082                    (p.getY() < -halfExtent.getY() ? 0x02 : 0x0) |    
00083                    (p.getY() >  halfExtent.getY() ? 0x10 : 0x0) |
00084                    (p.getZ() < -halfExtent.getZ() ? 0x4 : 0x0) |    
00085                    (p.getZ() >  halfExtent.getZ() ? 0x20 : 0x0);
00086 }
00090 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool btRayAabb2(const btVector3& rayFrom,
00091                                                                   const btVector3& rayInvDirection,
00092                                                                   const unsigned int raySign[3],
00093                                                                   const btVector3 bounds[2],
00094                                                                   btScalar& tmin,
00095                                                                   btScalar lambda_min,
00096                                                                   btScalar lambda_max)
00097 {
00098         btScalar tmax, tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax;
00099         tmin = (bounds[raySign[0]].getX() - rayFrom.getX()) * rayInvDirection.getX();
00100         tmax = (bounds[1-raySign[0]].getX() - rayFrom.getX()) * rayInvDirection.getX();
00101         tymin = (bounds[raySign[1]].getY() - rayFrom.getY()) * rayInvDirection.getY();
00102         tymax = (bounds[1-raySign[1]].getY() - rayFrom.getY()) * rayInvDirection.getY();
00104         if ( (tmin > tymax) || (tymin > tmax) )
00105                 return false;
00107         if (tymin > tmin)
00108                 tmin = tymin;
00110         if (tymax < tmax)
00111                 tmax = tymax;
00113         tzmin = (bounds[raySign[2]].getZ() - rayFrom.getZ()) * rayInvDirection.getZ();
00114         tzmax = (bounds[1-raySign[2]].getZ() - rayFrom.getZ()) * rayInvDirection.getZ();
00116         if ( (tmin > tzmax) || (tzmin > tmax) )
00117                 return false;
00118         if (tzmin > tmin)
00119                 tmin = tzmin;
00120         if (tzmax < tmax)
00121                 tmax = tzmax;
00122         return ( (tmin < lambda_max) && (tmax > lambda_min) );
00123 }
00125 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool btRayAabb(const btVector3& rayFrom, 
00126                                                                  const btVector3& rayTo, 
00127                                                                  const btVector3& aabbMin, 
00128                                                                  const btVector3& aabbMax,
00129                                           btScalar& param, btVector3& normal) 
00130 {
00131         btVector3 aabbHalfExtent = (aabbMax-aabbMin)* btScalar(0.5);
00132         btVector3 aabbCenter = (aabbMax+aabbMin)* btScalar(0.5);
00133         btVector3       source = rayFrom - aabbCenter;
00134         btVector3       target = rayTo - aabbCenter;
00135         int     sourceOutcode = btOutcode(source,aabbHalfExtent);
00136         int targetOutcode = btOutcode(target,aabbHalfExtent);
00137         if ((sourceOutcode & targetOutcode) == 0x0)
00138         {
00139                 btScalar lambda_enter = btScalar(0.0);
00140                 btScalar lambda_exit  = param;
00141                 btVector3 r = target - source;
00142                 int i;
00143                 btScalar        normSign = 1;
00144                 btVector3       hitNormal(0,0,0);
00145                 int bit=1;
00147                 for (int j=0;j<2;j++)
00148                 {
00149                         for (i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
00150                         {
00151                                 if (sourceOutcode & bit)
00152                                 {
00153                                         btScalar lambda = (-source[i] - aabbHalfExtent[i]*normSign) / r[i];
00154                                         if (lambda_enter <= lambda)
00155                                         {
00156                                                 lambda_enter = lambda;
00157                                                 hitNormal.setValue(0,0,0);
00158                                                 hitNormal[i] = normSign;
00159                                         }
00160                                 }
00161                                 else if (targetOutcode & bit) 
00162                                 {
00163                                         btScalar lambda = (-source[i] - aabbHalfExtent[i]*normSign) / r[i];
00164                                         btSetMin(lambda_exit, lambda);
00165                                 }
00166                                 bit<<=1;
00167                         }
00168                         normSign = btScalar(-1.);
00169                 }
00170                 if (lambda_enter <= lambda_exit)
00171                 {
00172                         param = lambda_enter;
00173                         normal = hitNormal;
00174                         return true;
00175                 }
00176         }
00177         return false;
00178 }
00182 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE       void btTransformAabb(const btVector3& halfExtents, btScalar margin,const btTransform& t,btVector3& aabbMinOut,btVector3& aabbMaxOut)
00183 {
00184         btVector3 halfExtentsWithMargin = halfExtents+btVector3(margin,margin,margin);
00185         btMatrix3x3 abs_b = t.getBasis().absolute();  
00186         btVector3 center = t.getOrigin();
00187         btVector3 extent = btVector3(abs_b[0].dot(halfExtentsWithMargin),
00188                    abs_b[1].dot(halfExtentsWithMargin),
00189                   abs_b[2].dot(halfExtentsWithMargin));
00190         aabbMinOut = center - extent;
00191         aabbMaxOut = center + extent;
00192 }
00195 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE       void btTransformAabb(const btVector3& localAabbMin,const btVector3& localAabbMax, btScalar margin,const btTransform& trans,btVector3& aabbMinOut,btVector3& aabbMaxOut)
00196 {
00197                 btAssert(localAabbMin.getX() <= localAabbMax.getX());
00198                 btAssert(localAabbMin.getY() <= localAabbMax.getY());
00199                 btAssert(localAabbMin.getZ() <= localAabbMax.getZ());
00200                 btVector3 localHalfExtents = btScalar(0.5)*(localAabbMax-localAabbMin);
00201                 localHalfExtents+=btVector3(margin,margin,margin);
00203                 btVector3 localCenter = btScalar(0.5)*(localAabbMax+localAabbMin);
00204                 btMatrix3x3 abs_b = trans.getBasis().absolute();  
00205                 btVector3 center = trans(localCenter);
00206                 btVector3 extent = btVector3(abs_b[0].dot(localHalfExtents),
00207                            abs_b[1].dot(localHalfExtents),
00208                           abs_b[2].dot(localHalfExtents));
00209                 aabbMinOut = center-extent;
00210                 aabbMaxOut = center+extent;
00211 }
00213 #define USE_BANCHLESS 1
00214 #ifdef USE_BANCHLESS
00215         //This block replaces the block below and uses no branches, and replaces the 8 bit return with a 32 bit return for improved performance (~3x on XBox 360)
00216         SIMD_FORCE_INLINE unsigned testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(const unsigned short int* aabbMin1,const unsigned short int* aabbMax1,const unsigned short int* aabbMin2,const unsigned short int* aabbMax2)
00217         {               
00218                 return static_cast<unsigned int>(btSelect((unsigned)((aabbMin1[0] <= aabbMax2[0]) & (aabbMax1[0] >= aabbMin2[0])
00219                         & (aabbMin1[2] <= aabbMax2[2]) & (aabbMax1[2] >= aabbMin2[2])
00220                         & (aabbMin1[1] <= aabbMax2[1]) & (aabbMax1[1] >= aabbMin2[1])),
00221                         1, 0));
00222         }
00223 #else
00224         SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(const unsigned short int* aabbMin1,const unsigned short int* aabbMax1,const unsigned short int* aabbMin2,const unsigned short int* aabbMax2)
00225         {
00226                 bool overlap = true;
00227                 overlap = (aabbMin1[0] > aabbMax2[0] || aabbMax1[0] < aabbMin2[0]) ? false : overlap;
00228                 overlap = (aabbMin1[2] > aabbMax2[2] || aabbMax1[2] < aabbMin2[2]) ? false : overlap;
00229                 overlap = (aabbMin1[1] > aabbMax2[1] || aabbMax1[1] < aabbMin2[1]) ? false : overlap;
00230                 return overlap;
00231         }
00232 #endif //USE_BANCHLESS
00234 #endif //BT_AABB_UTIL2
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Author(s): Erwin Coumans, ROS package maintained by Tully Foote
autogenerated on Wed Oct 31 2012 07:54:30