Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes
Col< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem > Class Template Reference

#include <Col_bones.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Col< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem >:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT & at (const uword i)
 linear element accessor (treats the matrix as a vector); no bounds check.
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT at (const uword i) const
 linear element accessor (treats the matrix as a vector); no bounds check
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT & at (const uword in_row, const uword in_col)
 element accessor; no bounds check
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT at (const uword in_row, const uword in_col) const
 element accessor; no bounds check
arma_hot const Col< eT > & fill (const eT val)
 fill the matrix with the specified value
arma_inline fixed ()
arma_inline fixed (const fixed< fixed_n_elem > &X)
 fixed (const subview_cube< eT > &X)
template<typename T1 >
 fixed (const Base< eT, T1 > &A)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
 fixed (const Base< pod_type, T1 > &A, const Base< pod_type, T2 > &B)
 fixed (eT *aux_mem, const bool copy_aux_mem=true)
 fixed (const eT *aux_mem)
 fixed (const char *text)
 fixed (const std::string &text)
arma_hot const Col< eT > & ones ()
subview_row< eT > operator() (const uword row_num, const span &col_span)
const subview_row< eT > operator() (const uword row_num, const span &col_span) const
subview_col< eT > operator() (const span &row_span, const uword col_num)
const subview_col< eT > operator() (const span &row_span, const uword col_num) const
subview< eT > operator() (const span &row_span, const span &col_span)
const subview< eT > operator() (const span &row_span, const span &col_span) const
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT & operator() (const uword i)
 linear element accessor (treats the matrix as a vector); bounds checking not done when ARMA_NO_DEBUG is defined
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT operator() (const uword i) const
 linear element accessor (treats the matrix as a vector); bounds checking not done when ARMA_NO_DEBUG is defined
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT & operator() (const uword in_row, const uword in_col)
 element accessor; bounds checking not done when ARMA_NO_DEBUG is defined
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT operator() (const uword in_row, const uword in_col) const
 element accessor; bounds checking not done when ARMA_NO_DEBUG is defined
template<typename T1 >
const Coloperator= (const Base< eT, T1 > &A)
const Coloperator= (const eT val)
const Coloperator= (const char *text)
 construct a column vector from specified text
const Coloperator= (const std::string &text)
 construct a column vector from specified text
const Coloperator= (const subview_cube< eT > &X)
 construct a matrix from a subview_cube instance
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT & operator[] (const uword i)
 linear element accessor (treats the matrix as a vector); no bounds check.
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT operator[] (const uword i) const
 linear element accessor (treats the matrix as a vector); no bounds check
arma_hot const Col< eT > & zeros ()

Static Public Attributes

static const uword n_cols = 1
 number of columns in the matrix (read-only)
static const uword n_elem = fixed_n_elem
 number of elements in the matrix (read-only)
static const uword n_rows = fixed_n_elem
 number of rows in the matrix (read-only)

Private Member Functions

arma_inline void change_to_row ()
arma_inline void mem_setup ()

Private Attributes

arma_aligned eT mem_local_extra [(use_extra)?fixed_n_elem:1]

Static Private Attributes

static const bool use_extra = (fixed_n_elem > arma_config::mat_prealloc)

Detailed Description

template<typename eT>
template<uword fixed_n_elem>
class Col< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem >

Definition at line 98 of file Col_bones.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename eT>
template<uword fixed_n_elem>
arma_aligned eT Col< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem >::mem_local_extra[(use_extra)?fixed_n_elem:1] [private]

Definition at line 104 of file Col_bones.hpp.

template<typename eT>
template<uword fixed_n_elem>
const uword Col< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem >::n_cols = 1 [static]

number of columns in the matrix (read-only)

Reimplemented from Mat< eT >.

Definition at line 113 of file Col_bones.hpp.

template<typename eT>
template<uword fixed_n_elem>
const uword Col< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem >::n_elem = fixed_n_elem [static]

number of elements in the matrix (read-only)

Reimplemented from Mat< eT >.

Definition at line 114 of file Col_bones.hpp.

template<typename eT>
template<uword fixed_n_elem>
const uword Col< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem >::n_rows = fixed_n_elem [static]

number of rows in the matrix (read-only)

Reimplemented from Mat< eT >.

Definition at line 112 of file Col_bones.hpp.

template<typename eT>
template<uword fixed_n_elem>
const bool Col< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem >::use_extra = (fixed_n_elem > arma_config::mat_prealloc) [static, private]

Definition at line 102 of file Col_bones.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Conrad Sanderson - NICTA (, (Wrapper by Sjoerd van den Dries)
autogenerated on Tue Jan 7 2014 11:42:07