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Utils3D.h File Reference

Utility functions for working with 3D coordinates. More...

#include "cv.h"
#include "cxcore.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include <iostream>
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struct  Utils3D::_PLANE
struct  Utils3D::_PLANE2
struct  Utils3D::_STRAIGHTLINE


namespace  Utils3D


typedef struct Utils3D::_PLANE Utils3D::PLANE
typedef struct Utils3D::_PLANE2 Utils3D::PLANE2
typedef struct


void Utils3D::addPoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, CvPoint3D32f *res)
 p1 + p2
void Utils3D::addWPoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, float w1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, float w2, CvPoint3D32f *np)
 calculate a weighted sum of two 3D Points in place ( w1 * p1 + w2 * p2 )
CvPoint3D32f * Utils3D::cAddPoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2)
 create a new 3D Point and store the result of p1 + p2
CvPoint3D32f * Utils3D::cAddWPoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, float w1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, float w2)
 create a new 3D Point and calculate a weighted sum of two 3D Points ( w1 * p1 + w2 * p2 )
CvMat * Utils3D::cCalcRectificationMatrix (CvPoint2D32f *oriP1, CvPoint2D32f *oriP2, CvPoint2D32f *oriP3, CvPoint2D32f *oriP4, CvPoint2D32f *dstP1, CvPoint2D32f *dstP2, CvPoint2D32f *dstP3, CvPoint2D32f *dstP4)
 Calculation of the rectification matrix, input: 4 original points and 4 points, where the original points should be projected to.
CvPoint3D32f * Utils3D::cCopyPoint (CvPoint3D32f *p)
 Create a new 3D Point copy the 3D Point p.
CvPoint3D32f * Utils3D::cCrossProduct (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2)
 Creates a new 3D Point and calculates the cross product of p1 X p2.
CvMat * Utils3D::cGetBasisFrom3Points (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, CvPoint3D32f *p3)
 returns a Matrix corresponding to the basis of the three points p1, p2 and p3
CvMat * Utils3D::cGetBasisFrom3Points3x3 (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, CvPoint3D32f *p3)
CvMat * Utils3D::cGetMat32fFrom64d (CvMat *mat64d)
CvMat * Utils3D::cGetMat64dFrom32f (CvMat *mat32f)
CvPoint3D32f * Utils3D::cGetPoint (float x, float y, float z)
 Create a new 3D Point and initialize with x, y, and z.
CvPoint3D32f * Utils3D::cInverseRectifyPoint (CvPoint3D32f *oriPoint, float sensorLenghtScale, float sensorWidthScale, float sensorHeightScale, CvMat *map_matrix)
CvMat * Utils3D::createIdentityMatrix ()
 Creates a CvMat Identity-Matrix.
CvMat * Utils3D::createMatrixFrom3Points (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, CvPoint3D32f *p3)
CvMat * Utils3D::createRotationCoordinateSystemMatrixX (double angle)
 Creates a CvMat Matrix for Rotation of the Coordinate System in X-Direction.
CvMat * Utils3D::createRotationCoordinateSystemMatrixY (double angle)
 Creates a CvMat Matrix for Rotation of the Coordinate System in Y-Direction.
CvMat * Utils3D::createRotationCoordinateSystemMatrixZ (double angle)
 Creates a CvMat Matrix for Rotation of the Coordinate System in Z-Direction.
CvMat * Utils3D::createRotationMatrixX (double angle)
 Creates a CvMat Matrix for Rotation in X-Direction.
CvMat * Utils3D::createRotationMatrixY (double angle)
 Creates a CvMat Matrix for Rotation in Y-Direction.
CvMat * Utils3D::createRotationMatrixZ (double angle)
 Creates a CvMat Matrix for Rotation in Z-Direction.
CvMat * Utils3D::createTransformationMatrix (CvPoint3D32f *trans, double rotX, double rotY, double rotZ)
 Creates a CvMat Matrix for translation and rotation.
CvMat * Utils3D::createTransformationMatrix (CvPoint3D32f *trans, CvPoint3D32f *rot)
 Creates a CvMat Matrix for translation and rotation.
CvMat * Utils3D::createTranslationMatrix (CvPoint3D32f *trans)
 Creates a CvMat Matrix from a translation Vector.
CvPoint3D32f * Utils3D::cRectifyPoint (CvPoint3D32f *oriPoint, float sensorLenghtScale, float sensorWidthScale, float sensorHeightScale, CvMat *map_matrix)
 Rectification and inverse Rectification of a single point.
void Utils3D::crossProduct (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, CvPoint3D32f *np)
 np = p1 X p2
CvPoint3D32f * Utils3D::cSubPoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2)
 Create a new 3D Point and store the result of ( p1 - p2 ) in it.
double Utils3D::distPoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2)
double Utils3D::dotProd (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2)
 calculate the dotproduct of two 3D Points
void Utils3D::fillPlane (CvPoint3D32f loc, CvPoint3D32f dir1, CvPoint3D32f dir2, PLANE *plane)
 fill in values in a given PLANE plane
void Utils3D::fillPlane (float locX, float locY, float locZ, float dir1X, float dir1Y, float dir1Z, float dir2X, float dir2Y, float dir2Z, PLANE *plane)
 fill in values in a given PLANE plane
void Utils3D::fillStraightLine (CvPoint3D32f *loc, CvPoint3D32f *dir, STRAIGHTLINE *line)
 fill in values in a given STRAIGHTLINE line
void Utils3D::fillStraightLine (float locX, float locY, float locZ, float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, STRAIGHTLINE *line)
 fill in values in a given STRAIGHTLINE line
void Utils3D::generatePlaneVectorsFromNormal (CvPoint3D32f *plainNormal, CvPoint3D32f *v1, CvPoint3D32f *v2)
double Utils3D::getAngle (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2)
 calculate a angle between two 3D points
float Utils3D::getLineParameter (STRAIGHTLINE line, CvPoint3D32f p)
CvPoint3D32f Utils3D::getLinePoint (STRAIGHTLINE line, float param)
double Utils3D::getNorm (CvPoint3D32f *p)
 returns the length of vector p
double Utils3D::getPointPlaneDistance (PLANE2 P, CvPoint3D32f p)
float Utils3D::getShortestDistanceBetweenTwoLines (STRAIGHTLINE line1, STRAIGHTLINE line2, float *d1, float *d2)
double Utils3D::intersectLinePlane (STRAIGHTLINE line, PLANE plain)
double Utils3D::intersectLinePlane (STRAIGHTLINE line, PLANE2 plane)
STRAIGHTLINE Utils3D::intersectPlanes (PLANE2 P1, PLANE2 P2)
void Utils3D::normalize (CvPoint3D32f *vec)
 normalizes a Vector
void Utils3D::orthonormalizePoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, CvPoint3D32f *p3)
 orthonormalize Points
void Utils3D::orthonormalizePoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, CvPoint3D32f *p3, double scale)
 orthonormalize Points and scale them
CvPoint3D32f Utils3D::projectPointOnLine (STRAIGHTLINE line, CvPoint3D32f *p)
CvPoint3D32f Utils3D::projectPointOnPlane (PLANE2 P, CvPoint3D32f p)
void Utils3D::scalePoint (CvPoint3D32f *p, double scale)
 scale the 3D Point p with factor scale
void Utils3D::setCoords (CvPoint3D32f *in, CvPoint3D32f *out)
 set the values of out to the values of in
void Utils3D::setCoords (CvPoint3D32f *out, float x, float y, float z)
 set the values of out to x, y and z
int Utils3D::sgn (float in)
void Utils3D::subPoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2, CvPoint3D32f *res)
 res = p1 - p2
void Utils3D::swapPoints (CvPoint3D32f *p1, CvPoint3D32f *p2)
 swaps two 3D Points
void Utils3D::transformDirection (CvPoint3D32f *dir, CvMat *transformationMat)
 this Function transforms a direction Vector with a transformation Matrix
void Utils3D::transformPlane (PLANE *plane, CvMat *transformationMat)
 this Function transforms a PLANE with a transformation Matrix
void Utils3D::transformPoint (CvPoint3D32f *point, CvMat *transformationMat)
 this Function transforms a Point with a transformation Matrix
void Utils3D::transformStraightLine (STRAIGHTLINE *line, CvMat *transformationMat)
 this Function transforms a STRAIGHTLINE with a transformation Matrix

Detailed Description

Utility functions for working with 3D coordinates.

This file is part of the RoboEarth ROS ar_bounding_box package.

It file was originally created for RoboEarth. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement no248942 RoboEarth.

Copyright (C) 2011 by Andreas Koch, University of Stuttgart

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.

Andreas Koch

Definition in file Utils3D.h.

Author(s): Andreas Koch
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 11:40:40