amtec_commands.c File Reference
#include "amtec_io.h"
#include "amtec_conversion.h"
#include "amtec_commands.h"
Include dependency graph for amtec_commands.c:

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short amtecGetActA0 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
short amtecGetActC0 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
short amtecGetActDamp (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetActPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetActVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned int amtecGetConfig (amtec_powercube_device_p dev __attribute__((unused)), int id __attribute__((unused)))
unsigned int amtecGetCubeState (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetCur (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned char amtecGetDefAddress (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned short amtecGetDefBrakeTimeOut (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned int amtecGetDefConfig (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned int amtecGetDefCubeSerial (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned short amtecGetDefCubeVersion (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefCurRatio (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefGearRatio (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefHomeAcc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefHomeOffset (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefHomeVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefLinRatio (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefMaxAcc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefMaxCur (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefMaxDeltaPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefMaxDeltaVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefMaxPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefMaxVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefMinPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned char amtecGetDefPrimBaud (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned int amtecGetDefPulsesPerTurn (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned char amtecGetDefScndBaud (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned short amtecGetDefServiceInterval (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetDefTorqueRatio (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned int amtecGetDioSetup (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetFloat (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code)
short amtecGetInt16 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code)
int amtecGetInt32 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code)
char amtecGetInt8 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code)
float amtecGetMaxAcc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetMaxCur (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetMaxPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetMaxVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetMinPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
int amtecGetPosCount (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
int amtecGetRefPosCount (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned int amtecGetStepInc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetTargetAcc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned int amtecGetTargetAccInc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned int amtecGetTargetPosInc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
float amtecGetTargetVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned int amtecGetTargetVelInc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
unsigned short amtecGetUInt16 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code)
unsigned int amtecGetUInt32 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code)
unsigned char amtecGetUInt8 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code)
int amtecHalt (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
int amtecHome (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
int amtecMotionFCosLoop (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float val, unsigned short period)
int amtecMotionFCur (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float current)
int amtecMotionFRamp (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float position)
int amtecMotionFRampLoop (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float val)
int amtecMotionFStep (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float position, unsigned short time)
int amtecMotionFVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float velocity)
int amtecMotionICur (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, short digits)
int amtecMotionIRamp (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, int ticks)
int amtecMotionIStep (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, int ticks, unsigned short time)
int amtecMotionIVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, int ticks)
int amtecRecalcPIDParam (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
int amtecReset (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
int amtecResetTime (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
void amtecSetActA0 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, short a0)
void amtecSetActC0 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, short c0)
void amtecSetActDamp (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, short damp)
void amtecSetConfig (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned int conf)
void amtecSetMaxAcc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float val)
void amtecSetMaxCur (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float val)
void amtecSetMaxPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float val)
void amtecSetMaxVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float val)
void amtecSetMinPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float val)
void amtecSetTargetAcc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float val)
void amtecSetTargetVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float val)
void cmdGetExtended (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code)
void cmdHalt (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
void cmdHome (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
void cmdRecalcPIDParam (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
void cmdReset (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
void cmdResetTime (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id)
void cmdSetActA0 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, short a0)
void cmdSetActC0 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, short c0)
void cmdSetActDamp (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, short damp)
void cmdSetConfig (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned int conf)
void cmdSetExtendedFloat (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, float val)
void cmdSetExtendedInt16 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, short val)
void cmdSetExtendedInt32 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, int val)
void cmdSetExtendedInt8 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, char val)
void cmdSetExtendedUInt16 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, unsigned short val)
void cmdSetExtendedUInt32 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, unsigned int val)
void cmdSetExtendedUInt8 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, unsigned char val)
void cmdSetFStepMotion (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, float val1, unsigned short val2)
void cmdSetIStepMotion (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, int val1, unsigned short val2)
void cmdSetMaxAcc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float acc)
void cmdSetMaxCur (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float cur)
void cmdSetMaxPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float pos)
void cmdSetMaxVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float vel)
void cmdSetMinPos (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float pos)
void cmdSetMotionFloat (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, float val)
void cmdSetMotionInt16 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, short val)
void cmdSetMotionInt32 (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, int val)
void cmdSetMotionLoop (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, unsigned char code, float pos, unsigned short period)
void cmdSetTargetAcc (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float acc)
void cmdSetTargetVel (amtec_powercube_device_p dev, int id, float vel)
int getCorrectGetExtFloat (unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char code, float *val)
int getCorrectGetExtInt16 (unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char code, short *val)
int getCorrectGetExtInt32 (unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char code, int *val)
int getCorrectGetExtInt8 (unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char code, char *val)
int getCorrectGetExtUInt16 (unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char code, unsigned short *val)
int getCorrectGetExtUInt32 (unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char code, unsigned int *val)
int getCorrectGetExtUInt8 (unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char code, unsigned char *val)
int getCorrectHaltCode (unsigned char *buf, int len)
int getCorrectHomeCode (unsigned char *buf, int len)
int getCorrectRecalcPIDParam (unsigned char *buf, int len)
int getCorrectResetCode (unsigned char *buf, int len)
int getCorrectResetTime (unsigned char *buf, int len)
int getCorrectSetExtCode (unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char code)
int getCorrectSetMotionCode (unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char code)

Function Documentation

short amtecGetActA0 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 859 of file amtec_commands.c.

short amtecGetActC0 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 849 of file amtec_commands.c.

short amtecGetActDamp ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 854 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetActPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 828 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetActVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 839 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetConfig ( amtec_powercube_device_p dev   __attribute__(unused),
int id   __attribute__(unused) 

Definition at line 833 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetCubeState ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 767 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetCur ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 844 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned char amtecGetDefAddress ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 737 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned short amtecGetDefBrakeTimeOut ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 732 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetDefConfig ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 717 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetDefCubeSerial ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 707 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned short amtecGetDefCubeVersion ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 722 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefCurRatio ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 677 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefGearRatio ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 642 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefHomeAcc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 702 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefHomeOffset ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 637 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefHomeVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 697 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefLinRatio ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 647 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefMaxAcc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 687 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefMaxCur ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 692 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefMaxDeltaPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 662 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefMaxDeltaVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 667 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefMaxPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 657 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefMaxVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 682 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefMinPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 652 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned char amtecGetDefPrimBaud ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 742 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetDefPulsesPerTurn ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 712 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned char amtecGetDefScndBaud ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 747 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned short amtecGetDefServiceInterval ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 727 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetDefTorqueRatio ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 672 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetDioSetup ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 762 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetFloat ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 451 of file amtec_commands.c.

short amtecGetInt16 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 403 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecGetInt32 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 427 of file amtec_commands.c.

char amtecGetInt8 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 379 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetMaxAcc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 808 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetMaxCur ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 823 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetMaxPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 798 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetMaxVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 803 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetMinPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 793 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecGetPosCount ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 752 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecGetRefPosCount ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 757 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetStepInc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 787 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetTargetAcc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 818 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetTargetAccInc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 782 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetTargetPosInc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 772 of file amtec_commands.c.

float amtecGetTargetVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 813 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetTargetVelInc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 777 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned short amtecGetUInt16 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 415 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned int amtecGetUInt32 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 439 of file amtec_commands.c.

unsigned char amtecGetUInt8 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 391 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecHalt ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 488 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecHome ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 477 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionFCosLoop ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  val,
unsigned short  period 

Definition at line 612 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionFCur ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  current 

Definition at line 557 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionFRamp ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  position 

Definition at line 524 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionFRampLoop ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  val 

Definition at line 623 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionFStep ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  position,
unsigned short  time 

Definition at line 535 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionFVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  velocity 

Definition at line 546 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionICur ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
short  digits 

Definition at line 601 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionIRamp ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
int  ticks 

Definition at line 568 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionIStep ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
int  ticks,
unsigned short  time 

Definition at line 579 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecMotionIVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
int  ticks 

Definition at line 590 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecRecalcPIDParam ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 499 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecReset ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 466 of file amtec_commands.c.

int amtecResetTime ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 510 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetActA0 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
short  a0 

Definition at line 969 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetActC0 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
short  c0 

Definition at line 949 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetActDamp ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
short  damp 

Definition at line 959 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetConfig ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned int  conf 

Definition at line 938 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetMaxAcc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  val 

Definition at line 888 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetMaxCur ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  val 

Definition at line 928 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetMaxPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  val 

Definition at line 878 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetMaxVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  val 

Definition at line 898 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetMinPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  val 

Definition at line 868 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetTargetAcc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  val 

Definition at line 908 of file amtec_commands.c.

void amtecSetTargetVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  val 

Definition at line 918 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdGetExtended ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 80 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdHalt ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 59 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdHome ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 52 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdRecalcPIDParam ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 66 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdReset ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 45 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdResetTime ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id 

Definition at line 73 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetActA0 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
short  a0 

Definition at line 262 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetActC0 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
short  c0 

Definition at line 252 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetActDamp ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
short  damp 

Definition at line 257 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetConfig ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned int  conf 

Definition at line 247 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetExtendedFloat ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
float  val 

Definition at line 142 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetExtendedInt16 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
short  val 

Definition at line 106 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetExtendedInt32 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
int  val 

Definition at line 124 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetExtendedInt8 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
char  val 

Definition at line 88 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetExtendedUInt16 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
unsigned short  val 

Definition at line 115 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetExtendedUInt32 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
unsigned int  val 

Definition at line 133 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetExtendedUInt8 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
unsigned char  val 

Definition at line 97 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetFStepMotion ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
float  val1,
unsigned short  val2 

Definition at line 178 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetIStepMotion ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
int  val1,
unsigned short  val2 

Definition at line 188 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetMaxAcc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  acc 

Definition at line 227 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetMaxCur ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  cur 

Definition at line 232 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetMaxPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  pos 

Definition at line 217 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetMaxVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  vel 

Definition at line 222 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetMinPos ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  pos 

Definition at line 212 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetMotionFloat ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
float  val 

Definition at line 169 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetMotionInt16 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
short  val 

Definition at line 151 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetMotionInt32 ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
int  val 

Definition at line 160 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetMotionLoop ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
unsigned char  code,
float  pos,
unsigned short  period 

Definition at line 198 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetTargetAcc ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  acc 

Definition at line 242 of file amtec_commands.c.

void cmdSetTargetVel ( amtec_powercube_device_p  dev,
int  id,
float  vel 

Definition at line 237 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectGetExtFloat ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
unsigned char  code,
float *  val 

Definition at line 367 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectGetExtInt16 ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
unsigned char  code,
short *  val 

Definition at line 335 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectGetExtInt32 ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
unsigned char  code,
int *  val 

Definition at line 351 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectGetExtInt8 ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
unsigned char  code,
char *  val 

Definition at line 319 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectGetExtUInt16 ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
unsigned char  code,
unsigned short *  val 

Definition at line 343 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectGetExtUInt32 ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
unsigned char  code,
unsigned int *  val 

Definition at line 359 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectGetExtUInt8 ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
unsigned char  code,
unsigned char *  val 

Definition at line 327 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectHaltCode ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Definition at line 284 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectHomeCode ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Definition at line 277 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectRecalcPIDParam ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Definition at line 291 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectResetCode ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Definition at line 270 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectResetTime ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

Definition at line 298 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectSetExtCode ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 305 of file amtec_commands.c.

int getCorrectSetMotionCode ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  len,
unsigned char  code 

Definition at line 312 of file amtec_commands.c.

Author(s): Charles DuHadway, Benjamin Pitzer (Maintained by Benjamin Pitzer)
autogenerated on Sat Dec 28 2013 16:49:55