Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('modeling_forces')
00002 import os, sys
00004 #sys.path.append(os.environ['HRLBASEPATH'] + '/src/projects/equilibrium_point_control/src/equilibrium_point_control')
00005 import hrl_lib.util as ut
00006 import hrl_lib.transforms as tr
00007 import hrl_lib.data_process as dp
00008 import hrl_lib.data_display as dd
00009 #import equilibrium_point_control.arm_trajectories as at
00010 import numpy as np
00011 import pylab as pb
00012 import math
00013 import copy
00014 import pdb
00015 import smooth
00016 from scipy import interpolate
00018 filter = dp.filter
00019 gradient = dp.gradient
00020 interpolate_1d = dp.interpolate_1d
00021 histogram_get_bin_numb = dp.histogram_get_bin_numb
00022 histogram = dp.histogram
00023 equalize_times = dp.equalize_times
00024 random_color = dd.random_color
00025 #filter = ut.filter
00026 #gradient = ut.gradient
00027 #interpolate_1d = ut.interpolate_1d
00028 #histogram_get_bin_numb = ut.histogram_get_bin_numb
00029 #histogram = ut.histogram
00030 #equalize_times = ut.equalize_times
00032 ##
00033 # shortens x by 2. and returns dx/dt
00034 def gradient(t, x):
00035     dx = x[:, 2:] - x[:, 0:-2]
00036     dt = t[0, 2:] - t[0, 0:-2]
00037     dx_dt = np.multiply(dx, 1/dt)
00039 #    dx_dt = np.column_stack((dx_dt[:,0], dx_dt))
00040 #    dx_dt = np.column_stack((dx_dt, dx_dt[:,-1]))
00041     return dx_dt
00042 ##
00043 # Moved to hrl_lib
00044 #def filter(alist, indices):
00045 #    rlist = []
00046 #    for i in indices:
00047 #        rlist.append(alist[i])
00048 #    return rlist
00049 #
00050 #def gradient(t, x):
00051 #    #pdb.set_trace()
00052 #    dx = x[:, 2:] - x[:, 0:-2]
00053 #    dt = t[0, 2:] - t[0, 0:-2]
00054 #    dx_dt = np.multiply(dx, 1/dt)
00055 #    #pdb.set_trace()
00056 #    dx_dt = np.column_stack((dx_dt[:,0], dx_dt))
00057 #    dx_dt = np.column_stack((dx_dt, dx_dt[:,-1]))
00058 #    return dx_dt
00059 ##
00061 def velocity(kin_info, smooth_window):
00062     mech_time_mat = np.matrix(kin_info['mech_time_arr'])
00063     tstep_size = .03333333333
00064     num_el = mech_time_mat.shape[1]
00065     uniform_time2 = np.cumsum(np.round((mech_time_mat[0,1:] - mech_time_mat[0,0:-1]) / tstep_size) * tstep_size)
00066     uniform_time2 = np.column_stack((np.matrix([0]), uniform_time2))
00068     mech_intrinsic_poses = kin_info['disp_mech_coord_arr']
00069     if uniform_time2.shape[1] != mech_intrinsic_poses.shape[0]:
00070         pdb.set_trace()
00072     vel = gradient(uniform_time2, np.matrix(mech_intrinsic_poses))
00073     return smooth.smooth(vel.A1, smooth_window, 'blackman')
00075 ##
00076 # computes vel and acc for the mechanism
00077 # returns lists.
00078 def kinematic_params(mech_x_l, time_list, smooth_window):
00079     mech_time_mat = np.matrix(time_list)
00080     tstep_size = .03333333333
00081     num_el = mech_time_mat.shape[1]
00082     uniform_time2 = np.cumsum(np.round((mech_time_mat[0,1:] - mech_time_mat[0,0:-1]) / tstep_size) * tstep_size)
00083     uniform_time2 = np.column_stack((np.matrix([0]), uniform_time2))
00085     mech_x_mat = np.matrix(mech_x_l)
00086     if uniform_time2.shape[1] != mech_x_mat.shape[1]:
00087         pdb.set_trace()
00089     mech_x_mat = np.matrix(smooth.smooth(mech_x_mat.A1, smooth_window,
00090                                          'blackman'))
00091     uniform_time2 = uniform_time2[:,smooth_window-1:-smooth_window+1]
00093     vel = gradient(uniform_time2, mech_x_mat)
00094     uniform_time2 = uniform_time2[:,1:-1]
00096     vel = np.matrix(smooth.smooth(vel.A1, smooth_window, 'blackman'))
00097     mech_x_mat = mech_x_mat[:,smooth_window-1:-smooth_window+1]
00098     uniform_time2 = uniform_time2[:,smooth_window-1:-smooth_window+1]
00100     acc = gradient(uniform_time2, vel)
00101     uniform_time2 = uniform_time2[:,1:-1]
00102     vel = vel[:,1:-1]
00103     mech_x_mat = mech_x_mat[:,2:-2]
00105     acc = np.matrix(smooth.smooth(acc.A1, smooth_window, 'blackman'))
00106     vel = vel[:,smooth_window-1:-smooth_window+1]
00107     mech_x_mat = mech_x_mat[:,smooth_window-1:-smooth_window+1]
00108     uniform_time2 = uniform_time2[:,smooth_window-1:-smooth_window+1]
00110     return mech_x_mat.A1.tolist(), vel.A1.tolist(), acc.A1.tolist(), uniform_time2.A1.tolist()
00112 def interpolate_1d(x, y, xquery):
00113     try:
00114         minx = np.min(x)
00115         minx_query = np.min(xquery)
00117         maxx = np.max(x)
00118         maxx_querry = np.max(xquery)
00120         if minx_query <= minx:
00121             x = np.concatenate((np.array([minx_query-.01]), x))
00122             y = np.concatenate((np.array([y[0]]), y))
00124         if maxx <= maxx_querry:
00125             x = np.concatenate((x, np.array([maxx_querry+.01])))
00126             y = np.concatenate((y, np.array([y[-1]])))
00128         f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y)
00129         return f(xquery)
00130     except ValueError, e:
00131         pdb.set_trace()
00132         print e
00134 def calculate_derived_quantities(ler_result, smooth_window):
00135     exp_records = ler_result['records']
00136     mech_info = ler_result['mech_info']
00137     kin_info_list = ler_result['kin_info_list']
00139     #Calculate velocities
00140     for kin_info in kin_info_list:
00141         kin_info['velocity'] = velocity(kin_info, smooth_window)
00143     #Interpolate kinematics into force time steps
00144     for segment_name in exp_records.keys():
00145         for exp_number, record in enumerate(exp_records[segment_name]):
00146             record['mech_coord_arr'] = interpolate_1d(kin_info_list[exp_number]['mech_time_arr'], 
00147                                                kin_info_list[exp_number]['disp_mech_coord_arr'], 
00148                                                record['ftimes'])
00149             record['mech_pose_vel_arr'] = interpolate_1d(kin_info_list[exp_number]['mech_time_arr'],
00150                                                kin_info_list[exp_number]['velocity'],
00151                                                record['ftimes'])
00152             record['force_norms'] = ut.norm(np.matrix(record['forces']).T[0:3,:]).A1
00154 #def histogram_get_bin_numb(n, min_index, bin_size, nbins):
00155 #    bin_numb = int(np.floor((n - min_index) / bin_size))
00156 #    if bin_numb == nbins:
00157 #        bin_numb = bin_numb - 1
00158 #    return bin_numb
00159 #
00160 #def histogram(index_list_list, elements_list_list, bin_size, min_index=None, max_index=None):
00161 #    if min_index is None:
00162 #        min_index = np.min(np.concatenate(index_list_list))
00163 #    if max_index is None:
00164 #        max_index = np.max(np.concatenate(index_list_list))
00165 #
00166 #    index_range = (max_index - min_index) 
00167 #    nbins = int(np.ceil(index_range / bin_size))
00168 #    bins = []
00169 #    for i in range(nbins):
00170 #        bins.append([])
00171 #
00172 #    #pdb.set_trace()
00173 #
00174 #    #Each slice contains the data for one trial, idx is the trial number
00175 #    for trial_number, element_list_slice in enumerate(zip(*elements_list_list)):
00176 #        #Iterate by using the length of the first set of data in the given trial
00177 #        for i in range(len(element_list_slice[0])):
00178 #            bin_numb = histogram_get_bin_numb(index_list_list[trial_number][i], min_index, bin_size, nbins)
00179 #            elements = [el_list[i] for el_list in element_list_slice]
00180 #            if bin_numb < 0 or bin_numb > nbins:
00181 #                continue
00182 #            bins[bin_numb].append(elements)
00183 #
00184 #    return bins, np.arange(min_index, max_index, bin_size)
00186 def segment_as_dict(segments):
00187     a = {}
00188     for s in segments:
00189         s, e, name = s
00190         a[name] = [s,e]
00191     return a
00193 ###
00194 ## given a list of 1d time arrays, find the sequence that started first and
00195 ## subtract all sequences from its first time recording
00196 #def equalize_times(list_of_time_arrays):
00197 #    start_times = []
00198 #    end_times = []
00199 #    for tarray in list_of_time_arrays:
00200 #        start_times.append(tarray[0])
00201 #        end_times.append(tarray[-1])
00202 #
00203 #    min_start = np.min(start_times)
00204 #    max_end = np.max(end_times)
00205 #
00206 #    adjusted_list_of_time_arrays = []
00207 #    for tarray in list_of_time_arrays:
00208 #        adjusted_list_of_time_arrays.append(tarray - min_start)
00209 #
00210 #    return adjusted_list_of_time_arrays, min_start, max_end
00212 ##
00213 #
00214 # @param mechanism_rotations list of 3x3 rotation matrices
00215 def rotary_angles(mechanism_rotations, radius):
00216     directions_x = (np.row_stack(mechanism_rotations)[:,0]).T.reshape(len(mechanism_rotations), 3).T
00217     start_normal = directions_x[:,0]
00218     ra = np.arccos(start_normal.T * directions_x).A1
00219     if np.any(np.isnan(ra)):
00220         ra[np.where(np.isnan(ra))] = 0.0
00221     #.tolist()
00222     #ra_arr = np.array(ra)
00223     return ra.tolist()
00225 ##
00226 # @param mechanism_positions list of 3x1 vectors
00227 def linear_distances(mechanism_positions):
00228     pos_mat = np.column_stack(mechanism_positions)
00229     ld = ut.norm(pos_mat - pos_mat[:,0]).A1.tolist()
00230     ld_arr = np.array(ld)
00231     if np.any(np.isnan(ld_arr)):
00232         pdb.set_trace()
00233     return ld
00235 ##
00236 # Transform a force reading to camera coord frame.
00237 #
00238 # @param hand_rot_matrix - rotation matrix for camera to hand checker.
00239 # @param number - checkerboard number (1, 2, 3 or 4)
00240 def ft_to_camera(force_tool, hand_rot_matrix, number):
00241     # hc == hand checkerboard
00242     hc_rot_tool = tr.Rx(math.radians(90)) * tr.Ry(math.radians(180.)) * tr.Rz(math.radians(30.))
00244     while number != 1:
00245         hc_rot_tool = tr.Ry(math.radians(90.)) * hc_rot_tool
00246         number = number-1
00248     force_hc = hc_rot_tool * force_tool
00249     return hand_rot_matrix * force_hc
00251 ##
00252 # Transform force readings to camera coord frame.
00253 #
00254 def fts_to_camera(combined_dict):
00255     cd = combined_dict
00256     number = cd['hook_checker_number']
00257     hand_rot = cd['hand_rot_list']
00258     ft_mat = np.matrix(cd['ft_list']).T # 6xN np matrix
00259     force_mat = ft_mat[0:3, :]
00261     n_forces = force_mat.shape[1]
00262     force_cam_list = []
00263     for i in range(n_forces):
00264         force_cam_list.append(ft_to_camera(force_mat[:,i],
00265                                       hand_rot[i], number))
00266     force_cam = np.column_stack(force_cam_list)
00267     return force_cam
00269 #def random_color():
00270 #    r = '%02X'%np.random.randint(0, 255)
00271 #    g = '%02X'%np.random.randint(0, 255)
00272 #    b = '%02X'%np.random.randint(0, 255)
00273 #    c = '#' + r + g + b
00274 #    return c
00276 ##
00277 # @param d data log dictionary
00278 def decompose_forces_and_recover_mechanism_state(d, type='rotary'):    
00279     if not d.has_key('force_tan_list'): #old dictionary
00280         actual_cartesian = end_effector_poses_from_log(d)
00281         radius, center = find_circle_center_from_log(d, actual_cartesian)
00282         frad_list, ftan_list = at.compute_radial_tangential_forces(d['force'].f_list, actual_cartesian.p_list, center[0,0], center[1,0])
00283         if type == 'rotary':   
00284             poses_list = rotary_mechanism_configurations_from_global_poses((np.matrix(actual_cartesian.p_list).T)[0:2,:] , center)
00285         elif type == 'prismatic':
00286             poses_list = linear_mechanism_configurations_from_global_poses((np.matrix(actual_cartesian.p_list).T)[0:2,:] , center)
00287     else:
00288         print 'decompose_forces_and_recover_mechanism_state: detected NEW dictionary!'
00289 #        radius = d['r']
00290         frad_list, ftan_list = d['force_rad_list'], d['force_tan_list']     
00291         poses_list = d['mechanism_x']
00293     return poses_list, frad_list, ftan_list
00296 def compute_segway_motion_mag(d):
00297     st = d['segway']
00298     x_list, y_list = st.x_list, st.y_list
00299     n1 = ut.norm(np.matrix([x_list, y_list]))
00300     n1 = n1 - np.min(n1)
00301     n1 = n1*10
00302     return n1.A1.tolist()
00304 def linear_mechanism_configurations_from_global_poses(pts_2d, center):
00305     st_pt = pts_2d[:,0]          
00306     poses_list = []        
00307     for pos_idx in range(pts_2d.shape[1]):
00308         end_pt = pts_2d[:, pos_idx]
00309         end_displacement = np.linalg.norm(end_pt - st_pt)
00310         poses_list.append(end_displacement) 
00311     return poses_list
00313 def rotary_mechanism_configurations_from_global_poses(pts_2d, center):
00314     st_pt = pts_2d[:,0]          
00315     cx = center[0,0]
00316     cy = center[1,0]
00317     start_angle = tr.angle_within_mod180(math.atan2(st_pt[1,0]-cy, st_pt[0,0]-cx) - math.radians(90)) #-90 for display
00318     poses_list = []        
00319     for pos_idx in range(pts_2d.shape[1]):
00320         end_pt = pts_2d[:, pos_idx]
00321         end_angle = tr.angle_within_mod180(math.atan2(end_pt[1,0]-cy, end_pt[0,0]-cx) - math.radians(90))                        
00322         poses_list.append(end_angle)
00323     return poses_list
00325 ##
00326 # Recovers end effector pose in global coordinate frame taking 
00327 # into account the segway's motion and robot's kinematics.
00328 #def account_for_segway_motion_from_log(d):
00329 def end_effector_poses_from_log(d):
00330     actual_cartesian_tl = at.joint_to_cartesian(d['actual'])
00331     actual_cartesian = at.account_segway_motion(actual_cartesian_tl, d['segway']) #end effector position -hai
00332     return actual_cartesian
00334 ##
00335 # Find the circle's center
00336 # @param actual_cartesian end effector poses in global frame
00337 # @param d a log dictionary
00338 def find_circle_center_from_log(d, actual_cartesian, plot=False):     
00339     pts_list = actual_cartesian.p_list
00340     pts_2d = (np.matrix(pts_list).T)[0:2,:]
00342     ee_start_pos = pts_list[0]
00343     rad_guess = 1.0
00344     x_guess = ee_start_pos[0]
00345     y_guess = ee_start_pos[1] - rad_guess
00347     rad_opt, cx, cy = at.fit_circle(rad_guess, x_guess, y_guess, pts_2d, method='fmin_bfgs', verbose=False)
00349     if plot:
00350         print 'rad_opt', rad_opt
00351         print 'cx', cx
00352         print 'cy', cy        
00353         pb.figure(1)
00354         pb.plot(pts_2d[0,:].tolist()[0], pts_2d[1,:].tolist()[0], 'b-')
00355         pb.axis('equal')
00356         pb.plot([cx], [cy], 'ro')
00359     return rad_opt, np.matrix([cx, cy]).T
00361 ##
00362 # take max force magnitude within a bin size
00363 def bin(poses_list, ftan_list):
00364     poses_list = copy.copy(poses_list)
00365     bin_size = math.radians(2.)
00366     max_dist = max(poses_list)
00367     poses_array = np.arange(0., max_dist, bin_size)
00368     ftan_array = np.zeros(len(poses_array))
00370     for i in range(len(poses_list)):
00371         p = poses_list[i]
00372         f = ftan_list[i]
00373         idx = int(p/bin_size)
00374         if abs(f) > abs(ftan_array[idx]):
00375             ftan_array[idx] = f
00377     plist = poses_array.tolist()
00379     return poses_array.tolist(), ftan_array.tolist()
00382 if __name__ == '__main__':
00383     pdb.set_trace()
00384     a = np.arange(0, 3, .1)
00385     #bins, ranges = histogram([a, a, a], [[a, a+10, a+20]], .2)
00386     bins, ranges = histogram([a], [[a]], .2)
00387     pdb.set_trace()
00388     print 'done'
00389     #histogram(index_list_list, elements_list_list, bin_size):

Author(s): Advait Jain, Hai Nguyen, Charles C. Kemp (Healthcare Robotics Lab, Georgia Tech)
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:58:43