
triutil.h File Reference

#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
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namespace  trimesh


#define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846
#define M_SQRT1_2   0.70710678118654752440
#define TRACKBALL_R   0.8f


template<class T >
static void trimesh::CrossProd (const T *x, const T *y, T *z)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::CrossProd (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, const T &d, const T &e, const T &f, T &g, T &h, T &i)
template<class T >
static T trimesh::cube (const T &x)
template<class T >
static T trimesh::Dist (const T *x1, const T *x2)
template<class T >
static T trimesh::Dist2 (const T *x1, const T *x2)
template<class T >
static T trimesh::Dot (const T *x, const T *y)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::FastInvert (T *matrix)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::FastProject (const T *F, const T *vert, T *coord)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::FastProject (const T *F, T x, T y, T z, T &xout, T &yout, T &zout)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::FastProjectNoZ (const T *F, const T *vert, T *coord)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::FastProjectNoZ (const T *F, T x, T y, T z, T &xout, T &yout)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::FastProjectPrecompute (T *F, const T *P, const T *M, const T *V, T zoffset=0)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::FindNormal (const T *p1, const T *p2, const T *p3, T *n)
template<class T >
static T trimesh::Len (const T *x)
template<class T >
static T trimesh::Len2 (const T *x)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::MMult (const T *M1, const T *M2, T *Mout)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::Mouse2Q (T x1, T y1, T x2, T y2, T *q)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::Mouse2TrackballPos (T x, T y, T *pos)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::MVMult (const T *M, const T *V, T *Vout, bool apply_trans=true)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::Normalize (T *v)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::Project (const T *P, const T *M, const T *V, const T *vert, T *coord, T zoffset=0)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::Q2RotAndAxis (const T *q, T &rot, T *rotaxis)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::QCompose (const T *q1, const T *q2, T *q3)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::QNorm (T *q)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::QRotate (T *x, const T *q)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::RotAndAxis2Q (T rot, const T *rotaxis, T *q)
template<class T >
static T trimesh::sqr (const T &x)
template<class T >
static void trimesh::TriBoundingSphere (const T *p1, const T *p2, const T *p3, T *cent, T &r)

Define Documentation

#define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846

Definition at line 506 of file include/trimesh/triutil.h.

#define M_SQRT1_2   0.70710678118654752440

Definition at line 510 of file include/trimesh/triutil.h.

#define TRACKBALL_R   0.8f

Definition at line 18 of file include/trimesh/triutil.h.

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Author(s): Benjamin Pitzer
autogenerated on Mon Mar 4 11:05:50 2013