
BFL::MCPdfVector Class Reference

Class representing a vector mcpdf. More...

#include <mcpdf_vector.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual tf::Vector3 ExpectedValueGet () const
MatrixWrapper::Matrix getHistogram (const tf::Vector3 &min, const tf::Vector3 &max, const tf::Vector3 &step) const
 Get pos histogram from certain area.
void getParticleCloud (const tf::Vector3 &step, double threshold, sensor_msgs::PointCloud &cloud) const
 Get evenly distributed particle cloud.
 MCPdfVector (unsigned int num_samples)
virtual unsigned int numParticlesGet () const
virtual WeightedSample
< tf::Vector3
SampleGet (unsigned int particle) const
virtual ~MCPdfVector ()

Detailed Description

Class representing a vector mcpdf.

Definition at line 47 of file mcpdf_vector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MCPdfVector::MCPdfVector ( unsigned int  num_samples  ) 


Definition at line 53 of file mcpdf_vector.cpp.

MCPdfVector::~MCPdfVector (  )  [virtual]


Definition at line 57 of file mcpdf_vector.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Vector3 MCPdfVector::ExpectedValueGet (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 68 of file mcpdf_vector.cpp.

MatrixWrapper::Matrix BFL::MCPdfVector::getHistogram ( const tf::Vector3 min,
const tf::Vector3 max,
const tf::Vector3 step 
) const

Get pos histogram from certain area.

void BFL::MCPdfVector::getParticleCloud ( const tf::Vector3 step,
double  threshold,
sensor_msgs::PointCloud cloud 
) const

Get evenly distributed particle cloud.

unsigned int MCPdfVector::numParticlesGet (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 156 of file mcpdf_vector.cpp.

WeightedSample< Vector3 > MCPdfVector::SampleGet ( unsigned int  particle  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 61 of file mcpdf_vector.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Properties Friends

Author(s): Alex Noyvirt
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 23:31:50 2013