File: srs_knowledge/PlanNextAction.srv
Raw Message Definition
#input: command + target
int32 sessionId
# 3 tuple state representing three action elements in each CUAction.
# 0: success 1: fail, 2: n/a, or others.
# e.g. if MoveAction sucess, PerceptionAction fail, GraspAction N/A
# then stateLastAction = [0, 1, 2]
#int32[] stateLastAction # to be deprecated
# 0: success 1: fail, 2: n/a, or others.
int32 resultLastAction
### for action "detection",
### feedback: array in the order of: action-type-"detect", x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, w, "object class name"-e.g. "MilkBox" (length 9)
#string[] genericFeedBack
string jsonFeedback
# int16 sessionId
CUAction nextAction
Compact Message Definition