File: srs_knowledge/GetObjectsOnMap.srv
Raw Message Definition
string map
# flag: if need objectsInfo. False: objectsInfo will be empty.
# when SRSFurnitureGeometry unavailable, corresponding items (e.g. x, y, z) will be set -1000 which is certainly invalid for srs. Or the whole will be set null
# default: true
bool ifGeometryInfo
string[] objects
string[] classesOfObjects
string[] spatialRelation # e.g. aboveOf, under, behind etc
string[] spatialRelatedObject # e.g. Table0, Bed0, Door0, etc #
string[] houseHoldId
srs_msgs/SRSSpatialInfo[] objectsInfo
string[] readableNames
Compact Message Definition
string map
bool ifGeometryInfo
string[] objects
string[] classesOfObjects
string[] spatialRelation
string[] spatialRelatedObject
string[] houseHoldId
srs_msgs/SRSSpatialInfo[] objectsInfo
string[] readableNames