00001 00030 //ROS include 00031 #include <ros/ros.h> 00032 00033 //messages 00034 #include <diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus.h> 00035 #include <diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray.h> 00036 00037 //generic C/C++ include 00038 #include <vector> 00039 #include <string> 00040 #include <sstream> 00041 00042 #include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp> 00043 00044 #include "sr_hand/sr_diagnosticer.h" 00045 00046 using namespace ros; 00047 using namespace shadowrobot; 00048 00049 namespace shadowrobot 00050 { 00051 00052 // 9 is the number of messages sent on the palm: used in 00053 // converting rate to Hz 00054 const double SRDiagnosticer::palm_numb_msg_const = 9.0; 00055 const double SRDiagnosticer::palm_msg_rate_const = 4000.0; 00056 00058 // CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR // 00060 00061 SRDiagnosticer::SRDiagnosticer( boost::shared_ptr<SRArticulatedRobot> sr_art_robot, hardware_types hw_type ) : 00062 n_tilde("~"), publish_rate(0.0) 00063 { 00064 sr_articulated_robot = sr_art_robot; 00065 00066 // set publish frequency 00067 double publish_freq; 00068 n_tilde.param("publish_frequency_diagnostics", publish_freq, 1.0); 00069 publish_rate = Rate(publish_freq); 00070 00071 //publishes /diagnostics messages 00072 sr_diagnostics_pub = node.advertise<diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticArray> ("diagnostics", 2); 00073 00074 hardware_type = hw_type; 00075 } 00076 00077 SRDiagnosticer::~SRDiagnosticer() 00078 { 00079 //if( shadowhand != NULL ) 00080 // delete shadowhand; 00081 } 00082 00084 // PUBLISH METHOD // 00086 void SRDiagnosticer::publish() 00087 { 00088 diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticArray diag_msg; 00089 00090 std::vector<diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus> vec_diag_msg; 00091 00092 std::vector<DiagnosticData> diagnostics = sr_articulated_robot->getDiagnostics(); 00093 00094 std::stringstream ss; 00095 00096 for( unsigned int i = 0; i < diagnostics.size(); ++i ) 00097 { 00098 diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus diag; 00099 00100 std::vector<diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue> keyvalues; 00101 00102 diag.level = diagnostics[i].level; 00103 00104 switch( hardware_type ) 00105 { 00106 case sr_hand_hardware: 00107 diag.name = "srh/" + diagnostics[i].joint_name; 00108 break; 00109 case sr_arm_hardware: 00110 diag.name = "sr_arm/" + diagnostics[i].joint_name; 00111 break; 00112 default: 00113 diag.name = diagnostics[i].joint_name; 00114 break; 00115 } 00116 00117 diagnostic_msgs::KeyValue keyval; 00118 keyval.key = "Target"; 00119 00120 ss.str(""); 00121 ss << diagnostics[i].target; 00122 keyval.value = ss.str(); 00123 keyvalues.push_back(keyval); 00124 00125 keyval.key = "Position"; 00126 ss.str(""); 00127 ss << diagnostics[i].position; 00128 keyval.value = ss.str(); 00129 keyvalues.push_back(keyval); 00130 00131 keyval.key = "Flags"; 00132 ss.str(""); 00133 ss << diagnostics[i].flags; 00134 keyval.value = ss.str(); 00135 keyvalues.push_back(keyval); 00136 00137 //get all the debug values 00138 std::map<const std::string, const unsigned int>::const_iterator iter; 00139 for(iter = debug_values::names_and_offsets.begin(); 00140 iter != debug_values::names_and_offsets.end(); ++iter) 00141 { 00142 keyval.key = iter->first; 00143 ss.str(""); 00144 ss << diagnostics[i].debug_values[iter->first]; 00145 keyval.value = ss.str(); 00146 keyvalues.push_back(keyval); 00147 } 00148 if( diag.level == 0 ) 00149 diag.message = "OK"; 00150 00151 diag.values = keyvalues; 00152 vec_diag_msg.push_back(diag); 00153 } 00154 00155 //set the standard message 00156 diag_msg.status = vec_diag_msg; 00157 //publish the diagnostic data 00158 00159 diag_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); 00160 sr_diagnostics_pub.publish(diag_msg); 00161 00162 ros::spinOnce(); 00163 publish_rate.sleep(); 00164 } 00165 00166 }// end namespace 00167 00168 00169 /* For the emacs weenies in the crowd. 00170 Local Variables: 00171 c-basic-offset: 2 00172 End: 00173 */ 00174