
rxdeps Namespace Reference


class  HelperMethods
class  PackageCharacteristics


def get_rosmakeall_color
def vdmain


dictionary license_map
dictionary rosmakeall_color_map = { "rosmakeall-testfailures.txt": "orange", "rosmakeall-buildfailures.txt": "red"}
dictionary status_map

Function Documentation

def rxdeps::get_rosmakeall_color (  ) 

Definition at line 188 of file rxdeps.py.

def rxdeps::vdmain (  ) 

Definition at line 614 of file rxdeps.py.

Variable Documentation

dictionary rxdeps::license_map
Initial value:
    "bsd": "green",
    "zlib": "green",
    "apache": "green",
    "free": "green",
    "bsl1.0": "green",
    "lgpl": "dodgerblue",
    "mit": "dodgerblue",
    "gpl": "orange",
    "research-only": "red",

Definition at line 49 of file rxdeps.py.

dictionary rxdeps::rosmakeall_color_map = { "rosmakeall-testfailures.txt": "orange", "rosmakeall-buildfailures.txt": "red"}

Definition at line 186 of file rxdeps.py.

dictionary rxdeps::status_map
Initial value:
    "doc reviewed": "green",
    "api cleared": "dodgerblue",
    "api conditionally cleared": "orange",
    "proposal cleared": "pink",
    "unreviewed": "red",
    "experimental": "yellow",
    "3rdparty": "white",
    "3rdparty doc reviewed": "green",
    "na": "gray85",
    "test": "gray85",
    "deprecated": "magenta",        
    "ROS_BUILD_BLACKLIST": "black"

Definition at line 61 of file rxdeps.py.

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Author(s): Stu Glaser/sglaser@willowgarage.com and Tully Foote/tfoote@willowgarage.com
autogenerated on Sat Mar 2 13:31:09 2013