bson::BSON Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def decode
def encode
def from_dict
def to_dict

Detailed Description

BSON (Binary JSON) data.

Definition at line 420 of file bson/

Member Function Documentation

def bson::BSON::decode (   self,
  as_class = dict,
  tz_aware = False 
Decode this BSON data.

The default type to use for the resultant document is
:class:`dict`. Any other class that supports
:meth:`__setitem__` can be used instead by passing it as the
`as_class` parameter.

If `tz_aware` is ``True`` (recommended), any
:class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned will be
timezone-aware, with their timezone set to
:attr:`bson.tz_util.utc`. Otherwise (default), all
:class:`~datetime.datetime` instances will be naive (but
contain UTC).

  - `as_class` (optional): the class to use for the resulting
  - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``, return timezone-aware
    :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances

.. versionadded:: 1.9

Definition at line 471 of file bson/

def bson::BSON::encode (   cls,
  check_keys = False 
Encode a document to a new :class:`BSON` instance.

A document can be any mapping type (like :class:`dict`).

Raises :class:`TypeError` if `document` is not a mapping type,
or contains keys that are not instances of
:class:`basestring`.  Raises
:class:`~bson.errors.InvalidDocument` if `document` cannot be
converted to :class:`BSON`.

  - `document`: mapping type representing a document
  - `check_keys` (optional): check if keys start with '$' or
    contain '.', raising :class:`~bson.errors.InvalidDocument` in
    either case

.. versionadded:: 1.9

Definition at line 436 of file bson/

def bson::BSON::from_dict (   cls,
  check_keys = False 
DEPRECATED - `from_dict` has been renamed to `encode`.

.. versionchanged:: 1.9
   Deprecated in favor of :meth:`encode`

Definition at line 425 of file bson/

def bson::BSON::to_dict (   self,
  as_class = dict,
  tz_aware = False 
DEPRECATED - `to_dict` has been renamed to `decode`.

.. versionchanged:: 1.9
   Deprecated in favor of :meth:`decode`
.. versionadded:: 1.8
   The `tz_aware` parameter.
.. versionadded:: 1.7
   The `as_class` parameter.

Definition at line 457 of file bson/

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 12:14:56 2013