
probabilistic_grasp_planner Namespace Reference

Forward declarations. More...


class  ClusterPlannerGraspRetriever
class  ClusterRepGraspRetriever
class  CompositeProbabilityComputer
 Computes the probability of each model by comparing its raw fit score to the score of the best model in the list. More...
class  ConditionalProbabilityDistributions
 Base class for functions that compute success/failure conditional probabilities based on some quality value. More...
class  DatabaseGraspRetriever
class  DebugClusterRepGraspRetriever
class  DistributionEvaluator
class  GaussianCPD
 Approximates both success and failure distributions as simple Gaussians with means and stds. More...
class  GraspRegressionEvaluator
class  GraspRetriever
class  GraspSuccessProbabilityComputer
 Computes the probability of success for a grasp on a given model. More...
class  GraspWithMetadata
class  GSPCServiceCaller
 Simply calls the grasp planning service with a given name. More...
class  GSPCWithEstimation
class  InverseCurveRecognitionProbabilityComputer
class  LearnedProbabilityComputer
class  NormalDistributionEvaluator
struct  ObjectRepresentation
class  OnlinePerturbationGraspRetriever
class  PerturbationGraspRetriever
class  PolarNormalDistributionEvaluator
class  PositionRobustGraspSuccessProbabilityComputer
class  ProbabilisticGraspPlanner
class  ProbabilisticGraspPlannerNode
class  RecognitionProbabilityComputer
 Converts a raw recognition result into a list of probabilities that each object was correctly detected. More...
class  ServiceWrapper
 Wrapper class for service clients to perform initialization on first use. More...
class  SimpleGraspSuccessProbabilityComputer
 Returns a simple probability of success based on the grasp's energy score. More...
class  SimplePointClusterGSPC
class  TopHitProbabilityComputer
 Returns 1.0 probability for the top recognition result, and 0.0 for all others. More...
class  UniformDistributionEvaluator


typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ClusterRepGraspRetriever
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ConditionalProbabilityDistributions
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DatabaseGraspRetriever
typedef shared_ptr
< DistributionEvaluator
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GaussianCPD
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraspRetriever
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraspSuccessProbabilityComputer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< PositionRobustGraspSuccessProbabilityComputer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ProbabilisticGraspPlanner
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< RecognitionProbabilityComputer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SimpleGraspSuccessProbabilityComputer


bool operator< (const GraspWithMetadata &g1, const GraspWithMetadata &g2)
template<class svcType >
ros::ServiceClient register_service (ros::NodeHandle &nh, const std::string &service_name)
template<typename KeyType , typename ValueType >
static bool retrieve_from_map (std::map< KeyType, ValueType > &map, KeyType &key, ValueType &value)


static const std::string PLANNING_MARKERS_OUT_NAME = "grasp_planning_markers"

Detailed Description

Forward declarations.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 145 of file grasp_retriever.h.

Definition at line 51 of file conditional_probability_distributions.h.

Definition at line 125 of file grasp_retriever.h.

Definition at line 74 of file distribution_evaluator.h.

Definition at line 68 of file conditional_probability_distributions.h.

Definition at line 73 of file grasp_retriever.h.

Definition at line 77 of file grasp_success_probability_computer.h.

Definition at line 174 of file grasp_success_probability_computer.h.

Definition at line 156 of file probabilistic_grasp_planner.h.

Definition at line 60 of file recognition_probability_computer.h.

Definition at line 149 of file grasp_success_probability_computer.h.

Function Documentation

bool probabilistic_grasp_planner::operator< ( const GraspWithMetadata &  g1,
const GraspWithMetadata &  g2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 106 of file probabilistic_planner_tools.h.

template<class svcType >
ros::ServiceClient probabilistic_grasp_planner::register_service ( ros::NodeHandle nh,
const std::string &  service_name 
) [inline]

Definition at line 112 of file probabilistic_planner_tools.h.

template<typename KeyType , typename ValueType >
static bool probabilistic_grasp_planner::retrieve_from_map ( std::map< KeyType, ValueType > &  map,
KeyType &  key,
ValueType &  value 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 163 of file probabilistic_planner_tools.h.

Variable Documentation

const std::string probabilistic_grasp_planner::PLANNING_MARKERS_OUT_NAME = "grasp_planning_markers" [static]

Definition at line 65 of file probabilistic_grasp_planner_node.cpp.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Peter Brook
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 21:33:02 2013