
task::basename Class Reference

The task context provides and requires services. It uses an ExecutionEngine to perform its functions. Essential interfaces are operations, data flow ports and properties. These interfaces have been defined using the oroGen specification. In order to modify the interfaces you should (re)use oroGen and rely on the associated workflow. <= task.doc %> More...

#include <Task.hpp>

Detailed Description

The task context provides and requires services. It uses an ExecutionEngine to perform its functions. Essential interfaces are operations, data flow ports and properties. These interfaces have been defined using the oroGen specification. In order to modify the interfaces you should (re)use oroGen and rely on the associated workflow. <= task.doc %>

The name of a TaskContext is primarily defined via:

     deployment 'deployment_name'
         task('custom_task_name','<%= "#{component.name}::#{task.basename}" %>')

It can be dynamically adapted when the deployment is called with a prefix argument.

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Author(s): Sylvain Joyeux/sylvain.joyeux@m4x.org
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 16:29:24 2013