#include "rtt.hpp"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | EEHook |
struct | OperationHandle |
Defines | |
#define | _DBG(fmt, args...) printf("%s:%d\t" fmt "\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args) |
#define | DEBUG |
#define | gen_opmet(name, op) |
#define | gen_opmet_bool(name, op) |
#define | gen_push_bxptr(name, MT, T) |
#define | luaM_checkudata(L, pos, T) reinterpret_cast<T*>(luaL_checkudata((L), (pos), #T)) |
#define | luaM_checkudata_bx(L, pos, T) (T**) (luaL_checkudata((L), (pos), #T)) |
#define | luaM_checkudata_mt(L, pos, MT, T) reinterpret_cast<T*>(luaL_checkudata((L), (pos), MT)) |
#define | luaM_checkudata_mt_bx(L, pos, MT, T) (T**) (luaL_checkudata((L), (pos), MT)) |
#define | luaM_pushobject(L, T) new(L, #T) T |
#define | luaM_pushobject_mt(L, MT, T) new(L, MT) T |
#define | luaM_testudata(L, pos, T) (T*) (luaL_testudata((L), (pos), #T)) |
#define | luaM_testudata_bx(L, pos, T) (T**) (luaL_testudata((L), (pos), #T)) |
#define | luaM_testudata_mt(L, pos, MT, T) (T*) (luaL_testudata((L), (pos), MT)) |
#define | luaM_testudata_mt_bx(L, pos, MT, T) (T**) (luaL_testudata((L), (pos), MT)) |
Functions | |
static TaskContext * | __getTC (lua_State *) |
static int | __Operation_call (lua_State *L) |
static int | __Operation_send (lua_State *L) |
static int | __SendHandle_collect (lua_State *L, bool block) |
static bool | __typenames_cmp (lua_State *L, const types::TypeInfo *ti1, const char *type2) |
static bool | __typenames_cmp (lua_State *L, const char *type1, const char *type2) |
static bool | __Variable_isbasic (lua_State *L, DataSourceBase::shared_ptr &dsb) |
static int | __Variable_tolua (lua_State *L, DataSourceBase::shared_ptr dsb) |
static void | cache_clear (lua_State *L, DataSourceBase *varptr) |
bool | call_func (lua_State *L, const char *fname, TaskContext *tc, int require_function, int require_result) |
static int | EEHook_disable (lua_State *L) |
static int | EEHook_enable (lua_State *L) |
static int | EEHook_new (lua_State *L) |
res | evaluate () |
template<typename T > | |
int | GCMethod (lua_State *L) |
gen_opmet (Variable_mod,%) gen_opmet(Variable_pow | |
gen_opmet (Variable_mul,*) gen_opmet(Variable_div | |
gen_opmet (Variable_add,+) gen_opmet(Variable_sub | |
gen_opmet_bool (Variable_eq,==) gen_opmet_bool(Variable_lt | |
gen_push_bxptr (TaskContext_push,"TaskContext", TaskContext) static int TaskContext_getName(lua_State *L) | |
gen_push_bxptr (ServiceRequester_push,"ServiceRequester", ServiceRequester) static int ServiceRequester_getRequestName(lua_State *L) | |
gen_push_bxptr (OutputPort_push,"OutputPort", OutputPortInterface) static int OutputPort_new(lua_State *L) | |
gen_push_bxptr (InputPort_push,"InputPort", InputPortInterface) static int InputPort_new(lua_State *L) | |
gen_push_bxptr (Property_push,"Property", PropertyBase) static int Property_new(lua_State *L) | |
static int | getTC (lua_State *L) |
static int | getTime (lua_State *L) |
static int | globals_get (lua_State *L) |
static int | globals_getNames (lua_State *L) |
if (res==0) luaL_error(L | |
static int | InputPort_del (lua_State *L) |
static int | InputPort_read (lua_State *L) |
static int | Logger_getLogLevel (lua_State *L) |
static int | Logger_log (lua_State *L) |
static int | Logger_logl (lua_State *L) |
static int | Logger_setLogLevel (lua_State *L) |
static DataSourceBase::shared_ptr | lookup_member (lua_State *L, DataSourceBase::shared_ptr parent, const char *mem) |
void * | luaL_testudata (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname) |
luaM_pushobject_mt (L,"Variable", DataSourceBase::shared_ptr)(res) | |
int | luaopen_rtt (lua_State *L) |
static int | Operation_call (lua_State *L) |
static int | Operation_info (lua_State *L) |
static int | Operation_send (lua_State *L) |
template<typename T > | |
int | OperationGC (lua_State *L) |
void * | operator new (size_t size, lua_State *L, const char *mt) |
static int | OutputPort_del (lua_State *L) |
static int | OutputPort_write (lua_State *L) |
static int | Port_connect (lua_State *L) |
static int | Port_disconnect (lua_State *L) |
static int | Port_info (lua_State *L) |
static int | Property_del (lua_State *L) |
static int | Property_get (lua_State *L) |
static int | Property_getRaw (lua_State *L) |
static int | Property_index (lua_State *L) |
static int | Property_info (lua_State *L) |
static int | Property_newindex (lua_State *L) |
static int | Property_set (lua_State *L) |
static int | provides_global (lua_State *L) |
void | push_vect_str (lua_State *L, const std::vector< std::string > &v) |
static int | rtt_services (lua_State *L) |
static int | rtt_sleep (lua_State *L) |
static int | rtt_typekits (lua_State *L) |
static int | rtt_types (lua_State *L) |
static int | SendHandle_collect (lua_State *L) |
static int | SendHandle_collectIfDone (lua_State *L) |
static void | SendStatus_push (lua_State *L, SendStatus ss) |
static int | Service_doc (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_getName (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_getOperation (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_getOperationNames (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_getPort (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_getPortNames (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_getProperties (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_getProperty (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_getPropertyNames (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_getProviderNames (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_hasOperation (lua_State *L) |
static int | Service_provides (lua_State *L) |
static int | ServiceRequester_disconnect (lua_State *L) |
static int | ServiceRequester_getRequesterNames (lua_State *L) |
static int | ServiceRequester_ready (lua_State *L) |
static int | ServiceRequester_requires (lua_State *L) |
int | set_context_tc (TaskContext *tc, lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_activate (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_addEventPort (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_addPeer (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_addPort (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_addProperty (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_cleanup (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_configure (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_connectServices (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_del (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_error (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getOperation (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getOpInfo (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getOps (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getPeer (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getPeers (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getPort (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getPortNames (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getProperties (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getProperty (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getPropertyNames (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getProviderNames (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_getState (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_hasOperation (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_provides (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_recover (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_removePeer (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_removePort (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_removeProperty (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_requires (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_start (lua_State *L) |
static int | TaskContext_stop (lua_State *L) |
static const TypeInfo * | ti_lookup (lua_State *L, const char *name) |
static void | Variable_coerce (lua_State *L, DataSourceBase::shared_ptr dsb) |
static int | Variable_create (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_create_ival (lua_State *L, int typeind, int valind) |
static DataSourceBase::shared_ptr | Variable_fromlua (lua_State *L, const char *type, int valind) |
static DataSourceBase::shared_ptr | Variable_fromlua (lua_State *L, const types::TypeInfo *ti, int valind) |
static void | Variable_fromlua (lua_State *L, DataSourceBase::shared_ptr &dsb, int valind) |
static int | Variable_getMember (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_getMemberNames (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_getMemberRaw (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_getType (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_getTypeIdName (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_getTypeName (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_getTypes (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_index (lua_State *L) |
static bool | Variable_is_a (lua_State *L, const types::TypeInfo *ti1, const char *type) |
static int | Variable_isbasic (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_new (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_newindex (lua_State *L) |
static void | Variable_push_coerce (lua_State *L, DataSourceBase::shared_ptr dsb) |
static int | Variable_resize (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_tolightuserdata (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_tolua (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_toString (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_unm (lua_State *L) |
static int | Variable_update (lua_State *L) |
template<typename T > | |
int | VariableGC (lua_State *L) |
Variables | |
<) gen_opmet_bool(Variable_le, <=) staticintVariable_opBinary(lua_State *L){types::OperatorRepository::shared_ptropreg=types::OperatorRepository::Instance();constchar *op=luaL_checkstring(L, 1);DataSourceBase::shared_ptrarg1=*(luaM_checkudata_mt(L, 2,"Variable", DataSourceBase::shared_ptr));DataSourceBase::shared_ptrarg2=*(luaM_checkudata_mt(L, 3,"Variable", DataSourceBase::shared_ptr));DataSourceBase *res;res=opreg- | applyBinary )(op, arg1.get(), arg2.get()) |
Variable opBinary s not applicable to | args |
static struct luaL_Reg | EEHook_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | EEHook_m [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | InputPort_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | InputPort_m [] |
static const char *const | loglevels [] |
Variable opBinary s not applicable to | op |
static struct luaL_Reg | Operation_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | Operation_m [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | OutputPort_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | OutputPort_m [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | Property_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | Property_m [] |
return | |
static struct luaL_Reg | rtt_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | SendHandle_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | SendHandle_m [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | Service_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | Service_m [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | ServiceRequester_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | ServiceRequester_m [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | TaskContext_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | TaskContext_m [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | Variable_f [] |
static struct luaL_Reg | Variable_m [] |
#define _DBG | ( | fmt, | |||
args... | ) | printf("%s:%d\t" fmt "\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args) |
#define CONVERT_TO_NUMBER | ( | CTGT | ) |
lua_Number x; \ if (luatype == LUA_TNUMBER) x = lua_tonumber(L, valind); \ else goto out_conv_err; \ AssignableDataSource<CTGT> *ads = ValueDataSource<CTGT>::narrow(dsb.get()); \ if (ads == NULL) luaL_error(L, "Variable_fromlua: failed to narrow target dsb to %s.", #CTGT ); \ ads->set((CTGT) x)\
#define gen_opmet | ( | name, | |||
op | ) |
static int name(lua_State *L) \ { \ DataSourceBase::shared_ptr arg1 = *(luaM_checkudata_mt(L, 1, "Variable", DataSourceBase::shared_ptr)); \ DataSourceBase::shared_ptr arg2 = *(luaM_checkudata_mt(L, 2, "Variable", DataSourceBase::shared_ptr)); \ types::OperatorRepository::shared_ptr opreg = types::OperatorRepository::Instance(); \ DataSourceBase *res = opreg->applyBinary(#op, arg1.get(), arg2.get()); \ if(res == 0) \ luaL_error(L , "%s (operator %s) failed", #name, #op); \ res->evaluate(); \ luaM_pushobject_mt(L, "Variable", DataSourceBase::shared_ptr)(res); \ return 1; \ } \
#define gen_opmet_bool | ( | name, | |||
op | ) |
static int name(lua_State *L) \ { \ DataSourceBase::shared_ptr arg1 = *(luaM_checkudata_mt(L, 1, "Variable", DataSourceBase::shared_ptr)); \ DataSourceBase::shared_ptr arg2 = *(luaM_checkudata_mt(L, 2, "Variable", DataSourceBase::shared_ptr)); \ types::OperatorRepository::shared_ptr opreg = types::OperatorRepository::Instance(); \ DataSourceBase *res = opreg->applyBinary(#op, arg1.get(), arg2.get()); \ if(res == 0) \ luaL_error(L , "%s (operator %s) failed", #name, #op); \ res->evaluate(); \ return __Variable_tolua(L, res); \ } \
#define gen_push_bxptr | ( | name, | |||
MT, | |||||
T | ) |
static void name(lua_State *L, T* ptr) \ { \ T** ptrptr = (T**) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(T*)); \ *ptrptr = ptr; \ luaL_getmetatable(L, MT); \ lua_setmetatable(L, -2); \ } \
#define luaM_checkudata | ( | L, | |||
pos, | |||||
T | ) | reinterpret_cast<T*>(luaL_checkudata((L), (pos), #T)) |
#define luaM_checkudata_bx | ( | L, | |||
pos, | |||||
T | ) | (T**) (luaL_checkudata((L), (pos), #T)) |
#define luaM_checkudata_mt | ( | L, | |||
pos, | |||||
MT, | |||||
T | ) | reinterpret_cast<T*>(luaL_checkudata((L), (pos), MT)) |
#define luaM_checkudata_mt_bx | ( | L, | |||
pos, | |||||
MT, | |||||
T | ) | (T**) (luaL_checkudata((L), (pos), MT)) |
#define luaM_testudata | ( | L, | |||
pos, | |||||
T | ) | (T*) (luaL_testudata((L), (pos), #T)) |
#define luaM_testudata_bx | ( | L, | |||
pos, | |||||
T | ) | (T**) (luaL_testudata((L), (pos), #T)) |
#define luaM_testudata_mt | ( | L, | |||
pos, | |||||
MT, | |||||
T | ) | (T*) (luaL_testudata((L), (pos), MT)) |
#define luaM_testudata_mt_bx | ( | L, | |||
pos, | |||||
MT, | |||||
T | ) | (T**) (luaL_testudata((L), (pos), MT)) |
static TaskContext * __getTC | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int __SendHandle_collect | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
bool | block | |||
) | [static] |
static bool __typenames_cmp | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
const types::TypeInfo * | ti1, | |||
const char * | type2 | |||
) | [static] |
static bool __typenames_cmp | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
const char * | type1, | |||
const char * | type2 | |||
) | [static] |
static bool __Variable_isbasic | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
DataSourceBase::shared_ptr & | dsb | |||
) | [static] |
static int __Variable_tolua | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
DataSourceBase::shared_ptr | dsb | |||
) | [static] |
static void cache_clear | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
DataSourceBase * | varptr | |||
) | [static] |
bool call_func | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
const char * | fname, | |||
TaskContext * | tc, | |||
int | require_function, | |||
int | require_result | |||
) |
res evaluate | ( | ) |
int GCMethod | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [inline] |
gen_opmet | ( | Variable_mod | , | |
% | ||||
) |
gen_opmet | ( | Variable_mul | , | |
* | ||||
) |
gen_opmet | ( | Variable_add | , | |
+ | ||||
) |
gen_opmet_bool | ( | Variable_eq | ) |
gen_push_bxptr | ( | TaskContext_push | , | |
"TaskContext" | , | |||
TaskContext | ||||
) |
gen_push_bxptr | ( | ServiceRequester_push | , | |
"ServiceRequester" | , | |||
ServiceRequester | ||||
) |
gen_push_bxptr | ( | OutputPort_push | , | |
"OutputPort" | , | |||
OutputPortInterface | ||||
) |
gen_push_bxptr | ( | InputPort_push | , | |
"InputPort" | , | |||
InputPortInterface | ||||
) |
gen_push_bxptr | ( | Property_push | , | |
"Property" | , | |||
PropertyBase | ||||
) |
if | ( | res | = = 0 |
) |
static DataSourceBase::shared_ptr lookup_member | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
DataSourceBase::shared_ptr | parent, | |||
const char * | mem | |||
) | [static] |
void* luaL_testudata | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
int | ud, | |||
const char * | tname | |||
) |
luaM_pushobject_mt | ( | L | , | |
"Variable" | , | |||
DataSourceBase::shared_ptr | ||||
) |
int OperationGC | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [inline] |
void* operator new | ( | size_t | size, | |
lua_State * | L, | |||
const char * | mt | |||
) |
void push_vect_str | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
const std::vector< std::string > & | v | |||
) |
static int SendHandle_collectIfDone | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static void SendStatus_push | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
SendStatus | ss | |||
) | [static] |
static int Service_getOperationNames | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int Service_getProperties | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int Service_getPropertyNames | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int Service_getProviderNames | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int ServiceRequester_disconnect | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int ServiceRequester_getRequesterNames | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int ServiceRequester_ready | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int ServiceRequester_requires | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
int set_context_tc | ( | TaskContext * | tc, | |
lua_State * | L | |||
) |
static int TaskContext_addEventPort | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_addProperty | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_configure | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_connectServices | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_getOperation | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_getOpInfo | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_getPortNames | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_getProperties | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_getProperty | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_getPropertyNames | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_getProviderNames | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_hasOperation | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_removePeer | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_removePort | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int TaskContext_removeProperty | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static const TypeInfo* ti_lookup | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
const char * | name | |||
) | [static] |
static void Variable_coerce | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
DataSourceBase::shared_ptr | dsb | |||
) | [static] |
static int Variable_create_ival | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
int | typeind, | |||
int | valind | |||
) | [static] |
static DataSourceBase::shared_ptr Variable_fromlua | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
const char * | type, | |||
int | valind | |||
) | [static] |
static DataSourceBase::shared_ptr Variable_fromlua | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
const types::TypeInfo * | ti, | |||
int | valind | |||
) | [static] |
static void Variable_fromlua | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
DataSourceBase::shared_ptr & | dsb, | |||
int | valind | |||
) | [static] |
static int Variable_getMemberNames | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static int Variable_getTypeIdName | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
static bool Variable_is_a | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
const types::TypeInfo * | ti1, | |||
const char * | type | |||
) | [static] |
static void Variable_push_coerce | ( | lua_State * | L, | |
DataSourceBase::shared_ptr | dsb | |||
) | [static] |
static int Variable_tolightuserdata | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [static] |
int VariableGC | ( | lua_State * | L | ) | [inline] |
<)gen_opmet_bool(Variable_le,<=)staticintVariable_opBinary(lua_State*L){types::OperatorRepository::shared_ptropreg=types::OperatorRepository::Instance();constchar*op=luaL_checkstring(L,1);DataSourceBase::shared_ptrarg1=*(luaM_checkudata_mt(L,2,"Variable",DataSourceBase::shared_ptr));DataSourceBase::shared_ptrarg2=*(luaM_checkudata_mt(L,3,"Variable",DataSourceBase::shared_ptr));DataSourceBase*res;res=opreg- applyBinary)(op, arg1.get(), arg2.get()) |
struct luaL_Reg EEHook_f[] [static] |
{ { "new", EEHook_new }, { "enable", EEHook_enable }, { "disable", EEHook_disable }, }
struct luaL_Reg EEHook_m[] [static] |
{ { "enable", EEHook_enable }, { "disable", EEHook_disable }, }
struct luaL_Reg InputPort_f[] [static] |
{ {"new", InputPort_new }, {"read", InputPort_read }, {"info", Port_info }, {"connect", Port_connect }, {"disconnect", Port_disconnect }, {"delete", InputPort_del }, {NULL, NULL} }
struct luaL_Reg InputPort_m[] [static] |
{ {"read", InputPort_read }, {"info", Port_info }, {"delete", InputPort_del }, {"connect", Port_connect }, {"disconnect", Port_disconnect }, {NULL, NULL} }
const char* const loglevels[] [static] |
struct luaL_Reg Operation_f[] [static] |
{ { "info", Operation_info }, { "call", Operation_call }, { "send", Operation_send }, { NULL, NULL } }
struct luaL_Reg Operation_m[] [static] |
{ { "info", Operation_info }, { "send", Operation_send }, { "__call", Operation_call }, { "__gc", OperationGC<OperationHandle> }, { NULL, NULL } }
struct luaL_Reg OutputPort_f[] [static] |
{ {"new", OutputPort_new }, {"write", OutputPort_write }, {"info", Port_info }, {"connect", Port_connect }, {"disconnect", Port_disconnect }, {"delete", OutputPort_del }, {NULL, NULL} }
struct luaL_Reg OutputPort_m[] [static] |
{ {"write", OutputPort_write }, {"info", Port_info }, {"connect", Port_connect }, {"disconnect", Port_disconnect }, {"delete", OutputPort_del }, {NULL, NULL} }
struct luaL_Reg Property_f[] [static] |
{ {"new", Property_new }, {"get", Property_get }, {"getRaw", Property_getRaw }, {"set", Property_set }, {"info", Property_info }, {"delete", Property_del }, {NULL, NULL} }
struct luaL_Reg Property_m[] [static] |
{ {"get", Property_get }, {"getRaw", Property_getRaw }, {"set", Property_set }, {"info", Property_info }, {"delete", Property_del }, {"__index", Property_index }, {"__newindex", Property_newindex }, {NULL, NULL} }
struct luaL_Reg rtt_f[] [static] |
{ {"getTime", getTime }, {"sleep", rtt_sleep }, {"getTC", getTC }, {"globals_getNames", globals_getNames }, {"globals_get", globals_get }, {"provides", provides_global }, {"services", rtt_services }, {"typekits", rtt_typekits }, {"types", rtt_types }, {"setLogLevel", Logger_setLogLevel }, {"getLogLevel", Logger_getLogLevel }, {"log", Logger_log }, {"logl", Logger_logl }, {NULL, NULL} }
struct luaL_Reg SendHandle_f[] [static] |
{ { "collect", SendHandle_collect }, { "collectIfDone", SendHandle_collectIfDone }, { NULL, NULL } }
struct luaL_Reg SendHandle_m[] [static] |
{ { "collect", SendHandle_collect }, { "collectIfDone", SendHandle_collectIfDone }, { "__gc", GCMethod<SendHandleC> }, { NULL, NULL } }
struct luaL_Reg Service_f[] [static] |
{ { "getName", Service_getName }, { "doc", Service_doc }, { "getProviderNames", Service_getProviderNames }, { "getOperationNames", Service_getOperationNames }, { "hasOperation", Service_hasOperation }, { "getPortNames", Service_getPortNames }, { "provides", Service_provides }, { "getOperation", Service_getOperation }, { "getPort", Service_getPort }, { "getProperty", Service_getProperty }, { "getProperties", Service_getProperties }, { "getPropertyNames", Service_getPropertyNames }, { NULL, NULL } }
struct luaL_Reg Service_m[] [static] |
{ { "getName", Service_getName }, { "doc", Service_doc }, { "getProviderNames", Service_getProviderNames }, { "getOperationNames", Service_getOperationNames }, { "hasOperation", Service_hasOperation }, { "getPortNames", Service_getPortNames }, { "provides", Service_provides }, { "getOperation", Service_getOperation }, { "getPort", Service_getPort }, { "getProperty", Service_getProperty }, { "getProperties", Service_getProperties }, { "getPropertyNames", Service_getPropertyNames }, { "__gc", GCMethod<Service::shared_ptr> }, { NULL, NULL } }
struct luaL_Reg ServiceRequester_f[] [static] |
{ { "getRequestName", ServiceRequester_getRequestName }, { "getRequesterNames", ServiceRequester_getRequesterNames }, { "ready", ServiceRequester_ready }, { "disconnect", ServiceRequester_disconnect }, { "requires", ServiceRequester_requires }, { NULL, NULL } }
struct luaL_Reg ServiceRequester_m[] [static] |
{ { "getRequestName", ServiceRequester_getRequestName }, { "getRequesterNames", ServiceRequester_getRequesterNames }, { "ready", ServiceRequester_ready }, { "disconnect", ServiceRequester_disconnect }, { "requires", ServiceRequester_requires }, { NULL, NULL } }
struct luaL_Reg TaskContext_f[] [static] |
struct luaL_Reg TaskContext_m[] [static] |
struct luaL_Reg Variable_f[] [static] |
{ { "new", Variable_new }, { "tolua", Variable_tolua }, { "isbasic", Variable_isbasic }, { "toString", Variable_toString }, { "getTypes", Variable_getTypes }, { "getType", Variable_getType }, { "getTypeName", Variable_getTypeName }, { "getTypeIdName", Variable_getTypeIdName }, { "getMemberNames", Variable_getMemberNames }, { "getMember", Variable_getMember }, { "getMemberRaw", Variable_getMemberRaw }, { "tolud", Variable_tolightuserdata }, { "resize", Variable_resize }, { "opBinary", Variable_opBinary }, { "assign", Variable_update }, { "unm", Variable_unm }, { "add", Variable_add }, { "sub", Variable_sub }, { "mul", Variable_mul }, { "div", Variable_div }, { "mod", Variable_mod }, { "pow", Variable_pow }, { "eq", Variable_eq }, { "lt", Variable_lt }, { "le", Variable_le }, { NULL, NULL} }
struct luaL_Reg Variable_m[] [static] |