
File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
char_sign.cpp [code]Unit test for char sign check
char_sign.hpp [code]Tests in runtime to see if char is signed or not
config.hpp [code]Compiler and platform specific configurations
detect_endian.cpp [code]Simple utility used to detect endianness
detect_posix.cpp [code]Detects the posix functionality available on this platform
ecl_unknown.hpp [code]Guesswork to determine parameters from macros only
endianness.cpp [code]Unit test for endianness
endianness.hpp [code]Determines the endianness of the platform
macros.hpp [code]Various macros useful for development
portable_types.cpp [code]Unit test for the portable types
portable_types.hpp [code]Type definitions for integer types
windows.hpp [code]Custom setup for windoze
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Friends Defines

Author(s): Daniel Stonier (d.stonier@gmail.com)
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 15:20:50 2013