
cob_robot_calibration_est::multi_step_estimator Namespace Reference


class  ErrorCalc


def opt_runner
def usage


tuple all_block_types = list(set([x['block_type'] for x in all_blocks_dict.values()]))
tuple all_blocks_dict = dict()
tuple bag_filename = rospy.myargv()
tuple blocks = bundler.load_from_bag(bag_filename)
list blocks_dump = [yaml.load(x) for x in config[blocks_name].values()]
string blocks_name = "blocks"
tuple bundler = robot_measurement_bundler.RobotMeasurementBundler(cur_blocks)
tuple config = rospy.get_param(config_param_name)
string config_param_name = "calibration_config"
tuple count = len([0 for x in blocks if x.block_id == cur_block_id])
list cur_block_ids = [cur_block_id for cur_block_id,cur_block in all_blocks_dict.items() if cur_block['block_type'] == cur_block_type]
list cur_block_type = all_blocks_dict[req_block_id]
tuple cur_blocks = dict([(x,[]) for x in all_block_types])
tuple free_dict = yaml.load(cur_step["free_params"])
tuple out_f = open(output_dir + "/" + cur_step["output_filename"], 'w')
 output_dict = previous_system
string output_dir = "."
tuple previous_system = yaml.load(config["initial_system"])
list step_keys = config["cal_steps"]
list step_list = []

Function Documentation

def cob_robot_calibration_est::multi_step_estimator::opt_runner (   robot_params_dict,

Definition at line 98 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

def cob_robot_calibration_est::multi_step_estimator::usage (  ) 

Definition at line 50 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Variable Documentation

tuple cob_robot_calibration_est::multi_step_estimator::all_block_types = list(set([x['block_type'] for x in all_blocks_dict.values()]))

Definition at line 178 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 165 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 139 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 225 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 161 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 157 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

tuple cob_robot_calibration_est::multi_step_estimator::bundler = robot_measurement_bundler.RobotMeasurementBundler(cur_blocks)

Definition at line 224 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 154 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 150 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

tuple cob_robot_calibration_est::multi_step_estimator::count = len([0 for x in blocks if x.block_id == cur_block_id])

Definition at line 233 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

list cob_robot_calibration_est::multi_step_estimator::cur_block_ids = [cur_block_id for cur_block_id,cur_block in all_blocks_dict.items() if cur_block['block_type'] == cur_block_type]

Definition at line 183 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 219 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 215 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

tuple cob_robot_calibration_est::multi_step_estimator::free_dict = yaml.load(cur_step["free_params"])

Definition at line 241 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

tuple cob_robot_calibration_est::multi_step_estimator::out_f = open(output_dir + "/" + cur_step["output_filename"], 'w')

Definition at line 244 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 239 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 140 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 206 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 191 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

Definition at line 193 of file multi_step_estimator.py.

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Author(s): Vijay Pradeep, Sebastian Haug
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 15:43:50 2013