wxPropertyGrid Class Reference

wxPropertyGrid is a specialized two-column grid for editing properties such as strings, numbers, flagsets, fonts, and colours. wxPropertySheet used to do the very same thing, but it hasn't been updated for a while and it is currently deprecated. More...

#include <propgrid.h>

Inheritance diagram for wxPropertyGrid:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void AddActionTrigger (int action, int keycode, int modifiers=0)
bool AddToSelection (wxPGPropArg id)
bool AdjustPosForClipperWindow (wxWindow *topCtrlWnd, int *x, int *y)
void BeginLabelEdit (unsigned int column=0)
bool CanClose ()
void CenterSplitter (bool enable_auto_centering=false)
bool ChangePropertyValue (wxPGPropArg id, wxVariant newValue)
virtual void Clear ()
void ClearActionTriggers (int action)
void ClearInternalFlag (long flag)
void ClearModifiedStatus ()
void ClearModifiedStatus (wxPGPropArg id)
virtual bool CommitChangesFromEditor (wxUint32 flags=0)
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE, const wxChar *name=wxPropertyGridNameStr)
void DecFrozen ()
virtual bool Destroy ()
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize () const
virtual bool DoOnValidationFailure (wxPGProperty *property, wxVariant &invalidValue)
virtual void DoOnValidationFailureReset (wxPGProperty *property)
virtual bool DoPropertyChanged (wxPGProperty *p, unsigned int selFlags=0)
bool DoSelectProperty (wxPGProperty *p, unsigned int flags=0)
virtual void DoShowPropertyError (wxPGProperty *property, const wxString &msg)
void DrawItem (wxPGProperty *p)
virtual void DrawItemAndChildren (wxPGProperty *p)
void DrawItemAndValueRelated (wxPGProperty *p)
void EditorsValueWasModified ()
void EditorsValueWasNotModified ()
bool EditorValidate ()
bool EnableCategories (bool enable)
void EndLabelEdit (bool commit=true)
bool EnsureVisible (wxPGPropArg id)
wxSize FitColumns ()
void FixPosForTextCtrl (wxWindow *ctrl, unsigned int forColumn=1, const wxPoint &offset=wxPoint(0, 0))
virtual void Freeze ()
wxWindow * GenerateEditorButton (const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &sz)
wxWindow * GenerateEditorTextCtrl (const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &sz, const wxString &value, wxWindow *secondary, int extraStyle=0, int maxLen=0, unsigned int forColumn=1)
wxWindow * GenerateEditorTextCtrlAndButton (const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &sz, wxWindow **psecondary, int limited_editing, wxPGProperty *property)
wxColour GetCaptionBackgroundColour () const
const wxFont & GetCaptionFont () const
wxFont & GetCaptionFont ()
wxColour GetCaptionForegroundColour () const
wxColour GetCellBackgroundColour () const
wxColour GetCellDisabledTextColour () const
wxColour GetCellTextColour () const
unsigned int GetChildrenCount (wxPGPropArg id) const
unsigned int GetChildrenCount ()
unsigned int GetColumnCount () const
const wxPGCommonValueGetCommonValue (unsigned int i) const
unsigned int GetCommonValueCount () const
wxString GetCommonValueLabel (unsigned int i) const
wxWindow * GetEditorControl () const
wxWindow * GetEditorControlSecondary () const
wxTextCtrlGetEditorTextCtrl () const
wxColour GetEmptySpaceColour () const
int GetFontHeight () const
wxPoint GetGoodEditorDialogPosition (wxPGProperty *p, const wxSize &sz)
wxPropertyGridGetGrid ()
wxRect GetImageRect (wxPGProperty *p, int item) const
wxSize GetImageSize (wxPGProperty *p=NULL, int item=-1) const
long GetInternalFlags () const
wxPGPropertyGetItemAtY (int y) const
wxTextCtrlGetLabelEditor () const
const wxPGPropertyGetLastItem (int flags=wxPG_ITERATE_DEFAULT) const
wxPGPropertyGetLastItem (int flags=wxPG_ITERATE_DEFAULT)
wxColour GetLineColour () const
wxColour GetMarginColour () const
wxPanel * GetPanel () const
wxWindow * GetPrimaryEditor () const
wxColour GetPropertyBackgroundColour (wxPGPropArg id) const
wxPGPropertyGetPropertyByLabel (const wxString &name) const
wxColour GetPropertyColour (wxPGPropArg id) const
wxRect GetPropertyRect (const wxPGProperty *p1, const wxPGProperty *p2) const
wxColour GetPropertyTextColour (wxPGPropArg id) const
wxPGPropertyGetRoot () const
int GetRowHeight () const
wxPGPropertyGetSelectedProperty () const
wxPGPropertyGetSelection () const
wxColour GetSelectionBackgroundColour () const
wxColour GetSelectionForegroundColour () const
wxPGSortCallback GetSortFunction () const
int GetSpacingY () const
int GetSplitterPosition () const
int GetUnspecifiedCommonValue () const
wxPGValidationInfoGetValidationInfo ()
int GetVerticalSpacing () const
bool HasInternalFlag (long flag) const
bool HasSelection () const
bool HasVirtualWidth () const
wxPropertyGridHitTestResult HitTest (const wxPoint &pt) const
void IncFrozen ()
bool IsAnyModified () const
bool IsEditorFocused () const
bool IsEditorsValueModified () const
bool IsFrozen () const
bool IsMainButtonEvent (const wxEvent &event)
void MakeColumnEditable (unsigned int column, bool editable=true)
void OnComboItemPaint (wxPGCustomComboControl *pCb, int item, wxDC &dc, wxRect &rect, int flags)
void OnCustomEditorEvent (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnTLPChanging (wxWindow *newTLP)
bool OnValidationFailure (wxPGProperty *property, wxVariant &invalidValue)
void OnValidationFailureReset (wxPGProperty *property)
virtual bool PerformValidation (wxPGProperty *p, wxVariant &pendingValue)
virtual void Refresh (bool eraseBackground=true, const wxRect *rect=(const wxRect *) NULL)
void RefreshEditor ()
virtual void RefreshProperty (wxPGProperty *p)
bool RemoveFromSelection (wxPGPropArg id)
virtual bool Reparent (wxWindowBase *newParent)
void ResetColours ()
bool SelectProperty (wxPGPropArg id, bool focus=false)
void SendNavigationKeyEvent (int dir)
void SetButtonShortcut (int keycode, bool ctrlDown=false, bool altDown=false)
void SetCaptionBackgroundColour (const wxColour &col)
void SetCaptionForegroundColour (const wxColour &col)
void SetCaptionTextColour (wxPGPropArg id, const wxColour &col)
void SetCellBackgroundColour (const wxColour &col)
void SetCellDisabledTextColour (const wxColour &col)
void SetCellTextColour (const wxColour &col)
void SetColumnCount (int colCount)
void SetCurControlBoldFont ()
void SetCurrentCategory (wxPGPropArg id)
void SetEmptySpaceColour (const wxColour &col)
virtual void SetExtraStyle (long exStyle)
virtual bool SetFont (const wxFont &font)
void SetInternalFlag (long flag)
void SetLineColour (const wxColour &col)
void SetMarginColour (const wxColour &col)
void SetPropertyAttributeAll (const wxString &attrName, wxVariant value)
void SetPropertyBackgroundColour (wxPGPropArg id, const wxColour &col)
void SetPropertyColourToDefault (wxPGPropArg id)
void SetPropertyName (wxPGPropArg id, const wxString &newname)
void SetPropertyTextColour (wxPGPropArg id, const wxColour &col)
void SetSelection (const wxArrayPGProperty &newSelection)
void SetSelectionBackground (const wxColour &col)
void SetSelectionForeground (const wxColour &col)
void SetSortFunction (wxPGSortCallback sortFunction)
void SetSplitterLeft (bool subProps=false)
void SetSplitterPosition (int newxpos, bool refresh=true)
void SetUnspecifiedCommonValue (int index)
void SetupTextCtrlValue (const wxString text)
void SetVerticalSpacing (int vspacing)
void SetVirtualWidth (int width)
virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag (long style)
void ShowPropertyError (wxPGPropArg id, const wxString &msg)
void Sort (wxPGPropArg id)
void Sort ()
void SwitchState (wxPropertyGridState *pNewState)
virtual void Thaw ()
bool UnfocusEditor ()
void ValueChangeInEvent (wxVariant variant)
bool WasValueChangedInEvent () const
 wxPropertyGrid (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE, const wxChar *name=wxPropertyGridNameStr)
 wxPropertyGrid ()
virtual ~wxPropertyGrid ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void ArrayStringToString (wxString &dst, const wxArrayString &src, wxChar preDelim, wxChar postDelim, int flags)
static void AutoGetTranslation (bool enable)
static wxString & CreateEscapeSequences (wxString &dst_str, wxString &src_str)
static void DoubleToString (wxString &target, double value, int precision, bool removeZeroes, wxString *precTemplate)
static wxString & ExpandEscapeSequences (wxString &dst_str, wxString &src_str)
static wxPGEditorRegisterEditorClass (wxPGEditor *editor, const wxString &name, bool noDefCheck=false)

Protected Member Functions

bool AddToSelectionFromInputEvent (wxPGProperty *prop, unsigned int colIndex, wxMouseEvent *event=NULL, int selFlags=0)
int CacheColour (const wxColour &colour)
void CalculateFontAndBitmapStuff (int vspacing)
void CorrectEditorWidgetPosY ()
void CorrectEditorWidgetSizeX ()
virtual wxPropertyGridStateCreateState () const
void CustomSetCursor (int type, bool override=false)
void DestroyEditorWnd (wxWindow *wnd)
bool DoAddToSelection (wxPGProperty *prop, int selFlags=0)
void DoBeginLabelEdit (unsigned int colIndex, int selFlags=0)
virtual bool DoCollapse (wxPGProperty *p, bool sendEvent=false)
int DoDrawItems (wxDC &dc, const wxPGProperty *first_item, const wxPGProperty *last_item, const wxRect *clip_rect, bool isBuffered) const
bool DoEditorValidate ()
void DoEndLabelEdit (bool commit, int selFlags=0)
virtual bool DoExpand (wxPGProperty *p, bool sendEvent=false)
wxPGPropertyDoGetItemAtY (int y) const
bool DoHideProperty (wxPGProperty *p, bool hide, int flags)
bool DoRemoveFromSelection (wxPGProperty *prop, int selFlags=0)
bool DoSelectAndEdit (wxPGProperty *prop, unsigned int colIndex, unsigned int selFlags)
void DoSetPropertyName (wxPGProperty *p, const wxString &newname)
void DoSetSelection (const wxArrayPGProperty &newSelection, int selFlags=0)
void DoSetSplitterPosition_ (int newxpos, bool refresh=true, int splitterIndex=0, bool allPages=false)
virtual void DrawExpanderButton (wxDC &dc, const wxRect &rect, wxPGProperty *property) const
void DrawItems (const wxPGProperty *p1, const wxPGProperty *p2)
void DrawItems (wxDC &dc, unsigned int topitemy, unsigned int bottomitemy, const wxRect *clip_rect=(const wxRect *) NULL)
void FreeEditors ()
wxRect GetEditorWidgetRect (wxPGProperty *p, int column) const
wxPGPropertyGetNearestPaintVisible (wxPGProperty *p) const
bool HandleChildKey (wxKeyEvent &event)
void HandleFocusChange (wxWindow *newFocused)
void HandleKeyEvent (wxKeyEvent &event)
bool HandleMouseClick (int x, unsigned int y, wxMouseEvent &event)
bool HandleMouseDoubleClick (int x, unsigned int y, wxMouseEvent &event)
bool HandleMouseMove (int x, unsigned int y, wxMouseEvent &event)
bool HandleMouseRightClick (int x, unsigned int y, wxMouseEvent &event)
bool HandleMouseUp (int x, unsigned int y, wxMouseEvent &event)
void ImprovedClientToScreen (int *px, int *py)
void Init1 ()
void Init2 ()
int KeyEventToAction (wxKeyEvent &event) const
int KeyEventToActions (wxKeyEvent &event, int *pSecond) const
void OnCaptureChange (wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent &event)
void OnChildFocusEvent (wxChildFocusEvent &event)
void OnChildKeyDown (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnChildKeyUp (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnFocusEvent (wxFocusEvent &event)
void OnIdle (wxIdleEvent &event)
void OnKey (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnKeyUp (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnLabelEditorEnterPress (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnLabelEditorKeyPress (wxKeyEvent &event)
bool OnMouseChildCommon (wxMouseEvent &event, int *px, int *py)
void OnMouseClick (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseClickChild (wxMouseEvent &event)
bool OnMouseCommon (wxMouseEvent &event, int *px, int *py)
void OnMouseDoubleClick (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseEntry (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseMove (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseMoveBottom (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseMoveChild (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseRightClick (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseRightClickChild (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseUp (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseUpChild (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnNavigationKey (wxNavigationKeyEvent &event)
void OnPaint (wxPaintEvent &event)
void OnResize (wxSizeEvent &event)
void OnScrollEvent (wxScrollWinEvent &event)
void OnSysColourChanged (wxSysColourChangedEvent &event)
void OnTLPClose (wxCloseEvent &event)
void PrepareAfterItemsAdded ()
virtual bool ProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
void RecalculateVirtualSize (int forceXPos=-1)
void RegainColours ()
bool SendEvent (int eventType, wxPGProperty *p, wxVariant *pValue=NULL, unsigned int selFlags=wxPG_SEL_NOVALIDATE, unsigned int column=1)
void SetBackgroundColourIndex (wxPGProperty *p, int index)
void SetFocusOnCanvas ()
void SetTextColourIndex (wxPGProperty *p, int index, int flags)
void SetupEventHandling (wxWindow *wnd, int id)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void RegisterDefaultEditors ()

Protected Attributes

wxPGHashMapI2I m_actionTriggers
wxArrayPtrVoid m_arrBgBrushes
wxArrayPtrVoid m_arrFgCols
int m_buttonSpacingY
wxPanel * m_canvas
wxFont m_captionFont
wxVariant m_changeInEventValue
wxVariant m_chgInfo_pendingValue
wxVariant m_chgInfo_valueList
int m_clearThisMany
wxColour m_colCapBack
wxColour m_colCapFore
wxColour m_colDisPropFore
wxColour m_colEmptySpace
unsigned int m_colHover
wxBitmap * m_collbmp
wxColour m_colLine
wxColour m_colMargin
unsigned short m_coloursCustomized
wxColour m_colPropBack
wxColour m_colPropFore
wxColour m_colSelBack
wxColour m_colSelFore
wxArrayPtrVoid m_commonValues
int m_ctrlXAdjust
int m_curcursor
wxWindow * m_curFocused
wxCursor * m_cursorSizeWE
int m_cvUnspecified
int m_draggedSplitter
signed char m_dragOffset
unsigned char m_dragStatus
unsigned char m_editorFocused
wxWindow * m_eventObject
wxBitmap * m_expandbmp
int m_fontHeight
unsigned char m_frozen
int m_gutterWidth
int m_height
int m_iconHeight
int m_iconWidth
wxUint32 m_iFlags
unsigned char m_inCommitChangesFromEditor
unsigned char m_inDoPropertyChanged
unsigned char m_inDoSelectProperty
unsigned char m_keyComboConsumed
wxWindow * m_labelEditor
int m_lineHeight
int m_marginWidth
unsigned char m_mouseSide
int m_ncWidth
wxPGVFBFlags m_permanentValidationFailureBehavior
wxString m_prevTcValue
int m_prevVY
int m_propHoverY
int m_pushButKeyCode
unsigned char m_pushButKeyCodeNeedsAlt
unsigned char m_pushButKeyCodeNeedsCtrl
unsigned int m_selColumn
wxPGSortCallback m_sortFunction
int m_spacingy
int m_startingSplitterX
int m_subgroup_extramargin
wxLongLong m_timeCreated
wxWindow * m_tlp
wxWindow * m_tlpClosed
wxLongLong m_tlpClosedTime
wxPGValidationInfo m_validationInfo
wxArrayPtrVoid m_visPropArray
unsigned char m_vspacing
int m_width
wxArrayPtrVoid * m_windowsToDelete
wxWindow * m_wndEditor
wxWindow * m_wndEditor2
int m_wndSecId

Private Member Functions

bool ButtonTriggerKeyTest (wxKeyEvent &event)


class wxPGCanvas
class wxPropertyGridInterface
class wxPropertyGridManager
class wxPropertyGridState

Detailed Description

wxPropertyGrid is a specialized two-column grid for editing properties such as strings, numbers, flagsets, fonts, and colours. wxPropertySheet used to do the very same thing, but it hasn't been updated for a while and it is currently deprecated.

Please note that most member functions are inherited and as such not documented on this page. This means you will probably also want to read wxPropertyGridInterface class reference.

Derived from


Include files


Window styles

Additional Window Styles

Event handling

To process input from a propertygrid control, use these event handler macros to direct input to member functions that take a wxPropertyGridEvent argument.

EVT_PG_SELECTED (id, func)Property is selected.
EVT_PG_CHANGED (id, func)Property value is modified.
EVT_PG_CHANGING (id, func)Property value is about to be changed. Use wxPropertyGridEvent::GetValue() to take a peek at the pending value, and wxPropertyGridEvent::Veto() to prevent change from taking place, if necessary.
EVT_PG_HIGHLIGHTED (id, func)Mouse moves over property. Event's property is NULL if hovered on area that is not a property.
EVT_PG_RIGHT_CLICK (id, func)Mouse right-clicked on a property.
EVT_PG_DOUBLE_CLICK (id, func)Mouse double-clicked on a property.
EVT_PG_ITEM_COLLAPSED (id, func)User collapses a property or category.
EVT_PG_ITEM_EXPANDED (id, func)User expands a property or category.
EVT_PG_LABEL_EDIT_BEGIN (id, func)User is about to begin editing a property label. You can veto this event to prevent the action.

User is about to end editing of a property label. You can veto this event to prevent the action.

EVT_BUTTON (id, func)Button in a property editor was clicked. Only occurs if the property doesn't handle button clicks itself.
EVT_TEXT (id, func)wxTextCtrl based editor was updated (but property value was not yet modified)
See also:

For code examples, see the main page.

Definition at line 6431 of file propgrid.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wxPropertyGrid::wxPropertyGrid (  ) 

Two step constructor. Call Create when this constructor is called to build up the wxPropertyGrid

wxPropertyGrid::wxPropertyGrid ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxChar *  name = wxPropertyGridNameStr 

The default constructor. The styles to be used are styles valid for the wxWindow and wxScrolledWindow.

See also:
Additional Window Styles
virtual wxPropertyGrid::~wxPropertyGrid (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void wxPropertyGrid::AddActionTrigger ( int  action,
int  keycode,
int  modifiers = 0 

Adds given key combination to trigger given action.

action Which action to trigger. See List of list of wxPropertyGrid actions.
bool wxPropertyGrid::AddToSelection ( wxPGPropArg  id  )  [inline]

Adds given property into selection. If wxPG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION extra style is not used, then this has same effect as calling SelectProperty().

Multiple selection is not supported for categories. This means that if you have properties selected, you cannot add category to selection, and also if you have category selected, you cannot add other properties to selection. This member function will fail silently in these cases, even returning true.

Definition at line 7186 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::AddToSelectionFromInputEvent ( wxPGProperty prop,
unsigned int  colIndex,
wxMouseEvent *  event = NULL,
int  selFlags = 0 
) [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::AdjustPosForClipperWindow ( wxWindow *  topCtrlWnd,
int *  x,
int *  y 

Adjusts given position if topCtrlWnd is child of clipper window.

static void wxPropertyGrid::ArrayStringToString ( wxString &  dst,
const wxArrayString &  src,
wxChar  preDelim,
wxChar  postDelim,
int  flags 
) [static]

Generates contents for string dst based on the convetents of wxArrayString src. Format will be "(preDelim)str1(postDelim) (preDelim)str2(postDelim) and so on. Set flags to 1 inorder to convert backslashes to double-back- slashes and "(preDelims)"'s to "(preDelims)".

static void wxPropertyGrid::AutoGetTranslation ( bool  enable  )  [static]

This static function enables or disables automatic use of wxGetTranslation for following strings: wxEnumProperty list labels, wxFlagsProperty sub-property labels. Default is false.

void wxPropertyGrid::BeginLabelEdit ( unsigned int  column = 0  )  [inline]

Creates label editor wxTextCtrl for given column, for property that is currently selected. When multiple selection is enabled, this applies to whatever property GetSelection() returns.

colIndex Which column's label to edit. Note that you should not use value 1, which is reserved for property value column.

Definition at line 7221 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::ButtonTriggerKeyTest ( wxKeyEvent &  event  )  [private]
int wxPropertyGrid::CacheColour ( const wxColour &  colour  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::CalculateFontAndBitmapStuff ( int  vspacing  )  [protected]

Adjust the centering of the bitmap icons (collapse / expand) when the caption font changes. They need to be centered in the middle of the font, so a bit of deltaY adjustment is needed. On entry, m_captionFont must be set to window font. It will be modified properly.

bool wxPropertyGrid::CanClose (  )  [inline]

Returns true if all property grid data changes have been committed. Usually only returns false if value in active editor has been invalidated by a wxValidator.

Definition at line 6500 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::CenterSplitter ( bool  enable_auto_centering = false  ) 

Centers the splitter. If argument is true, automatic splitter centering is enabled (only applicapple if style wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER was defined).

bool wxPropertyGrid::ChangePropertyValue ( wxPGPropArg  id,
wxVariant  newValue 

Changes value of a property, as if from an editor. Use this instead of SetPropertyValue() if you need the value to run through validation process, and also send the property change event.

Return values:
Returns true if value was succesfully changed.

Reimplemented from wxPropertyGridInterface.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::Clear (  )  [virtual]

Deletes all properties. Does not free memory allocated for arrays etc. This should *not* be called in wxPropertyGridManager.

Implements wxPropertyGridInterface.

void wxPropertyGrid::ClearActionTriggers ( int  action  ) 

Clears action triggers for given action.

action Which action to trigger. See List of list of wxPropertyGrid actions.
void wxPropertyGrid::ClearInternalFlag ( long  flag  )  [inline]

Definition at line 7436 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::ClearModifiedStatus (  )  [inline]

Resets modified status of all properties.

Definition at line 6559 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::ClearModifiedStatus ( wxPGPropArg  id  )  [inline]

Resets modified status of a property and all sub-properties.

Definition at line 6551 of file propgrid.h.

virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::CommitChangesFromEditor ( wxUint32  flags = 0  )  [virtual]

Forces updating the value of property from the editor control. Note that wxEVT_PG_CHANGING and wxEVT_PG_CHANGED are dispatched using ProcessEvent, meaning your event handlers will be called immediately.

Return values:
Returns true if anything was changed.
void wxPropertyGrid::CorrectEditorWidgetPosY (  )  [protected]

Called in RecalculateVirtualSize() to reposition control on virtual height changes.

void wxPropertyGrid::CorrectEditorWidgetSizeX (  )  [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxChar *  name = wxPropertyGridNameStr 

Two step creation. Whenever the control is created without any parameters, use Create to actually create it. Don't access the control's public methods before this is called

See also:
Additional Window Styles
static wxString& wxPropertyGrid::CreateEscapeSequences ( wxString &  dst_str,
wxString &  src_str 
) [static]
virtual wxPropertyGridState* wxPropertyGrid::CreateState (  )  const [protected, virtual]

wxPropertyGridState used by the grid is created here. If grid is used in wxPropertyGridManager, there is no point overriding this - instead, set custom wxPropertyGridPage classes.

void wxPropertyGrid::CustomSetCursor ( int  type,
bool  override = false 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::DecFrozen (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 7438 of file propgrid.h.

virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::Destroy (  )  [virtual]
void wxPropertyGrid::DestroyEditorWnd ( wxWindow *  wnd  )  [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::DoAddToSelection ( wxPGProperty prop,
int  selFlags = 0 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::DoBeginLabelEdit ( unsigned int  colIndex,
int  selFlags = 0 
) [protected]
virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::DoCollapse ( wxPGProperty p,
bool  sendEvent = false 
) [protected, virtual]
int wxPropertyGrid::DoDrawItems ( wxDC &  dc,
const wxPGProperty first_item,
const wxPGProperty last_item,
const wxRect *  clip_rect,
bool  isBuffered 
) const [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::DoEditorValidate (  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::DoEndLabelEdit ( bool  commit,
int  selFlags = 0 
) [protected]
virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::DoExpand ( wxPGProperty p,
bool  sendEvent = false 
) [protected, virtual]
virtual wxSize wxPropertyGrid::DoGetBestSize (  )  const [virtual]
wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::DoGetItemAtY ( int  y  )  const [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::DoHideProperty ( wxPGProperty p,
bool  hide,
int  flags 
) [protected]
virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::DoOnValidationFailure ( wxPGProperty property,
wxVariant &  invalidValue 
) [virtual]

Override to customize property validation failure behavior.

invalidValue Value which failed in validation.
Return values:
Return true if user is allowed to change to another property even if current has invalid value.
virtual void wxPropertyGrid::DoOnValidationFailureReset ( wxPGProperty property  )  [virtual]

Override to customize resetting of property validation failure status.

Property is guaranteed to have flag wxPG_PROP_INVALID_VALUE set.
virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::DoPropertyChanged ( wxPGProperty p,
unsigned int  selFlags = 0 
) [virtual]

Pending value is expected to be passed in PerformValidation().

bool wxPropertyGrid::DoRemoveFromSelection ( wxPGProperty prop,
int  selFlags = 0 
) [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::DoSelectAndEdit ( wxPGProperty prop,
unsigned int  colIndex,
unsigned int  selFlags 
) [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::DoSelectProperty ( wxPGProperty p,
unsigned int  flags = 0 
void wxPropertyGrid::DoSetPropertyName ( wxPGProperty p,
const wxString &  newname 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::DoSetSelection ( const wxArrayPGProperty &  newSelection,
int  selFlags = 0 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::DoSetSplitterPosition_ ( int  newxpos,
bool  refresh = true,
int  splitterIndex = 0,
bool  allPages = false 
) [protected]
virtual void wxPropertyGrid::DoShowPropertyError ( wxPGProperty property,
const wxString &  msg 
) [virtual]

Override in derived class to display error messages in custom manner (these message usually only result from validation failure).

static void wxPropertyGrid::DoubleToString ( wxString &  target,
double  value,
int  precision,
bool  removeZeroes,
wxString *  precTemplate 
) [static]

Standardized double-to-string conversion.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::DrawExpanderButton ( wxDC &  dc,
const wxRect &  rect,
wxPGProperty property 
) const [protected, virtual]

Draws an expand/collapse (ie. +/-) button.

void wxPropertyGrid::DrawItem ( wxPGProperty p  )  [inline]

Definition at line 7549 of file propgrid.h.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::DrawItemAndChildren ( wxPGProperty p  )  [virtual]
void wxPropertyGrid::DrawItemAndValueRelated ( wxPGProperty p  ) 

Draws item, children, and consequtive parents as long as category is not met.

void wxPropertyGrid::DrawItems ( const wxPGProperty p1,
const wxPGProperty p2 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::DrawItems ( wxDC &  dc,
unsigned int  topitemy,
unsigned int  bottomitemy,
const wxRect *  clip_rect = (const wxRect *) NULL 
) [protected]

Draws items from topitemy to bottomitemy

void wxPropertyGrid::EditorsValueWasModified (  )  [inline]

Call when editor widget's contents is modified. For example, this is called when changes text in wxTextCtrl (used in wxStringProperty and wxIntProperty).

This should only be called by properties.
See also:

Definition at line 7299 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::EditorsValueWasNotModified (  )  [inline]

Reverse of EditorsValueWasModified().

Definition at line 7302 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::EditorValidate (  )  [inline]

Returns true if all property grid data changes have been committed. Usually only returns false if value in active editor has been invalidated by a wxValidator.

Definition at line 6515 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::EnableCategories ( bool  enable  ) 

Enables or disables (shows/hides) categories according to parameter enable.

void wxPropertyGrid::EndLabelEdit ( bool  commit = true  )  [inline]

Destroys label editor wxTextCtrl, if any.

commit Use (default) to store edited label text in property cell data.

Definition at line 7233 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::EnsureVisible ( wxPGPropArg  id  ) 

Scrolls and/or expands items to ensure that the given item is visible. Returns true if something was actually done.

static wxString& wxPropertyGrid::ExpandEscapeSequences ( wxString &  dst_str,
wxString &  src_str 
) [static]
wxSize wxPropertyGrid::FitColumns (  )  [inline]

Reduces column sizes to minimum possible that contents are still visibly (naturally some margin space will be applied as well).

Return values:
Minimum size for the grid to still display everything.
Does not work well with wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER window style.

This function only works properly if grid size prior to call was already fairly large.

Note that you can also get calculated column widths by calling GetState->GetColumnWidth() immediately after this function returns.

Definition at line 6629 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::FixPosForTextCtrl ( wxWindow *  ctrl,
unsigned int  forColumn = 1,
const wxPoint &  offset = wxPoint(0, 0) 

Fixes position of wxTextCtrl-like control (wxSpinCtrl usually fits as one). Call after control has been created (but before shown).

void wxPropertyGrid::FreeEditors (  )  [protected]
virtual void wxPropertyGrid::Freeze (  )  [virtual]
wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::GenerateEditorButton ( const wxPoint &  pos,
const wxSize &  sz 

Shortcut for creating dialog-caller button. Used, for example, by wxFontProperty.

This should only be called by properties.
wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::GenerateEditorTextCtrl ( const wxPoint &  pos,
const wxSize &  sz,
const wxString &  value,
wxWindow *  secondary,
int  extraStyle = 0,
int  maxLen = 0,
unsigned int  forColumn = 1 

Shortcut for creating text editor widget.

pos Same as pos given for CreateEditor.
sz Same as sz given for CreateEditor.
value Initial text for wxTextCtrl.
secondary If right-side control, such as button, also created, then create it first and pass it as this parameter.
extraStyle Extra style flags to pass for wxTextCtrl.
Note that this should generally be called only by new classes derived from wxPGProperty.
wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::GenerateEditorTextCtrlAndButton ( const wxPoint &  pos,
const wxSize &  sz,
wxWindow **  psecondary,
int  limited_editing,
wxPGProperty property 
wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCaptionBackgroundColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns current category caption background colour.

Definition at line 6642 of file propgrid.h.

const wxFont& wxPropertyGrid::GetCaptionFont (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 6638 of file propgrid.h.

wxFont& wxPropertyGrid::GetCaptionFont (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 6635 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCaptionForegroundColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns current category caption text colour.

Definition at line 6645 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCellBackgroundColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns current cell background colour.

Definition at line 6648 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCellDisabledTextColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns current cell text colour when disabled.

Definition at line 6651 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCellTextColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns current cell text colour.

Definition at line 6654 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned int wxPropertyGrid::GetChildrenCount ( wxPGPropArg  id  )  const [inline]

Returns number of children for the property.

NB: Cannot be in container methods class due to name hiding.

Definition at line 6667 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned int wxPropertyGrid::GetChildrenCount (  )  [inline]

Returns number of children of the root property.

Definition at line 6658 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned int wxPropertyGrid::GetColumnCount (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 6673 of file propgrid.h.

const wxPGCommonValue* wxPropertyGrid::GetCommonValue ( unsigned int  i  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 6589 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned int wxPropertyGrid::GetCommonValueCount (  )  const [inline]

Returns number of common values.

Definition at line 6596 of file propgrid.h.

wxString wxPropertyGrid::GetCommonValueLabel ( unsigned int  i  )  const [inline]

Returns label of given common value.

Definition at line 6603 of file propgrid.h.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::GetEditorControl (  )  const

Returns pointer to current active primary editor control (NULL if none).

If editor uses clipper window, pointer is returned to the actual editor, not the clipper.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::GetEditorControlSecondary (  )  const [inline]

Returns pointer to current active secondary editor control (NULL if none).

Definition at line 7399 of file propgrid.h.

wxTextCtrl* wxPropertyGrid::GetEditorTextCtrl (  )  const

Returns wxTextCtrl active in currently selected property, if any. Takes into account wxOwnerDrawnComboBox.

wxRect wxPropertyGrid::GetEditorWidgetRect ( wxPGProperty p,
int  column 
) const [protected]
wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetEmptySpaceColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns colour of empty space below properties.

Definition at line 6679 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::GetFontHeight (  )  const [inline]

Returns height of highest characters of used font.

Definition at line 6702 of file propgrid.h.

wxPoint wxPropertyGrid::GetGoodEditorDialogPosition ( wxPGProperty p,
const wxSize &  sz 

Generates position for a widget editor dialog box.

p Property for which dialog is positioned.
sz Known or over-approximated size of the dialog.
Return values:
Position for dialog.
wxPropertyGrid* wxPropertyGrid::GetGrid (  )  [inline]

Returns pointer to itself. Dummy function that enables same kind of code to use wxPropertyGrid and wxPropertyGridManager.

Definition at line 6707 of file propgrid.h.

wxRect wxPropertyGrid::GetImageRect ( wxPGProperty p,
int  item 
) const
wxSize wxPropertyGrid::GetImageSize ( wxPGProperty p = NULL,
int  item = -1 
) const

Returns size of the custom paint image in front of property. If no argument is given, returns preferred size.

long wxPropertyGrid::GetInternalFlags (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 7434 of file propgrid.h.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetItemAtY ( int  y  )  const [inline]

Returns GetCustomPaintWidth for odcombo, GetImageSize(GetSelection()) otherwise. Returns property (or category) at given y coordinate (relative to control's top left).

Definition at line 6745 of file propgrid.h.

wxTextCtrl* wxPropertyGrid::GetLabelEditor (  )  const

Returns currently active label editor, NULL if none.

const wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetLastItem ( int  flags = wxPG_ITERATE_DEFAULT  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 6756 of file propgrid.h.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetLastItem ( int  flags = wxPG_ITERATE_DEFAULT  )  [inline]

Returns last item which could be iterated using given flags.

flags List of iterator flags

Definition at line 6751 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetLineColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns colour of lines between cells.

Definition at line 6803 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetMarginColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns background colour of margin.

Definition at line 6806 of file propgrid.h.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetNearestPaintVisible ( wxPGProperty p  )  const [protected]
wxPanel* wxPropertyGrid::GetPanel (  )  const [inline]

Returns wxWindow that the properties are painted on, and which should be used as the parent for editor controls.

Definition at line 6584 of file propgrid.h.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::GetPrimaryEditor (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 7392 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetPropertyBackgroundColour ( wxPGPropArg  id  )  const

Returns cell background colour of a property.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetPropertyByLabel ( const wxString &  name  )  const [inline]

Returns id of property with given label (case-sensitive). If there is no property with such label, returned property id is invalid ( i.e. it will return false with IsOk method). If there are multiple properties with identical name, most recent added is returned.

Definition at line 6892 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetPropertyColour ( wxPGPropArg  id  )  const [inline]

Returns cell background colour of a property.

Definition at line 6879 of file propgrid.h.

wxRect wxPropertyGrid::GetPropertyRect ( const wxPGProperty p1,
const wxPGProperty p2 
) const

Returns rectangle that fully contains properties between and including p1 and p2.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetPropertyTextColour ( wxPGPropArg  id  )  const

Returns cell background colour of a property.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetRoot (  )  const [inline]

Returns "root property". It does not have name, etc. and it is not visible. It is only useful for accessing its children.

Definition at line 6900 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::GetRowHeight (  )  const [inline]

Returns height of a single grid row (in pixels).

Definition at line 6903 of file propgrid.h.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetSelectedProperty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 6905 of file propgrid.h.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetSelection (  )  const [inline]

Returns currently selected property.

Reimplemented from wxPropertyGridInterface.

Definition at line 6908 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetSelectionBackgroundColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns current selection background colour.

Definition at line 6914 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetSelectionForegroundColour (  )  const [inline]

Returns current selection text colour.

Definition at line 6917 of file propgrid.h.

wxPGSortCallback wxPropertyGrid::GetSortFunction (  )  const [inline]

Returns the property sort function (NULL is default).

Definition at line 7133 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::GetSpacingY (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 7540 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::GetSplitterPosition (  )  const [inline]

Returns current splitter x position.

Definition at line 6920 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::GetUnspecifiedCommonValue (  )  const [inline]

Returns index of common value that will truly change value to unspecified.

Definition at line 6929 of file propgrid.h.

wxPGValidationInfo& wxPropertyGrid::GetValidationInfo (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 6931 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::GetVerticalSpacing (  )  const [inline]

Returns current vertical spacing.

Definition at line 6937 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::HandleChildKey ( wxKeyEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::HandleFocusChange ( wxWindow *  newFocused  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::HandleKeyEvent ( wxKeyEvent &  event  )  [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::HandleMouseClick ( int  x,
unsigned int  y,
wxMouseEvent &  event 
) [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::HandleMouseDoubleClick ( int  x,
unsigned int  y,
wxMouseEvent &  event 
) [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::HandleMouseMove ( int  x,
unsigned int  y,
wxMouseEvent &  event 
) [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::HandleMouseRightClick ( int  x,
unsigned int  y,
wxMouseEvent &  event 
) [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::HandleMouseUp ( int  x,
unsigned int  y,
wxMouseEvent &  event 
) [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::HasInternalFlag ( long  flag  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 7433 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::HasSelection (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if a property is selected.

Definition at line 6940 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::HasVirtualWidth (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 6942 of file propgrid.h.

wxPropertyGridHitTestResult wxPropertyGrid::HitTest ( const wxPoint &  pt  )  const

Returns information about arbitrary position in the grid.

void wxPropertyGrid::ImprovedClientToScreen ( int *  px,
int *  py 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::IncFrozen (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 7437 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::Init1 (  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::Init2 (  )  [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::IsAnyModified (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if any property has been modified by the user.

Definition at line 6949 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::IsEditorFocused (  )  const

Returns if editor control has focus

bool wxPropertyGrid::IsEditorsValueModified (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if editor's value was marked modified.

Definition at line 7308 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::IsFrozen (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if updating is frozen (ie. Freeze() called but not yet Thaw() ).

Definition at line 6952 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::IsMainButtonEvent ( const wxEvent &  event  )  [inline]

Returns true if given event is from first of an array of buttons (as can be in case when wxPGMultiButton is used).

Definition at line 7483 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::KeyEventToAction ( wxKeyEvent &  event  )  const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 7917 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::KeyEventToActions ( wxKeyEvent &  event,
int *  pSecond 
) const [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::MakeColumnEditable ( unsigned int  column,
bool  editable = true 

Makes given column editable by user.

editable Using here will disable column from being editable.
void wxPropertyGrid::OnCaptureChange ( wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnChildFocusEvent ( wxChildFocusEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnChildKeyDown ( wxKeyEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnChildKeyUp ( wxKeyEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnComboItemPaint ( wxPGCustomComboControl pCb,
int  item,
wxDC &  dc,
wxRect &  rect,
int  flags 
void wxPropertyGrid::OnCustomEditorEvent ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

Pass this function to Connect calls in propertyclass::CreateEditor.

void wxPropertyGrid::OnFocusEvent ( wxFocusEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnIdle ( wxIdleEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnKey ( wxKeyEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnKeyUp ( wxKeyEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnLabelEditorEnterPress ( wxCommandEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnLabelEditorKeyPress ( wxKeyEvent &  event  )  [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseChildCommon ( wxMouseEvent &  event,
int *  px,
int *  py 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseClick ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseClickChild ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseCommon ( wxMouseEvent &  event,
int *  px,
int *  py 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseDoubleClick ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseEntry ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseMove ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseMoveBottom ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseMoveChild ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseRightClick ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseRightClickChild ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseUp ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnMouseUpChild ( wxMouseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnNavigationKey ( wxNavigationKeyEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnPaint ( wxPaintEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnResize ( wxSizeEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnScrollEvent ( wxScrollWinEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnSysColourChanged ( wxSysColourChangedEvent &  event  )  [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::OnTLPChanging ( wxWindow *  newTLP  ) 

It is recommended that you call this function any time your code causes wxPropertyGrid's top-level parent to change. wxPropertyGrid's OnIdle() handler should be able to detect most changes, but it is not perfect.

newTLP New top-level parent that is about to be set. Old one should still exist as the current one.
This function is automatically called from wxPropertyGrid:: Reparent() and wxPropertyGridManager::Reparent().
void wxPropertyGrid::OnTLPClose ( wxCloseEvent &  event  )  [protected]
bool wxPropertyGrid::OnValidationFailure ( wxPGProperty property,
wxVariant &  invalidValue 

Called when validation for given property fails.

invalidValue Value which failed in validation.
Return values:
Return true if user is allowed to change to another property even if current has invalid value.
To add your own validation failure behavior, override wxPropertyGrid::DoOnValidationFailure().
void wxPropertyGrid::OnValidationFailureReset ( wxPGProperty property  )  [inline]

Called to indicate property and editor has valid value now.

Definition at line 7510 of file propgrid.h.

virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::PerformValidation ( wxPGProperty p,
wxVariant &  pendingValue 
) [virtual]

Runs all validation functionality (includes sending wxEVT_PG_CHANGING). Returns true if all tests passed.

void wxPropertyGrid::PrepareAfterItemsAdded (  )  [protected]
virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::ProcessEvent ( wxEvent &  event  )  [protected, virtual]
void wxPropertyGrid::RecalculateVirtualSize ( int  forceXPos = -1  )  [protected]

Repositions scrollbar and underlying panel according to changed virtual size.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::Refresh ( bool  eraseBackground = true,
const wxRect *  rect = (const wxRect *) NULL 
) [virtual]
void wxPropertyGrid::RefreshEditor (  ) 

If selected property's editor is active, then update it's value.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::RefreshProperty ( wxPGProperty p  )  [virtual]
void wxPropertyGrid::RegainColours (  )  [protected]

Reloads all non-customized colours from system settings.

static void wxPropertyGrid::RegisterDefaultEditors (  )  [static, protected]
static wxPGEditor* wxPropertyGrid::RegisterEditorClass ( wxPGEditor editor,
const wxString &  name,
bool  noDefCheck = false 
) [static]

Registers a new editor class.

Return values:
Pointer to the editor class instance that should be used.
bool wxPropertyGrid::RemoveFromSelection ( wxPGPropArg  id  )  [inline]

Removes given property from selection. If property is not selected, an assertion failure will occur.

Definition at line 7196 of file propgrid.h.

virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::Reparent ( wxWindowBase *  newParent  )  [virtual]
void wxPropertyGrid::ResetColours (  ) 

Resets all colours to the original system values.

bool wxPropertyGrid::SelectProperty ( wxPGPropArg  id,
bool  focus = false 
) [inline]

Selects a property. Editor widget is automatically created, but not focused unless focus is true. This will generate wxEVT_PG_SELECT event.

id Id to property to select.
Return values:
True if selection finished succesfully. Usually only fails if current value in editor is not valid.
This clears any previous selection.
See also:

Definition at line 7160 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::SendEvent ( int  eventType,
wxPGProperty p,
wxVariant *  pValue = NULL,
unsigned int  selFlags = wxPG_SEL_NOVALIDATE,
unsigned int  column = 1 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::SendNavigationKeyEvent ( int  dir  ) 
void wxPropertyGrid::SetBackgroundColourIndex ( wxPGProperty p,
int  index 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::SetButtonShortcut ( int  keycode,
bool  ctrlDown = false,
bool  altDown = false 

Changes keyboard shortcut to push the editor button.

You can set default with keycode 0. Good value for the platform is guessed, but don't expect it to be very accurate.
void wxPropertyGrid::SetCaptionBackgroundColour ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets category caption background colour.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCaptionForegroundColour ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets category caption text colour.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCaptionTextColour ( wxPGPropArg  id,
const wxColour &  col 

Sets text colour of a category caption (but not it's children).

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCellBackgroundColour ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets default cell background colour - applies to property cells. Note that appearance of editor widgets may not be affected.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCellDisabledTextColour ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets cell text colour for disabled properties.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCellTextColour ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets default cell text colour - applies to property name and value text. Note that appearance of editor widgets may not be affected.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetColumnCount ( int  colCount  )  [inline]

Set number of columns (2+).

Definition at line 6977 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCurControlBoldFont (  ) 
void wxPropertyGrid::SetCurrentCategory ( wxPGPropArg  id  )  [inline]

Sets the current category - Append will add non-categories under this one.

Definition at line 7020 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetEmptySpaceColour ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets colour of empty space below properties.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::SetExtraStyle ( long  exStyle  )  [virtual]
void wxPropertyGrid::SetFocusOnCanvas (  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 8000 of file propgrid.h.

virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::SetFont ( const wxFont &  font  )  [virtual]
void wxPropertyGrid::SetInternalFlag ( long  flag  )  [inline]

Definition at line 7435 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetLineColour ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets colour of lines between cells.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetMarginColour ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets background colour of margin.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetPropertyAttributeAll ( const wxString &  attrName,
wxVariant  value 

Sets property attribute for all applicapple properties. Be sure to use this method after all properties have been added to the grid.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetPropertyBackgroundColour ( wxPGPropArg  id,
const wxColour &  col 

Sets background colour of property and all its children. Colours of captions are not affected. Background brush cache is optimized for often set colours to be set last.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetPropertyColourToDefault ( wxPGPropArg  id  ) 

Sets background and text colour of property and all its children to the default.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetPropertyName ( wxPGPropArg  id,
const wxString &  newname 
) [inline]

Sets name of a property.

id Id of a property.
newname New name.

Definition at line 7255 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetPropertyTextColour ( wxPGPropArg  id,
const wxColour &  col 

Sets text colour of property and all its children.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSelection ( const wxArrayPGProperty &  newSelection  )  [inline]

Set entire new selection from given list of properties.

Definition at line 7169 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSelectionBackground ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets selection background colour - applies to selected property name background.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSelectionForeground ( const wxColour &  col  ) 

Sets selection foreground colour - applies to selected property name text.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSortFunction ( wxPGSortCallback  sortFunction  )  [inline]

Sets the property sorting function.

sortFunction The sorting function to be used. It should return a value greater than 0 if position of p1 is after p2. So, for instance, when comparing property names, you can use following implementation:
                int MyPropertySortFunction(wxPropertyGrid* propGrid,
                                           wxPGProperty* p1,
                                           wxPGProperty* p2)
                    return p1->GetBaseName().compare( p2->GetBaseName() );
Default property sort function sorts properties by their labels.

Definition at line 7125 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSplitterLeft ( bool  subProps = false  )  [inline]

Moves splitter as left as possible, while still allowing all labels to be shown in full.

subProps If false, will still allow sub-properties (ie. properties which parent is not root or category) to be cropped.

Definition at line 6989 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSplitterPosition ( int  newxpos,
bool  refresh = true 
) [inline]

Sets x coordinate of the splitter.

Splitter position cannot exceed grid size, and therefore setting it during form creation may fail as initial grid size is often smaller than desired splitter position, especially when sizers are being used.

Definition at line 7099 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetTextColourIndex ( wxPGProperty p,
int  index,
int  flags 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::SetUnspecifiedCommonValue ( int  index  )  [inline]

Set index of common value that will truly change value to unspecified. Using -1 will set none to have such effect. Default is 0.

Definition at line 7142 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetupEventHandling ( wxWindow *  wnd,
int  id 
) [protected]
void wxPropertyGrid::SetupTextCtrlValue ( const wxString  text  )  [inline]

Must be called in wxPGEditor::CreateControls() if primary editor window is wxTextCtrl, just before textctrl is created.

text Initial text value of created wxTextCtrl.

Definition at line 7547 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetVerticalSpacing ( int  vspacing  )  [inline]

Sets vertical spacing. Can be 1, 2, or 3 - a value relative to font height. Value of 2 should be default on most platforms.

On wxMSW, wxComboBox, when used as property editor widget, will spill out with anything less than 3.

Definition at line 7267 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetVirtualWidth ( int  width  ) 

Set virtual width for this particular page. Width -1 indicates that the virtual width should be disabled.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::SetWindowStyleFlag ( long  style  )  [virtual]

Overridden function.

See also:
Additional Window Styles
void wxPropertyGrid::ShowPropertyError ( wxPGPropArg  id,
const wxString &  msg 
) [inline]

Shows an brief error message that is related to a property.

Definition at line 7275 of file propgrid.h.

void wxPropertyGrid::Sort ( wxPGPropArg  id  ) 

Sorts children of a category.

void wxPropertyGrid::Sort (  ) 

Sorts all items at all levels (except sub-properties).

void wxPropertyGrid::SwitchState ( wxPropertyGridState pNewState  ) 

Mostly useful for page switching.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::Thaw (  )  [virtual]
bool wxPropertyGrid::UnfocusEditor (  ) 

Unfocuses or closes editor if one was open, but does not deselect property.

void wxPropertyGrid::ValueChangeInEvent ( wxVariant  variant  )  [inline]

Call this from wxPGProperty::OnEvent() to cause property value to be changed after the function returns (with true as return value). ValueChangeInEvent() must be used if you wish the application to be able to use wxEVT_PG_CHANGING to potentially veto the given value.

Definition at line 7459 of file propgrid.h.

bool wxPropertyGrid::WasValueChangedInEvent (  )  const [inline]

You can use this member function, for instance, to detect in wxPGProperty::OnEvent() if wxPGProperty::SetValueInEvent() was already called in wxPGEditor::OnEvent(). It really only detects if was value was changed using wxPGProperty::SetValueInEvent(), which is usually used when a 'picker' dialog is displayed. If value was written by "normal means" in wxPGProperty::StringToValue() or IntToValue(), then this function will return false (on the other hand, wxPGProperty::OnEvent() is not even called in those cases).

Definition at line 7475 of file propgrid.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class wxPGCanvas [friend]

Definition at line 6437 of file propgrid.h.

friend class wxPropertyGridInterface [friend]

Definition at line 6435 of file propgrid.h.

friend class wxPropertyGridManager [friend]

Reimplemented from wxPropertyGridInterface.

Definition at line 6436 of file propgrid.h.

friend class wxPropertyGridState [friend]

Definition at line 6434 of file propgrid.h.

Member Data Documentation

wxPGHashMapI2I wxPropertyGrid::m_actionTriggers [protected]

Actions and keys that trigger them.

Definition at line 7697 of file propgrid.h.

wxArrayPtrVoid wxPropertyGrid::m_arrBgBrushes [protected]

Definition at line 7797 of file propgrid.h.

wxArrayPtrVoid wxPropertyGrid::m_arrFgCols [protected]

Definition at line 7798 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7650 of file propgrid.h.

wxPanel* wxPropertyGrid::m_canvas [protected]

wxPGCanvas instance.

Definition at line 7605 of file propgrid.h.

wxFont wxPropertyGrid::m_captionFont [protected]

This captionFont is made equal to the font of the wxScrolledWindow. As extra the bold face is set on it when this is wanted by the user (see flags)

Definition at line 7669 of file propgrid.h.

wxVariant wxPropertyGrid::m_changeInEventValue [protected]

wxPGProperty::OnEvent can change value by setting this.

Definition at line 7617 of file propgrid.h.

Lowest property for which editing happened, but which does not have aggregate parent.

Definition at line 7685 of file propgrid.h.

Changed property, calculated in PerformValidation().

Definition at line 7682 of file propgrid.h.

Changed property value, calculated in PerformValidation().

Definition at line 7688 of file propgrid.h.

wxVariant wxPropertyGrid::m_chgInfo_valueList [protected]

Passed to SetValue.

Definition at line 7691 of file propgrid.h.

When drawing next time, clear this many item slots at the end.

Definition at line 7747 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colCapBack [protected]

Definition at line 7788 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colCapFore [protected]

Definition at line 7787 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colDisPropFore [protected]

Definition at line 7785 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colEmptySpace [protected]

Definition at line 7792 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned int wxPropertyGrid::m_colHover [protected]

Definition at line 7750 of file propgrid.h.

wxBitmap * wxPropertyGrid::m_collbmp [protected]

Definition at line 7595 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colLine [protected]

Definition at line 7783 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colMargin [protected]

Definition at line 7791 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned short wxPropertyGrid::m_coloursCustomized [protected]

Bits are used to indicate which colours are customized.

Definition at line 7704 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colPropBack [protected]

Definition at line 7786 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colPropFore [protected]

Definition at line 7784 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colSelBack [protected]

Definition at line 7790 of file propgrid.h.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::m_colSelFore [protected]

Definition at line 7789 of file propgrid.h.

wxArrayPtrVoid wxPropertyGrid::m_commonValues [protected]

Definition at line 7800 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7781 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::m_curcursor [protected]

Current cursor id.

Definition at line 7665 of file propgrid.h.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::m_curFocused [protected]

Definition at line 7762 of file propgrid.h.

wxCursor* wxPropertyGrid::m_cursorSizeWE [protected]

Definition at line 7598 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7801 of file propgrid.h.

Index to splitter currently being dragged (0=one after the first column).

Definition at line 7679 of file propgrid.h.

signed char wxPropertyGrid::m_dragOffset [protected]

x - m_splitterx.

Definition at line 7707 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_dragStatus [protected]

0 = not dragging, 1 = drag just started, 2 = drag in progress

Definition at line 7710 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_editorFocused [protected]

True when editor control is focused.

Definition at line 7716 of file propgrid.h.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::m_eventObject [protected]

Definition at line 7760 of file propgrid.h.

wxBitmap* wxPropertyGrid::m_expandbmp [protected]

Definition at line 7595 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7671 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_frozen [protected]

1 if m_latsCaption is also the bottommost caption. Set to 1 when graphics frozen.

Definition at line 7722 of file propgrid.h.

The gutter spacing in front and back of the image. This determines the amount of spacing in front of each item

Definition at line 7642 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::m_height [protected]

Control client area height; updated on resize.

Definition at line 7629 of file propgrid.h.

The image height of the [+] icon. This is calculated as minimal size and to align

Definition at line 7661 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::m_iconWidth [protected]

The image width of the [+] icon. This is also calculated in the gutter

Definition at line 7656 of file propgrid.h.

wxUint32 wxPropertyGrid::m_iFlags [protected]

Internal flags - see wxPG_FL_XXX constants.

Definition at line 7744 of file propgrid.h.

1 if in CommitChangesFromEditor()

Definition at line 7736 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_inDoPropertyChanged [protected]

1 if in DoPropertyChanged()

Definition at line 7733 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_inDoSelectProperty [protected]

1 if in DoSelectProperty()

Definition at line 7739 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_keyComboConsumed [protected]

Definition at line 7730 of file propgrid.h.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::m_labelEditor [protected]

Definition at line 7755 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7758 of file propgrid.h.

Includes separator line.

Definition at line 7645 of file propgrid.h.

Gutter*2 + image width.

Definition at line 7648 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_mouseSide [protected]

0 = margin, 1 = label, 2 = value.

Definition at line 7713 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::m_ncWidth [protected]

Current non-client width (needed when auto-centering).

Definition at line 7632 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7741 of file propgrid.h.

wxString wxPropertyGrid::m_prevTcValue [protected]

Definition at line 7803 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::m_prevVY [protected]

Non-client width (auto-centering helper). Previously recorded scroll start position.

Definition at line 7638 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7774 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7752 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7778 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7673 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_pushButKeyCodeNeedsAlt [protected]

Definition at line 7726 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_pushButKeyCodeNeedsCtrl [protected]

Definition at line 7728 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned int wxPropertyGrid::m_selColumn [protected]

Definition at line 7779 of file propgrid.h.

Definition at line 7776 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::m_spacingy [protected]

Extra Y spacing between the items.

Definition at line 7623 of file propgrid.h.

m_splitterx when drag began.

Definition at line 7676 of file propgrid.h.

Extra margin for expanded sub-group items.

Definition at line 7653 of file propgrid.h.

wxLongLong wxPropertyGrid::m_timeCreated [protected]

Local time ms when control was created.

Definition at line 7614 of file propgrid.h.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::m_tlp [protected]

Definition at line 7771 of file propgrid.h.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::m_tlpClosed [protected]

Definition at line 7766 of file propgrid.h.

wxLongLong wxPropertyGrid::m_tlpClosedTime [protected]

Definition at line 7769 of file propgrid.h.

Validation information.

Definition at line 7694 of file propgrid.h.

wxArrayPtrVoid wxPropertyGrid::m_visPropArray [protected]

Definition at line 7794 of file propgrid.h.

unsigned char wxPropertyGrid::m_vspacing [protected]

Definition at line 7724 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::m_width [protected]

Control client area width; updated on resize.

Definition at line 7626 of file propgrid.h.

wxArrayPtrVoid* wxPropertyGrid::m_windowsToDelete [protected]

Definition at line 7611 of file propgrid.h.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::m_wndEditor [protected]

wxWindow pointers to editor control(s).

Definition at line 7601 of file propgrid.h.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::m_wndEditor2 [protected]

Definition at line 7602 of file propgrid.h.

int wxPropertyGrid::m_wndSecId [protected]

Id of m_wndEditor2, or its first child, if any.

Definition at line 7620 of file propgrid.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
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Author(s): Jaakko Salli
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:34:07 2013