Todo List

File real_shadowhand.h

Make sure it works with the motor hand.

Member shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot::getConfig (std::string joint_name)=0

Not implemented yet

Member shadowrobot::SRArticulatedRobot::setConfig (std::vector< std::string > myConfig)=0

Not implemented yet

Member shadowrobot::VirtualArm::sendupdate (std::string joint_name, double target)

This could be improved by implementing a control algorithm in this theoretic arm.

Member shadowrobot::VirtualShadowhand::sendupdate (std::string joint_name, double target)

This could be improved by implementing a control algorithm in this theoretic hand.

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Author(s): Ugo Cupcic /,
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:32:58 2013