Package roswtf :: Module packages
[frames] | no frames]

Module packages

source code

manifest_valid(ctx) source code
msgs_built(ctx) source code
srvs_built(ctx) source code
manifest_msg_srv_export(ctx) source code
manifest_rpath_flags(ctx) source code
cmake_genmsg(ctx) source code
cmake_gensrv(ctx) source code
makefile_exists(ctx) source code
rospack_time(ctx) source code
cmakelists_package_valid(ctx) source code
wtf_check(ctx) source code
  warnings = [(cmakelists_package_valid, "The following packages...
  errors = [(msgs_built, "Messages have not been built in the fo...
  __package__ = 'roswtf'
Variables Details


[(cmakelists_package_valid, "The following packages have incorrect ros\
pack() declarations in CMakeLists.txt.\nPlease switch to using rosbuil\
d_init():"), (rospack_time, "rospack is running very slowly. Consider \
running 'rospack profile' to find slow areas of your code tree."), (ma\
nifest_msg_srv_export, 'The following packages have msg/srv-related cf\
lags exports that are no longer necessary\n\t<export>\n\t\t<cpp cflags\
="..."\n\t</export>:'), (cmake_genmsg, 'The following packages need ro\
sbuild_genmsg() in CMakeLists.txt:'), (cmake_gensrv, 'The following pa\


[(msgs_built, "Messages have not been built in the following package(s\
).\nYou can fix this by typing 'rosmake <package-name>':"), (srvs_buil\
t, "Services have not been built in the following package(s).\nYou can\
 fix this by typing 'rosmake <package-name>':"), (manifest_rpath_flags\
, "The following packages have rpath issues in manifest.xml:"),]