ros::NodeHandle Class Reference

roscpp's interface for creating subscribers, publishers, etc. More...

#include <node_handle.h>

List of all members.


struct  no_validate

Public Member Functions

Publisher advertise (AdvertiseOptions &ops)
 Advertise a topic, with full range of AdvertiseOptions.
template<class M >
Publisher advertise (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, const SubscriberStatusCallback &connect_cb, const SubscriberStatusCallback &disconnect_cb=SubscriberStatusCallback(), const VoidConstPtr &tracked_object=VoidConstPtr(), bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic, with most of the available options, including subscriber status callbacks.
template<class M >
Publisher advertise (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic, simple version.
ServiceServer advertiseService (AdvertiseServiceOptions &ops)
 Advertise a service, with full range of AdvertiseServiceOptions.
template<class S >
ServiceServer advertiseService (const std::string &service, const boost::function< bool(S &)> &callback, const VoidConstPtr &tracked_object=VoidConstPtr())
 Advertise a service, version for arbitrary boost::function object using ros::ServiceEvent as the callback parameter type.
template<class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer advertiseService (const std::string &service, const boost::function< bool(MReq &, MRes &)> &callback, const VoidConstPtr &tracked_object=VoidConstPtr())
 Advertise a service, version for arbitrary boost::function object.
template<class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer advertiseService (const std::string &service, bool(*srv_func)(ServiceEvent< MReq, MRes > &))
 Advertise a service, version for bare function using ros::ServiceEvent as the callback parameter type.
template<class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer advertiseService (const std::string &service, bool(*srv_func)(MReq &, MRes &))
 Advertise a service, version for bare function.
template<class T , class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer advertiseService (const std::string &service, bool(T::*srv_func)(ServiceEvent< MReq, MRes > &), const boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj)
 Advertise a service, version for class member function with shared_ptr using ros::ServiceEvent as the callback parameter type.
template<class T , class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer advertiseService (const std::string &service, bool(T::*srv_func)(MReq &, MRes &), const boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj)
 Advertise a service, version for class member function with shared_ptr.
template<class T , class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer advertiseService (const std::string &service, bool(T::*srv_func)(ServiceEvent< MReq, MRes > &), T *obj)
 Advertise a service, version for class member function with bare pointer using ros::ServiceEvent as the callback parameter type.
template<class T , class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer advertiseService (const std::string &service, bool(T::*srv_func)(MReq &, MRes &), T *obj)
 Advertise a service, version for class member function with bare pointer.
Timer createTimer (TimerOptions &ops) const
 Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant allows the full range of TimerOptions.
Timer createTimer (Duration period, const TimerCallback &callback, bool oneshot=false) const
 Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant takes anything that can be bound to a Boost.Function, including a bare function.
template<class T >
Timer createTimer (Duration period, void(T::*callback)(const TimerEvent &), const boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj, bool oneshot=false) const
 Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant takes a class member function, and a shared pointer to the object to call the method on.
template<class T >
Timer createTimer (Duration period, void(T::*callback)(const TimerEvent &), T *obj, bool oneshot=false) const
 Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant takes a class member function, and a bare pointer to the object to call the method on.
template<class T >
Timer createTimer (Duration period, void(T::*callback)(const TimerEvent &) const, T *obj, bool oneshot=false) const
 Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant takes a class member function, and a bare pointer to the object to call the method on.
WallTimer createWallTimer (WallTimerOptions &ops) const
 Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate, using wall time to determine when to call the callback instead of ROS time. This variant allows the full range of TimerOptions.
WallTimer createWallTimer (WallDuration period, const WallTimerCallback &callback, bool oneshot=false) const
 Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate, using wall time to determine when to call the callback instead of ROS time. This variant takes anything that can be bound to a Boost.Function, including a bare function.
template<class T >
WallTimer createWallTimer (WallDuration period, void(T::*callback)(const WallTimerEvent &), const boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj, bool oneshot=false) const
 Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate, using wall time to determine when to call the callback instead of ROS time. This variant takes a class member function, and a shared pointer to the object to call the method on.
template<class T >
WallTimer createWallTimer (WallDuration period, void(T::*callback)(const WallTimerEvent &), T *obj, bool oneshot=false) const
 Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate, using wall time to determine when to call the callback instead of ROS time. This variant takes a class member function, and a bare pointer to the object to call the method on.
bool deleteParam (const std::string &key) const
 Delete a parameter from the parameter server.
CallbackQueueInterfacegetCallbackQueue () const
 Returns the callback queue associated with this NodeHandle. If none has been explicitly set, returns the global queue.
const std::string & getNamespace () const
 Returns the namespace associated with this NodeHandle.
bool getParam (const std::string &key, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &v) const
 Get an arbitrary XML/RPC value from the parameter server.
bool getParam (const std::string &key, bool &b) const
 Get a boolean value from the parameter server.
bool getParam (const std::string &key, int &i) const
 Get a integer value from the parameter server.
bool getParam (const std::string &key, double &d) const
 Get a double value from the parameter server.
bool getParam (const std::string &key, std::string &s) const
 Get a string value from the parameter server.
bool getParamCached (const std::string &key, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &v) const
 Get an arbitrary XML/RPC value from the parameter server, with local caching.
bool getParamCached (const std::string &key, bool &b) const
 Get a boolean value from the parameter server, with local caching.
bool getParamCached (const std::string &key, int &i) const
 Get a integer value from the parameter server, with local caching.
bool getParamCached (const std::string &key, double &d) const
 Get a double value from the parameter server, with local caching.
bool getParamCached (const std::string &key, std::string &s) const
 Get a string value from the parameter server, with local caching.
const std::string & getUnresolvedNamespace () const
 Returns the namespace associated with this NodeHandle as it was passed in (before it was resolved).
bool hasParam (const std::string &key) const
 Check whether a parameter exists on the parameter server.
 NodeHandle (const NodeHandle &parent, const std::string &ns, const M_string &remappings)
 Parent constructor.
 NodeHandle (const NodeHandle &parent, const std::string &ns)
 Parent constructor.
 NodeHandle (const NodeHandle &rhs)
 Copy constructor.
 NodeHandle (const std::string &ns=std::string(), const M_string &remappings=M_string())
bool ok () const
 Check whether it's time to exit.
NodeHandleoperator= (const NodeHandle &rhs)
template<typename T >
void param (const std::string &param_name, T &param_val, const T &default_val) const
 Assign value from parameter server, with default.
std::string resolveName (const std::string &name, bool remap=true) const
 Resolves a name into a fully-qualified name.
bool searchParam (const std::string &key, std::string &result) const
 Search up the tree for a parameter with a given key.
ServiceClient serviceClient (ServiceClientOptions &ops)
 Create a client for a service, version with full range of ServiceClientOptions.
template<class Service >
ServiceClient serviceClient (const std::string &service_name, bool persistent=false, const M_string &header_values=M_string())
 Create a client for a service, version templated on service type.
template<class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceClient serviceClient (const std::string &service_name, bool persistent=false, const M_string &header_values=M_string())
 Create a client for a service, version templated on two message types.
void setCallbackQueue (CallbackQueueInterface *queue)
 Set the default callback queue to be used by this NodeHandle.
void setParam (const std::string &key, bool b) const
 Set a integer value on the parameter server.
void setParam (const std::string &key, int i) const
 Set a integer value on the parameter server.
void setParam (const std::string &key, double d) const
 Set a double value on the parameter server.
void setParam (const std::string &key, const char *s) const
 Set a string value on the parameter server.
void setParam (const std::string &key, const std::string &s) const
 Set a string value on the parameter server.
void setParam (const std::string &key, const XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &v) const
 Set an arbitrary XML/RPC value on the parameter server.
void shutdown ()
 Shutdown every handle created through this NodeHandle.
Subscriber subscribe (SubscribeOptions &ops)
 Subscribe to a topic, version with full range of SubscribeOptions.
template<class M , class C >
Subscriber subscribe (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, const boost::function< void(C)> &callback, const VoidConstPtr &tracked_object=VoidConstPtr(), const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
 Subscribe to a topic, version for arbitrary boost::function object.
template<class M >
Subscriber subscribe (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, const boost::function< void(const boost::shared_ptr< M const > &)> &callback, const VoidConstPtr &tracked_object=VoidConstPtr(), const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
 Subscribe to a topic, version for arbitrary boost::function object.
template<class M >
Subscriber subscribe (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(*fp)(const boost::shared_ptr< M const > &), const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
 Subscribe to a topic, version for bare function.
template<class M >
Subscriber subscribe (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(*fp)(M), const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
 Subscribe to a topic, version for bare function.
template<class M , class T >
Subscriber subscribe (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*fp)(const boost::shared_ptr< M const > &), const boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj, const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
 Subscribe to a topic, version for class member function with shared_ptr.
template<class M , class T >
Subscriber subscribe (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*fp)(M), const boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj, const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
 Subscribe to a topic, version for class member function with shared_ptr.
template<class M , class T >
Subscriber subscribe (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*fp)(const boost::shared_ptr< M const > &), T *obj, const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
 Subscribe to a topic, version for class member function with bare pointer.
template<class M , class T >
Subscriber subscribe (const std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*fp)(M), T *obj, const TransportHints &transport_hints=TransportHints())
 Subscribe to a topic, version for class member function with bare pointer.
 ~NodeHandle ()

Private Member Functions

void construct (const std::string &ns, bool validate_name)
void destruct ()
void initRemappings (const M_string &remappings)
std::string remapName (const std::string &name) const
std::string resolveName (const std::string &name, bool remap, no_validate) const

Private Attributes

std::string namespace_
bool ok_
M_string remappings_
std::string unresolved_namespace_
M_string unresolved_remappings_

Detailed Description

roscpp's interface for creating subscribers, publishers, etc.

This class is used for writing nodes. It provides a RAII interface to this process' node, in that when the first NodeHandle is created, it instantiates everything necessary for this node, and when the last NodeHandle goes out of scope it shuts down the node.

NodeHandle uses reference counting internally, and copying a NodeHandle is very lightweight.

You must call one of the ros::init functions prior to instantiating this class.

The most widely used methods are:

Definition at line 75 of file node_handle.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ros::NodeHandle::NodeHandle ( const std::string &  ns = std::string(),
const M_string remappings = M_string() 


When a NodeHandle is constructed, it checks to see if the global node state has already been started. If so, it increments a global reference count. If not, it starts the node with ros::start() and sets the reference count to 1.

ns Namespace for this NodeHandle. This acts in addition to any namespace assigned to this ROS node. eg. If the node's namespace is "/a" and the namespace passed in here is "b", all topics/services/parameters will be prefixed with "/a/b/"
remappings Remappings for this NodeHandle.
InvalidNameException if the namespace is not a valid graph resource name

Definition at line 70 of file node_handle.cpp.

ros::NodeHandle::NodeHandle ( const NodeHandle rhs  ) 

Copy constructor.

When a NodeHandle is copied, it inherits the namespace of the NodeHandle being copied, and increments the reference count of the global node state by 1.

Definition at line 112 of file node_handle.cpp.

ros::NodeHandle::NodeHandle ( const NodeHandle parent,
const std::string &  ns 

Parent constructor.

This version of the constructor takes a "parent" NodeHandle, and is equivalent to:

NodeHandle child(parent.getNamespace() + "/" + ns);

When a NodeHandle is copied, it inherits the namespace of the NodeHandle being copied, and increments the reference count of the global node state by 1.

InvalidNameException if the namespace is not a valid graph resource name

Definition at line 86 of file node_handle.cpp.

ros::NodeHandle::NodeHandle ( const NodeHandle parent,
const std::string &  ns,
const M_string remappings 

Parent constructor.

This version of the constructor takes a "parent" NodeHandle, and is equivalent to:

NodeHandle child(parent.getNamespace() + "/" + ns, remappings);

This version also lets you pass in name remappings that are specific to this NodeHandle

When a NodeHandle is copied, it inherits the namespace of the NodeHandle being copied, and increments the reference count of the global node state by 1.

InvalidNameException if the namespace is not a valid graph resource name

Definition at line 98 of file node_handle.cpp.

ros::NodeHandle::~NodeHandle (  ) 


When a NodeHandle is destroyed, it decrements a global reference count by 1, and if the reference count is now 0, shuts down the node.

Definition at line 124 of file node_handle.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Publisher ros::NodeHandle::advertise ( AdvertiseOptions ops  ) 

Advertise a topic, with full range of AdvertiseOptions.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be publishing messages on the given topic. This method returns a Publisher that allows you to publish a message on this topic.

This is an advanced version advertise() that exposes all options (through the AdvertiseOptions structure)

ops Advertise options to use
On success, a Publisher that, when it goes out of scope, will automatically release a reference on this advertisement. On failure, an empty Publisher which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 282 of file node_handle.cpp.

template<class M >
Publisher ros::NodeHandle::advertise ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
const SubscriberStatusCallback connect_cb,
const SubscriberStatusCallback disconnect_cb = SubscriberStatusCallback(),
const VoidConstPtr tracked_object = VoidConstPtr(),
bool  latch = false 
) [inline]

Advertise a topic, with most of the available options, including subscriber status callbacks.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be publishing messages on the given topic. This method returns a Publisher that allows you to publish a message on this topic.

This version of advertise allows you to pass functions to be called when new subscribers connect and disconnect. With bare functions it can be used like so:

void connectCallback(const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher& pub)
  // Do something

handle.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("my_topic", 1, connectCallback);

With class member functions it can be used with boost::bind:

void MyClass::connectCallback(const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher& pub)
  // Do something

MyClass my_class;
ros::Publisher pub = handle.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("my_topic", 1, boost::bind(&MyClass::connectCallback, my_class, _1));
topic Topic to advertise on
queue_size Maximum number of outgoing messages to be queued for delivery to subscribers
connect_cb Function to call when a subscriber connects
disconnect_cb (optional) Function to call when a subscriber disconnects
tracked_object (optional) A shared pointer to an object to track for these callbacks. If set, the a weak_ptr will be created to this object, and if the reference count goes to 0 the subscriber callbacks will not get called. Note that setting this will cause a new reference to be added to the object before the callback, and for it to go out of scope (and potentially be deleted) in the code path (and therefore thread) that the callback is invoked from.
latch (optional) If true, the last message published on this topic will be saved and sent to new subscribers when they connect
On success, a Publisher that, when it goes out of scope, will automatically release a reference on this advertisement. On failure, an empty Publisher which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 256 of file node_handle.h.

template<class M >
Publisher ros::NodeHandle::advertise ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
bool  latch = false 
) [inline]

Advertise a topic, simple version.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be publishing messages on the given topic. This method returns a Publisher that allows you to publish a message on this topic.

This version of advertise is a templated convenience function, and can be used like so

ros::Publisher pub = handle.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("my_topic", 1);
topic Topic to advertise on
queue_size Maximum number of outgoing messages to be queued for delivery to subscribers
latch (optional) If true, the last message published on this topic will be saved and sent to new subscribers when they connect
On success, a Publisher that, when it goes out of scope, will automatically release a reference on this advertisement. On failure, an empty Publisher.
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 197 of file node_handle.h.

ServiceServer ros::NodeHandle::advertiseService ( AdvertiseServiceOptions ops  ) 

Advertise a service, with full range of AdvertiseServiceOptions.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be offering an RPC service with the given name.

This version of advertiseService allows the full set of options, exposed through the AdvertiseServiceOptions class

ops Advertise options
On success, a ServiceServer that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unadvertise this service. On failure, an empty ServiceServer which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 345 of file node_handle.cpp.

template<class S >
ServiceServer ros::NodeHandle::advertiseService ( const std::string &  service,
const boost::function< bool(S &)> &  callback,
const VoidConstPtr tracked_object = VoidConstPtr() 
) [inline]

Advertise a service, version for arbitrary boost::function object using ros::ServiceEvent as the callback parameter type.

Note that the template parameter S is the full event type, e.g. ros::ServiceEvent<Req, Res>

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be offering an RPC service with the given name.

This version of advertiseService allows non-class functions, as well as functor objects and boost::bind (along with anything else boost::function supports).

service Service name to advertise on
callback Callback to call when the service is called
tracked_object A shared pointer to an object to track for these callbacks. If set, the a weak_ptr will be created to this object, and if the reference count goes to 0 the subscriber callbacks will not get called. Note that setting this will cause a new reference to be added to the object before the callback, and for it to go out of scope (and potentially be deleted) in the code path (and therefore thread) that the callback is invoked from.
On success, a ServiceServer that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unadvertise this service. On failure, an empty ServiceServer which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 989 of file node_handle.h.

template<class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer ros::NodeHandle::advertiseService ( const std::string &  service,
const boost::function< bool(MReq &, MRes &)> &  callback,
const VoidConstPtr tracked_object = VoidConstPtr() 
) [inline]

Advertise a service, version for arbitrary boost::function object.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be offering an RPC service with the given name.

This version of advertiseService allows non-class functions, as well as functor objects and boost::bind (along with anything else boost::function supports).

service Service name to advertise on
callback Callback to call when the service is called
tracked_object A shared pointer to an object to track for these callbacks. If set, the a weak_ptr will be created to this object, and if the reference count goes to 0 the subscriber callbacks will not get called. Note that setting this will cause a new reference to be added to the object before the callback, and for it to go out of scope (and potentially be deleted) in the code path (and therefore thread) that the callback is invoked from.
On success, a ServiceServer that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unadvertise this service. On failure, an empty ServiceServer which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 952 of file node_handle.h.

template<class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer ros::NodeHandle::advertiseService ( const std::string &  service,
bool(*)(ServiceEvent< MReq, MRes > &)  srv_func 
) [inline]

Advertise a service, version for bare function using ros::ServiceEvent as the callback parameter type.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be offering an RPC service with the given name.

This is a convenience function for using bare functions, and can be used like so:

bool callback(ros::ServiceEvent<std_srvs::Empty, std_srvs::Empty>& event)
  return true;

ros::ServiceServer service = handle.advertiseService("my_service", callback);
service Service name to advertise on
srv_func function pointer to call when a message has arrived
On success, a ServiceServer that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unadvertise this service. On failure, an empty ServiceServer which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 918 of file node_handle.h.

template<class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer ros::NodeHandle::advertiseService ( const std::string &  service,
bool(*)(MReq &, MRes &)  srv_func 
) [inline]

Advertise a service, version for bare function.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be offering an RPC service with the given name.

This is a convenience function for using bare functions, and can be used like so:

bool callback(std_srvs::Empty& request, std_srvs::Empty& response)
  return true;

ros::ServiceServer service = handle.advertiseService("my_service", callback);
service Service name to advertise on
srv_func function pointer to call when a message has arrived
On success, a ServiceServer that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unadvertise this service. On failure, an empty ServiceServer which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 882 of file node_handle.h.

template<class T , class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer ros::NodeHandle::advertiseService ( const std::string &  service,
bool(T::*)(ServiceEvent< MReq, MRes > &)  srv_func,
const boost::shared_ptr< T > &  obj 
) [inline]

Advertise a service, version for class member function with shared_ptr using ros::ServiceEvent as the callback parameter type.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be offering an RPC service with the given name.

This is a convenience function for using member functions on shared pointers, and can be used like so:

bool Foo::callback(ros::ServiceEvent<std_srvs::Empty, std_srvs::Empty>& event)
  return true;

boost::shared_ptr<Foo> foo_object(new Foo);
ros::ServiceServer service = handle.advertiseService("my_service", &Foo::callback, foo_object);
service Service name to advertise on
srv_func Member function pointer to call when a message has arrived
obj Object to call srv_func on. Since this is a shared_ptr, it will automatically be tracked with a weak_ptr, and if the object is deleted the service callback will stop being called (and therefore will not crash).
On success, a ServiceServer that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unadvertise this service. On failure, an empty ServiceServer which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 845 of file node_handle.h.

template<class T , class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer ros::NodeHandle::advertiseService ( const std::string &  service,
bool(T::*)(MReq &, MRes &)  srv_func,
const boost::shared_ptr< T > &  obj 
) [inline]

Advertise a service, version for class member function with shared_ptr.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be offering an RPC service with the given name.

This is a convenience function for using member functions on shared pointers, and can be used like so:

bool Foo::callback(std_srvs::Empty& request, std_srvs::Empty& response)
  return true;

boost::shared_ptr<Foo> foo_object(new Foo);
ros::ServiceServer service = handle.advertiseService("my_service", &Foo::callback, foo_object);
service Service name to advertise on
srv_func Member function pointer to call when a message has arrived
obj Object to call srv_func on. Since this is a shared_ptr, it will automatically be tracked with a weak_ptr, and if the object is deleted the service callback will stop being called (and therefore will not crash).
On success, a ServiceServer that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unadvertise this service. On failure, an empty ServiceServer which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 805 of file node_handle.h.

template<class T , class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer ros::NodeHandle::advertiseService ( const std::string &  service,
bool(T::*)(ServiceEvent< MReq, MRes > &)  srv_func,
T *  obj 
) [inline]

Advertise a service, version for class member function with bare pointer using ros::ServiceEvent as the callback parameter type.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be offering an RPC service with the given name.

This is a convenience function for using member functions, and can be used like so:

bool Foo::callback(ros::ServiceEvent<std_srvs::Empty::Request, std_srvs::Empty::Response>& event)
  return true;

Foo foo_object;
ros::ServiceServer service = handle.advertiseService("my_service", &Foo::callback, &foo_object);
service Service name to advertise on
srv_func Member function pointer to call when a message has arrived
obj Object to call srv_func on
On success, a ServiceServer that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unadvertise this service. On failure, an empty ServiceServer which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 766 of file node_handle.h.

template<class T , class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceServer ros::NodeHandle::advertiseService ( const std::string &  service,
bool(T::*)(MReq &, MRes &)  srv_func,
T *  obj 
) [inline]

Advertise a service, version for class member function with bare pointer.

This call connects to the master to publicize that the node will be offering an RPC service with the given name.

This is a convenience function for using member functions, and can be used like so:

bool Foo::callback(std_srvs::Empty& request, std_srvs::Empty& response)
  return true;

Foo foo_object;
ros::ServiceServer service = handle.advertiseService("my_service", &Foo::callback, &foo_object);
service Service name to advertise on
srv_func Member function pointer to call when a message has arrived
obj Object to call srv_func on
On success, a ServiceServer that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unadvertise this service. On failure, an empty ServiceServer which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 728 of file node_handle.h.

void ros::NodeHandle::construct ( const std::string &  ns,
bool  validate_name 
) [private]

Definition at line 145 of file node_handle.cpp.

Timer ros::NodeHandle::createTimer ( TimerOptions ops  )  const

Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant allows the full range of TimerOptions.

When the Timer (and all copies of it) returned goes out of scope, the timer will automatically be stopped, and the callback will no longer be called.

ops The options to use when creating the timer

Definition at line 398 of file node_handle.cpp.

Timer ros::NodeHandle::createTimer ( Duration  period,
const TimerCallback callback,
bool  oneshot = false 
) const

Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant takes anything that can be bound to a Boost.Function, including a bare function.

When the Timer (and all copies of it) returned goes out of scope, the timer will automatically be stopped, and the callback will no longer be called.

period The period at which to call the callback
callback The function to call
oneshot If true, this timer will only fire once

Definition at line 389 of file node_handle.cpp.

template<class T >
Timer ros::NodeHandle::createTimer ( Duration  period,
void(T::*)(const TimerEvent &)  callback,
const boost::shared_ptr< T > &  obj,
bool  oneshot = false 
) const [inline]

Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant takes a class member function, and a shared pointer to the object to call the method on.

When the Timer (and all copies of it) returned goes out of scope, the timer will automatically be stopped, and the callback will no longer be called.

period The period at which to call the callback
callback The method to call
obj The object to call the method on. Since this is a shared pointer, the object will automatically be tracked with a weak_ptr so that if it is deleted before the Timer goes out of scope the callback will no longer be called (and therefore will not crash).
oneshot If true, this timer will only fire once

Definition at line 1123 of file node_handle.h.

template<class T >
Timer ros::NodeHandle::createTimer ( Duration  period,
void(T::*)(const TimerEvent &)  callback,
T *  obj,
bool  oneshot = false 
) const [inline]

Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant takes a class member function, and a bare pointer to the object to call the method on.

When the Timer (and all copies of it) returned goes out of scope, the timer will automatically be stopped, and the callback will no longer be called.

period The period at which to call the callback
callback The method to call
obj The object to call the method on
oneshot If true, this timer will only fire once

Definition at line 1103 of file node_handle.h.

template<class T >
Timer ros::NodeHandle::createTimer ( Duration  period,
void(T::*)(const TimerEvent &) const   callback,
T *  obj,
bool  oneshot = false 
) const [inline]

Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate. This variant takes a class member function, and a bare pointer to the object to call the method on.

When the Timer (and all copies of it) returned goes out of scope, the timer will automatically be stopped, and the callback will no longer be called.

period The period at which to call the callback
callback The method to call
obj The object to call the method on
oneshot If true, this timer will only fire once

Definition at line 1085 of file node_handle.h.

WallTimer ros::NodeHandle::createWallTimer ( WallTimerOptions ops  )  const

Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate, using wall time to determine when to call the callback instead of ROS time. This variant allows the full range of TimerOptions.

When the Timer (and all copies of it) returned goes out of scope, the timer will automatically be stopped, and the callback will no longer be called.

ops The options to use when creating the timer

Definition at line 426 of file node_handle.cpp.

WallTimer ros::NodeHandle::createWallTimer ( WallDuration  period,
const WallTimerCallback callback,
bool  oneshot = false 
) const

Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate, using wall time to determine when to call the callback instead of ROS time. This variant takes anything that can be bound to a Boost.Function, including a bare function.

When the Timer (and all copies of it) returned goes out of scope, the timer will automatically be stopped, and the callback will no longer be called.

period The period at which to call the callback
callback The function to call
oneshot If true, this timer will only fire once

Definition at line 417 of file node_handle.cpp.

template<class T >
WallTimer ros::NodeHandle::createWallTimer ( WallDuration  period,
void(T::*)(const WallTimerEvent &)  callback,
const boost::shared_ptr< T > &  obj,
bool  oneshot = false 
) const [inline]

Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate, using wall time to determine when to call the callback instead of ROS time. This variant takes a class member function, and a shared pointer to the object to call the method on.

When the Timer (and all copies of it) returned goes out of scope, the timer will automatically be stopped, and the callback will no longer be called.

period The period at which to call the callback
callback The method to call
obj The object to call the method on. Since this is a shared pointer, the object will automatically be tracked with a weak_ptr so that if it is deleted before the Timer goes out of scope the callback will no longer be called (and therefore will not crash).
oneshot If true, this timer will only fire once

Definition at line 1194 of file node_handle.h.

template<class T >
WallTimer ros::NodeHandle::createWallTimer ( WallDuration  period,
void(T::*)(const WallTimerEvent &)  callback,
T *  obj,
bool  oneshot = false 
) const [inline]

Create a timer which will call a callback at the specified rate, using wall time to determine when to call the callback instead of ROS time. This variant takes a class member function, and a bare pointer to the object to call the method on.

When the Timer (and all copies of it) returned goes out of scope, the timer will automatically be stopped, and the callback will no longer be called.

period The period at which to call the callback
callback The method to call
obj The object to call the method on
oneshot If true, this timer will only fire once

Definition at line 1173 of file node_handle.h.

bool ros::NodeHandle::deleteParam ( const std::string &  key  )  const

Delete a parameter from the parameter server.

key The key to delete.
true if the deletion succeeded, false otherwise.
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 541 of file node_handle.cpp.

void ros::NodeHandle::destruct (  )  [private]

Definition at line 177 of file node_handle.cpp.

CallbackQueueInterface* ros::NodeHandle::getCallbackQueue (  )  const [inline]

Returns the callback queue associated with this NodeHandle. If none has been explicitly set, returns the global queue.

Definition at line 147 of file node_handle.h.

const std::string& ros::NodeHandle::getNamespace (  )  const [inline]

Returns the namespace associated with this NodeHandle.

Definition at line 152 of file node_handle.h.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParam ( const std::string &  key,
XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &  v 
) const

Get an arbitrary XML/RPC value from the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] v Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 546 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParam ( const std::string &  key,
bool &  b 
) const

Get a boolean value from the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] b Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 566 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParam ( const std::string &  key,
int &  i 
) const

Get a integer value from the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] i Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 561 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParam ( const std::string &  key,
double &  d 
) const

Get a double value from the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] d Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 556 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParam ( const std::string &  key,
std::string &  s 
) const

Get a string value from the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] s Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 551 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParamCached ( const std::string &  key,
XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &  v 
) const

Get an arbitrary XML/RPC value from the parameter server, with local caching.

This method will cache parameters locally, and subscribe for updates from the parameter server. Once the parameter is retrieved for the first time no subsequent getCached() calls with the same key will query the master -- they will instead look up in the local cache.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] v Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 571 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParamCached ( const std::string &  key,
bool &  b 
) const

Get a boolean value from the parameter server, with local caching.

This method will cache parameters locally, and subscribe for updates from the parameter server. Once the parameter is retrieved for the first time no subsequent getCached() calls with the same key will query the master -- they will instead look up in the local cache.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] b Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 591 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParamCached ( const std::string &  key,
int &  i 
) const

Get a integer value from the parameter server, with local caching.

This method will cache parameters locally, and subscribe for updates from the parameter server. Once the parameter is retrieved for the first time no subsequent getCached() calls with the same key will query the master -- they will instead look up in the local cache.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] i Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 586 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParamCached ( const std::string &  key,
double &  d 
) const

Get a double value from the parameter server, with local caching.

This method will cache parameters locally, and subscribe for updates from the parameter server. Once the parameter is retrieved for the first time no subsequent getCached() calls with the same key will query the master -- they will instead look up in the local cache.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] d Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 581 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::getParamCached ( const std::string &  key,
std::string &  s 
) const

Get a string value from the parameter server, with local caching.

This method will cache parameters locally, and subscribe for updates from the parameter server. Once the parameter is retrieved for the first time no subsequent getCached() calls with the same key will query the master -- they will instead look up in the local cache.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
[out] s Storage for the retrieved value.
true if the parameter value was retrieved, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 576 of file node_handle.cpp.

const std::string& ros::NodeHandle::getUnresolvedNamespace (  )  const [inline]

Returns the namespace associated with this NodeHandle as it was passed in (before it was resolved).

Definition at line 157 of file node_handle.h.

bool ros::NodeHandle::hasParam ( const std::string &  key  )  const

Check whether a parameter exists on the parameter server.

key The key to check.
true if the parameter exists, false otherwise
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 536 of file node_handle.cpp.

void ros::NodeHandle::initRemappings ( const M_string remappings  )  [private]

Definition at line 191 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::ok (  )  const

Check whether it's time to exit.

This method checks to see if both ros::ok() is true and shutdown() has not been called on this NodeHandle, to see whether it's yet time to exit. ok() is false once either ros::shutdown() or NodeHandle::shutdown() have been called

true if we're still OK, false if it's time to exit

Definition at line 612 of file node_handle.cpp.

NodeHandle & ros::NodeHandle::operator= ( const NodeHandle rhs  ) 

Definition at line 129 of file node_handle.cpp.

template<typename T >
void ros::NodeHandle::param ( const std::string &  param_name,
T &  param_val,
const T &  default_val 
) const [inline]

Assign value from parameter server, with default.

This method tries to retrieve the indicated parameter value from the parameter server, storing the result in param_val. If the value cannot be retrieved from the server, default_val is used instead.

param_name The key to be searched on the parameter server.
[out] param_val Storage for the retrieved value.
default_val Value to use if the server doesn't contain this parameter.
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 1431 of file node_handle.h.

std::string ros::NodeHandle::remapName ( const std::string &  name  )  const [private]

Definition at line 212 of file node_handle.cpp.

std::string ros::NodeHandle::resolveName ( const std::string &  name,
bool  remap,
) const [private]

Definition at line 240 of file node_handle.cpp.

std::string ros::NodeHandle::resolveName ( const std::string &  name,
bool  remap = true 
) const

Resolves a name into a fully-qualified name.

Resolves a name into a fully qualified name, eg. "blah" => "/namespace/blah". By default also applies any matching name-remapping rules (which were usually supplied on the command line at startup) to the given name, returning the resulting remapped name.

name Name to remap
remap Whether to apply name-remapping rules
Resolved name.
InvalidNameException If the name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 228 of file node_handle.cpp.

bool ros::NodeHandle::searchParam ( const std::string &  key,
std::string &  result 
) const

Search up the tree for a parameter with a given key.

This function parameter server's searchParam feature to search up the tree for a parameter. For example, if the parameter server has a parameter [/a/b] and you're in the namespace [/a/c/d], searching for the parameter "b" will yield [/a/b]. If [/a/c/d/b] existed, that parameter would be returned instead.

key the parameter to search for
[out] result the found value (if any)
true if the parameter was found, false otherwise.

Definition at line 596 of file node_handle.cpp.

ServiceClient ros::NodeHandle::serviceClient ( ServiceClientOptions ops  ) 

Create a client for a service, version with full range of ServiceClientOptions.

When the last handle reference of a persistent connection is cleared, the connection will automatically close.

ops The options for this service client
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 375 of file node_handle.cpp.

template<class Service >
ServiceClient ros::NodeHandle::serviceClient ( const std::string &  service_name,
bool  persistent = false,
const M_string header_values = M_string() 
) [inline]

Create a client for a service, version templated on service type.

When the last handle reference of a persistent connection is cleared, the connection will automatically close.

service_name The name of the service to connect to
persistent Whether this connection should persist. Persistent services keep the connection to the remote host active so that subsequent calls will happen faster. In general persistent services are discouraged, as they are not as robust to node failure as non-persistent services.
header_values Key/value pairs you'd like to send along in the connection handshake
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 1053 of file node_handle.h.

template<class MReq , class MRes >
ServiceClient ros::NodeHandle::serviceClient ( const std::string &  service_name,
bool  persistent = false,
const M_string header_values = M_string() 
) [inline]

Create a client for a service, version templated on two message types.

When the last handle reference of a persistent connection is cleared, the connection will automatically close.

service_name The name of the service to connect to
persistent Whether this connection should persist. Persistent services keep the connection to the remote host active so that subsequent calls will happen faster. In general persistent services are discouraged, as they are not as robust to node failure as non-persistent services.
header_values Key/value pairs you'd like to send along in the connection handshake
InvalidNameException If the service name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 1034 of file node_handle.h.

void ros::NodeHandle::setCallbackQueue ( CallbackQueueInterface queue  ) 

Set the default callback queue to be used by this NodeHandle.

Setting this will cause any callbacks from advertisements/subscriptions/services/etc. to happen through the use of the specified queue. NULL (the default) causes the global queue (serviced by ros::spin() and ros::spinOnce()) to be used.

Definition at line 207 of file node_handle.cpp.

void ros::NodeHandle::setParam ( const std::string &  key,
bool  b 
) const

Set a integer value on the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
b The value to be inserted.
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 531 of file node_handle.cpp.

void ros::NodeHandle::setParam ( const std::string &  key,
int  i 
) const

Set a integer value on the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
i The value to be inserted.
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 526 of file node_handle.cpp.

void ros::NodeHandle::setParam ( const std::string &  key,
double  d 
) const

Set a double value on the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
d The value to be inserted.
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 521 of file node_handle.cpp.

void ros::NodeHandle::setParam ( const std::string &  key,
const char *  s 
) const

Set a string value on the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
s The value to be inserted.
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 516 of file node_handle.cpp.

void ros::NodeHandle::setParam ( const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  s 
) const

Set a string value on the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
s The value to be inserted.
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 511 of file node_handle.cpp.

void ros::NodeHandle::setParam ( const std::string &  key,
const XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &  v 
) const

Set an arbitrary XML/RPC value on the parameter server.

key The key to be used in the parameter server's dictionary
v The value to be inserted.
InvalidNameException If the parameter key begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name

Definition at line 506 of file node_handle.cpp.

void ros::NodeHandle::shutdown (  ) 

Shutdown every handle created through this NodeHandle.

This method will unadvertise every topic and service advertisement, and unsubscribe every subscription created through this NodeHandle.

Definition at line 445 of file node_handle.cpp.

Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe ( SubscribeOptions ops  ) 

Subscribe to a topic, version with full range of SubscribeOptions.

This method connects to the master to register interest in a given topic. The node will automatically be connected with publishers on this topic. On each message receipt, fp is invoked and passed a shared pointer to the message received. This message should not be changed in place, as it is shared with any other subscriptions to this topic.

This version of subscribe allows the full range of options, exposed through the SubscribeOptions class

ops Subscribe options
On success, a Subscriber that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unsubscribe from this topic. On failure, an empty Subscriber which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name
ConflictingSubscriptionException If this node is already subscribed to the same topic with a different datatype

Definition at line 315 of file node_handle.cpp.

template<class M , class C >
Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
const boost::function< void(C)> &  callback,
const VoidConstPtr tracked_object = VoidConstPtr(),
const TransportHints transport_hints = TransportHints() 
) [inline]

Subscribe to a topic, version for arbitrary boost::function object.

This method connects to the master to register interest in a given topic. The node will automatically be connected with publishers on this topic. On each message receipt, callback is invoked and passed a shared pointer to the message received. This message should not be changed in place, as it is shared with any other subscriptions to this topic.

This version of subscribe allows anything bindable to a boost::function object

M [template] the message type
C [template] the callback parameter type (e.g. const boost::shared_ptr<M const>& or const M&)
topic Topic to subscribe to
queue_size Number of incoming messages to queue up for processing (messages in excess of this queue capacity will be discarded).
callback Callback to call when a message has arrived
tracked_object A shared pointer to an object to track for these callbacks. If set, the a weak_ptr will be created to this object, and if the reference count goes to 0 the subscriber callbacks will not get called. Note that setting this will cause a new reference to be added to the object before the callback, and for it to go out of scope (and potentially be deleted) in the code path (and therefore thread) that the callback is invoked from.
transport_hints a TransportHints structure which defines various transport-related options
On success, a Subscriber that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unsubscribe from this topic. On failure, an empty Subscriber which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name
ConflictingSubscriptionException If this node is already subscribed to the same topic with a different datatype

Definition at line 659 of file node_handle.h.

template<class M >
Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
const boost::function< void(const boost::shared_ptr< M const > &)> &  callback,
const VoidConstPtr tracked_object = VoidConstPtr(),
const TransportHints transport_hints = TransportHints() 
) [inline]

Subscribe to a topic, version for arbitrary boost::function object.

This method connects to the master to register interest in a given topic. The node will automatically be connected with publishers on this topic. On each message receipt, callback is invoked and passed a shared pointer to the message received. This message should not be changed in place, as it is shared with any other subscriptions to this topic.

This version of subscribe allows anything bindable to a boost::function object

M [template] M here is the message type
topic Topic to subscribe to
queue_size Number of incoming messages to queue up for processing (messages in excess of this queue capacity will be discarded).
callback Callback to call when a message has arrived
tracked_object A shared pointer to an object to track for these callbacks. If set, the a weak_ptr will be created to this object, and if the reference count goes to 0 the subscriber callbacks will not get called. Note that setting this will cause a new reference to be added to the object before the callback, and for it to go out of scope (and potentially be deleted) in the code path (and therefore thread) that the callback is invoked from.
transport_hints a TransportHints structure which defines various transport-related options
On success, a Subscriber that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unsubscribe from this topic. On failure, an empty Subscriber which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name
ConflictingSubscriptionException If this node is already subscribed to the same topic with a different datatype

Definition at line 613 of file node_handle.h.

template<class M >
Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
void(*)(const boost::shared_ptr< M const > &)  fp,
const TransportHints transport_hints = TransportHints() 
) [inline]

Subscribe to a topic, version for bare function.

This method connects to the master to register interest in a given topic. The node will automatically be connected with publishers on this topic. On each message receipt, fp is invoked and passed a shared pointer to the message received. This message should not be changed in place, as it is shared with any other subscriptions to this topic.

This version of subscribe is a convenience function for using bare functions, and can be used like so:

void callback(const std_msgs::Empty::ConstPtr& message)

ros::Subscriber sub = handle.subscribe("my_topic", 1, callback);
M [template] M here is the message type
topic Topic to subscribe to
queue_size Number of incoming messages to queue up for processing (messages in excess of this queue capacity will be discarded).
fp Function pointer to call when a message has arrived
transport_hints a TransportHints structure which defines various transport-related options
On success, a Subscriber that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unsubscribe from this topic. On failure, an empty Subscriber which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name
ConflictingSubscriptionException If this node is already subscribed to the same topic with a different datatype

Definition at line 570 of file node_handle.h.

template<class M >
Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
void(*)(M)  fp,
const TransportHints transport_hints = TransportHints() 
) [inline]

Subscribe to a topic, version for bare function.

This method connects to the master to register interest in a given topic. The node will automatically be connected with publishers on this topic. On each message receipt, fp is invoked and passed a shared pointer to the message received. This message should not be changed in place, as it is shared with any other subscriptions to this topic.

This version of subscribe is a convenience function for using bare functions, and can be used like so:

void callback(const std_msgs::Empty::ConstPtr& message)

ros::Subscriber sub = handle.subscribe("my_topic", 1, callback);
M [template] M here is the callback parameter type (e.g. const boost::shared_ptr<M const>& or const M&), not the message type, and should almost always be deduced
topic Topic to subscribe to
queue_size Number of incoming messages to queue up for processing (messages in excess of this queue capacity will be discarded).
fp Function pointer to call when a message has arrived
transport_hints a TransportHints structure which defines various transport-related options
On success, a Subscriber that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unsubscribe from this topic. On failure, an empty Subscriber which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name
ConflictingSubscriptionException If this node is already subscribed to the same topic with a different datatype

Definition at line 525 of file node_handle.h.

template<class M , class T >
Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
void(T::*)(const boost::shared_ptr< M const > &)  fp,
const boost::shared_ptr< T > &  obj,
const TransportHints transport_hints = TransportHints() 
) [inline]

Subscribe to a topic, version for class member function with shared_ptr.

This method connects to the master to register interest in a given topic. The node will automatically be connected with publishers on this topic. On each message receipt, fp is invoked and passed a shared pointer to the message received. This message should not be changed in place, as it is shared with any other subscriptions to this topic.

This version of subscribe is a convenience function for using member functions on a shared_ptr:

void Foo::callback(const std_msgs::Empty::ConstPtr& message)

boost::shared_ptr<Foo> foo_object(new Foo);
ros::Subscriber sub = handle.subscribe("my_topic", 1, &Foo::callback, foo_object);
M [template] M here is the message type
topic Topic to subscribe to
queue_size Number of incoming messages to queue up for processing (messages in excess of this queue capacity will be discarded).
fp Member function pointer to call when a message has arrived
obj Object to call fp on. Since this is a shared pointer, the object will automatically be tracked with a weak_ptr so that if it is deleted before the Subscriber goes out of scope the callback will no longer be called (and therefore will not crash).
transport_hints a TransportHints structure which defines various transport-related options
On success, a Subscriber that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unsubscribe from this topic. On failure, an empty Subscriber which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name
ConflictingSubscriptionException If this node is already subscribed to the same topic with a different datatype

Definition at line 479 of file node_handle.h.

template<class M , class T >
Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
void(T::*)(M)  fp,
const boost::shared_ptr< T > &  obj,
const TransportHints transport_hints = TransportHints() 
) [inline]

Subscribe to a topic, version for class member function with shared_ptr.

This method connects to the master to register interest in a given topic. The node will automatically be connected with publishers on this topic. On each message receipt, fp is invoked and passed a shared pointer to the message received. This message should not be changed in place, as it is shared with any other subscriptions to this topic.

This version of subscribe is a convenience function for using member functions on a shared_ptr:

void Foo::callback(const std_msgs::Empty::ConstPtr& message)

boost::shared_ptr<Foo> foo_object(new Foo);
ros::Subscriber sub = handle.subscribe("my_topic", 1, &Foo::callback, foo_object);
M [template] M here is the callback parameter type (e.g. const boost::shared_ptr<M const>& or const M&), not the message type, and should almost always be deduced
topic Topic to subscribe to
queue_size Number of incoming messages to queue up for processing (messages in excess of this queue capacity will be discarded).
fp Member function pointer to call when a message has arrived
obj Object to call fp on. Since this is a shared pointer, the object will automatically be tracked with a weak_ptr so that if it is deleted before the Subscriber goes out of scope the callback will no longer be called (and therefore will not crash).
transport_hints a TransportHints structure which defines various transport-related options
On success, a Subscriber that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unsubscribe from this topic. On failure, an empty Subscriber which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name
ConflictingSubscriptionException If this node is already subscribed to the same topic with a different datatype

Definition at line 430 of file node_handle.h.

template<class M , class T >
Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
void(T::*)(const boost::shared_ptr< M const > &)  fp,
T *  obj,
const TransportHints transport_hints = TransportHints() 
) [inline]

Subscribe to a topic, version for class member function with bare pointer.

This method connects to the master to register interest in a given topic. The node will automatically be connected with publishers on this topic. On each message receipt, fp is invoked and passed a shared pointer to the message received. This message should not be changed in place, as it is shared with any other subscriptions to this topic.

This version of subscribe is a convenience function for using member functions, and can be used like so:

void Foo::callback(const std_msgs::Empty::ConstPtr& message)

Foo foo_object;
ros::Subscriber sub = handle.subscribe("my_topic", 1, &Foo::callback, &foo_object);
M [template] M here is the message type
topic Topic to subscribe to
queue_size Number of incoming messages to queue up for processing (messages in excess of this queue capacity will be discarded).
fp Member function pointer to call when a message has arrived
obj Object to call fp on
transport_hints a TransportHints structure which defines various transport-related options
On success, a Subscriber that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unsubscribe from this topic. On failure, an empty Subscriber which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name
ConflictingSubscriptionException If this node is already subscribed to the same topic with a different datatype

Definition at line 382 of file node_handle.h.

template<class M , class T >
Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe ( const std::string &  topic,
uint32_t  queue_size,
void(T::*)(M)  fp,
T *  obj,
const TransportHints transport_hints = TransportHints() 
) [inline]

Subscribe to a topic, version for class member function with bare pointer.

This method connects to the master to register interest in a given topic. The node will automatically be connected with publishers on this topic. On each message receipt, fp is invoked and passed a shared pointer to the message received. This message should not be changed in place, as it is shared with any other subscriptions to this topic.

This version of subscribe is a convenience function for using member functions, and can be used like so:

void Foo::callback(const std_msgs::Empty::ConstPtr& message)

Foo foo_object;
ros::Subscriber sub = handle.subscribe("my_topic", 1, &Foo::callback, &foo_object);
M [template] M here is the callback parameter type (e.g. const boost::shared_ptr<M const>& or const M&), not the message type, and should almost always be deduced
topic Topic to subscribe to
queue_size Number of incoming messages to queue up for processing (messages in excess of this queue capacity will be discarded).
fp Member function pointer to call when a message has arrived
obj Object to call fp on
transport_hints a TransportHints structure which defines various transport-related options
On success, a Subscriber that, when all copies of it go out of scope, will unsubscribe from this topic. On failure, an empty Subscriber which can be checked with:
if (handle)
InvalidNameException If the topic name begins with a tilde, or is an otherwise invalid graph resource name
ConflictingSubscriptionException If this node is already subscribed to the same topic with a different datatype

Definition at line 335 of file node_handle.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 1478 of file node_handle.h.

Definition at line 1480 of file node_handle.h.

std::string ros::NodeHandle::namespace_ [private]

Definition at line 1473 of file node_handle.h.

bool ros::NodeHandle::ok_ [private]

Definition at line 1482 of file node_handle.h.

Definition at line 1475 of file node_handle.h.

Definition at line 1474 of file node_handle.h.

Definition at line 1476 of file node_handle.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Author(s): Morgan Quigley, Josh Faust, Brian Gerkey
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 10:08:40 2013