test_mask_indices Namespace Reference


def getindices


tuple ax = random.uniform(-0.5,0.5)
tuple ay = random.uniform(-0.5,0.5)
int height = 200
tuple indices = indices1+getindices(startx, starty, width, height, xstep, ystep)
tuple indices1 = getindices(0,0,640,480,10,10)
tuple pub_indices = rospy.Publisher("/camera/depth/indices", PointIndices, latch=True)
int startx = 0
int starty = 0
int vx = 10
int vy = 10
int width = 200
int width_max = 300
int width_min = 100
int xinc = 20
int xstep = 1
int ystep = 1

Function Documentation

def test_mask_indices::getindices (   startx,
  xstep = 1,
  ystep = 1 
Deliciously inefficient...

Definition at line 12 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Variable Documentation

tuple test_mask_indices::ax = random.uniform(-0.5,0.5)

Definition at line 35 of file test_mask_indices.py.

tuple test_mask_indices::ay = random.uniform(-0.5,0.5)

Definition at line 36 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 28 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 48 of file test_mask_indices.py.

tuple test_mask_indices::indices1 = getindices(0,0,640,480,10,10)

Definition at line 33 of file test_mask_indices.py.

tuple test_mask_indices::pub_indices = rospy.Publisher("/camera/depth/indices", PointIndices, latch=True)

Definition at line 10 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 22 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 23 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 31 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 32 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 25 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 27 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 26 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 24 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 29 of file test_mask_indices.py.

Definition at line 30 of file test_mask_indices.py.

All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Author(s): Radu Bogdan Rusu, Patrick Mihelich, Suat Gedikli
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 10:06:35 2013