File: gazebo_plugins/WorldState.msg
# This is a message that holds data necessary to reconstruct a snapshot of the world
# = Approach to Message Passing =
# The state of the world is defined by either
# 1. Inertial Model pose, twist
# * kinematic data - connectivity graph from Model to each Link
# * joint angles
# * joint velocities
# * Applied forces - Body wrench
# * relative transform from Body to each collision Geom
# Or
# 2. Inertial (absolute) Body pose, twist, wrench
# * relative transform from Body to each collision Geom - constant, so not sent over wire
# * back compute from canonical body info to get Model pose and twist.
# Chooing (2.) because it matches most physics engines out there
# and is simpler.
# = Future =
# Consider impacts on using reduced coordinates / graph (parent/child links) approach
# constraint and physics solvers.
# = Application =
# This message is used to do the following:
# * reconstruct the world and objects for sensor generation
# * stop / start simulation - need pose, twist, wrench of each body
# * collision detection - need pose of each collision geometry. velocity/acceleration if
# = Assumptions =
# Assuming that each (physics) processor node locally already has
# * collision information - Trimesh for Geoms, etc
# * relative transforms from Body to Geom - this is assumed to be fixed, do not send oved wire
# * inertial information - does not vary in time
# * visual information - does not vary in time
Header header
string[] name
geometry_msgs/Pose[] pose
geometry_msgs/Twist[] twist
geometry_msgs/Wrench[] wrench
Expanded Definition