File: gazebo_plugins/GazeboModel.msg
# This is a message that hold the data necessary to spawn a model in Gazebo
# this message is used by SpawnModel service calls to RosFactory plugin.
string model_name # name of the model to be spawned in Gazebo
string robot_model # contains either URDF or Gazebo XML robot model
uint32 xml_type # specifies what the content of robot_model is
string robot_namespace # ros namespace for all the ros interface of the model
geometry_msgs/Pose initial_pose # initial pose in the gazebo world frame
uint32 disable_urdf_joint_limits = 0 # special flag to disable URDF joint limits
uint32 URDF = 0 # enum: robot_model contains XML string for an URDF model
uint32 GAZEBO_XML = 1 # enum: robot_model contains XML string for an URDF model
uint32 URDF_PARAM_NAME = 2 # enum: robot_model contains parameter name containing URDF XML
uint32 GAZEBO_XML_PARAM_NAME = 3 # enum: robot_model contains parameter name containing Gazebo Model XML
uint32 URDF_FILE_NAME = 4 # enum: robot_model contains file name containing URDF XML
uint32 GAZEBO_XML_FILE_NAME = 5 # enum: robot_model contains file name containing Gazebo Model XML
Expanded Definition
uint32 disable_urdf_joint_limits=0
uint32 URDF=0
uint32 GAZEBO_XML=1
string model_name
string robot_model
uint32 xml_type
string robot_namespace
geometry_msgs/Pose initial_pose
geometry_msgs/Point position
float64 x
float64 y
float64 z
geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
float64 x
float64 y
float64 z
float64 w