IniFile Class Reference

#include <IniFile.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int FindNextSection (std::string *pSect, std::string prevSect, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKey (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, double *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKey (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, bool *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKey (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, int *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKey (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, std::string *pStrToRead, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKeyBool (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, bool *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKeyDouble (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, double *pValue, double dDefault, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKeyDouble (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, double *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKeyInt (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, int *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKeyLong (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, long *pValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKeyString (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, std::string *pStrToRead, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
 IniFile (std::string fileName)
 IniFile ()
int SetFileName (std::string fileName, std::string strIniFileUsedBy="", bool bCreate=false)
int WriteKeyBool (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, bool bValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int WriteKeyDouble (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, double dValue, int StringLen=12, int decimals=5, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int WriteKeyInt (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, int nValue, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int WriteKeyString (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, const std::string *pStrToWrite, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
 ~IniFile ()

Private Member Functions

int FindKey (const char *skey, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int FindNextLine (std::vector< char > &NewLine, int &CharInd)
int FindSection (const char *sect, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int GetKeyValue (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, char *pBuf, int lenBuf, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)
int ReadLineUntil (FILE *pFile, const char EndChar, std::string &ReadIntoStr)
int SkipLineUntil (FILE *pFile, const char EndChar)
int WriteKeyValue (const char *pSect, const char *pKey, const char *pBuf, bool bWarnIfNotfound=true)

Private Attributes

FILE * f
bool m_bFileOK
int m_CurCharInd
std::vector< char > m_CurLine
std::string m_fileName
std::string m_strIniFileUsedBy
const int m_vectorSize

Detailed Description

Used to store persistend program configuration in INI-Files. The INI-File is organized into sections and Keys (variables) like ordinary Windows INI-Files. The write functions create a temporary file in the root directory. If there is no write permission in this directory, they don't work.

identifcator between '[' and ']', a section headline must not have blanks at the beginning neither right after or before the '[ ]'.
sections contains keys:
identificator followed by '=' and the value, no blanks at the beginning of the line, nor after the '=' sign or between key and '=' sign. the pBuf will contain the eventual blanks after the '=' sign.
        key12=yellow submarine

Definition at line 97 of file IniFile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IniFile::IniFile (  ) 

Default constructor.

Definition at line 64 of file IniFile.cpp.

IniFile::IniFile ( std::string  fileName  ) 


fileName file name.

Definition at line 71 of file IniFile.cpp.

IniFile::~IniFile (  ) 

Definition at line 79 of file IniFile.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int IniFile::FindKey ( const char *  skey,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 
) [private]

Definition at line 611 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::FindNextLine ( std::vector< char > &  NewLine,
int &  CharInd 
) [private]

Definition at line 504 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::FindNextSection ( std::string *  pSect,
std::string  prevSect,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Find the section name after the given section. If prevSect is NULL, get the first section name.

pSect pointer to a null ended string which will contain the section title without '[' and ']'.
prevSect pointer to a null ended string contraing the previous section title without '[' and ']'.
bWarnIfNotfound print a warning message if the section is not found. If the section is not found, the value of *sect is not defined.

Definition at line 515 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::FindSection ( const char *  sect,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 
) [private]

Definition at line 569 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKey ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
double *  pValue,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read double from INI-File. Current accuracy: 9 chars!!

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
pValue pointer to double which will contain the value of the key. If the section or the key is not found, the vlaue of *pValue remains unchanged

Definition at line 678 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKey ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
bool *  pValue,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read boolean from INI-File. The value can be either 'true' or 'false'.

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
pValue pointer to boolean which will contain the value of the key. If the section or the key is not found, the value of *pValue remains unchanged

Definition at line 673 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKey ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
int *  pValue,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read integer from INI-File. Like Windows Fn GetProfileInt().

Definition at line 667 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKey ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
std::string *  pStrToRead,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read character string from INI-File. Like Windows Fn GetProfileString().

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
StrToRead will contain string read If the section or the key is not found, the value of *pStrToRead remains unchanged

Definition at line 662 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKeyBool ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
bool *  pValue,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read boolean from INI-File. The value can be either 'true' or 'false'.

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
pValue pointer to boolean which will contain the value of the key. If the section or the key is not found, the value of *pValue remains unchanged

Definition at line 251 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKeyDouble ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
double *  pValue,
double  dDefault,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read double from INI-File. Current accuracy: 9 chars!!

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
pValue pointer to double which will contain the value of the key. If the section or the key is not found, the vlaue of *pValue remains unchanged

Definition at line 349 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKeyDouble ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
double *  pValue,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read double from INI-File. Current accuracy: 9 chars!!

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
pValue pointer to double which will contain the value of the key. If the section or the key is not found, the vlaue of *pValue remains unchanged

Definition at line 333 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKeyInt ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
int *  pValue,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read integer from INI-File. Like Windows Fn GetProfileInt().

Definition at line 277 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKeyLong ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
long *  pValue,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read long from INI-File.

Definition at line 321 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKeyString ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
std::string *  pStrToRead,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read character string from INI-File. Like Windows Fn GetProfileString().

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
pStrToRead will contain string read If the section or the key is not found, the value of *pStrToRead remains unchanged

Definition at line 409 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::GetKeyValue ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
char *  pBuf,
int  lenBuf,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 
) [private]

Read character string from INI-File. Like Windows Fn GetProfileString().

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
pBuf pointer to a character buffer of length lenBuf string which will contain the value of the key. If the section or the key is not found, the vlaue of *pBuf remains unchanged
lenBuf the maximal length of szBuf (including terminating ).
the length of the string read or RF_E if error

Definition at line 356 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::ReadLineUntil ( FILE *  pFile,
const char  EndChar,
std::string &  ReadIntoStr 
) [private]

Reads chars in line until Endchar into string. return: - Nr of chars read if successful

  • RF_E if end of line (
    ) or end of file before Endchar is found. In this case, the string will contain the chars read so far.

Definition at line 485 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::SetFileName ( std::string  fileName,
std::string  strIniFileUsedBy = "",
bool  bCreate = false 

Sets file path of ini-file. Also verifies that file exists.

fileName file name
strIniFileUsedBy the name of the source file using the ini-file. This name will be printed if an error occurs.
bCreate if true: create new file if the file does not exist (default: false)
0 if file exists or new file has been created sucesfully

Definition at line 83 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::SkipLineUntil ( FILE *  pFile,
const char  EndChar 
) [private]

Skips chars in line until Endchar. return: - Nr of chars skipped if successful

  • RF_E if end of line (
    ) or end of file before Endchar is found

Definition at line 468 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::WriteKeyBool ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
bool  bValue,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Read boolean from INI-File. The value writen will be either 'true' or 'false'.

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
pValue pointer to boolean which will contain the value of the key. If the section or the key is not found, the value of *pValue remains unchanged
bWarnIfNotfound print a warning message if the section is not found and therefore is created newly.

Definition at line 229 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::WriteKeyDouble ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
double  dValue,
int  StringLen = 12,
int  decimals = 5,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Write double to INI-File. Comments in the same line as the variables will be deleted during write operations.

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
dValue double to write.
StringLen total length of string into which the double will be converted
decimals of double to store
bWarnIfNotfound print a warning message if the section is not found and therefore is created newly.

Definition at line 243 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::WriteKeyInt ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
int  nValue,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Write integer to INI-File. Like Windows Fn WriteProfileInt(). Comments in the same line as the variables will be deleted during write operations.

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
nValue integer to write.
bWarnIfNotfound print a warning message if the section is not found and therefore is created newly.

Definition at line 236 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::WriteKeyString ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
const std::string *  pStrToWrite,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 

Write character string to INI-File. Like Windows Fn WriteProfileString(). Comments in the same line as the variables will be deleted during write operations.

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
StrToWrite null ended string to write.
bWarnIfNotfound print a warning message if the section is not found and therefore is created newly.

Definition at line 107 of file IniFile.cpp.

int IniFile::WriteKeyValue ( const char *  pSect,
const char *  pKey,
const char *  pBuf,
bool  bWarnIfNotfound = true 
) [private]

Write character string to INI-File. Like Windows Fn WriteProfileString().

pSect pointer to a null ended string containing the section title without '[' and ']'
pKey pointer to a null ended string containing the key
pBuf null ended string to write.
bWarnIfNotfound print a warning message if the section is not found and therefore is created newly.

Definition at line 113 of file IniFile.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

FILE* IniFile::f [private]

Definition at line 337 of file IniFile.h.

bool IniFile::m_bFileOK [private]

Definition at line 318 of file IniFile.h.

int IniFile::m_CurCharInd [private]

Index of the current character in the current line.

Definition at line 333 of file IniFile.h.

std::vector<char> IniFile::m_CurLine [private]

Vector to store the chars of the most recently read line.

Definition at line 323 of file IniFile.h.

std::string IniFile::m_fileName [private]

Definition at line 335 of file IniFile.h.

std::string IniFile::m_strIniFileUsedBy [private]

Definition at line 336 of file IniFile.h.

const int IniFile::m_vectorSize [private]

Size of the vector CurLine.

Definition at line 328 of file IniFile.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
All Classes Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerator Defines

Author(s): Christian Connette
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 10:01:02 2013