File: art_msgs/CarDrive.msg
# Driving command for a car-like vehicle using Ackermann steering.
# $Id: CarDrive.msg 1539 2011-05-09 04:09:20Z jack.oquin $
# Drive at requested speed, acceleration and jerk (the 1st, 2nd and
# 3rd derivatives of position). All are non-negative scalars.
# Speed is defined as the scalar magnitude of the velocity
# vector. Direction (forwards or backwards) is determined by the gear.
# Zero acceleration means change speed as quickly as
# possible. Positive acceleration may include deceleration as needed
# to match the desired speed. It represents a desired rate and also a
# limit not to exceed.
# Zero jerk means change acceleration as quickly as possible. Positive
# jerk describes the desired rate of acceleration change in both
# directions (positive and negative).
float32 speed # magnitude of velocity vector (m/s)
float32 acceleration # desired acceleration (m/s^2)
float32 jerk # desired jerk (m/s^3)
# Assumes Ackermann (front-wheel) steering. This angle is the average
# yaw of the two front wheels in the vehicle frame of reference
# (positive left), ignoring their slightly differing angles as if it
# were a tricycle. This is *not* the angle of the steering wheel
# inside the passenger compartment.
float32 steering_angle # steering angle (radians)
Gear gear # requested gear (no change if Naught)
PilotBehavior behavior # requested pilot behavior
Expanded Definition
float32 speed
float32 acceleration
float32 jerk
float32 steering_angle
Gear gear
uint8 Naught=0
uint8 Park=1
uint8 Reverse=2
uint8 Neutral=3
uint8 Drive=4
uint8 N_gears=5
uint8 value
PilotBehavior behavior
uint8 Run=0
uint8 Pause=1
uint8 Off=2
uint8 N_behaviors=3
uint8 value