Classes | Typedefs
velocity_controllers Namespace Reference


class  JointPositionController
 Joint Position Controller. More...


typedef forward_command_controller::ForwardJointGroupCommandController< hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterfaceJointGroupVelocityController
 Forward command controller for a set of velocity controlled joints (linear or angular). More...
typedef forward_command_controller::ForwardCommandController< hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterfaceJointVelocityController
 Joint Velocity Controller (linear or angular) More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ JointGroupVelocityController

Forward command controller for a set of velocity controlled joints (linear or angular).

This class forwards the commanded velocities down to a set of joints.

ROS interface

typeMust be "JointGroupVelocityController".
jointsList of names of the joints to control.

Subscribes to:

  • command (std_msgs::Float64MultiArray) : The joint velocities to apply

Definition at line 96 of file joint_group_velocity_controller.h.

◆ JointVelocityController

Joint Velocity Controller (linear or angular)

This class passes the commanded velocity down to the joint

ROS interface

typeMust be "JointVelocityController".
jointName of the joint to control.

Subscribes to:

  • command (std_msgs::Float64) : The joint velocity to apply

Definition at line 94 of file joint_velocity_controller.h.

Author(s): Vijay Pradeep
autogenerated on Fri May 24 2024 02:41:29