Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345678910]
 Universelles CAN InterfaceAllgemeines CAN Interface für AT90CAN32/64/128, MCP2515 und SJA1000
 Gruppe nützlicher Makros und Inline-FunktionenNützliche Makros und Funktionen
 Libcanard CAN Interface for AVR microcontrollersInterface for Libcanard CAN interaction with AVR microcontrollers
 CHIP: LPC11xx A/D conversion driver
 CHIP: LPC11xx CCAN ROM Driver
 CHIP: LPC11xx Peripheral addresses and register set declarations
 CHIP: LPC11xx support functions
 CHIP: LPC11xx Clock Control block driver
 CHIP: LPC11Cxx CMSIS include file
 CHIP_LPC11CXX: LPC11CXX/LPC111X peripheral interrupt numbers
 CHIP: LPC11Cxx Cortex CMSIS definitions
 CMSIS Global DefinesIO Type Qualifiers are used
 Defines and Type DefinitionsType definitions and defines for Cortex-M processor based devices
 Status and Control RegistersCore Register type definitions
 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)Type definitions for the NVIC Registers
 System Control Block (SCB)Type definitions for the System Control Block Registers
 System Tick Timer (SysTick)Type definitions for the System Timer Registers
 Core Debug Registers (CoreDebug)Cortex-M0 Core Debug Registers (DCB registers, SHCSR, and DFSR) are only accessible over DAP and not via processor. Therefore they are not covered by the Cortex-M0 header file
 Core DefinitionsDefinitions for base addresses, unions, and structures
 Functions and Instructions Reference
 NVIC FunctionsFunctions that manage interrupts and exceptions via the NVIC
 SysTick FunctionsFunctions that configure the System
 CMSIS Core Register Access Functions
 NVIC FunctionsFunctions that manage interrupts and exceptions via the NVIC
 SysTick FunctionsFunctions that configure the System
 CMSIS Core Instruction InterfaceAccess to dedicated instructions
 CHIP: LPC11xx FLASH Memory Controller driver
 CHIP: LPC11xx GPIO driver for CHIP_LPC11CXX, CHIP_LPC110X, and CHIP_LPC11XXLV families
 CHIP: LPC11xx GPIO group driver for CHIP_LPC11(A/E/U)XX families
 CHIP: LPC11xx I2C driver
 CHIP: LPC11xx IO Control driver
 CHIP: LPC Common Types
 LPC Public Types
 LPC Public Macros
 CHIP: LPC11xx Pin Interrupt and Pattern Match driver
 CHIP: LPC11xx Power Management Unit block driver
 CHIP: Simple ring buffer implementation
 CHIP: LPC11XX ROM API declarations and functions
 CHIP: LPC11xx SSP register block and driver
 CHIP: LPC11xx System Control block driver
 CHIP: LPC11xx 16/32-bit Timer driver
 CHIP: LPC11xx UART driver
 CHIP: LPC11xx Windowed Watchdog driver

autogenerated on Fri Dec 13 2024 03:10:05