Public Attributes | List of all members
_SbgLogGpsPos Struct Reference

#include <sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h>

Public Attributes

double altitude
float altitudeAccuracy
uint16_t baseStationId
uint16_t differentialAge
double latitude
float latitudeAccuracy
double longitude
float longitudeAccuracy
uint8_t numSvUsed
uint32_t status
uint32_t timeOfWeek
uint32_t timeStamp
float undulation

Detailed Description

Structure that stores data for the SBG_ECOM_LOG_GPS::_POS message.

Definition at line 282 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ altitude

double _SbgLogGpsPos::altitude

Altitude above Mean Sea Level in meters.

Definition at line 289 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ altitudeAccuracy

float _SbgLogGpsPos::altitudeAccuracy

1 sigma altitude accuracy in meters.

Definition at line 293 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ baseStationId

uint16_t _SbgLogGpsPos::baseStationId

Base station id for differential corrections (0-4095). Set to 0xFFFF if differential corrections are not used (since version 1.4).

Definition at line 295 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ differentialAge

uint16_t _SbgLogGpsPos::differentialAge

Differential correction age in 0.01 seconds. Set to 0XFFFF if differential corrections are not used (since version 1.4).

Definition at line 296 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ latitude

double _SbgLogGpsPos::latitude

Latitude in degrees, positive north.

Definition at line 287 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ latitudeAccuracy

float _SbgLogGpsPos::latitudeAccuracy

1 sigma latitude accuracy in meters.

Definition at line 291 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ longitude

double _SbgLogGpsPos::longitude

Longitude in degrees, positive east.

Definition at line 288 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ longitudeAccuracy

float _SbgLogGpsPos::longitudeAccuracy

1 sigma longitude accuracy in meters.

Definition at line 292 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ numSvUsed

uint8_t _SbgLogGpsPos::numSvUsed

Number of space vehicles used to compute the solution (since version 1.4).

Definition at line 294 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ status

uint32_t _SbgLogGpsPos::status

GPS position status, type and bitmask.

Definition at line 285 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ timeOfWeek

uint32_t _SbgLogGpsPos::timeOfWeek

GPS time of week in ms.

Definition at line 286 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ timeStamp

uint32_t _SbgLogGpsPos::timeStamp

Time in us since the sensor power up.

Definition at line 284 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

◆ undulation

float _SbgLogGpsPos::undulation

Altitude difference between the geoid and the Ellipsoid in meters (Height above Ellipsoid = altitude + undulation).

Definition at line 290 of file sbgEComBinaryLogGps.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Author(s): SBG Systems
autogenerated on Fri Oct 11 2024 02:13:41