Public Attributes | List of all members
_SbgEComMagCalibResults Struct Reference

#include <sbgEComCmdMag.h>

Public Attributes

uint16_t advancedStatus
float afterMaxError
float afterMeanError
float afterStdError
float beforeMaxError
float beforeMeanError
float beforeStdError
SbgEComMagCalibConfidence confidence
float matrix [9]
float maxAccuracy
uint16_t maxNumPoints
float meanAccuracy
uint16_t numPoints
float offset [3]
SbgEComMagCalibQuality quality
float stdAccuracy

Detailed Description

Helper structure to retrieve onboard magnetic calibration results.

Definition at line 110 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ advancedStatus

uint16_t _SbgEComMagCalibResults::advancedStatus

Set of bit masks used to report advanced information on the magnetic calibration status.

Definition at line 114 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ afterMaxError

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::afterMaxError

Maximum magnetic field norm error observed after calibration.

Definition at line 122 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ afterMeanError

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::afterMeanError

Mean magnetic field norm error observed after calibration.

Definition at line 120 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ afterStdError

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::afterStdError

Standard deviation of the magnetic field norm error observed after calibration.

Definition at line 121 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ beforeMaxError

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::beforeMaxError

Maximum magnetic field norm error observed before calibration.

Definition at line 118 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ beforeMeanError

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::beforeMeanError

Mean magnetic field norm error observed before calibration.

Definition at line 116 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ beforeStdError

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::beforeStdError

Standard deviation of the magnetic field norm error observed before calibration.

Definition at line 117 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ confidence

SbgEComMagCalibConfidence _SbgEComMagCalibResults::confidence

Confidence indicator that should be read to interpret the quality indicator.

Definition at line 113 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ matrix

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::matrix[9]

Computed Hard & Soft Iron correction matrix.

Definition at line 131 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ maxAccuracy

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::maxAccuracy

Maximum expected heading accuracy in radians.

Definition at line 126 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ maxNumPoints

uint16_t _SbgEComMagCalibResults::maxNumPoints

Maximum number of magnetic field points that can be stored internally.

Definition at line 129 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ meanAccuracy

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::meanAccuracy

Mean expected heading accuracy in radians.

Definition at line 124 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ numPoints

uint16_t _SbgEComMagCalibResults::numPoints

Number of magnetic field points stored internally and used to compute the magnetic calibration.

Definition at line 128 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ offset

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::offset[3]

Computed Hard Iron correction vector offset.

Definition at line 130 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ quality

SbgEComMagCalibQuality _SbgEComMagCalibResults::quality

General magnetic calibration quality indicator.

Definition at line 112 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

◆ stdAccuracy

float _SbgEComMagCalibResults::stdAccuracy

Standard deviation of the expected heading accuracy in radians.

Definition at line 125 of file sbgEComCmdMag.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Author(s): SBG Systems
autogenerated on Fri Oct 11 2024 02:13:41