Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
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struct  dr_cmdline
struct  dr_timer
struct  drpath_iterator
struct  drpath_segment


#define _TRUNCATE   ((size_t)-1)
#define dr_abs(x)   (((x) < 0) ? (-(x)) : (x))
#define dr_clamp(x, low, high)   (dr_max(low, dr_min(x, high)))
#define DR_FALSE   0
#define DR_INLINE   static inline
#define dr_max(x, y)   (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define dr_min(x, y)   (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define dr_path_h
#define dr_round_up(x, multiple)   ((((x) + ((multiple) - 1)) / (multiple)) * (multiple))
#define dr_round_up_signed(x, multiple)   ((((x) + (((x) >= 0)*((multiple) - 1))) / (multiple)) * (multiple))
#define DR_TRUE   1
#define dr_zero_object(pObject)   memset(pObject, 0, sizeof(*pObject));
#define IN
#define OUT
#define STRINGIFY(x)   #x
#define TOSTRING(x)   STRINGIFY(x)
#define UNUSED(x)   ((void)(x))


typedef dr_uint32 dr_bool32
typedef dr_uint8 dr_bool8
typedef struct dr_cmdline dr_cmdline
typedef dr_bool32 dr_cmdline_parse_proc(const char *key, const char *value, void *pUserData)
typedef int16_t dr_int16
typedef int32_t dr_int32
typedef int64_t dr_int64
typedef int8_t dr_int8
typedef dr_bool32(* dr_iterate_files_proc) (const char *filePath, void *pUserData)
typedef void(* dr_key_value_error_proc) (void *pUserData, const char *message, unsigned int line)
typedef void(* dr_key_value_pair_proc) (void *pUserData, const char *key, const char *value)
typedef size_t(* dr_key_value_read_proc) (void *pUserData, void *pDataOut, size_t bytesToRead)
typedef void * dr_mutex
 Mutex. More...
typedef void * dr_semaphore
 Semaphore. More...
typedef void * dr_thread
 Thread. More...
typedef int(* dr_thread_entry_proc) (void *pData)
typedef uint16_t dr_uint16
typedef uint32_t dr_uint32
typedef uint64_t dr_uint64
typedef uint8_t dr_uint8
typedef struct drpath_iterator drpath_iterator


DR_INLINE int _itoa_s (int value, char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, int radix)
DR_INLINE int _stricmp (const char *string1, const char *string2)
DR_INLINE void dr_aligned_free (void *ptr)
DR_INLINE void * dr_aligned_malloc (size_t alignment, size_t size)
dr_bool32 dr_cmdline_key_exists (dr_cmdline *pCmdLine, const char *key)
 Helper for determining whether or not the given key exists. More...
int dr_cmdline_to_argv (dr_cmdline *pCmdLine, char ***argvOut)
dr_bool32 dr_copy_file (const char *srcPath, const char *dstPath, dr_bool32 failIfExists)
size_t dr_copy_line (const char *str, char *lineOut, size_t lineOutSize)
 Makes a copy of the first line of the given string. More...
dr_bool32 dr_create_empty_file (const char *fileName, dr_bool32 failIfExists)
dr_mutex dr_create_mutex ()
dr_semaphore dr_create_semaphore (int initialValue)
dr_thread dr_create_thread (dr_thread_entry_proc entryProc, void *pData)
void dr_date_YYYYMMDD (time_t t, char *strOut, unsigned int strOutSize)
void dr_datetime_short (time_t t, char *strOut, unsigned int strOutSize)
 Formats a data/time string. More...
dr_bool32 dr_delete_file (const char *filePath)
void dr_delete_mutex (dr_mutex mutex)
 Deletes a mutex object. More...
void dr_delete_semaphore (dr_semaphore semaphore)
 Deletes the given semaphore. More...
void dr_delete_thread (dr_thread thread)
dr_bool32 dr_directory_exists (const char *directoryPath)
dr_bool32 dr_file_exists (const char *filePath)
const char * dr_first_non_whitespace (const char *str)
 Finds the first non-whitespace character in the given string. More...
const char * dr_first_whitespace (const char *str)
 Finds the first occurance of a whitespace character in the given string. More...
FILE * dr_fopen (const char *fileName, const char *openMode)
void dr_free_argv (char **argv)
void dr_free_file_data (void *valueReturnedByOpenAndReadFile)
dr_bool32 dr_get_config_folder_path (char *pathOut, size_t pathOutSize)
const char * dr_get_current_directory (char *pathOut, size_t pathOutSize)
 Retrieves the current directory. More...
dr_bool32 dr_get_executable_directory_path (char *pathOut, size_t pathOutSize)
dr_bool32 dr_get_executable_path (char *pathOut, size_t pathOutSize)
dr_uint64 dr_get_file_modified_time (const char *filePath)
dr_bool32 dr_get_log_folder_path (char *pathOut, size_t pathOutSize)
unsigned int dr_get_logical_processor_count ()
 Retrieves the number of logical cores on system. More...
unsigned int dr_get_process_id ()
size_t dr_get_username (char *usernameOut, size_t usernameOutSize)
dr_bool32 dr_hex_char_to_uint (char ascii, unsigned int *out)
dr_bool32 dr_init_cmdline (dr_cmdline *pCmdLine, int argc, char **argv)
 Initializes a command line object. More...
dr_bool32 dr_init_cmdline_win32 (dr_cmdline *pCmdLine, const char *args)
 Initializes a command line object using a Win32 style command line. More...
static dr_bool32 dr_is_directory (const char *directoryPath)
dr_bool32 dr_is_file_read_only (const char *filePath)
dr_bool32 dr_is_whitespace (dr_uint32 utf32)
dr_bool32 dr_iterate_files (const char *directory, dr_bool32 recursive, dr_iterate_files_proc proc, void *pUserData)
int dr_itoa_s (int value, char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, int radix)
void dr_lock_mutex (dr_mutex mutex)
 Locks the given mutex. More...
static const char * dr_ltrim (const char *str)
dr_bool32 dr_mkdir (const char *directoryPath)
dr_bool32 dr_mkdir_recursive (const char *directoryPath)
dr_bool32 dr_move_file (const char *oldPath, const char *newPath)
const char * dr_next_line (const char *str)
 Finds the beginning of the next line. More...
DR_INLINE dr_uint32 dr_next_power_of_2 (dr_uint32 value)
const char * dr_next_token (const char *tokens, char *tokenOut, size_t tokenOutSize)
time_t dr_now ()
 Retrieves a time_t as of the time the function was called. More...
void * dr_open_and_read_file (const char *filePath, size_t *pFileSizeOut)
char * dr_open_and_read_text_file (const char *filePath, size_t *pFileSizeOut)
dr_bool32 dr_open_and_write_file (const char *filePath, const void *pData, size_t dataSize)
dr_bool32 dr_open_and_write_text_file (const char *filePath, const char *text)
void dr_parse_cmdline (dr_cmdline *pCmdLine, dr_cmdline_parse_proc callback, void *pUserData)
 Parses the given command line. More...
void dr_parse_key_value_pairs (dr_key_value_read_proc onRead, dr_key_value_pair_proc onPair, dr_key_value_error_proc onError, void *pUserData)
dr_bool32 dr_parse_key_value_pairs_from_file (const char *filePath, dr_key_value_pair_proc onPair, dr_key_value_error_proc onError, void *pUserData)
double dr_randd ()
float dr_randf ()
dr_bool32 dr_release_semaphore (dr_semaphore semaphore)
 Releases the given semaphore and increments it's counter by one upon returning. More...
static const char * dr_rtrim (const char *str)
dr_bool32 dr_set_current_directory (const char *path)
 Sets the current directory. More...
void dr_sleep (unsigned int milliseconds)
int dr_strcat_s (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *src)
int dr_strcpy_s (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *src)
char * dr_string_replace (const char *src, const char *query, const char *replacement)
void dr_string_replace_ascii (char *src, char c, char replacement)
int dr_strncat_s (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *src, size_t count)
int dr_strncpy_s (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *src, size_t count)
void dr_strrmchar (char *str, char c)
 Removes every occurance of the given character from the given string. More...
void dr_timer_init (dr_timer *pTimer)
double dr_timer_tick (dr_timer *pTimer)
void dr_trim (char *str)
 Trims both the leading and trailing whitespace from the given string. More...
void dr_unlock_mutex (dr_mutex mutex)
 Unlocks the given mutex. More...
DR_INLINE unsigned int dr_utf16_to_utf32_ch (unsigned short utf16[2])
 Converts a UTF-16 character to UTF-32. More...
DR_INLINE unsigned int dr_utf16pair_to_utf32_ch (unsigned short utf160, unsigned short utf161)
 Converts a UTF-16 surrogate pair to UTF-32. More...
DR_INLINE int dr_utf32_to_utf16_ch (unsigned int utf32, unsigned short utf16[2])
void dr_wait_and_delete_thread (dr_thread thread)
 Helper function for waiting for a thread and then deleting the handle after it has terminated. More...
dr_bool32 dr_wait_semaphore (dr_semaphore semaphore)
 Waits on the given semaphore object and decrements it's counter by one upon returning. More...
void dr_wait_thread (dr_thread thread)
 Waits for the given thread to terminate. More...
int dr_winmain_to_argv (const char *cmdlineWinMain, char ***argvOut)
void dr_yield ()
dr_bool32 drpath_append (char *base, size_t baseBufferSizeInBytes, const char *other)
size_t drpath_append_and_clean (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *base, const char *other)
 Appends one path to the other and then cleans it. More...
dr_bool32 drpath_append_extension (char *base, size_t baseBufferSizeInBytes, const char *extension)
 Appends an extension to the given path. More...
dr_bool32 drpath_append_iterator (char *base, size_t baseBufferSizeInBytes, drpath_iterator i)
 Appends an iterator object to the given base path. More...
dr_bool32 drpath_at_end (drpath_iterator i)
dr_bool32 drpath_at_start (drpath_iterator i)
char * drpath_base_path (char *path)
size_t drpath_clean (const char *path, char *pathOut, size_t pathOutSizeInBytes)
dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_append (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *base, const char *other)
dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_append_extension (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *base, const char *extension)
dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_append_iterator (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *base, drpath_iterator i)
dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_remove_extension (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *path)
 Creates a copy of the given string and removes the extension. More...
dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_remove_file_name (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *path)
 Creates a copy of the given string and removes the extension. More...
void drpath_copy_base_path (const char *path, char *baseOut, size_t baseSizeInBytes)
const char * drpath_copy_file_name (const char *path, char *fileNameOut, size_t fileNameSizeInBytes)
 Copies the file name into the given buffer. More...
dr_bool32 drpath_equal (const char *path1, const char *path2)
const char * drpath_extension (const char *path)
dr_bool32 drpath_extension_equal (const char *path, const char *extension)
const char * drpath_file_name (const char *path)
dr_bool32 drpath_first (const char *path, drpath_iterator *i)
dr_bool32 drpath_is_absolute (const char *path)
dr_bool32 drpath_is_child (const char *childAbsolutePath, const char *parentAbsolutePath)
dr_bool32 drpath_is_descendant (const char *descendantAbsolutePath, const char *parentAbsolutePath)
dr_bool32 drpath_is_linux_style_root_segment (const drpath_iterator i)
 Determines whether or not the given iterator refers to a Linux style root directory ("/") More...
dr_bool32 drpath_is_relative (const char *path)
dr_bool32 drpath_is_root_segment (const drpath_iterator i)
 Determines whether or not the given iterator refers to the root segment of a path. More...
dr_bool32 drpath_is_win32_style_root_segment (const drpath_iterator i)
 Determines whether or not the given iterator refers to a Windows style root directory. More...
dr_bool32 drpath_iterators_equal (const drpath_iterator i0, const drpath_iterator i1)
dr_bool32 drpath_last (const char *path, drpath_iterator *i)
 Creates an iterator beginning at the last segment. More...
dr_bool32 drpath_next (drpath_iterator *i)
dr_bool32 drpath_prev (drpath_iterator *i)
dr_bool32 drpath_remove_extension (char *path)
dr_bool32 drpath_remove_file_name (char *path)
 Removes the last segment from the given path. More...
dr_bool32 drpath_segments_equal (const char *s0Path, const drpath_segment s0, const char *s1Path, const drpath_segment s1)
dr_bool32 drpath_to_absolute (const char *relativePathToMakeAbsolute, const char *basePath, char *absolutePathOut, size_t absolutePathOutSizeInBytes)
void drpath_to_backslashes (char *path)
void drpath_to_forward_slashes (char *path)
dr_bool32 drpath_to_relative (const char *absolutePathToMakeRelative, const char *absolutePathToMakeRelativeTo, char *relativePathOut, size_t relativePathOutSizeInBytes)
DR_INLINE int strcat_s (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *src)
DR_INLINE int strcpy_s (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *src)
DR_INLINE int strncat_s (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *src, size_t count)
DR_INLINE int strncpy_s (char *dst, size_t dstSizeInBytes, const char *src, size_t count)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _TRUNCATE   ((size_t)-1)

Definition at line 154 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_abs

#define dr_abs (   x)    (((x) < 0) ? (-(x)) : (x))

Definition at line 131 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_clamp

#define dr_clamp (   x,
)    (dr_max(low, dr_min(x, high)))

Definition at line 108 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.


#define DR_FALSE   0

Definition at line 72 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.


#define DR_INLINE   static inline

Definition at line 34 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_max

#define dr_max (   x,
)    (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))

Definition at line 104 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_min

#define dr_min (   x,
)    (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))

Definition at line 100 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_path_h

#define dr_path_h

Definition at line 3412 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_round_up

#define dr_round_up (   x,
)    ((((x) + ((multiple) - 1)) / (multiple)) * (multiple))

Definition at line 112 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_round_up_signed

#define dr_round_up_signed (   x,
)    ((((x) + (((x) >= 0)*((multiple) - 1))) / (multiple)) * (multiple))

Definition at line 116 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.



Definition at line 48 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.


#define DR_TRUE   1

Definition at line 71 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_zero_object

#define dr_zero_object (   pObject)    memset(pObject, 0, sizeof(*pObject));

Definition at line 750 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ IN

#define IN

Definition at line 84 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.


#define OUT

Definition at line 88 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.


#define STRINGIFY (   x)    #x

Definition at line 76 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.


#define TOSTRING (   x)    STRINGIFY(x)

Definition at line 77 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.


#define UNUSED (   x)    ((void)(x))

Definition at line 92 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ dr_bool32

Definition at line 70 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_bool8

typedef dr_uint8 dr_bool8

Definition at line 69 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_cmdline

typedef struct dr_cmdline dr_cmdline

Definition at line 574 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_cmdline_parse_proc

typedef dr_bool32 dr_cmdline_parse_proc(const char *key, const char *value, void *pUserData)

Definition at line 585 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_int16

typedef int16_t dr_int16

Definition at line 62 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_int32

typedef int32_t dr_int32

Definition at line 64 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_int64

typedef int64_t dr_int64

Definition at line 66 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_int8

typedef int8_t dr_int8

Definition at line 60 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_iterate_files_proc

typedef dr_bool32(* dr_iterate_files_proc) (const char *filePath, void *pUserData)

Definition at line 422 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_key_value_error_proc

typedef void(* dr_key_value_error_proc) (void *pUserData, const char *message, unsigned int line)

Definition at line 337 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_key_value_pair_proc

typedef void(* dr_key_value_pair_proc) (void *pUserData, const char *key, const char *value)

Definition at line 336 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_key_value_read_proc

typedef size_t(* dr_key_value_read_proc) (void *pUserData, void *pDataOut, size_t bytesToRead)

Definition at line 335 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_mutex

typedef void* dr_mutex


Definition at line 665 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_semaphore

typedef void* dr_semaphore


Definition at line 685 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_thread

typedef void* dr_thread


Definition at line 631 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_thread_entry_proc

typedef int(* dr_thread_entry_proc) (void *pData)

Definition at line 632 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_uint16

typedef uint16_t dr_uint16

Definition at line 63 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_uint32

typedef uint32_t dr_uint32

Definition at line 65 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_uint64

typedef uint64_t dr_uint64

Definition at line 67 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_uint8

typedef uint8_t dr_uint8

Definition at line 61 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ drpath_iterator

Function Documentation

◆ _itoa_s()

DR_INLINE int _itoa_s ( int  value,
char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
int  radix 

Definition at line 184 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ _stricmp()

DR_INLINE int _stricmp ( const char *  string1,
const char *  string2 

Definition at line 178 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_aligned_free()

DR_INLINE void dr_aligned_free ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 320 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_aligned_malloc()

DR_INLINE void* dr_aligned_malloc ( size_t  alignment,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 306 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_cmdline_key_exists()

dr_bool32 dr_cmdline_key_exists ( dr_cmdline pCmdLine,
const char *  key 

Helper for determining whether or not the given key exists.

◆ dr_cmdline_to_argv()

int dr_cmdline_to_argv ( dr_cmdline pCmdLine,
char ***  argvOut 

◆ dr_copy_file()

dr_bool32 dr_copy_file ( const char *  srcPath,
const char *  dstPath,
dr_bool32  failIfExists 

◆ dr_copy_line()

size_t dr_copy_line ( const char *  str,
char *  lineOut,
size_t  lineOutSize 

Makes a copy of the first line of the given string.

◆ dr_create_empty_file()

dr_bool32 dr_create_empty_file ( const char *  fileName,
dr_bool32  failIfExists 

◆ dr_create_mutex()

dr_mutex dr_create_mutex ( )

Creates a mutex object.

If an error occurs, 0 is returned. Otherwise a handle the size of a pointer is returned.

◆ dr_create_semaphore()

dr_semaphore dr_create_semaphore ( int  initialValue)

Creates a semaphore object.

If an error occurs, 0 is returned. Otherwise a handle the size of a pointer is returned.

◆ dr_create_thread()

dr_thread dr_create_thread ( dr_thread_entry_proc  entryProc,
void *  pData 

Creates and begins executing a new thread.

This will not return until the thread has entered into it's entry point.
Creating a thread should be considered an expensive operation. For high performance, you should create threads at load time and cache them.

◆ dr_date_YYYYMMDD()

void dr_date_YYYYMMDD ( time_t  t,
char *  strOut,
unsigned int  strOutSize 

◆ dr_datetime_short()

void dr_datetime_short ( time_t  t,
char *  strOut,
unsigned int  strOutSize 

Formats a data/time string.

◆ dr_delete_file()

dr_bool32 dr_delete_file ( const char *  filePath)

◆ dr_delete_mutex()

void dr_delete_mutex ( dr_mutex  mutex)

Deletes a mutex object.

◆ dr_delete_semaphore()

void dr_delete_semaphore ( dr_semaphore  semaphore)

Deletes the given semaphore.

◆ dr_delete_thread()

void dr_delete_thread ( dr_thread  thread)

Deletes the given thread.

This does not actually exit the thread, but rather deletes the memory that was allocated for the thread object returned by dr_create_thread().
It is usually best to wait for the thread to terminate naturally with dr_wait_thread() before calling this function, however it is still safe to do something like the following.
dr_delete_thread(dr_create_thread(my_thread_proc, pData))

◆ dr_directory_exists()

dr_bool32 dr_directory_exists ( const char *  directoryPath)

◆ dr_file_exists()

dr_bool32 dr_file_exists ( const char *  filePath)

◆ dr_first_non_whitespace()

const char* dr_first_non_whitespace ( const char *  str)

Finds the first non-whitespace character in the given string.

◆ dr_first_whitespace()

const char* dr_first_whitespace ( const char *  str)

Finds the first occurance of a whitespace character in the given string.

◆ dr_fopen()

FILE* dr_fopen ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  openMode 

◆ dr_free_argv()

void dr_free_argv ( char **  argv)

◆ dr_free_file_data()

void dr_free_file_data ( void *  valueReturnedByOpenAndReadFile)

◆ dr_get_config_folder_path()

dr_bool32 dr_get_config_folder_path ( char *  pathOut,
size_t  pathOutSize 

Retrieves the path of the user's config directory.

On Windows this will typically be APPDATA% and on Linux it will usually be ~/.config

◆ dr_get_current_directory()

const char* dr_get_current_directory ( char *  pathOut,
size_t  pathOutSize 

Retrieves the current directory.

◆ dr_get_executable_directory_path()

dr_bool32 dr_get_executable_directory_path ( char *  pathOut,
size_t  pathOutSize 

Retrieves the path of the directory containing the executable.

Currently only works on Windows and Linux. Other platforms will be added as they're needed.

◆ dr_get_executable_path()

dr_bool32 dr_get_executable_path ( char *  pathOut,
size_t  pathOutSize 

Retrieves the path of the executable.

Currently only works on Windows and Linux. Other platforms will be added as they're needed.

◆ dr_get_file_modified_time()

dr_uint64 dr_get_file_modified_time ( const char *  filePath)

◆ dr_get_log_folder_path()

dr_bool32 dr_get_log_folder_path ( char *  pathOut,
size_t  pathOutSize 

Retrieves the path of the user's log directory.

On Windows this will typically be APPDATA% and on Linux it will usually be var/log

◆ dr_get_logical_processor_count()

unsigned int dr_get_logical_processor_count ( )

Retrieves the number of logical cores on system.

◆ dr_get_process_id()

unsigned int dr_get_process_id ( )

◆ dr_get_username()

size_t dr_get_username ( char *  usernameOut,
size_t  usernameOutSize 

◆ dr_hex_char_to_uint()

dr_bool32 dr_hex_char_to_uint ( char  ascii,
unsigned int *  out 

◆ dr_init_cmdline()

dr_bool32 dr_init_cmdline ( dr_cmdline pCmdLine,
int  argc,
char **  argv 

Initializes a command line object.

◆ dr_init_cmdline_win32()

dr_bool32 dr_init_cmdline_win32 ( dr_cmdline pCmdLine,
const char *  args 

Initializes a command line object using a Win32 style command line.

◆ dr_is_directory()

static dr_bool32 dr_is_directory ( const char *  directoryPath)

Definition at line 456 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_is_file_read_only()

dr_bool32 dr_is_file_read_only ( const char *  filePath)

◆ dr_is_whitespace()

dr_bool32 dr_is_whitespace ( dr_uint32  utf32)

◆ dr_iterate_files()

dr_bool32 dr_iterate_files ( const char *  directory,
dr_bool32  recursive,
dr_iterate_files_proc  proc,
void *  pUserData 

◆ dr_itoa_s()

int dr_itoa_s ( int  value,
char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
int  radix 

◆ dr_lock_mutex()

void dr_lock_mutex ( dr_mutex  mutex)

Locks the given mutex.

◆ dr_ltrim()

static const char* dr_ltrim ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 203 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_mkdir()

dr_bool32 dr_mkdir ( const char *  directoryPath)

◆ dr_mkdir_recursive()

dr_bool32 dr_mkdir_recursive ( const char *  directoryPath)

◆ dr_move_file()

dr_bool32 dr_move_file ( const char *  oldPath,
const char *  newPath 

◆ dr_next_line()

const char* dr_next_line ( const char *  str)

Finds the beginning of the next line.

◆ dr_next_power_of_2()

DR_INLINE dr_uint32 dr_next_power_of_2 ( dr_uint32  value)

Definition at line 119 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_next_token()

const char* dr_next_token ( const char *  tokens,
char *  tokenOut,
size_t  tokenOutSize 

Retrieves the first token in the given string.

This function is suitable for doing a simple whitespace tokenization of a null-terminated string.
The return value is a pointer to one character past the last character of the next token. You can use the return value to execute this function in a loop to parse an entire string.
<tokenOut> can be null. If the buffer is too small to contain the entire token it will be set to an empty string. The original input string combined with the return value can be used to reliably find the token.
This will handle double-quoted strings, so a string such as "My \"Complex String"" contains two tokens: "My" and ""Complex String"".
This function has no dependencies.

◆ dr_now()

time_t dr_now ( )

Retrieves a time_t as of the time the function was called.

◆ dr_open_and_read_file()

void* dr_open_and_read_file ( const char *  filePath,
size_t *  pFileSizeOut 

◆ dr_open_and_read_text_file()

char* dr_open_and_read_text_file ( const char *  filePath,
size_t *  pFileSizeOut 

◆ dr_open_and_write_file()

dr_bool32 dr_open_and_write_file ( const char *  filePath,
const void *  pData,
size_t  dataSize 

◆ dr_open_and_write_text_file()

dr_bool32 dr_open_and_write_text_file ( const char *  filePath,
const char *  text 

◆ dr_parse_cmdline()

void dr_parse_cmdline ( dr_cmdline pCmdLine,
dr_cmdline_parse_proc  callback,
void *  pUserData 

Parses the given command line.

◆ dr_parse_key_value_pairs()

void dr_parse_key_value_pairs ( dr_key_value_read_proc  onRead,
dr_key_value_pair_proc  onPair,
dr_key_value_error_proc  onError,
void *  pUserData 

Parses a series of simple Key/Value pairs.

This function is suitable for parsing simple key/value config files.
This function will never allocate memory on the heap. Because of this there is a minor restriction in the length of an individual key/value pair which is 4KB.
Formatting rules are as follows:
  • The basic syntax for a key/value pair is [key][whitespace][value]. Example: MyProperty 1234
  • All key/value pairs must be declared on a single line, and a single line cannot contain more than a single key/value pair.
  • Comments begin with the '#' character and continue until the end of the line.
  • A key cannot contain spaces but are permitted in values.
  • The value will have any leading and trailing whitespace trimmed.
If an error occurs, that line will be skipped and processing will continue.

◆ dr_parse_key_value_pairs_from_file()

dr_bool32 dr_parse_key_value_pairs_from_file ( const char *  filePath,
dr_key_value_pair_proc  onPair,
dr_key_value_error_proc  onError,
void *  pUserData 

◆ dr_randd()

double dr_randd ( )

◆ dr_randf()

float dr_randf ( )

◆ dr_release_semaphore()

dr_bool32 dr_release_semaphore ( dr_semaphore  semaphore)

Releases the given semaphore and increments it's counter by one upon returning.

◆ dr_rtrim()

static const char* dr_rtrim ( const char *  str)

◆ dr_set_current_directory()

dr_bool32 dr_set_current_directory ( const char *  path)

Sets the current directory.

◆ dr_sleep()

void dr_sleep ( unsigned int  milliseconds)

Puts the calling thread to sleep for approximately the given number of milliseconds.

This is not 100% accurate and should be considered an approximation.

◆ dr_strcat_s()

int dr_strcat_s ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  src 

◆ dr_strcpy_s()

int dr_strcpy_s ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  src 

◆ dr_string_replace()

char* dr_string_replace ( const char *  src,
const char *  query,
const char *  replacement 

◆ dr_string_replace_ascii()

void dr_string_replace_ascii ( char *  src,
char  c,
char  replacement 

◆ dr_strncat_s()

int dr_strncat_s ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  src,
size_t  count 

◆ dr_strncpy_s()

int dr_strncpy_s ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  src,
size_t  count 

◆ dr_strrmchar()

void dr_strrmchar ( char *  str,
char  c 

Removes every occurance of the given character from the given string.

◆ dr_timer_init()

void dr_timer_init ( dr_timer pTimer)

◆ dr_timer_tick()

double dr_timer_tick ( dr_timer pTimer)

◆ dr_trim()

void dr_trim ( char *  str)

Trims both the leading and trailing whitespace from the given string.

◆ dr_unlock_mutex()

void dr_unlock_mutex ( dr_mutex  mutex)

Unlocks the given mutex.

◆ dr_utf16_to_utf32_ch()

DR_INLINE unsigned int dr_utf16_to_utf32_ch ( unsigned short  utf16[2])

Converts a UTF-16 character to UTF-32.

Definition at line 268 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_utf16pair_to_utf32_ch()

DR_INLINE unsigned int dr_utf16pair_to_utf32_ch ( unsigned short  utf160,
unsigned short  utf161 

Converts a UTF-16 surrogate pair to UTF-32.

Definition at line 293 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_utf32_to_utf16_ch()

DR_INLINE int dr_utf32_to_utf16_ch ( unsigned int  utf32,
unsigned short  utf16[2] 

Converts a UTF-32 character to UTF-16.

utf16[in] A pointer to an array of at least two 16-bit values that will receive the UTF-16 character.
2 if the returned character is a surrogate pair, 1 if it's a simple UTF-16 code point, or 0 if it's an invalid character.
It is assumed the <utf16> is large enough to hold at least 2 unsigned shorts. <utf16> will be padded with 0 for unused components.

Definition at line 237 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ dr_wait_and_delete_thread()

void dr_wait_and_delete_thread ( dr_thread  thread)

Helper function for waiting for a thread and then deleting the handle after it has terminated.

◆ dr_wait_semaphore()

dr_bool32 dr_wait_semaphore ( dr_semaphore  semaphore)

Waits on the given semaphore object and decrements it's counter by one upon returning.

◆ dr_wait_thread()

void dr_wait_thread ( dr_thread  thread)

Waits for the given thread to terminate.

◆ dr_winmain_to_argv()

int dr_winmain_to_argv ( const char *  cmdlineWinMain,
char ***  argvOut 

◆ dr_yield()

void dr_yield ( )

◆ drpath_append()

dr_bool32 drpath_append ( char *  base,
size_t  baseBufferSizeInBytes,
const char *  other 

Appends two paths together, ensuring there is not double up on the last slash.

base[in, out] The base path that is being appended to.
baseBufferSizeInBytes[in] The size of the buffer pointed to by "base", in bytes.
other[in] The other path segment.
This assumes both paths are well formed and "other" is a relative path.

◆ drpath_append_and_clean()

size_t drpath_append_and_clean ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  base,
const char *  other 

Appends one path to the other and then cleans it.

◆ drpath_append_extension()

dr_bool32 drpath_append_extension ( char *  base,
size_t  baseBufferSizeInBytes,
const char *  extension 

Appends an extension to the given path.

◆ drpath_append_iterator()

dr_bool32 drpath_append_iterator ( char *  base,
size_t  baseBufferSizeInBytes,
drpath_iterator  i 

Appends an iterator object to the given base path.

◆ drpath_at_end()

dr_bool32 drpath_at_end ( drpath_iterator  i)

Determines if the given iterator is at the end.

i[in] The iterator to check.

◆ drpath_at_start()

dr_bool32 drpath_at_start ( drpath_iterator  i)

Determines if the given iterator is at the start.

i[in] The iterator to check.

◆ drpath_base_path()

char* drpath_base_path ( char *  path)

Modifies the given path by transforming it into it's base path.

Returns <path>, for convenience.

◆ drpath_clean()

size_t drpath_clean ( const char *  path,
char *  pathOut,
size_t  pathOutSizeInBytes 

Cleans the path and resolves the ".." and "." segments.

path[in] The path to clean.
pathOut[out] A pointer to the buffer that will receive the path.
pathOutSizeInBytes[in] The size of the buffer pointed to by pathOut, in bytes.
The number of bytes written to the output buffer, including the null terminator.
The output path will never be longer than the input path.
The output buffer should never overlap with the input path.
As an example, the path "my/messy/../path" will result in "my/path"
The path "my/messy/../../../path" (note how there are too many ".." segments) will return "path" (the extra ".." segments will be dropped.)
If an error occurs, such as an invalid input path, 0 will be returned.

◆ drpath_copy_and_append()

dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_append ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  base,
const char *  other 

Appends two paths together, and copyies them to a separate buffer.

dst[out] The destination buffer.
dstSizeInBytes[in] The size of the buffer pointed to by "dst", in bytes.
base[in] The base directory.
other[in] The relative path to append to "base".
DR_TRUE if the paths were appended successfully; DR_FALSE otherwise.
This assumes both paths are well formed and "other" is a relative path.

◆ drpath_copy_and_append_extension()

dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_append_extension ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  base,
const char *  extension 

Appends an extension to the given base path and copies them to a separate buffer.

dst[out] The destination buffer.
dstSizeInBytes[in] The size of the buffer pointed to by "dst", in bytes.
base[in] The base directory.
extension[in] The relative path to append to "base".
DR_TRUE if the paths were appended successfully; DR_FALSE otherwise.

◆ drpath_copy_and_append_iterator()

dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_append_iterator ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  base,
drpath_iterator  i 

Appends a base path and an iterator together, and copyies them to a separate buffer.

dst[out] The destination buffer.
dstSizeInBytes[in] The size of the buffer pointed to by "dst", in bytes.
base[in] The base directory.
i[in] The iterator to append.
DR_TRUE if the paths were appended successfully; DR_FALSE otherwise.
This assumes both paths are well formed and "i" is a valid iterator.

◆ drpath_copy_and_remove_extension()

dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_remove_extension ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  path 

Creates a copy of the given string and removes the extension.

◆ drpath_copy_and_remove_file_name()

dr_bool32 drpath_copy_and_remove_file_name ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  path 

Creates a copy of the given string and removes the extension.

◆ drpath_copy_base_path()

void drpath_copy_base_path ( const char *  path,
char *  baseOut,
size_t  baseSizeInBytes 

Retrieves the base path from the given path, not including the trailing slash.

path[in] The full path.
baseOut[out] A pointer to the buffer that will receive the base path.
baseSizeInBytes[in] The size in bytes of the buffer that will receive the base directory.
As an example, when "path" is "C:/MyFolder/MyFile", the output will be "C:/MyFolder". Note that there is no trailing slash.
If "path" is something like "/MyFolder", the return value will be an empty string.

◆ drpath_copy_file_name()

const char* drpath_copy_file_name ( const char *  path,
char *  fileNameOut,
size_t  fileNameSizeInBytes 

Copies the file name into the given buffer.

◆ drpath_equal()

dr_bool32 drpath_equal ( const char *  path1,
const char *  path2 

Checks whether or not the two paths are equal.

path1[in] The first path.
path2[in] The second path.
DR_TRUE if the paths are equal, DR_FALSE otherwise.
This is case-sensitive.
This is more than just a string comparison. Rather, this splits the path and compares each segment. The path "C:/My/Folder" is considered equal to to "C:\\My\\Folder".

◆ drpath_extension()

const char* drpath_extension ( const char *  path)

Finds the file extension of the given file path.

path[in] The path to search.
A pointer to the beginning of the string containing the file's extension.
A path with a trailing slash will return an empty string.
The return value is just an offset of "path".
On a path such as "filename.ext1.ext2" the returned string will be "ext2".

◆ drpath_extension_equal()

dr_bool32 drpath_extension_equal ( const char *  path,
const char *  extension 

Checks if the extension of the given path is equal to the given extension.

By default this is NOT case-sensitive, however if the standard library is disable, it is case-sensitive.

◆ drpath_file_name()

const char* drpath_file_name ( const char *  path)

Finds the file name portion of the path.

path[in] The path to search.
A pointer to the beginning of the string containing the file name. If this is non-null, it will be an offset of "path".
A path with a trailing slash will return an empty string.
The return value is just an offset of "path".

◆ drpath_first()

dr_bool32 drpath_first ( const char *  path,
drpath_iterator i 

Creates an iterator for iterating over each segment in a path.

path[in] The path whose segments are being iterated.
True if at least one segment is found; DR_FALSE if it's an empty path.

◆ drpath_is_absolute()

dr_bool32 drpath_is_absolute ( const char *  path)

Determines whether or not the given path is absolute.

path[in] The path to check.

◆ drpath_is_child()

dr_bool32 drpath_is_child ( const char *  childAbsolutePath,
const char *  parentAbsolutePath 

Determines whether or not the given path is a direct child of another.

childAbsolutePath[in] The absolute of the child.
parentAbsolutePath[in] The absolute path of the parent.
As an example, "C:/My/Folder" is NOT a child of "C:/" - it is a descendant. Alternatively, "C:/My" IS a child of "C:/".
If either path contains "." or "..", clean it with drpath_clean() before calling this.

◆ drpath_is_descendant()

dr_bool32 drpath_is_descendant ( const char *  descendantAbsolutePath,
const char *  parentAbsolutePath 

Determines whether or not the given path is a decendant of another.

descendantAbsolutePath[in] The absolute path of the descendant.
parentAbsolutePath[in] The absolute path of the parent.
As an example, "C:/My/Folder" is a descendant of "C:/".
If either path contains "." or "..", clean it with drpath_clean() before calling this.

◆ drpath_is_linux_style_root_segment()

dr_bool32 drpath_is_linux_style_root_segment ( const drpath_iterator  i)

Determines whether or not the given iterator refers to a Linux style root directory ("/")

◆ drpath_is_relative()

dr_bool32 drpath_is_relative ( const char *  path)

Determines whether or not the given path is relative.

path[in] The path to check.

◆ drpath_is_root_segment()

dr_bool32 drpath_is_root_segment ( const drpath_iterator  i)

Determines whether or not the given iterator refers to the root segment of a path.

◆ drpath_is_win32_style_root_segment()

dr_bool32 drpath_is_win32_style_root_segment ( const drpath_iterator  i)

Determines whether or not the given iterator refers to a Windows style root directory.

◆ drpath_iterators_equal()

dr_bool32 drpath_iterators_equal ( const drpath_iterator  i0,
const drpath_iterator  i1 

Compares the string values of two iterators for equality.

i0[in] The first iterator to compare.
i1[in] The second iterator to compare.
DR_TRUE if the strings are equal; DR_FALSE otherwise.

◆ drpath_last()

dr_bool32 drpath_last ( const char *  path,
drpath_iterator i 

Creates an iterator beginning at the last segment.

◆ drpath_next()

dr_bool32 drpath_next ( drpath_iterator i)

Goes to the next segment in the path as per the given iterator.

i[in] A pointer to the iterator to increment.
True if the iterator contains a valid value. Use this to determine when to terminate iteration.

◆ drpath_prev()

dr_bool32 drpath_prev ( drpath_iterator i)

Goes to the previous segment in the path.

i[in] A pointer to the iterator to decrement.
DR_TRUE if the iterator contains a valid value. Use this to determine when to terminate iteration.

◆ drpath_remove_extension()

dr_bool32 drpath_remove_extension ( char *  path)

Removes the extension from the given path.

If the given path does not have an extension, 1 will be returned, but the string will be left unmodified.

◆ drpath_remove_file_name()

dr_bool32 drpath_remove_file_name ( char *  path)

Removes the last segment from the given path.

◆ drpath_segments_equal()

dr_bool32 drpath_segments_equal ( const char *  s0Path,
const drpath_segment  s0,
const char *  s1Path,
const drpath_segment  s1 

Compares a section of two strings for equality.

s0Path[in] The first path.
s0[in] The segment of the first path to compare.
s1Path[in] The second path.
s1[in] The segment of the second path to compare.
DR_TRUE if the strings are equal; DR_FALSE otherwise.

◆ drpath_to_absolute()

dr_bool32 drpath_to_absolute ( const char *  relativePathToMakeAbsolute,
const char *  basePath,
char *  absolutePathOut,
size_t  absolutePathOutSizeInBytes 

Converts a relative path to an absolute path based on a base path.

DR_TRUE if the conversion was successful; DR_FALSE if there was an error.
This is equivalent to an append followed by a clean. Slashes will be normalized to forward slashes.

◆ drpath_to_backslashes()

void drpath_to_backslashes ( char *  path)

Converts the slashes in the given path to back slashes.

path[in] The path whose slashes are being converted.

◆ drpath_to_forward_slashes()

void drpath_to_forward_slashes ( char *  path)

Converts the slashes in the given path to forward slashes.

path[in] The path whose slashes are being converted.

◆ drpath_to_relative()

dr_bool32 drpath_to_relative ( const char *  absolutePathToMakeRelative,
const char *  absolutePathToMakeRelativeTo,
char *  relativePathOut,
size_t  relativePathOutSizeInBytes 

Converts an absolute path to a relative path.

DR_TRUE if the conversion was successful; DR_FALSE if there was an error.
This will normalize every slash to forward slashes.

◆ strcat_s()

DR_INLINE int strcat_s ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  src 

Definition at line 167 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ strcpy_s()

DR_INLINE int strcpy_s ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  src 

Definition at line 157 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ strncat_s()

DR_INLINE int strncat_s ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  src,
size_t  count 

Definition at line 172 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

◆ strncpy_s()

DR_INLINE int strncpy_s ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSizeInBytes,
const char *  src,
size_t  count 

Definition at line 162 of file porcupine/demo/c/dr_libs/old/dr.h.

dr_thread dr_create_thread(dr_thread_entry_proc entryProc, void *pData)
void dr_delete_thread(dr_thread thread)

autogenerated on Fri Apr 1 2022 02:14:56