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distance_field::PropagationDistanceField Class Reference

A DistanceField implementation that uses a vector propagation method. Distances propagate outward from occupied cells, or inwards from unoccupied cells if negative distances are to be computed, which is optional. Outward and inward propagation only occur to a desired maximum distance - cells that are more than this maximum distance from the nearest cell will have maximum distance measurements. More...

#include <propagation_distance_field.h>

Inheritance diagram for distance_field::PropagationDistanceField:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

void addPointsToField (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &points) override
 Add a set of obstacle points to the distance field, updating distance values accordingly. The distance field may already contain obstacle cells. More...
const PropDistanceFieldVoxelgetCell (int x, int y, int z) const
 Gets full cell data given an index. More...
double getDistance (double x, double y, double z) const override
 Get the distance value associated with the cell indicated by the world coordinate. If the cell is invalid, max_distance will be returned. If running without negative distances, all obstacle cells will have zero distance. If running with negative distances, the distance will be between -max_distance and max_distance, with no values having a 0 distance. More...
double getDistance (int x, int y, int z) const override
 Get the distance value associated with the cell indicated by the index coordinates. If the cell is invalid, max_distance will be returned. If running without negative distances, all obstacle cells will have zero distance. If running with negative distances, the distance will be between -max_distance and max_distance, with no values having a 0 distance. More...
int getMaximumDistanceSquared () const
 Gets the maximum distance squared value. More...
const PropDistanceFieldVoxelgetNearestCell (int x, int y, int z, double &dist, Eigen::Vector3i &pos) const
 Gets nearest surface cell and returns distance to it. More...
double getUninitializedDistance () const override
 Gets a distance value for an invalid cell. More...
int getXNumCells () const override
 Gets the number of cells along the X axis. More...
int getYNumCells () const override
 Gets the number of cells along the Y axis. More...
int getZNumCells () const override
 Gets the number of cells along the Z axis. More...
bool gridToWorld (int x, int y, int z, double &world_x, double &world_y, double &world_z) const override
 Converts from an set of integer indices to a world location given the origin and resolution parameters. More...
bool isCellValid (int x, int y, int z) const override
 Determines whether or not the cell associated with the supplied indices is valid for this distance field. More...
 PropagationDistanceField (const octomap::OcTree &octree, const octomap::point3d &bbx_min, const octomap::point3d &bbx_max, double max_distance, bool propagate_negative_distances=false)
 Constructor based on an OcTree and bounding box information. A distance field will be constructed with dimensions based on the supplied bounding box at the resolution of the OcTree. All octree obstacle cells will be added to the resulting distance field using the DistanceField::addOcTreeToField function. More...
 PropagationDistanceField (double size_x, double size_y, double size_z, double resolution, double origin_x, double origin_y, double origin_z, double max_distance, bool propagate_negative_distances=false)
 Constructor that initializes entire distance field to empty - all cells will be assigned maximum distance values. All units are arbitrary but are assumed for documentation purposes to represent meters. More...
 PropagationDistanceField (std::istream &stream, double max_distance, bool propagate_negative_distances=false)
 Constructor that takes an istream and reads the contents of a saved distance field, adding all obstacle points and running propagation given the arguments for max_distance and propagate_negative_distances. Calls the function readFromStream. More...
bool readFromStream (std::istream &stream) override
 Reads, parameterizes, and populates the distance field based on the supplied stream. More...
void removePointsFromField (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &points) override
 Remove a set of obstacle points from the distance field, updating distance values accordingly. More...
void reset () override
 Resets the entire distance field to max_distance for positive values and zero for negative values. More...
void updatePointsInField (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &old_points, const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &new_points) override
 This function will remove any obstacle points that are in the old point set but not the new point set, and add any obstacle points that are in the new block set but not the old block set. Any points that are in both sets are left unchanged. For more information see DistanceField::updatePointsInField. More...
bool worldToGrid (double world_x, double world_y, double world_z, int &x, int &y, int &z) const override
 Converts from a world location to a set of integer indices. Should return false if the world location is not valid in the distance field, and should populate the index values in either case. More...
bool writeToStream (std::ostream &stream) const override
 Writes the contents of the distance field to the supplied stream. More...
 ~PropagationDistanceField () override
 Empty destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from distance_field::DistanceField
void addOcTreeToField (const octomap::OcTree *octree)
 Adds an octree to the distance field. Cells that are occupied in the octree that lie within the voxel grid are added to the distance field. The octree can represent either a larger or smaller volume than the distance field. If the resolution of the octree is less than or equal to the resolution of the distance field then the center of each leaf cell of the octree will be added to the distance field. If the resolution of the octree is greater than a 3D volume of the correct resolution will be added for each occupied leaf node. More...
void addShapeToField (const shapes::Shape *shape, const Eigen::Isometry3d &pose)
 Adds the set of points corresponding to the shape at the given pose as obstacle points into the distance field. If the shape is an OcTree, the pose information is ignored and the OcTree is passed to the addOcTreeToField function. More...
void addShapeToField (const shapes::Shape *shape, const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose)
 DistanceField (double size_x, double size_y, double size_z, double resolution, double origin_x, double origin_y, double origin_z)
 Constructor, where units are arbitrary but are assumed to be meters. More...
double getDistanceGradient (double x, double y, double z, double &gradient_x, double &gradient_y, double &gradient_z, bool &in_bounds) const
 Gets not only the distance to the nearest cell but the gradient direction. The gradient is computed as a function of the distances of near-by cells. An uninitialized distance is returned if the cell is not valid for gradient production purposes. The gradient is pointing out of the obstacle - thus to recover the closest obstacle point, the normalized gradient value is multiplied by the distance and subtracted from the cell's location, as shown below. More...
void getGradientMarkers (double min_radius, double max_radius, const std::string &frame_id, const ros::Time &stamp, visualization_msgs::MarkerArray &marker_array) const
 Populates the supplied marker array with a series of arrows representing gradients of cells that are within the supplied range in terms of distance. The markers will be visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW in the namespace "distance_field_gradient". More...
void getIsoSurfaceMarkers (double min_distance, double max_distance, const std::string &frame_id, const ros::Time stamp, visualization_msgs::Marker &marker) const
 Get an iso-surface for visualization in rviz. The iso-surface shows every cell that has a distance in a given range in the distance field. The cells are added as a visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE_LIST in the namespace "distance_field". More...
double getOriginX () const
 Gets the origin (minimum value) along the X dimension. More...
double getOriginY () const
 Gets the origin (minimum value) along the Y dimension. More...
double getOriginZ () const
 Gets the origin (minimum value) along the Z dimension. More...
void getPlaneMarkers (PlaneVisualizationType type, double length, double width, double height, const Eigen::Vector3d &origin, const std::string &frame_id, const ros::Time stamp, visualization_msgs::Marker &marker) const
 Populates a marker with a slice of the distance field in a particular plane. All cells in the plane will be added to the field, with colors associated with their distance. More...
void getProjectionPlanes (const std::string &frame_id, const ros::Time &stamp, double max_distance, visualization_msgs::Marker &marker) const
 A function that populates the marker with three planes - one each along the XY, XZ, and YZ axes. For each of the planes, any column on that plane will be marked according to the minimum distance along that column. More...
double getResolution () const
 Gets the resolution of the distance field in meters. More...
bool getShapePoints (const shapes::Shape *shape, const Eigen::Isometry3d &pose, EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d *points)
 Get the points associated with a shape. This is mainly used when the external application needs to cache points. More...
double getSizeX () const
 Gets the distance field size along the X dimension in meters. More...
double getSizeY () const
 Gets the distance field size along the Y dimension in meters. More...
double getSizeZ () const
 Gets the distance field size along the Z dimension in meters. More...
void moveShapeInField (const shapes::Shape *shape, const Eigen::Isometry3d &old_pose, const Eigen::Isometry3d &new_pose)
 Moves the shape in the distance field from the old pose to the new pose, removing points that are no longer obstacle points, and adding points that are now obstacle points at the new pose. This function will discretize both shapes, and call the updatePointsInField function on the old and new point sets. More...
void moveShapeInField (const shapes::Shape *shape, const geometry_msgs::Pose &old_pose, const geometry_msgs::Pose &new_pose)
void removeShapeFromField (const shapes::Shape *shape, const Eigen::Isometry3d &pose)
 All points corresponding to the shape are removed from the distance field. More...
void removeShapeFromField (const shapes::Shape *shape, const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose)
virtual ~DistanceField ()

Private Types

typedef std::set< Eigen::Vector3i, CompareEigenVector3i, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector3i > > VoxelSet

Private Member Functions

void addNewObstacleVoxels (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i &voxel_points)
 Adds a valid set of integer points to the voxel grid. More...
int getDirectionNumber (int dx, int dy, int dz) const
 Helper function to get a single number in a 27 connected 3D voxel grid given dx, dy, and dz values. More...
virtual double getDistance (const PropDistanceFieldVoxel &object) const
 Determines distance based on actual voxel data. More...
Eigen::Vector3i getLocationDifference (int directionNumber) const
 Helper function that gets change values given single number representing update direction. More...
void initialize ()
 Initializes the field, resetting the voxel grid and building a sqrt lookup table for efficiency based on max_distance_. More...
void initNeighborhoods ()
 Helper function for computing location and neighborhood information in 27 connected voxel grid. More...
void print (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &points)
 Debug function that prints all points in a vector to ROS_DEBUG_NAMED. More...
void print (const VoxelSet &set)
 Debug function that prints all voxels in a set to ROS_DEBUG_NAMED. More...
void propagateNegative ()
 Propagates inward to a maximum distance given the contents of the negative_bucket_queue_, and clears the negative_bucket_queue_. More...
void propagatePositive ()
 Propagates outward to the maximum distance given the contents of the bucket_queue_, and clears the bucket_queue_. More...
void removeObstacleVoxels (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i &voxel_points)
 Removes a valid set of integer points from the voxel grid. More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< EigenSTL::vector_Vector3ibucket_queue_
 Structure used to hold propagation frontier. More...
EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i direction_number_to_direction_
 Holds conversion from direction number to integer changes. More...
double max_distance_
 Holds maximum distance
int max_distance_sq_
 Holds maximum distance squared in cells. More...
std::vector< EigenSTL::vector_Vector3inegative_bucket_queue_
 Data member that holds points from which to propagate in the negative, where each vector holds points that are a particular integer distance from the closest unoccupied points. More...
std::vector< std::vector< EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i > > neighborhoods_
 Holds information on neighbor direction, with 27 different directions. Shows where to propagate given an integer distance and an update direction. More...
bool propagate_negative_
 Whether or not to propagate negative distances. More...
std::vector< double > sqrt_table_
 Precomputed square root table for faster distance lookups. More...
VoxelGrid< PropDistanceFieldVoxel >::Ptr voxel_grid_
 Actual container for distance data. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from distance_field::DistanceField
void getOcTreePoints (const octomap::OcTree *octree, EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d *points)
 Get the points associated with an octree. More...
void setPoint (int xCell, int yCell, int zCell, double dist, geometry_msgs::Point &point, std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, double max_distance) const
 Helper function that sets the point value and color given the distance. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from distance_field::DistanceField
int inv_twice_resolution_
 Computed value 1.0/(2.0*resolution_) More...
double origin_x_
 X origin of the distance field. More...
double origin_y_
 Y origin of the distance field. More...
double origin_z_
 Z origin of the distance field. More...
double resolution_
 Resolution of the distance field. More...
double size_x_
 X size of the distance field. More...
double size_y_
 Y size of the distance field. More...
double size_z_
 Z size of the distance field. More...

Detailed Description

A DistanceField implementation that uses a vector propagation method. Distances propagate outward from occupied cells, or inwards from unoccupied cells if negative distances are to be computed, which is optional. Outward and inward propagation only occur to a desired maximum distance - cells that are more than this maximum distance from the nearest cell will have maximum distance measurements.

This class uses a VoxelGrid to hold all data. One important decision that must be made on construction is whether or not to create a signed version of the distance field. If the distance field is unsigned, it means that the minumum obstacle distance is 0, a value that will be assigned to all obstacle cells. Gradient queries for obstacle cells will not give useful information, as the gradient at an obstacle cell will point to the cell itself. If this behavior is acceptable, then the performance of this mode will be more efficient, as no propagation will occur for obstacle cells. The other option is to calculate signed distances. In this case, negative distances up to the maximum distance are calculated for obstacle volumes. This distance encodes the distance of an obstacle cell to the nearest unoccupied obstacle voxel. Furthmore, gradients pointing out of the volume will be produced. Depending on the data, calculating this data can significantly impact the time it takes to add and remove obstacle cells.

Definition at line 137 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ VoxelSet

typedef std::set<Eigen::Vector3i, CompareEigenVector3i, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3i> > distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::VoxelSet

Typedef for set of integer indices

Definition at line 450 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PropagationDistanceField() [1/3]

distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::PropagationDistanceField ( double  size_x,
double  size_y,
double  size_z,
double  resolution,
double  origin_x,
double  origin_y,
double  origin_z,
double  max_distance,
bool  propagate_negative_distances = false 

Constructor that initializes entire distance field to empty - all cells will be assigned maximum distance values. All units are arbitrary but are assumed for documentation purposes to represent meters.

[in]size_xThe X dimension in meters of the volume to represent
[in]size_yThe Y dimension in meters of the volume to represent
[in]size_zThe Z dimension in meters of the volume to represent
[in]resolutionThe resolution in meters of the volume
[in]origin_xThe minimum X point of the volume
[in]origin_yThe minimum Y point of the volume
[in]origin_zThe minimum Z point of the volume
[in]max_distanceThe maximum distance to which to propagate distance values. Cells that are greater than this distance will be assigned the maximum distance value.
[in]propagate_negative_distancesWhether or not to propagate negative distances. If false, no propagation occurs, and all obstacle cells will be assigned zero distance. See the PropagationDistanceField description for more information on the implications of this.

Definition at line 78 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ PropagationDistanceField() [2/3]

distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::PropagationDistanceField ( const octomap::OcTree octree,
const octomap::point3d bbx_min,
const octomap::point3d bbx_max,
double  max_distance,
bool  propagate_negative_distances = false 

Constructor based on an OcTree and bounding box information. A distance field will be constructed with dimensions based on the supplied bounding box at the resolution of the OcTree. All octree obstacle cells will be added to the resulting distance field using the DistanceField::addOcTreeToField function.

[in]octreeThe OcTree from which to construct the distance field
[in]bbx_minThe minimum world coordinates of the bounding box
[in]bbx_maxThe maximum world coordinates of the bounding box
[in]max_distanceThe maximum distance to which to propagate distance values. Cells that are greater than this distance will be assigned the maximum distance value.
[in]propagate_negative_distancesWhether or not to propagate negative distances. If false, no propagation occurs, and all obstacle cells will be assigned zero distance. See the PropagationDistanceField description for more information on the implications of this.

Definition at line 88 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ PropagationDistanceField() [3/3]

distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::PropagationDistanceField ( std::istream &  stream,
double  max_distance,
bool  propagate_negative_distances = false 

Constructor that takes an istream and reads the contents of a saved distance field, adding all obstacle points and running propagation given the arguments for max_distance and propagate_negative_distances. Calls the function readFromStream.

[in]streamThe stream from which to read the data
[in]max_distanceThe maximum distance to which to propagate distance values. Cells that are greater than this distance will be assigned the maximum distance value.
[in]propagate_negative_distancesWhether or not to propagate negative distances. If false, no propagation occurs, and all obstacle cells will be assigned zero distance. See the PropagationDistanceField description for more information on the implications of this.

Definition at line 101 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ ~PropagationDistanceField()

distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::~PropagationDistanceField ( )

Empty destructor.

Definition at line 222 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addNewObstacleVoxels()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::addNewObstacleVoxels ( const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i voxel_points)

Adds a valid set of integer points to the voxel grid.

voxel_pointsValid set of voxel points for addition

Definition at line 252 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ addPointsToField()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::addPointsToField ( const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d points)

Add a set of obstacle points to the distance field, updating distance values accordingly. The distance field may already contain obstacle cells.

The function first checks that each location represents a valid point - only valid points will be added. It takes the vector of valid points and performs positive propagation on them. If the class has been set up to propagate negative distance, those will also be propagated.

[in]pointsThe set of obstacle points to add

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 208 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ getCell()

const PropDistanceFieldVoxel& distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getCell ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
) const

Gets full cell data given an index.

x,y,z MUST be valid or data corruption (SEGFAULTS) will occur.

[in]xThe integer X location
[in]yThe integer Y location
[in]zThe integer Z location
The data in the indicated cell.

Definition at line 388 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ getDirectionNumber()

int distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getDirectionNumber ( int  dx,
int  dy,
int  dz 
) const

Helper function to get a single number in a 27 connected 3D voxel grid given dx, dy, and dz values.

dxThe change in the X direction
dyThe change in the X direction
dzThe change in the Z direction
Single number 0-26 representing direction

Definition at line 617 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ getDistance() [1/3]

double distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getDistance ( const PropDistanceFieldVoxel object) const

Determines distance based on actual voxel data.

objectActual voxel data
The distance reported by the cell

Definition at line 597 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ getDistance() [2/3]

double distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getDistance ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 
) const

Get the distance value associated with the cell indicated by the world coordinate. If the cell is invalid, max_distance will be returned. If running without negative distances, all obstacle cells will have zero distance. If running with negative distances, the distance will be between -max_distance and max_distance, with no values having a 0 distance.

[in]xThe X location of the cell
[in]yThe X location of the cell
[in]zThe X location of the cell
The distance value

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 627 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ getDistance() [3/3]

double distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getDistance ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
) const

Get the distance value associated with the cell indicated by the index coordinates. If the cell is invalid, max_distance will be returned. If running without negative distances, all obstacle cells will have zero distance. If running with negative distances, the distance will be between -max_distance and max_distance, with no values having a 0 distance.

[in]xThe integer X location
[in]yThe integer Y location
[in]zThe integer Z location
The distance value for the cell

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 632 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ getLocationDifference()

Eigen::Vector3i distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getLocationDifference ( int  directionNumber) const

Helper function that gets change values given single number representing update direction.

directionNumberDirection number 0-26
Integer changes

Definition at line 622 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ getMaximumDistanceSquared()

int distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getMaximumDistanceSquared ( ) const

Gets the maximum distance squared value.

Produced by taking the ceiling of the maximum distance divided by the resolution, and then squaring that value.

The maximum distance squared.

Definition at line 443 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ getNearestCell()

const PropDistanceFieldVoxel* distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getNearestCell ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
double &  dist,
Eigen::Vector3i &  pos 
) const

Gets nearest surface cell and returns distance to it.

x,y,z MUST be valid or data corruption (SEGFAULTS) will occur.

[in]xThe integer X location of the starting cell
[in]yThe integer Y location of the starting cell
[in]zThe integer Z location of the starting cell
[out]distif starting cell is inside, the negative distance to the nearest outside cell if starting cell is outside, the positive distance to the nearest inside cell if nearby cell is unknown, zero
[out]posthe position of the nearest cell
If starting cell is inside, the nearest outside cell If starting cell is outside, the nearst inside cell If nearest cell is unknown, return NULL

Definition at line 411 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ getUninitializedDistance()

double distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getUninitializedDistance ( ) const

Gets a distance value for an invalid cell.

The distance associated with an unitialized cell

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 372 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ getXNumCells()

int distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getXNumCells ( ) const

Gets the number of cells along the X axis.

The number of cells along the X axis

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 642 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ getYNumCells()

int distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getYNumCells ( ) const

Gets the number of cells along the Y axis.

The number of cells along the Y axis

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 647 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ getZNumCells()

int distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::getZNumCells ( ) const

Gets the number of cells along the Z axis.

The number of cells along the Z axis

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 652 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ gridToWorld()

bool distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::gridToWorld ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
double &  world_x,
double &  world_y,
double &  world_z 
) const

Converts from an set of integer indices to a world location given the origin and resolution parameters.

[in]xThe integer X location
[in]yThe integer Y location
[in]zThe integer Z location
[out]world_xThe computed world X location
[out]world_yThe computed world X location
[out]world_zThe computed world X location
Whether or not the transformation is successful. An implementation may or may not choose to return false if the indicated cell is not valid for this distance field.

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 657 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ initialize()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::initialize ( )

Initializes the field, resetting the voxel grid and building a sqrt lookup table for efficiency based on max_distance_.

Definition at line 108 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ initNeighborhoods()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::initNeighborhoods ( )

Helper function for computing location and neighborhood information in 27 connected voxel grid.

Definition at line 559 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ isCellValid()

bool distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::isCellValid ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
) const

Determines whether or not the cell associated with the supplied indices is valid for this distance field.

[in]xThe X index of the cell
[in]yThe Y index of the cell
[in]zThe Z index of the cell
True if the cell is valid, otherwise false.

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 637 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ print() [1/2]

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::print ( const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d points)

Debug function that prints all points in a vector to ROS_DEBUG_NAMED.

pointsPoints to print

Definition at line 140 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ print() [2/2]

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::print ( const VoxelSet set)

Debug function that prints all voxels in a set to ROS_DEBUG_NAMED.

setVoxel set to print

Definition at line 128 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ propagateNegative()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::propagateNegative ( )

Propagates inward to a maximum distance given the contents of the negative_bucket_queue_, and clears the negative_bucket_queue_.

Definition at line 478 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ propagatePositive()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::propagatePositive ( )

Propagates outward to the maximum distance given the contents of the bucket_queue_, and clears the bucket_queue_.

Definition at line 421 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ readFromStream()

bool distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::readFromStream ( std::istream &  stream)

Reads, parameterizes, and populates the distance field based on the supplied stream.

This function assumes that the file begins with ASCII data, and that the binary data has been written in bit formulation and compressed using Zlib. The function will reinitialize all data members based on the data in the file, using preset values for max_distance_ and propagate_negative_distances_. All occupied cells will be added to the distance field.

[in]streamThe stream from which to read
True if reading, parameterizing, and populating the distance field is successful; otherwise False.

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 708 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ removeObstacleVoxels()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::removeObstacleVoxels ( const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i voxel_points)

Removes a valid set of integer points from the voxel grid.

voxel_pointsValid set of voxel points for removal

Definition at line 334 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ removePointsFromField()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::removePointsFromField ( const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d points)

Remove a set of obstacle points from the distance field, updating distance values accordingly.

This function is relatively less efficient than adding points to the field in terms of positive distances - adding a given number of points will be less comptationally expensive than removing the same number of points. This is due to the nature of the propagation algorithm - when removing sets of cells, we must search outward from the freed cells and then propagate inward. Negative distances can be propagated more efficiently, as propagation can occur outward from newly freed cells without requiring a search step. If the set of occupied points that remain after removal is small it may be more efficient to call reset and then to add the remaining points rather than removing a set of points.

[in]pointsThe set of obstacle points that will be set as free

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 229 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ reset()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::reset ( )

Resets the entire distance field to max_distance for positive values and zero for negative values.

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 539 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ updatePointsInField()

void distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::updatePointsInField ( const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d old_points,
const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d new_points 

This function will remove any obstacle points that are in the old point set but not the new point set, and add any obstacle points that are in the new block set but not the old block set. Any points that are in both sets are left unchanged. For more information see DistanceField::updatePointsInField.

The implementation of this function finds the set of points that are in the old_points and not the new_points, and the in the new_points and not the old_points using std::set_difference. It then calls a removal function on the former set, and an addition function on the latter set.

If there is no overlap between the old_points and the new_points it is more efficient to first call removePointsFromField on the old_points and then addPointsToField on the new points - this does not require computing set differences.

[in]old_pointsThe set of points that all should be obstacle cells in the distance field
[in]new_pointsThe set of points, all of which are intended to be obstacle points in the distance field

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 152 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ worldToGrid()

bool distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::worldToGrid ( double  world_x,
double  world_y,
double  world_z,
int &  x,
int &  y,
int &  z 
) const

Converts from a world location to a set of integer indices. Should return false if the world location is not valid in the distance field, and should populate the index values in either case.

[in]world_xThe world X location
[in]world_yThe world Y location
[in]world_zThe world Z location
[out]xThe computed integer X location
[out]yThe computed integer X location
[out]zThe computed integer X location
True if all the world values result in integer indices that pass a validity check; otherwise False.

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 663 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

◆ writeToStream()

bool distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::writeToStream ( std::ostream &  stream) const

Writes the contents of the distance field to the supplied stream.

This function writes the resolution, size, and origin parameters to the file in ASCII. It then writes the occupancy data only in bit form (with values or 1 representing occupancy, and 0 representing empty space). It further runs Zlib compression on the binary data before actually writing to disk. The max_distance and propagate_negative_distances values are not written to file, and the distances themselves will need to be recreated on load.

[out]streamThe stream to which to write the distance field contents.

Implements distance_field::DistanceField.

Definition at line 668 of file propagation_distance_field.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bucket_queue_

std::vector<EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i> distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::bucket_queue_

Structure used to hold propagation frontier.

Data member that holds points from which to propagate, where each vector holds points that are a particular integer distance from the closest obstacle points

Definition at line 546 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ direction_number_to_direction_

EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::direction_number_to_direction_

Holds conversion from direction number to integer changes.

Definition at line 576 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ max_distance_

double distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::max_distance_

Holds maximum distance

Definition at line 557 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ max_distance_sq_

int distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::max_distance_sq_

Holds maximum distance squared in cells.

Definition at line 558 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ negative_bucket_queue_

std::vector<EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i> distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::negative_bucket_queue_

Data member that holds points from which to propagate in the negative, where each vector holds points that are a particular integer distance from the closest unoccupied points.

Definition at line 551 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ neighborhoods_

std::vector<std::vector<EigenSTL::vector_Vector3i> > distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::neighborhoods_

Holds information on neighbor direction, with 27 different directions. Shows where to propagate given an integer distance and an update direction.

[0] - for expansion of d=0 [1] - for expansion of d>=1 Under this, we have the 27 directions Then, a list of neighborhoods for each direction

Definition at line 574 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ propagate_negative_

bool distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::propagate_negative_

Whether or not to propagate negative distances.

Definition at line 541 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ sqrt_table_

std::vector<double> distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::sqrt_table_

Precomputed square root table for faster distance lookups.

Definition at line 560 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

◆ voxel_grid_

VoxelGrid<PropDistanceFieldVoxel>::Ptr distance_field::PropagationDistanceField::voxel_grid_

Actual container for distance data.

Definition at line 543 of file propagation_distance_field.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Ioan Sucan , Sachin Chitta , Acorn Pooley
autogenerated on Thu Feb 27 2025 03:26:59