Namespaces | Classes | Functions
joint_trajectory_controller Namespace Reference




class  HoldTrajectoryBuilder
 Builder creating a trajectory "simply" holding (without motion) the specified position. More...
struct  InitJointTrajectoryOptions
 Options used when initializing a joint trajectory from ROS message data. More...
class  JointTrajectoryController
 Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints. More...
class  JointTrajectorySegment
 Class representing a multi-dimensional quintic spline segment with a start and end time. More...
struct  SegmentTolerances
 Trajectory segment tolerances. More...
struct  SegmentTolerancesPerJoint
 Trajectory segment tolerances per Joint. More...
struct  StateTolerances
 Trajectory state tolerances for position, velocity and acceleration variables. More...
class  StopTrajectoryBuilder
 Builder creating a trajectory stopping the robot. More...
class  TrajectoryBuilder
 Base class for classes used to construct diffent trajectory types. More...


template<class State >
bool checkStateTolerance (const State &state_error, const std::vector< StateTolerances< typename State::Scalar > > &state_tolerance, bool show_errors=false)
template<class State >
bool checkStateTolerancePerJoint (const State &state_error, const StateTolerances< typename State::Scalar > &state_tolerance, bool show_errors=false)
std::vector< trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint >::const_iterator findPoint (const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &msg, const ros::Time &time)
 Find an iterator to the trajectory point with the greatest start time < time. More...
template<class Scalar >
SegmentTolerances< Scalar > getSegmentTolerances (const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const std::vector< std::string > &joint_names)
 Populate trajectory segment tolerances from data in the ROS parameter server. More...
template<class Trajectory >
Trajectory initJointTrajectory (const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &msg, const ros::Time &time, const InitJointTrajectoryOptions< Trajectory > &options=InitJointTrajectoryOptions< Trajectory >())
 Initialize a joint trajectory from ROS message data. More...
template<class Trajectory >
bool isNotEmpty (typename Trajectory::value_type trajPerJoint)
bool isTimeStrictlyIncreasing (const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &msg)
bool isValid (const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &msg)
bool isValid (const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint &point, const unsigned int joint_dim)
template<class Scalar >
void updateSegmentTolerances (const control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryGoal &goal, const std::vector< std::string > &joint_names, SegmentTolerances< Scalar > &tols)
 Update data in tols from data in goal. More...
template<class Scalar >
void updateStateTolerances (const control_msgs::JointTolerance &tol_msg, StateTolerances< Scalar > &tols)
 Update data in tols from data in msg_tol. More...
template<class Scalar >
Scalar wraparoundJointOffset (const Scalar &prev_position, const Scalar &next_position, const bool &angle_wraparound)

Detailed Description

Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Stuart Glaser

Function Documentation

◆ checkStateTolerance()

template<class State >
bool joint_trajectory_controller::checkStateTolerance ( const State &  state_error,
const std::vector< StateTolerances< typename State::Scalar > > &  state_tolerance,
bool  show_errors = false 
state_errorState error to check.
state_toleranceState tolerances to check state_error against.
show_errorsIf the joints that violate their tolerances should be output to console. NOT REALTIME if true
True if state_error fulfills state_tolerance.

Definition at line 120 of file tolerances.h.

◆ checkStateTolerancePerJoint()

template<class State >
bool joint_trajectory_controller::checkStateTolerancePerJoint ( const State &  state_error,
const StateTolerances< typename State::Scalar > &  state_tolerance,
bool  show_errors = false 
state_errorState error to check.
state_toleranceState tolerances to check state_error against.
show_errorsIf the joint that violate its tolerance should be output to console. NOT REALTIME if true
True if state_error fulfills state_tolerance.

Definition at line 168 of file tolerances.h.

◆ findPoint()

std::vector<trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint>::const_iterator joint_trajectory_controller::findPoint ( const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &  msg,
const ros::Time time 

Find an iterator to the trajectory point with the greatest start time < time.

msgTrajectory message.
timeTime to search for in the range.
Iterator to the trajectory point with the greatest start time < time. If all points occur at a time greater than time, then the points sequence end is returned.
The points in msg have monotonically increasing times.
On average, this method has logarithmic time complexity when used on containers with random-access iterators. On non-random-access iterators, iterator advances incur an additional linear time cost.

Definition at line 151 of file joint_trajectory_msg_utils.h.

◆ getSegmentTolerances()

template<class Scalar >
SegmentTolerances<Scalar> joint_trajectory_controller::getSegmentTolerances ( const ros::NodeHandle nh,
const std::vector< std::string > &  joint_names 

Populate trajectory segment tolerances from data in the ROS parameter server.

It is assumed that the following parameter structure is followed on the provided NodeHandle. Unspecified parameters will take the defaults shown in the comments:

goal_time: 1.0 # Defaults to zero
stopped_velocity_tolerance: 0.02 # Defaults to 0.01
trajectory: 0.05 # Defaults to zero (ie. the tolerance is not enforced)
goal: 0.03 # Defaults to zero (ie. the tolerance is not enforced)
goal: 0.01
nhNodeHandle where the tolerances are specified.
joint_namesNames of joints to look for in the parameter server for a tolerance specification.
Trajectory segment tolerances.

Definition at line 291 of file tolerances.h.

◆ initJointTrajectory()

template<class Trajectory >
Trajectory joint_trajectory_controller::initJointTrajectory ( const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &  msg,
const ros::Time time,
const InitJointTrajectoryOptions< Trajectory > &  options = InitJointTrajectoryOptions<Trajectory>() 

Initialize a joint trajectory from ROS message data.

msgTrajectory message.
timeTime from which data is to be extracted. All trajectory points in msg occurring after time will be extracted; or put otherwise, all points occurring at a time less or equal than time will be discarded. Set this value to zero to process all points in msg.
optionsOptions that change how the trajectory gets initialized.

The options parameter is optional. The meaning of its different members follows:

  • current_trajectory Currently executed trajectory. Use this parameter if you want to update an existing trajectory with the data in msg; that is, keep the useful parts of current_trajectory and msg. If specified, the output trajectory will not only contain data in msg occurring after time, but will also contain data from current_trajectory between time and the start time of msg (which might not be equal to time).
  • joint_names Joints expected to be found in msg. If specified, this function will return an empty trajectory when msg contains joints that differ in number or names to joint_names. If msg contains the same joints as joint_names, but in a different order, the resulting trajectory will be ordered according to joint_names (and not msg). If unspecified (empty), no checks will be performed against expected joints, and the resulting trajectory will preserve the joint ordering of msg.
  • angle_wraparound Vector of booleans where true values correspond to joints that wrap around (ie. are continuous). If specified, combining current_trajectory with msg will not result in joints performing multiple turns at the transition. This parameter requires current_trajectory to also be specified, otherwise it is ignored.
  • rt_goal_handle Action goal handle associated to the new trajectory. If specified, newly added segments will have a pointer to it, and to the trajectory tolerances it contains (if any).
  • default_tolerances Default trajectory tolerances. This option is only used when rt_goal_handle is also specified. It contains the default tolernaces to check when executing an action goal. If the action goal specifies tolerances (totally or partially), these values will take precedence over the defaults.
  • other_time_base When initializing a new trajectory, it might be the case that we desire the result expressed in a different time base than that contained in msg. If specified, the value of this variable should be the equivalent of the time parameter, but expressed in the desired time base. If the current_trajectory option is also specified, it must be expressed in other_time_base. The typical usecase for this variable is when the current_trajectory option is specified, and contains data in a different time base (eg. monotonically increasing) than msg (eg. system-clock synchronized).
  • error_string Error message. If specified, an error message will be written to this string in case of failure to initialize the output trajectory from msg.
Trajectory container.
Template Parameters
TrajectoryTrajectory type. Should be a sequence container sorted by segment start time. Additionally, the contained segment type must implement a constructor with the following signature:
Segment(const ros::Time& traj_start_time,
const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint& start_point,
const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint& end_point,
const std::vector<Scalar>& position_offset)
The following function must also be defined to properly handle continuous joints:
std::vector<Scalar> wraparoundOffset(const typename Segment::State& prev_state,
const typename Segment::State& next_state,
const std::vector<bool>& angle_wraparound)
This function does not throw any exceptions by itself, but the segment constructor might. In such a case, this method should be wrapped inside a try block.

Definition at line 204 of file init_joint_trajectory.h.

◆ isNotEmpty()

template<class Trajectory >
bool joint_trajectory_controller::isNotEmpty ( typename Trajectory::value_type  trajPerJoint)

Definition at line 132 of file init_joint_trajectory.h.

◆ isTimeStrictlyIncreasing()

bool joint_trajectory_controller::isTimeStrictlyIncreasing ( const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &  msg)
msgTrajectory message.
True if each trajectory waypoint is reached at a later time than its predecessor.

Definition at line 119 of file joint_trajectory_msg_utils.h.

◆ isValid() [1/2]

bool joint_trajectory_controller::isValid ( const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &  msg)
msgTrajectory message.
True if sizes of input message are consistent (joint names, position, velocity, acceleration).

Definition at line 95 of file joint_trajectory_msg_utils.h.

◆ isValid() [2/2]

bool joint_trajectory_controller::isValid ( const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint &  point,
const unsigned int  joint_dim 
pointTrajectory point message.
joint_dimExpected dimension of the position, velocity and acceleration fields.
True if sizes of the position, velocity and acceleration fields are consistent. An empty field means that it's unspecified, so in this particular case its dimension must not coincide with joint_dim.

Definition at line 83 of file joint_trajectory_msg_utils.h.

◆ updateSegmentTolerances()

template<class Scalar >
void joint_trajectory_controller::updateSegmentTolerances ( const control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryGoal &  goal,
const std::vector< std::string > &  joint_names,
SegmentTolerances< Scalar > &  tols 

Update data in tols from data in goal.

[in]goalAction goal data containing tolerance values tols will be updated with.
[in]joint_namesNames of joints in tols, with the same ordering.
[out]tolsTolerances values to update.

Definition at line 232 of file tolerances.h.

◆ updateStateTolerances()

template<class Scalar >
void joint_trajectory_controller::updateStateTolerances ( const control_msgs::JointTolerance &  tol_msg,
StateTolerances< Scalar > &  tols 

Update data in tols from data in msg_tol.

  • If a value in tol_msg is positive, the corresponding values in tols will be overritten.
  • If a value in tol_msg is negative, the corresponding values in tols will be reset.
  • If a value in tol_msg is zero, the corresponding values in tols is unchanged.
[in]tol_msgMessage containing tolerance values tols will be updated with.
[out]tolsTolerances values to update.

Definition at line 212 of file tolerances.h.

◆ wraparoundJointOffset()

template<class Scalar >
Scalar joint_trajectory_controller::wraparoundJointOffset ( const Scalar &  prev_position,
const Scalar &  next_position,
const bool &  angle_wraparound 
prev_positionPrevious position from which to compute the wraparound offset.
next_positionNext position from which to compute the wraparound offset.
angle_wraparoundBoolean where true value corresponds to a joint that wrap around (ie. is continuous). Offset will be computed only for this joint, otherwise it is set to zero.
Wraparound offset that should be applied to next_position such that no multi-turns are performed when transitioning from prev_position.
Template Parameters
ScalarScalar type.

Definition at line 223 of file joint_trajectory_segment.h.


Author(s): Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
autogenerated on Fri May 24 2024 02:41:24