Functions | Variables
memory.mutex.c File Reference

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 _end ()
pointer alloc (int s, int e, int cid, int nils)
pointer allocx (int s, int e, int cid, int nils)
 edata ()
 gc ()
pointer halloc (int req, int e, int cid)
 mark (pointer p)
 markall ()
static bpointer mergecell (bpointer p, int cbix)
 newchunk (int k)
 newgcstack (pointer *oldsp)
 reclaim (bpointer p)
bpointer root_alloc_big (context *ctx, int req)
 root_alloc_small (context *ctx, int req)
static void splitheap (int k, struct buddyfree *buddy)
static void sweep (struct chunk *cp, int gcmerge)
void sweepall ()


mutex_t alloc_lock
long alloccount [MAXBUDDY]
struct chunkchunklist =NULL
long freeheap =0
long gccount
pointer mark_root
int mark_state
pointer marking
pointer marking2
long marktime
char * maxmemory =(char *)0x100000
pointer QPARAGC
long sweeptime
long totalheap =0

Function Documentation

◆ _end()

_end ( )

Definition at line 33 of file eus.c.

◆ alloc()

pointer alloc ( int  s,
int  e,
int  cid,
int  nils 

Definition at line 241 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ allocx()

pointer allocx ( int  s,
int  e,
int  cid,
int  nils 

Definition at line 217 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ edata()

edata ( )

◆ gc()

gc ( )

Definition at line 473 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ halloc()

pointer halloc ( int  req,
int  e,
int  cid 

Definition at line 195 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ mark()

mark ( pointer  p)

Definition at line 301 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ markall()

markall ( )

Definition at line 363 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ mergecell()

static bpointer mergecell ( bpointer  p,
int  cbix 

Definition at line 415 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ newchunk()

newchunk ( int  k)

Definition at line 45 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ newgcstack()

newgcstack ( pointer oldsp)

Definition at line 342 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ reclaim()

reclaim ( bpointer  p)

Definition at line 396 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ root_alloc_big()

bpointer root_alloc_big ( context ctx,
int  req 

Definition at line 97 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ root_alloc_small()

root_alloc_small ( context ctx,
int  req 

Definition at line 141 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ splitheap()

static void splitheap ( int  k,
struct buddyfree buddy 

Definition at line 69 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ sweep()

static void sweep ( struct chunk cp,
int  gcmerge 

Definition at line 435 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ sweepall()

void sweepall ( )

Definition at line 456 of file memory.mutex.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ alloc_lock

mutex_t alloc_lock

Definition at line 42 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ alloccount

long alloccount[MAXBUDDY]

Definition at line 39 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ chunklist

struct chunk* chunklist =NULL

Definition at line 36 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ freeheap

long freeheap =0

Definition at line 35 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ gccount

long gccount

Definition at line 38 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ gcsp

pointer * gcsp

Definition at line 295 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ gcsplimit

pointer * gcsplimit

Definition at line 295 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ gcstack

pointer* gcstack

Definition at line 295 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ mark_root

pointer mark_root

Definition at line 299 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ mark_state

int mark_state

Definition at line 361 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ marking

pointer marking

Definition at line 299 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ marking2

pointer marking2

Definition at line 299 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ marktime

long marktime

Definition at line 38 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ maxmemory

char* maxmemory =(char *)0x100000

Definition at line 34 of file memory.mutex.c.


pointer QPARAGC

Definition at line 125 of file eus.c.

◆ sweeptime

long sweeptime

Definition at line 38 of file memory.mutex.c.

◆ totalheap

long totalheap =0

Definition at line 35 of file memory.mutex.c.

Author(s): Toshihiro Matsui
autogenerated on Thu Jun 15 2023 02:06:43