Public Types | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies > Class Template Reference

#include <std-array.hpp>

Public Types

typedef Container::value_type data_type
typedef Container::difference_type difference_type
typedef Container::size_type index_type
typedef Container::value_type key_type
typedef Container::size_type size_type
typedef std::vector< data_type, SliceAllocator > slice_vector_type

Static Public Member Functions

static void delete_item (Container &, index_type)
static void delete_slice (Container &, index_type, index_type)
template<class Class >
static void extension_def (Class &)
static bp::object get_slice (Container &container, index_type from, index_type to)
static void set_slice (Container &container, index_type from, index_type to, data_type const &v)
template<class Iter >
static void set_slice (Container &container, index_type from, index_type to, Iter first, Iter last)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr std::size_t Size = std::tuple_size<Container>{}

Detailed Description

template<typename Container, bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
class eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >

Definition at line 17 of file std-array.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ data_type

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
typedef Container::value_type eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::data_type

Definition at line 34 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ difference_type

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
typedef Container::difference_type eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::difference_type

Definition at line 38 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ index_type

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
typedef Container::size_type eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::index_type

Definition at line 36 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ key_type

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
typedef Container::value_type eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::key_type

Definition at line 35 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ size_type

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
typedef Container::size_type eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::size_type

Definition at line 37 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ slice_vector_type

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
typedef std::vector<data_type, SliceAllocator> eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::slice_vector_type

Definition at line 39 of file std-array.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ delete_item()

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
static void eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::delete_item ( Container &  ,

Definition at line 46 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ delete_slice()

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
static void eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::delete_slice ( Container &  ,
index_type  ,

Definition at line 53 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ extension_def()

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
template<class Class >
static void eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::extension_def ( Class &  )

Definition at line 43 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ get_slice()

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
static bp::object eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::get_slice ( Container &  container,
index_type  from,
index_type  to 

Definition at line 91 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ set_slice() [1/2]

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
static void eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::set_slice ( Container &  container,
index_type  from,
index_type  to,
data_type const &  v 

Definition at line 59 of file std-array.hpp.

◆ set_slice() [2/2]

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
template<class Iter >
static void eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::set_slice ( Container &  container,
index_type  from,
index_type  to,
Iter  first,
Iter  last 

Definition at line 72 of file std-array.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Size

template<typename Container , bool NoProxy = false, class SliceAllocator = std::allocator<typename Container::value_type>, class DerivedPolicies = details::final_array_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator>>
constexpr std::size_t eigenpy::array_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, SliceAllocator, DerivedPolicies >::Size = std::tuple_size<Container>{}

Definition at line 40 of file std-array.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Justin Carpentier, Nicolas Mansard
autogenerated on Fri Jun 14 2024 02:15:58