calibratorNode Member List
This is the complete list of members for
calibratorNode, including all inherited members.
_access | calibratorNode | [private] |
alpha | calibratorNode | [private] |
alphaChanged | calibratorNode | [private] |
assignDebugCameraInfo() | calibratorNode | |
assignIntrinsics() | calibratorNode | |
avgTime | calibratorNode | [private] |
botValidHeight | calibratorNode | [private] |
calibratorNode(ros::NodeHandle &nh, calibratorData startupData) | calibratorNode | |
camera_sub | calibratorNode | [private] |
camera_sub_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
camera_sub_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
cameraMatrices | calibratorNode | [private] |
candidateSets | calibratorNode | [private] |
checkIndex_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
checkIndex_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
configData | calibratorNode | [private] |
cornerSet | calibratorNode | [private] |
cornerSet_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
cornerSet_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
cornerSets | calibratorNode | [private] |
cv_ptr | calibratorNode | [private] |
cv_ptr_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
cv_ptr_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
cycle_timer | calibratorNode | [private] |
debug_camera_info_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
debug_camera_info_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
debug_pub_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
debug_pub_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
debug_pub_name | calibratorNode | [private] |
debug_pub_name_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
debug_pub_name_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
default_R | calibratorNode | [private] |
determineValidPairs() | calibratorNode | |
displayImages_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
displayImages_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
distCoeffVecs | calibratorNode | [private] |
doVerify | calibratorNode | [private] |
duplicateFlags_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
duplicateFlags_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
E | calibratorNode | [private] |
elapsedTime | calibratorNode | [private] |
evaluateFrames() | calibratorNode | |
extendedExtrinsicReprojectionError | calibratorNode | [private] |
extendedReprojectionError_intrinsics | calibratorNode | [private] |
extrinsicCandidateSets | calibratorNode | [private] |
extrinsicsPointSets | calibratorNode | [private] |
extrinsicTestingSets | calibratorNode | [private] |
F | calibratorNode | [private] |
f | calibratorNode | [private] |
findPattern(const Mat &im, vector< Point2f > &dst, Mat &prev, const int useMode, const int cameraNumber) | calibratorNode | |
frameCount | calibratorNode | [private] |
frameCount_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
frameCount_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
frameCounts | calibratorNode | [private] |
getAverageTime() | calibratorNode | |
grayMat1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
grayMat2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
handle_image(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &msg_ptr, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info_msg) | calibratorNode | |
handle_image_1(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &msg_ptr, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info_msg) | calibratorNode | |
handle_image_2(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &msg_ptr, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info_msg) | calibratorNode | |
imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &msg) | calibratorNode | |
imSize | calibratorNode | [private] |
infoProcessed | calibratorNode | [private] |
infoProcessed_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
infoProcessed_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
isStillCollecting() | calibratorNode | |
isVerifying() | calibratorNode | |
lastImage | calibratorNode | [private] |
lastMat | calibratorNode | [private] |
leftLinePoints | calibratorNode | [private] |
leftValid | calibratorNode | [private] |
map1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
map2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
msg_debug_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
msg_debug_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
newCamMat | calibratorNode | [private] |
newImage | calibratorNode | [private] |
newRecBounds | calibratorNode | [private] |
nodeName | calibratorNode | [private] |
numCams | calibratorNode | [private] |
P_ | calibratorNode | [private] |
parameterCallback(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo &msg) | calibratorNode | |
performExtrinsicCalibration() | calibratorNode | |
performIntrinsicCalibration() | calibratorNode | |
pointSets | calibratorNode | [private] |
prepareExtrinsicPatternSubsets() | calibratorNode | |
prepareForTermination() | calibratorNode | |
preparePatternSubsets() | calibratorNode | |
preprocessImage(Mat src, Mat &dst, double a, double b, bool normaliz, bool negative) | calibratorNode | [private] |
prevMat | calibratorNode | [private] |
prevMat1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
prevMat2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
private_node_handle | calibratorNode | [private] |
publishCount | calibratorNode | [private] |
publishRectified(const ros::TimerEvent &event) | calibratorNode | |
publishUndistorted(const ros::TimerEvent &event) | calibratorNode | |
Q1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
Q2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
R | calibratorNode | [private] |
R2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
R_ | calibratorNode | [private] |
readyForOutput | calibratorNode | [private] |
rectangleBounds | calibratorNode | [private] |
rectCamMat | calibratorNode | [private] |
rectificationCount | calibratorNode | [private] |
ref | calibratorNode | [private] |
reprojectionError_intrinsics | calibratorNode | [private] |
rightLinePoints | calibratorNode | [private] |
rightValid | calibratorNode | [private] |
roi | calibratorNode | [private] |
row | calibratorNode | [private] |
Rv | calibratorNode | [private] |
server | calibratorNode | [private] |
serverCallback(thermalvis::calibratorConfig &config, uint32_t level) | calibratorNode | |
set_ready_for_output() | calibratorNode | |
startRectificationPublishing() | calibratorNode | |
startUndistortionPublishing() | calibratorNode | |
stereoError | calibratorNode | [private] |
stillCollecting | calibratorNode | [private] |
stillCollectingSet | calibratorNode | [private] |
subselectedTags_intrinsics | calibratorNode | [private] |
T | calibratorNode | [private] |
T2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
testingSets | calibratorNode | [private] |
timer | calibratorNode | [private] |
times_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
times_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
topic | calibratorNode | [private] |
topic_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
topic_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
topic_info | calibratorNode | [private] |
topic_info_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
topic_info_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
topValidHeight | calibratorNode | [private] |
totalFrameCount_1 | calibratorNode | [private] |
totalFrameCount_2 | calibratorNode | [private] |
trackPattern(int cameraNumber, const Mat ¤tImg, const int currentFrame) | calibratorNode | |
undistortionCount | calibratorNode | [private] |
updateIntrinsicMap(unsigned int idx) | calibratorNode | |
updateMap() | calibratorNode | |
updatePairs() | calibratorNode | |
validPairs | calibratorNode | [private] |
wantsExtrinsics() | calibratorNode | |
wantsIntrinsics() | calibratorNode | |
wantsToRectify() | calibratorNode | |
wantsToUndistort() | calibratorNode | |
writeResults() | calibratorNode | |