
octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT > Class Template Reference

ROS wrapper class for OctoMap Octrees, providing the most important functionality with ROS / PCL types. The class is templated over the Octree type. Any OcTree derived from octomap::OccupancyOcTreeBase should work. For most cases, OcTreeROS should work best for occupancy maps. More...

#include <ButOctomapRos.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef OctreeT::NodeType NodeType
 Type of the wrapped octree's nodes.
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< OctreeT > 
typedef OctreeT OcTreeType
 Type of the wrapped octree.

Public Member Functions

 ButOctomapROS (OctreeT *tree)
 ButOctomapROS (double resolution)
template<class PointT >
bool castRay (const PointT &origin, const PointT &direction, PointT &end, bool ignoreUnknownCells=false, double maxRange=-1.0) const
 Performs raycasting in 3d.
OctreeT & getTree ()
template<class PointT >
bool insertRay (const PointT &origin, const PointT &end, double maxRange=-1.0)
 Insert one ray between origin and end into the tree. The last node will be marked as occupied, all others on the ray as free.
template<class PCLPointT , class PCLQuaternionT >
void insertScan (const pcl::PointCloud< PCLPointT > &scan, const PCLPointT &sensor_origin, const PCLPointT &frame_origin_trans, const PCLQuaternionT &frame_origin_rot, double maxrange=-1., bool pruning=true, bool dirty=false)
 Integrate a 3d scan in relative coordinates, transform scan before tree update.
template<class PCLPointT , class PointT >
void insertScan (const pcl::PointCloud< PCLPointT > &scan, const PointT &origin, double maxrange=-1., bool pruning=true, bool dirty=false)
 Integrate a Pointcloud measurement (in global reference frame).
template<class PointT >
void insertScan (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &scan, const PointT &origin, double maxrange=-1., bool pruning=true, bool dirty=false)
 Integrate a Pointcloud measurement (ROS msg, in global reference frame).
OctreeT::NodeType * search (const tf::Point &point) const
template<class PointT >
OctreeT::NodeType * search (const PointT &point) const
 Search for a Node in the octree at a given coordinate. You need to check if a node is found at all (returned pointer != NULL).
void setTree (OctreeT *tree)
virtual ~ButOctomapROS ()

Protected Attributes

OctreePtr octree
 the wrapped OctoMap octree

Detailed Description

template<class OctreeT>
class octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >

ROS wrapper class for OctoMap Octrees, providing the most important functionality with ROS / PCL types. The class is templated over the Octree type. Any OcTree derived from octomap::OccupancyOcTreeBase should work. For most cases, OcTreeROS should work best for occupancy maps.

Definition at line 75 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class OctreeT >
typedef OctreeT::NodeType octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::NodeType

Type of the wrapped octree's nodes.

Definition at line 171 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
typedef boost::shared_ptr<OctreeT> octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::OctreePtr

Definition at line 172 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
typedef OctreeT octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::OcTreeType

Type of the wrapped octree.

Definition at line 170 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class OctreeT >
octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::ButOctomapROS ( double  resolution  )  [inline]

Definition at line 197 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::ButOctomapROS ( OctreeT *  tree  )  [inline]

Definition at line 204 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
virtual octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::~ButOctomapROS (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 79 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class OctreeT >
template<class PointT >
bool octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::castRay ( const PointT origin,
const PointT direction,
PointT end,
bool  ignoreUnknownCells = false,
double  maxRange = -1.0 
) const [inline]

Performs raycasting in 3d.

A ray is cast from origin with a given direction, the first occupied cell is returned (as center coordinate). If the starting coordinate is already occupied in the tree, this coordinate will be returned as a hit.

origin Any type of Point that has x,y,z members (e.g. pcl::PointXYZ or a geometry_msgs::Point) works.
direction Any type of Point that has x,y,z members (e.g. pcl::PointXYZ or a geometry_msgs::Point) works.
end Any type of Point that has x,y,z members (e.g. pcl::PointXYZ or a geometry_msgs::Point) works.
ignoreUnknownCells whether unknown cells are ignored. If false (default), the raycast aborts when an unkown cell is hit.
maxRange Maximum range after which the raycast is aborted (<= 0: no limit, default)
whether or not an occupied cell was hit

Definition at line 276 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
OctreeT& octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::getTree (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 174 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
template<class PointT >
bool octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::insertRay ( const PointT origin,
const PointT end,
double  maxRange = -1.0 
) [inline]

Insert one ray between origin and end into the tree. The last node will be marked as occupied, all others on the ray as free.

origin Any type of Point that has x,y,z members (e.g. pcl::PointXYZ or a geometry_msgs::Point) works.
end Any type of Point that has x,y,z members (e.g. pcl::PointXYZ or a geometry_msgs::Point) works.

Definition at line 267 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
template<class PCLPointT , class PCLQuaternionT >
void octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::insertScan ( const pcl::PointCloud< PCLPointT > &  scan,
const PCLPointT &  sensor_origin,
const PCLPointT &  frame_origin_trans,
const PCLQuaternionT &  frame_origin_rot,
double  maxrange = -1.,
bool  pruning = true,
bool  dirty = false 
) [inline]

Integrate a 3d scan in relative coordinates, transform scan before tree update.

pc Pointcloud (measurement endpoints) relative to frame origin
sensor_origin origin of sensor relative to frame origin
frame_origin_trans Translation of reference frame origin, determines transform to be applied to cloud and sensor origin
frame_origin_rot Rotation (as quaternion) of reference frame origin, determines transform to be applied to cloud and sensor origin
maxrange maximum range for how long individual beams are inserted (default -1: complete beam)
pruning whether the tree is (losslessly) pruned after insertion (default: true) This speeds up the insertion by not updating inner nodes, but you need to call octree.updateInnerOccupancy() when done.

Definition at line 236 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
template<class PCLPointT , class PointT >
void octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::insertScan ( const pcl::PointCloud< PCLPointT > &  scan,
const PointT origin,
double  maxrange = -1.,
bool  pruning = true,
bool  dirty = false 
) [inline]

Integrate a Pointcloud measurement (in global reference frame).

scan pcl PointCloud of arbitrary type. Only the members x,y,z of the Points are used.
origin Origin of the scan. Any type of Point that has x,y,z members (e.g. pcl::PointXYZ or a geometry_msgs::Point) works.
maxrange maximum range for how long individual beams are inserted (default -1: complete beam)
pruning whether the tree is (losslessly) pruned after insertion (default: true) This speeds up the insertion by not updating inner nodes, but you need to call octree.updateInnerOccupancy() when done.

Definition at line 223 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
template<class PointT >
void octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::insertScan ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 scan,
const PointT origin,
double  maxrange = -1.,
bool  pruning = true,
bool  dirty = false 
) [inline]

Integrate a Pointcloud measurement (ROS msg, in global reference frame).

scan PointCloud2 of measurement endpoints
origin Origin of the scan. Any type of Point that has x,y,z member (e.g. pcl::PointXYZ or a geometry_msgs::Point) works.
maxrange maximum range for how long individual beams are inserted (default -1: complete beam)
pruning whether the tree is (losslessly) pruned after insertion (default: true)
dirty whether the tree is left 'dirty' after the update (default: false). This speeds up the insertion by not updating inner nodes, but you need to call octree.updateInnerOccupancy() when done.

Definition at line 255 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
OctreeT::NodeType * octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::search ( const tf::Point point  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 298 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
template<class PointT >
OctreeT::NodeType * octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::search ( const PointT point  )  const [inline]

Search for a Node in the octree at a given coordinate. You need to check if a node is found at all (returned pointer != NULL).

point The searched coordinate. Any type of Point that has x,y,z members (e.g. pcl::PointXYZ or a geometry_msgs::Point) works.
Pointer to the octree node at the coordinate if it exists, NULL if it doesn't.

Definition at line 293 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

template<class OctreeT >
void octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::setTree ( OctreeT *  tree  )  [inline]

Definition at line 211 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class OctreeT >
OctreePtr octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >::octree [protected]

the wrapped OctoMap octree

Definition at line 179 of file ButOctomapRos.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Vit Stancl (stancl@fit.vutbr.cz), Tomas Lokaj, Jan Gorig, Michal Spanel (spanel@fit.vutbr.cz)
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 14:33:48 2013