
object_manipulator::cluster_bounding_box_finder::ClusterBoundingBoxFinder Class Reference

class for using PCA to find the principal directions and bounding box for a point cluster More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def find_object_frame_and_bounding_box
 find the object frame and bounding box for a PointCloud or PointCloud2 use the local rosparam z_up_frame to specify the desired frame to use where the z-axis is special (box z will be frame z) if not specified, the point cloud's frame is assumed to be the desired z_up_frame
def mean_shift_xy
 shift the points to be around the mean for x and y (matrix is 4xn)
def pca
 run eigenvector PCA for a 2xn scipy matrix, return the directions (list of 2x1 scipy arrays)
def remove_outliers
 remove outliers from the cluster (4xn scipy matrix)

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

class for using PCA to find the principal directions and bounding box for a point cluster

Definition at line 55 of file cluster_bounding_box_finder.py.

Member Function Documentation

def object_manipulator::cluster_bounding_box_finder::ClusterBoundingBoxFinder::__init__ (   self,
  tf_listener = None,
  tf_broadcaster = None 

Definition at line 57 of file cluster_bounding_box_finder.py.

def object_manipulator::cluster_bounding_box_finder::ClusterBoundingBoxFinder::find_object_frame_and_bounding_box (   self,

find the object frame and bounding box for a PointCloud or PointCloud2 use the local rosparam z_up_frame to specify the desired frame to use where the z-axis is special (box z will be frame z) if not specified, the point cloud's frame is assumed to be the desired z_up_frame

Definition at line 142 of file cluster_bounding_box_finder.py.

def object_manipulator::cluster_bounding_box_finder::ClusterBoundingBoxFinder::mean_shift_xy (   self,

shift the points to be around the mean for x and y (matrix is 4xn)

Definition at line 86 of file cluster_bounding_box_finder.py.

def object_manipulator::cluster_bounding_box_finder::ClusterBoundingBoxFinder::pca (   self,

run eigenvector PCA for a 2xn scipy matrix, return the directions (list of 2x1 scipy arrays)

Definition at line 74 of file cluster_bounding_box_finder.py.

def object_manipulator::cluster_bounding_box_finder::ClusterBoundingBoxFinder::remove_outliers (   self,

remove outliers from the cluster (4xn scipy matrix)

Definition at line 96 of file cluster_bounding_box_finder.py.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 147 of file cluster_bounding_box_finder.py.

Definition at line 67 of file cluster_bounding_box_finder.py.

Definition at line 61 of file cluster_bounding_box_finder.py.

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Author(s): Matei Ciocarlie and Kaijen Hsiao
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 18:35:46 2013