KNInet::Katana Member List
This is the complete list of members for
KNInet::Katana, including all inherited members.
calibrate(void) | KNInet::Katana | |
closeGripper(bool waitUntilReached, int waitTimeout) | KNInet::Katana | |
comm | KNInet::Katana | [private] |
disableCollisionLimits() | KNInet::Katana | |
enableCollisionLimits() | KNInet::Katana | |
freezeMotor(int number) | KNInet::Katana | |
freezeRobot() | KNInet::Katana | |
getActivatePositionController() | KNInet::Katana | |
getCoordinates(bool refreshEncoders) | KNInet::Katana | |
getMaximumLinearVelocity() | KNInet::Katana | |
getMotorAccelerationLimit(int number) | KNInet::Katana | |
getMotorEncoders(int number, bool refreshEncoders) | KNInet::Katana | |
getMotorVelocityLimit(int number) | KNInet::Katana | |
getNumberOfMotors() | KNInet::Katana | |
getRobotEncoders(bool refreshEncoders) | KNInet::Katana | |
katana | KNInet::Katana | [private] |
Katana(System::String^ipAddress, System::String^configurationFile) | KNInet::Katana | |
moveMotorToEnc(int motor, int encoder, bool waitUntilReached, int waitTimeout) | KNInet::Katana | |
moveRobotLinearTo(array< double >^coordinates, bool waitUntilReached, int waitTimeout) | KNInet::Katana | |
moveRobotTo(array< double >^coordinates, bool waitUntilReached, int waitTimeout) | KNInet::Katana | |
moveRobotToEnc(array< int >^encoders, bool waitUntilReached, int waitTimeout) | KNInet::Katana | |
openGripper(bool waitUntilReached, int waitTimeout) | KNInet::Katana | |
proto | KNInet::Katana | [private] |
setActivatePositionController(bool activate) | KNInet::Katana | |
setCollisionLimit(int number, int limit) | KNInet::Katana | |
setMaximumLinearVelocity(double maximumVelocity) | KNInet::Katana | |
setMotorAccelerationLimit(int number, int acceleration) | KNInet::Katana | |
setMotorVelocityLimit(int number, int velocity) | KNInet::Katana | |
socket | KNInet::Katana | [private] |
switchMotorOff(int number) | KNInet::Katana | |
switchMotorOn(int number) | KNInet::Katana | |
switchRobotOff() | KNInet::Katana | |
switchRobotOn() | KNInet::Katana | |
unBlock() | KNInet::Katana | |
~Katana() | KNInet::Katana | |