00001 # Software License Agreement (BSD License) 00002 # 00003 # Copyright (c) 2008, Willow Garage, Inc. 00004 # All rights reserved. 00005 # 00006 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00007 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 00008 # are met: 00009 # 00010 # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00011 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00012 # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 00013 # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 00014 # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 00015 # with the distribution. 00016 # * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its 00017 # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 00018 # from this software without specific prior written permission. 00019 # 00020 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 00021 # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 00022 # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 00023 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 00024 # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 00025 # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 00026 # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 00027 # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 00028 # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 00029 # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 00030 # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 00031 # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00032 # 00033 # Copyright (c) 2008, Willow Garage, Inc. 00034 # Revision $Id$ 00035 00036 import roslib 00037 roslib.load_manifest('industrial_io_client') 00038 import rospy 00039 import yaml 00040 # TODO:Factor out custom serialization over socket as one of multiple 00041 # possible back-ends. 00042 import socket 00043 import struct 00044 00045 00046 class Client: 00047 class DeviceMessage: 00048 def __init__(self): 00049 self.network_data_table = 0 00050 self.device_offset = 0 00051 self.bit_byte_offset = 0 00052 self.value = 0 00053 00054 class Input: 00055 def __init__(self): 00056 self.name = None 00057 self.type = None 00058 self.network_data_table_code = None 00059 self.device_offset_code = None 00060 self.bit_byte_offset_code = None 00061 self.value_code = None 00062 def __repr__(self): 00063 return self.__str__() 00064 def __str__(self): 00065 return '%s: %s %s %s %s %s'%(self.name, self.type, self.network_data_table_code, self.device_offset_code, self.bit_byte_offset_code, self.value_code) 00066 00067 class Output: 00068 def __init__(self): 00069 pass 00070 00071 class SocketClient: 00072 def __init__(self): 00073 self.host = None 00074 self.port = None 00075 self.socket = None 00076 00077 def __init__(self, config_file): 00078 self.inputs = {} 00079 self.outputs = {} 00080 self.device = None 00081 self.subscribers = [] 00082 self.publishers = [] 00083 self.load_config(config_file) 00084 00085 def load_config(self, config_file): 00086 try: 00087 data = yaml.load(open(config_file)) 00088 except yaml.YAMLError as e: 00089 print('YAML parse error') 00090 raise 00091 if 'inputs' in data: 00092 for i in data['inputs']: 00093 inp = self.Input() 00094 if type(i) != dict or len(i) != 1: 00095 raise Exception('parse error') 00096 for k,v in i.iteritems(): 00097 inp.name = rospy.resolve_name(k) 00098 if type(v) != dict or \ 00099 not v.has_key('type') or \ 00100 not v.has_key('transformation'): 00101 raise Exception('parse error') 00102 inp.type = v['type'] 00103 tx = v['transformation'] 00104 if type(tx) != dict or \ 00105 not tx.has_key('network_data_table') or \ 00106 not tx.has_key('device_offset') or \ 00107 not tx.has_key('bit_byte_offset') or \ 00108 not tx.has_key('value'): 00109 raise Exception('parse error') 00110 inp.network_data_table_code = tx['network_data_table'] 00111 inp.device_offset_code = tx['device_offset'] 00112 inp.bit_byte_offset_code = tx['bit_byte_offset'] 00113 inp.value_code = tx['value'] 00114 self.inputs[inp.name] = inp 00115 else: 00116 print('No inputs found in configuration; not subscribing to anything') 00117 00118 if 'outputs' in data: 00119 raise Exception('output support not implemented') 00120 else: 00121 print('No outputs found in configuration; not publishing anything') 00122 00123 if 'device' not in data: 00124 raise Exception('no device specified') 00125 dev = data['device'] 00126 if type(dev) != dict or not dev.has_key('type'): 00127 raise Exception('parse error on device') 00128 typ = dev['type'] 00129 if typ == 'generic_io_socket_server': 00130 if not dev.has_key('host') or not dev.has_key('port'): 00131 raise Exception('parse error on device') 00132 sc = self.SocketClient() 00133 sc.host = str(dev['host']) 00134 sc.port = int(dev['port']) 00135 self.device = sc 00136 else: 00137 raise Exception('unsupported device type') 00138 00139 def handle_ros_message(self, data): 00140 print 'Received message on topic %s (type %s)'%(data._connection_header['topic'], data._connection_header['type']) 00141 if data._connection_header['topic'] not in self.inputs: 00142 print self.inputs 00143 raise Exception('received message on unexpected topic') 00144 inp = self.inputs[data._connection_header['topic']] 00145 # Set up the context that's expected by user's transformation 00146 # m: the incoming messsage 00147 m = data 00148 # Evaluate the user's transformation for each field and force them to integers. 00149 dev_msg = self.DeviceMessage() 00150 dev_msg.network_data_table = int(eval(str(inp.network_data_table_code))) 00151 dev_msg.device_offset = int(eval(str(inp.device_offset_code))) 00152 dev_msg.bit_byte_offset = int(eval(str(inp.bit_byte_offset_code))) 00153 dev_msg.value = int(eval(str(inp.value_code))) 00154 00155 self.write_to_device(dev_msg) 00156 00157 def initialize_device(self): 00158 self.device.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 00159 print 'Connecting to server at %s:%d...'%(self.device.host, self.device.port) 00160 try: 00161 self.device.socket.connect((self.device.host, self.device.port)) 00162 except socket.error as e: 00163 print 'Error connecting to server' 00164 raise 00165 print 'Connected.' 00166 00167 def write_to_device(self, dev_msg): 00168 # Pack the data in like so (from simple_message/simple_message.h): 00169 # 00170 # <PREFIX> Not considered part of the message 00171 # int LENGTH (HEADER + DATA) in bytes 00172 # 00173 # <HEADER> 00174 # int MSG_TYPE identifies type of message (standard and robot specific values) 00175 # int COMM_TYPE identified communications type 00176 # int REPLY CODE (service reply only) reply code 00177 # <BODY> 00178 # ByteArray DATA variable length data determined by message 00179 # type and and communications type. 00180 00181 # For our message, we'll have prefix + header + body of 4 integers 00182 length = 1*4+3*4+4*4; 00183 fmt_str = '<IIIIIIII' 00184 # TODO: define msg_type_io in simple_message.h 00185 msg_type_io = 20 00186 comm_type_topic = 1 00187 reply_type_invalid = 0 00188 buffer = struct.pack(fmt_str, 00189 length, 00190 msg_type_io, 00191 comm_type_topic, 00192 reply_type_invalid, 00193 dev_msg.network_data_table, 00194 dev_msg.device_offset, 00195 dev_msg.bit_byte_offset, 00196 dev_msg.value) 00197 self.device.socket.send(buffer) 00198 00199 def read_from_device(self): 00200 pass 00201 00202 def initialize_ros(self): 00203 for inp in self.inputs.values(): 00204 type_split = inp.type.split('/') 00205 if len(type_split) != 2: 00206 raise Exception('invalid type') 00207 module = type_split[0] 00208 roslib.load_manifest(module) 00209 module += '.msg' 00210 message = type_split[1] 00211 mod = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), [message]) 00212 print("Subscribing to %s (%s)"%(inp.name, inp.type)) 00213 self.subscribers.append(rospy.Subscriber(inp.name, getattr(mod, message), self.handle_ros_message))